Eine Liebe, die von Anfang an zum Scheitern verurteilt war, eine verlorene Sache, ein verlorener Kampf - und doch sind beide Herzen nicht bereit, bis zum Ende loszulassen. ----- Arlan Cromwell, der Inbegriff des perfekten Kronprinzen. Alles was er will, ist ein normales Menschenleben zu führen, aber das Leben eines Drachen ist alles andere als normal. Er hat nur ein Ziel - seine entlaufene Verlobte zu finden und sie zu enthaupten. Was passiert, wenn er herausfindet, dass die Frau, die sein Herz erobert hat, diejenige ist, die er zu töten geschworen hat? Oriana, eine Schwarze Hexe, die sich als Mann verkleidet hat, war ihr ganzes Leben lang auf der Flucht, ohne zu wissen, wovor sie wegläuft. Als die Geheimnisse ihrer Vergangenheit sie langsam einholen, hat sie niemanden, an den sie sich wenden kann ... außer Arlan. Doch als sie erfährt, dass der Mann, dem sie ihr Herz geschenkt hat, derselbe ist, der sie töten will, wie kann sie da die grausame Karte akzeptieren, die ihr das Leben zugedacht hat? Zwei Menschen mit Geheimnissen, die es zu bewahren gilt, Identitäten, die es zu verbergen gilt, und Antworten, die es zu finden gilt. Wird der Drache in der Lage sein, seine Gefährtin zu beschützen, wenn die Dunkelheit droht, Oriana zu entführen? ----- Auszug- "Hätte ich gewusst, dass du meine Verlobte bist, hätte ich dich gleich bei unserer ersten Begegnung getötet." Arlans Blick verfinsterte sich hasserfüllt. "Hätte ich gewusst, dass ich mit dir verlobt bin, hätte ich mich umgebracht, bevor du mich umgebracht hast!" Oriana spiegelte die gleichen Gefühle wie er. Er zog einen Dolch heraus und bot ihn ihr an. "Es ist noch nicht zu spät. Schneide dir damit einfach die Kehle durch und du wirst schmerzlos verbluten." Sie nahm das Messer an, ihre Finger umklammerten den Griff fest. Im nächsten Moment wurde er gegen die Wand gepresst und das Messer befand sich auf der rechten Seite seines Halses. "Wie wäre es, wenn ich es zuerst an dir ausprobiere, mein Verlobter?" "Du kannst es gerne versuchen. Aber wenn du versagst, wird dieses Messer erst das Blut deines Großvaters kosten und dann deins." Zorn stieg in ihren Augen auf, und im nächsten Moment floss Blut durch die rechte Seite seines Halses. Sie hatte tief genug geschnitten, um ein wichtiges Blutgefäß zu verletzen. "Du hättest mich nicht herausfordern sollen", höhnte sie und trat zurück, um zu warten, bis er zusammenbrach. Er schmunzelte nur und strich mit dem Finger über die tiefe Wunde an seinem Hals. "Sieht aus, als hättest du versagt." Sie sah zu, wie die Wunde an seinem Hals von selbst verheilte, und war bis auf die Knochen erschüttert. "Du... was bist du?" "Raten?" -----
Er war in seiner Welt der beste Attentäter aller Zeiten gewesen, und als er schließlich getötet wurde, nutzte eine Göttin die Gelegenheit, seine Seele in den Körper eines Jungen in einer anderen Welt zu schicken, der im Moment noch schwach war, aber dazu bestimmt war, der mächtigste Magier dieser Welt zu werden. Dieser Junge hieß Kevin, und er beschloss, seine Identität anzunehmen, da er seine Erinnerungen behalten hatte. Das Einzige, was er mit ihm gemeinsam hatte, war, dass sie beide Waisen waren, aber Kevin hatte einen schwachen Geist und einen schwachen Körper, kurz gesagt, alles, was er am meisten hasste. Nachdem er erfolgreich als Magier in die Sonnensekte eingetreten war, gelang es ihm, das Buch zu