Webnovel Author: EgyptianDio - Fanfic Collection



LV 3

My name is EgyptianDio, a weeb among weebs. O' morally upstanding citizens, look upon my works, and despair!

2021-12-19 入りました Global

バッジ 5

Moments 590

Replied to OfEnvy


Seducing twin cheerleaders and convincing them to make a sixty nine show for him in his room.

Marvel Mutant, I’m a Burning Martian!

Marvel Mutant, I’m a Burning Martian!

Anime & Comics · EgyptianDio

Replied to OfficialDavidDough

Ire of Perverts means that his reputation start at minus five with perverts.

{+15 Affection with Serafall Leviathan[10/100] for playing along with her teasings of So-tan}

A Multiverse at the Tip of my Fingers!

A Multiverse at the Tip of my Fingers!

Anime & Comics · EgyptianDio

Replied to jess_weston

Not updated often. Though it will get a guaranteed update if it gets chosen in Patreon

Hyperstorm is connected to a dimension of pure energy called 'Hyperspace', in a way one could compare him to Flash and other Speed Force conduits. Through his connection to this dimension, Hyperstorm can manipulate the four fundamental forces of the universe. Gravity, Electromagnetism, Weak Force and Strong Force. It is also possible for him to use this dimension's energy in order to teleport possibly anywhere in universe and even heal himself and others.

DC/HP: Hyperstorm!

DC/HP: Hyperstorm!

Anime & Comics · EgyptianDio

Replied to Na1gel

Johnny Storm and Susan Storm. Susan might be a Richards now but that doesn’t mean she is no longer a Storm sibling.

"Shut up Johny." I could hear the bickering between the Storm siblings, using my current situation as a mean of amusement for themselves. One day I would get my vengeance for that, but now...

Marvel: Born in Fire!

Marvel: Born in Fire!

Anime & Comics · EgyptianDio

Replied to Halt_Jagged

That’s pretty much the whole point of this snippet

"I'm Astarte!" The now named Astarte said as she put her hand on Aang's head, uncaring of the threatening looks they were sending her way. "And I'm here to help you guys save the world!"

Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by EgyptianDio

Anime & Comics · EgyptianDio

Replied to aMz

I saw blackened several times before and thought that it was appropriate

{Paracelsus von Hohenheim Alternative: Mid High Class. The blackened version of the genius alchemist. Alignment: Neutral Evil} Whut?

A Multiverse at the Tip of my Fingers!

A Multiverse at the Tip of my Fingers!

Anime & Comics · EgyptianDio

Replied to HolySage

The comic one but have a like anyway.

"I am Korg the Kronan, the Warbound of the Green King of Sakaar, and I salute you; the son of Holku."

Marvel: Born in Fire!

Marvel: Born in Fire!

Anime & Comics · EgyptianDio

Replied to edward_martin

They were in a polygamous relationship with Jean in Krakoa

"Welcome to the school." He said as he offered his hand for a shake, which I did so. Damn, where was the confrontational bastard Scott Summers who only cared about getting into Jean's pants that the fandoms of my world had me prepared for and who was this actually nice guy?

Marvel Mutant, I’m a Burning Martian!

Marvel Mutant, I’m a Burning Martian!

Anime & Comics · EgyptianDio

Replied to Sparck33

Literally the best way to convince someone that people are dumb. You got a guy at that level going around doing your job for you, and then you want him to ‘retire’ because he’s black. The heroes of Marvel should have let the world burn years ago.

Don't get me wrong, Charles Xavier's dream for the future of the mutants was a beautiful one, not to mention much saner than Magneto's 'mutant supremacy' ideas which were far too Nazi-like for an actual holocaust survivor, not that I would never say that to the man's face unlike a certain energy manipulating Avenger. But Xavier's dream had one glaring issue when it came to humans coexisting with mutants.

Marvel Mutant, I’m a Burning Martian!

Marvel Mutant, I’m a Burning Martian!

Anime & Comics · EgyptianDio

Replied to Kenny123

…I don’t know what that means

"So... you are my daughter?" Susan asked as she tried to put on a smile in order to make things a bit less awkward, and failed. In her defense, she was the only one trying as Reed was just circling around the girl with some weird gadget in his hands scanning her.

Marvel Mutant, I’m a Burning Martian!

Marvel Mutant, I’m a Burning Martian!

Anime & Comics · EgyptianDio

Replied to Project_Paladin

They are both