öffnen, das Kevin von seinen Eltern geerbt hatte und das er nicht hatte öffnen können. Wie groß war seine Überraschung, als er feststellte, dass sich dieses Buch in ein System verwandelt hatte, mit dem er wie in den Virtual-Reality-Spielen, die er in seiner Heimatwelt zu spielen pflegte, aufsteigen konnte. Mit Hilfe dieses Systems wird er sich seinen Wunsch erfüllen, er wird der mächtigste Mensch dieser Welt werden, nicht einmal Gestaltwandler oder Dämonen werden ihm etwas anhaben können. ............ Kevin drehte seinen Kopf zu ihm und als er sah, dass er immer noch nackt war, sagte er, den Blick wieder abwendend: "Zieh dich erst an, dann reden wir." Axel fand ein paar Klamotten, die locker aussahen, und zog sie sofort an, er nahm auch ein Paar Dolche, deren Klingen nur etwas kürzer waren als seine Unterarme, und dann ging er auf Kevin zu und umarmte ihn von hinten. Kevin ließ ihn machen, was er wollte, obwohl einer der Dolche jetzt ganz nah an seiner Kehle war, sagte Axel zu ihm dicht an seinem Ohr: "Ich möchte dir vertrauen Kevin, also gib mir einen guten Grund dafür." Kevin fragte ihn daraufhin: "Was willst du wissen?" Axel seufzte, Kevin mit seinen eigenen Dolchen zu bedrohen, würde ihm nichts nützen, und er riskierte, das Band zu brechen, das sie gerade geknüpft hatten. Dann fasste er einen Entschluss und steckte die beiden Dolche vor ihnen in den Boden, fuhr mit seinen Händen unter Kevins Pullover und umkreiste mit ihnen seine Taille, um ihn noch mehr an sich zu drücken. Kevin hatte diese Wendung nicht erwartet und er spürte, wie sich sein Herzschlag beschleunigte. Axels Hände waren warm und er konnte seine riesige Erektion an ihm spüren, eines war sicher, er ließ ihn nicht gleichgültig. ............. WARNUNG, dies ist keine Slowburn-Romanze und es ist ein R18 BL-Roman mit vielen pikanten Szenen, wenn du also gerne 100 Kapitel liest, bevor mc und ml sich zum ersten Mal küssen, dann lass diese Geschichte aus, sie ist definitiv nichts für dich Ansonsten folgt den Abenteuern unserer beiden Helden, wenn ihr Welten voller mysteriöser Kreaturen, Magie, Kämpfe, Dungeons, ein System, das euch einen schnellen Levelaufstieg ermöglicht, und eine einzigartige und starke Liebesgeschichte liebt, dann ist diese Geschichte etwas für euch. ................ Wenn dir diese Geschichte gefällt, probiere doch mal meine anderen Romane aus: Das göttliche Magier-System Der himmlische Phönix und sein Wächter (BL) Reinkarniert, um das Universum zu retten (GL/BL) Neues Update: Sonntag/Montag/Mittwoch/Freitag/Samstag Viel Spaß beim Lesen und vergesst nicht abzustimmen, zu kommentieren und zu rezensieren :)
He grabbed her hand and turned her to him. She tried struggling but his hold was firm, " you are mine Audrey, whether you like it or not, you are mine" He groaned the words to her. " no I'm not" That only made him chuckle and then carried her to his desk. Acting like a caveman possessed, he moved all things on his desk to the floor violently. " You shall serve your husband as you should, right on this desk" He said and smirked before pecking her on the cheek. Audrey had goosebumps from his touch but she could not summit so willingly like she craved him. " Aiden, stop" her words came out like a whisper but he heard her. " No man on earth can stop me from having you little Audrey " With that, he started ravishing her right on his desk.
'I will find you in any lifetime.' –––– Her silvery moon-locks were in delicate braids to reveal her fresh, radiant face. Her bright icy blue eyes watched everyone and everything fondly, sinlessly. She was a beauty that calms the nervous heart. That’s what everyone remembers of Princess Alora Linwood Roosevelt. Then who is the one who returned to the palace in the name of the princess? She had fiery long hair that looked like the flames of hell and her eyes were like a ball of fire that could reduce one to ashes. She looked like an evil witch they heard of. How could it not create chaos in the nation? She became prey to the royals and their politics, the nobles, and their influence, and commoners and their protest with her life on the line. Will she challenge the centuries-old tradition and find her love? Or will she lose her life? –––– P.S: Slow Burn, Slow Romance. This is an original story. Thank you ^_^ for giving it a try. DISCORD: Munchkin_2#7368 Story DISCORD: https://discord.gg/QhhXXWq Ko-fi: ko-fi.com/munchkin_2 Instagram: auth_munchkin Linktree: https://linktr.ee/munchkin
Ele havia sido o melhor assassino de todos os tempos em seu mundo e quando finalmente foi assassinado, uma deusa aproveitou a oportunidade para enviar sua alma para o corpo de um garoto em outro mundo, que por enquanto era fraco, mas que estava destinado a se tornar o mago mais poderoso deste mundo. Este jovem garoto era chamado Kevin e ele decidiu assumir sua identidade, já que havia mantido suas memórias. A única coisa que ele tinha em comum com ele era que ambos eram órfãos, mas Kevin tinha uma mente fraca e um corpo fraco, em resumo, tudo o que ele mais odiava. Depois de entrar com sucesso na Seita do Sol como um mago, ele conseguiu abrir o livro que Kevin havia herdado de seus pais e que ele não conseguia abrir. Qual não foi sua surpresa ao perceber que este livro havia se transformado num Sistema que lhe permitia subir de nível como nos jogos de realidade virtual que costumava jogar em seu mundo natal. Com a ajuda deste Sistema, ele realizará seu desejo: se tornará o humano mais poderoso deste mundo, nem mesmo metamorfos ou demônios poderão fazer algo contra ele. ………… Kevin virou a cabeça em direção a ele e, vendo que ainda estava nu, disse, desviando o olhar novamente: "Vista-se primeiro, depois conversamos." Axel encontrou algumas roupas que pareciam folgadas e as vestiu imediatamente, ele também pegou um par de adagas cujas lâminas eram um pouco mais curtas que seus antebraços, e então se aproximou de Kevin e o abraçou por trás. Kevin deixou-o fazer o que quisesse, mesmo que uma de suas adagas estivesse agora muito próxima de sua garganta, Axel disse a ele perto de seu ouvido: "Quero confiar em você, Kevin, então me dê uma boa razão para isso." Kevin então perguntou a ele: "O que você quer saber?" Axel suspirou, ameaçar Kevin com suas próprias adagas não lhe faria bem, e ele corria o risco de quebrar o vínculo que acabavam de criar. Então, ele tomou uma decisão e fincou as duas adagas no chão na frente deles, passou as mãos por baixo do suéter de Kevin e contornou sua cintura com elas, pressionando-o mais contra si. Kevin não esperava essa reviravolta nos eventos e sentiu seu coração acelerar. As mãos de Axel eram quentes e ele podia sentir sua enorme ereção contra si, uma coisa era certa, isso não o deixava indiferente. …………. AVISO: Esta não é uma romance de desenvolvimento lento e é um romance BL 18+ com muitas cenas picantes, então se você gosta de ler 100 capítulos antes dos protagonistas se beijarem pela primeira vez, pule esta história, definitivamente não é para você Caso contrário, siga as aventuras de nossos dois heróis, se você ama mundos cheios de criaturas misteriosas, magia, lutas, masmorras, um Sistema que permite subir de nível rapidamente, e uma história de amor única e poderosa, então esta história é para você. ……………. Se você gosta desta história, experimente meus outros romances: O Sistema do Mago Divino O Fênix Celestial e Seu Guardião (BL) Reencarnado para salvar o universo (GL/BL) Novas Atualizações: Domingo/Segunda-feira/Quarta-feira/Sexta-feira/Sábado Aproveite seu tempo de leitura e não esqueça de votar, comentar e avaliar :)
Kehidupan Rain Clayton berubah drastis ketika ia merusak mobil pacarnya yang selingkuh, hanya untuk mengetahui itu bukan miliknya—itu milik orang asing. Yang lebih buruk lagi, ia secara tidak sengaja menemukan ia menikah dengan orang asing tersebut, tidak lain adalah Alexander Lancaster, Wakil Ketua dan CEO yang tertutup dari Grup Lancaster yang berkuasa. Dibesarkan dalam keluarga yang mengabaikannya dan kini dibawah tekanan ayahnya untuk menikahi putra walikota yang psikopatik, Rain melihat pernikahan mendadak ini sebagai berkah terselubung. Setelah bertahun-tahun menderita, sepertinya langit akhirnya mengasihani dirinya, memberinya seorang suami miliuner yang tampan—seorang pria yang kejam terhadap musuh-musuhnya dan persis apa yang dia butuhkan untuk lepas dari cengkeraman keluarganya. Namun, ada satu masalah besar: Alexander menginginkan perceraian segera. Bertekad untuk mempertahankannya, Rain membuat kesepakatan untuk memperpanjang pernikahan mereka, dengan syarat-syaratnya. Kini yang harus ia lakukan hanyalah meyakinkannya untuk mempertahankannya selamanya... Beberapa minggu telah berlalu sejak pernikahan mendadak mereka… “Apa yang sedang kamu lakukan?” seru Rain dengan mata terbelalak saat ia melihat Alexander merangkak ke atas tempat tidurnya. "Melaksanakan tugas suami," jawabnya dengan senyum santai. “Kamu tidak bisa tidur di sini! Ini melanggar kontrak kita!” “Saya tidak melanggarnya,” kata Alexander dengan mengangkat bahu. "Kontraknya menyebutkan bahwa kamu akan memenuhi semua tugas istri, kecuali berbagi tempat tidur denganku. Tidak ada yang menyebutkan tentang saya tidak boleh melaksanakan tugas-tugas suami, termasuk berbagi tempat tidurmu.” Situasi telah berubah, dan sekarang sepertinya bukan hanya dia yang mengendalikan keadaan...
WARNING! CONTAINS DARK CONTENT! Six Concubines, One Emperor. One he hates the most. But why? When Princess Aurora Evanov of Rovamer is married off to Emperor Tesarius Izekail of Lanterbur, she is met with hostility from all sides. Being the last concubine among the six, she is often bullied for her naive and sensitive nature and disregarded for being a foreigner. If Aurora thought she's find some solace in their shared husband, she is awfully proven wrong. Tesarius harbors an uncertain hatred towards to foreign princess, so much, that he makes a mockery of Aurora's presence in the palace, by making her the one and only Consort wearing a mask. Aurora, being the naive girl that she is, continues to follow Tesarius's unjust orders in order to achieve his love. Hoping that someday he'll see her worth. But all that flies out of the window when the Harem is attacked. But no one comes to save Aurora. Not even her beloved Emperor. Realizing that she had been blinded by one sided love and was never going to win this battle, Aurora tosses her love for the Emperor aside, and decides to make her own place in Palace. But how will she do that? When she is surrounded by Hyena's from all sides? Will Aurora's naive nature succeed? Or will she wither away in the middle of Royal politics? Or, Will Tesarius eventually regret his actions, and realize his long lost love for her? If so, Will Aurora ever accept him back?
[Contenu Mature. Pas de Viol] « Il suffisait de briser une règle qu'elle n'était pas censée » Il était le mauvais garçon tatoué. Elle était la gentille fille à lunettes, et elle lui appartenait. — Lorsque Julianne Winters décide de déménager au dortoir de la réputée Université, elle a tout planifié pour pouvoir terminer ses études et quitter l'endroit. Mais son plan prend rapidement feu dès que le regard de Roman Moltenore de la dernière année se pose sur elle. Et son apparence ne crie rien d'autre que des ENNUIS. « Quelles règles ? » demanda Julianne avec un froncement de sourcils en parcourant la page. Elle était sûre de n'avoir vu aucune règle du campus mentionnée sur leur site web. # 4. Interdiction d'utiliser les téléphones portables. # 12. Les étudiants ne doivent pas se promener à l'extérieur du campus après vingt-trois heures. Plus elle lisait, plus cela devenait bizarre. Son amie tourna la page et pointa ensuite la dernière règle numéro 29. Écouter Roman Moltenore. « C'est inventé. Regarde, la dernière est même écrite au crayon. » Julianne ne pouvait pas croire que son amie du dortoir d'à côté pensait qu'elle tomberait dans le panneau. « Et pas de téléphone ? » « Il est important que tu respectes toutes les règles. Surtout le numéro vingt-neuf, » dit la fille d'un ton sérieux. « Souviens-toi de ne pas t'impliquer avec Roman. Si tu arrives à le voir, cours dans la direction opposée. Il y a une raison pour laquelle cela est écrit ici. » Avec les règles du campus, elle en vient à envoyer des lettres manuscrites à son oncle. Mais qui aurait cru que cela finirait entre les mains de quelqu'un d'autre !
Sienna Winchester had it all – beauty, brains and billions as the heiress to New York’s most powerful business empires - Sky Group and Sky Corporation. But on the night, she’s meant to be finally introduced to the world and inaugurated as the new CEO, her world shatters. She’s exposed as an impostor by her uncle. Sienna watches helplessly as another woman claims her birthright and, in an instant, she loses everything – her name, her fortune and her identity. Now a wanted woman, Sienna is forced to flee with only the help of her father’s loyal driver and right-hand man when he was alive and a jade pendant that holds more secrets than she could ever imagine. Her only hope for redemption lies with the last person she ever expected to need: Sebastian Lucian Grey, the ex-fiance whose heart she broke three years ago. As Sienna races to uncover the truth about her past and clear her name, she’ll confront shocking family secrets, ruthless corporate scandals and a love she thought she’d lost forever. What is worse… could she trust Sebastian who was colder, more ruthless and looked at her with eyes filled with hatred. But why was he helping her? Can she reclaim her identity and her rightful place? Or will the lies that built her life be the same ones to destroy her? What of Sebastian? Will he forgive her and let go after three years? Or is he part of the people who wanted her gone badly? In the end, he must choose between love and family. Finally, can she convince Sebastian to look past their painful history? Or will the secrets of her past doom them both? *** “Sebastian, please. I need your help,”. His dark eyes, once warm with love, ran through the length of her body with amusement and a smirk on his lips. “The great Sienna Winchester begging me? How the mighty have fallen,”. “I have nothing left. You’re my only hope,”. A cruel smile played on his lips. “Funny. That’s exactly how you left me three years ago,”. Sienna swallowed hard. “I know I hurt you -,”. “You destroyed me,” Sebastian interrupted his voice like ice. “Now you want me to save you?” He leans in close, his breath hot against her ear “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t call the police and hand you over to them,”. ...4.94
The light is here because the darkness exists. Just like that, the human realm exists because the demon realm is here. And in the great palace of the Blade Empire, a crown touches the peak of its glory before it falls from its grace. Lush Von Blade was the royal crown prince of one of the greatest empires on the southern continent. He is loyal but betrayed. On the other hand, where even the Gods fear to set a foot on, a demon lord abides. His grace and cruelty have been unseen for centuries. He is the supremacy in the three realms. While Lush is the light, he is the darkness. Each exists because the other is here. *** Special Chapters Announcements! Per week- 8 Chapters [Regular] 50+Power Stones= 1 Chapter [Bonus Per week] 25+Golden Tickets= 1 Chapter [Bonus Per month] Super Gift= [Fan's requested chapters]Lisa Dennis, a mistreated young lady, was manipulated by her sister Esther into marrying a poor crippled man. After the marriage, Lisa discovered the truth about her husband Richard Rogers, he turned out to be the wealthiest man in New York City. Lisa seeked revenge against her deceitful family and when Esther tried to claim Richard for herself, a dangerous conflict occurred. Will Lisa be able to protect herself, her husband and her unborn child from her sister Esther or will Esther succeed in making Richard hers?
Marius Edgewick is a seemingly ordinary office worker. He is a father of two married to a gorgeous and mysterious wife. Yet, their family though small and poor, are far from the ordinary, each born with a unique ability to see stats and level up, blessed with even a special skill that is unable to be utilized in the current world. After losing his only job, Marius thought he had lost all hope of achieving his single wish: to protect and provide his family with a suitable lifestyle. However, this all changed when both he and his entire family encountered a strange phenomenon, hurling them into the depths of a unique fantasy world. "Father look, I found a strange fire breathing rodent." "Kill it and give it to your mother, we will be eating it for dinner." "Yes, father!" With the rodent of fire, and fresh air of the pure wilds wafting through the wind, thus, began the adventure of the world's most powerful family. ____ Note: Ypu can find out more details of the 'rewritten brand new version' of this novel in the final chapter's Author Thoughts. Or visit my Patreon, Twitter, and other socials to ask me questions, do take care now. ____ Author Contact: ____ https://twitter.com/ShadowsFinger https://www.patreon.com/ShadowsFinger https://www.instagram.com/shadowsfinger/ https://www.facebook.com/shadowsfinger ===Subscribe to my Mailing Lists==== https://www.subscribepage.com/shadowsfinger_copy``` —¿Qué precio estás dispuesto a pagar por la libertad? La sin lobo y huérfana Tania estaba atrapada en la vida de una esclava. Parte de su espíritu estaba cautivo por su amo para ejercer control sobre ella. Para obtener su libertad, hizo un trato para espiar al Rey Eltanin, el Alfa más despiadado y poderoso de Araniea. El Rey Eltanin, de ojos tormentosos y libertino, era dominante, arrogante y mandón como el infierno. Compitiendo contra el tiempo para salvar a su lobo y reino del rey demonio, Alfa Felis, cruza caminos con Tania. Ella es una espía y la personificación de la tentación. Y ahora Eltanin debe elegir entre el destino de su reino y su compañera. —¿Elegirá Tania su libertad y rechazará a su compañero? ¿O renunciará a la única cosa que siempre quiso? Definición de "libertino" en el diccionario: depravado. Sinónimos de libertino: librepensador, pródigo, disoluto, inmoral, lascivo. Mis otras novelas son: Confesiones Feroces: Adrianna y el Alfa (Completado). El Príncipe Alfa de la Media Luna de Plata (nominación WSA 2021). Ileus-El Príncipe Oscuro (Premio de plata WSA 2022). Hambre Oscura (5.º Premio en el concurso de hombres lobo). La portada me pertenece. Está encargada. Artista de la portada: Micehellwd. Editor: Astromnia. ```
Lina wakes up in a stranger's bed, who just happens to be Moshi Corporation's CEO. She cannot remember how she got there but they have matching wedding bands on their fingers. In fact she can't even remember who she is! After waking up from a 3 month coma after a double assassination attempt on her life, she juggles discovering her insane killer instincts and pacifying the henpecked tyrant who calls himself her most loving husband, Lina's new life is a never-ending whirlpool of craziness. All she wants to do is discover her true identity, and how she got herself into this mess! But can she protect their relationship from her turbulent and unraveling past and at the same time deal with the handsome new husband's honey-like sweetness? ~~~~~~~~ * original picture used for the cover does not belong to me, so all credits to the creator. http://ko-fi.com/fantasyfemme Official Discord: https://discord.gg/6muTuMd[Avertissement : contenu mature r18+/fort] "Je suis sûr que tu trouveras mes bras plus confortables que n'importe quoi d'autre en ce monde..." Le Roi Darius Grant - le puissant souverain du Royaume de Cordon. Il était impitoyable et impétueux face à ses ennemis. Sa simple présence criait d'autorité virile ; son aura seule suffisait à faire admettre leur défaite à certains de ses ennemis et à les faire fuir rien qu'en le voyant. Mais malgré tout cela, il était impuissant et éhonté face à une femme… sa compagne - la Princesse d'Ebodia qu'il refusait de lâcher. Découvrez comment les choses vont se dérouler pour notre Roi possessif qui est fermement décidé à utiliser l'Entrapment de la Couronne pour faire de sa compagne la sienne par tous les moyens nécessaires. Réussira-t-il à conquérir tout son être - corps, cœur et âme ? * Note : Tome 1 & 2 : Histoire principale Status : Terminé (Chapitres 1 à 555) Tome 3 : Histoire secondaire Status : Terminé (Chapitres 556 à 641) "Je ne peux me déclarer vainqueur que lorsqu'à la fin je parviens à conquérir ton cœur..." Tome 4 : Histoire secondaire Status : Terminé (Chapitres 642 à 701) "L'amour n'a jamais fait partie de mon vocabulaire quand il s'agit de femmes, jusqu'à ce que tu arrives..." Tome 5 : Status : Terminé (Chapitres 702 à 805) "Je te choisis... toi qui occupes avidement toute la place dans mon cœur..." Chapitres spéciaux et suivants - terminés **** PS : Couverture de livre commandée, propriété de l'auteur ! Ne pas l'utiliser !
Tiara was killed in the real world and then reincarnated to live in the body of a noblewoman in the novel she read named Claudia Ambelynn. When she lived in the novel world, she was reunited with the main protagonist who was her husband who was killed in the real world. In addition, she also met the murderer in the novel world and also played the role of the main protagonist's older brother who was known as the most cruel character. It was not that easy for Tiara to live in the novel world written by her husband. She had to carry out a mission that she had to conquer the heart of the antagonist, Duke Harry, in order to return to the real world. This made Tiara think, if she lived in Claudia's body and married Harry, then she could take revenge on the murderer who killed her husband in the real world. The way to do that, she would try everything so that Harry would really fall in love with her. She was forced to cancel her engagement with Harris in order to take revenge on Duke Harry. How did Claudia succeed in conquering Duke Harry's heart?
(Erwachsener Inhalt) Welchen Preis bist du bereit, für deine Freiheit zu zahlen? Die wolfslose und verwaiste Tania war im Leben einer Sklavin gefangen. Ein Teil ihres Geistes wurde von ihrem Herrn gefangen gehalten, um Kontrolle auszuüben. Um ihre Freiheit zu erlangen, ging sie den Handel ein, König Eltanin, den rücksichtslosesten und mächtigsten Alpha von Araniea, auszuspionieren. König Eltanin mit seinen stürmischen Augen war dominant, arrogant und befehlshaberisch wie die Hölle. In einem Wettlauf gegen die Zeit, um seine Wölfe und sein Königreich vor dem Dämonenkönig Alpha Felis zu retten, trifft er auf Tania. Sie ist eine Spionin und die personifizierte Verlockung. Und nun muss sich Eltanin zwischen dem Schicksal seines Reiches und dem seiner Gefährtin entscheiden. Wird Tania ihre Freiheit wählen und ihre Gefährtin zurückweisen? Oder wird sie das Einzige aufgeben, was sie jemals wollte? Thesaurus-Definition von "Libertin": ausschweifend Synonyme für libertinär: freidenkerisch, ausschweifend, ausschweifend, unmoralisch, lasziv Meine anderen Romane sind: Wilde Bekenntnisse: Adrianna und der Alpha (abgeschlossen) Der Alphaprinz des Silbernen Halbmonds (Nominierung WSA 2021) Ileus-Der dunkle Prinz (Silberne Auszeichnung WSA 2022) Dunkler Hunger (5. Preis im Werwolf-Wettbewerb) Das Cover gehört mir. Es ist eine Auftragsarbeit. Künstler des Covers: Micehellwd Herausgeber: Astromnia
Dorian Shadowvale, once guided by a moral compass, found himself transformed into a soulless villain through the unending cycle of transmigration. This shift in his destiny occurred when he unintentionally stumbled upon the ancient and ominous "Cursed Amulet of Shadows." Upon contact, the amulet intricately tied his fate to the cosmic threads of the multiverse, through a system, casting him as a recurring villain in each world it touched. The malevolence entrenched in every realm gradually chipped away at his humanity, pushing him to commit unspeakable acts driven by the relentless pursuit of power and survival. Realizing the amulet thrives on timeline alterations, Dorian plots to exploit its hunger for disruption. He carefully orchestrates shifts that not only feed the amulet's appetite for chaos but also weaken its grip on his soul. Along this challenging path, he encountered a man who embodied everything he wasn't – a stark contrast that raised questions about what Dorian truly needed for redemption. Arc 01: Interstellar (35 Chapters) Arc 02: Modern Era (Ongoing) Arc 03:... Arc 04:... Quick transmigration novel. Cover created by the Author ©.
The most loved K-pop idol, Lee Yong, had exhausted his creativity and reached a block. When he was frustrated about his inability to write music anymore, the new choreographer entered the company. The flirty perverted choreographer became his muse pretty soon. When he realised his love for the choreographer, he denied it for the sake of his career. When the adorable man confessed first, he rejected the choreographer cruelly. But later, he did not want to see his man being pursued by others, and he was determined to get his man back. Choi Haneul hid all his schemes and revenge plans under his shameless perverted behaviour as he entered the entertainment company. Taking revenge was his main job while being a choreographer was a side hustle. He was attracted to the boyband's leader, and he noticed the leader was also stealing glances filled with desire. Hence he started to crave more than the glances. Choi Haneul closed his heart long back and never wanted to be in a relationship. But he wanted to open his heart to the idol and be in a relationship. With all hope, when he confessed, the idol rejected him cruelly. So what would he do when the charming band leader tried to win him back? Or will he choose his revenge over love which comes with many terms and conditions? While the tug of war was going on between the choreographer and the band leader, band members smartly chose the choreographer’s side and ate melon seeds every day as they watched one drama after another instead of helping their leader. *************************** Choi Haneul: I wanted to try the steak from that new place. But all the tables are booked for a month. Lee Yong: Surprise! I invited the chef to cook the streak for our first date this Friday. Choi Haneul: I will come to eat, but it is not a date. Let’s invite others as well. Band members: Our choreographer is the best!!!! *************************** Choi Haneul: I wanted to watch that new movie. My free time and the movie screening time are not in sync. Too bad! Lee Yong: Surprise! I have already made arrangements. We will watch the movie in my flat for our first date. Choi Haneul: I would like to have cheese popcorn while watching the movie, but it is not a date. Let’s invite others as well. Band members: Yay!!! We are in for the movie night! *************************** Choi Haneul: I really wanted those dancing boots, but it is out of stock. Lee Yong: I knew you would like it. So I bought it for you. Choi Haneul: Thanks. Let me pay for it. Band member: Ouch, leader! Does it hurt too much???? *************************** Lee Yong: Where are you going all dressed up cutely? Choi Haneul: My first love is coming to the school reunion. I want to meet him. Lee Yong: Well, you are not going anywhere but my bed today. Band members: What?????? *Ding Dong* Choi Haneul: My first love is here to pick me up! Band members: Woooo hooo!!!!! *************************** Join the journey of the stubborn idol and the shameless choreographer to see what they would choose? Will Lee Yong choose love over his career? Will Choi Haneul choose love over his well-crafted revenge? P.s: The cover belongs to the rightful owner, and it will be removed if the original owner asks to do so. WARNING: THIS IS A GAY LOVE STORY WITH EXPLICIT CONTENT. IF YOU ARE NOT COMFORTABLE WITH IT, SPARE THE NOVEL. Discord: https://discord.gg/jSQxjwPV5s Instagram: lazii_ladiiAlexander Laurent : The cold, arrogant and mysterious heir to The Laurent Agency who is swiping the entertainment industry off the floor. But is that it? No. Underneath the glamourous cover is an underworld that runs within his palm. But he loses his heart to a Doctor and his world starts spinning around her. He kidnaps her and even manages to forcefully marry as well as cage her. But did his love manage to win over her hatred? Eleanora Rosenheim : A softhearted, bubbly but stubborn girl who becomes a doctor for her fiance's sake. But is made to give up on her fiance, her family and her dreams just because of someone's obsession. Forced into a traumatising marriage, made to suffer from her in-laws wrath and even face her husband's jealousy that always ends by him forcing himself upon her, Eleanora is left with only one option - to kill herself. Did destiny do her any justice? Yes. It did. By making Eleanora reborn on the very same day where she crossed paths with Alexander and her life changed forever. She now has a second chance to live and escape his clutches. Will she be able to challenge her fate and live the simple but happy life that she forever dreamt of or will she succumb to her fate and let that decide the flow of her story? Read "The Devil's Obsession : No more escaping Babygirl!" and witness a sensual love story, filled with adventure, mystery, cruelty, emotions and humour loaded within. Let's embark on this journey together! Author - Go Kizy Instagram - go_kizy Book Cover - Go Kizy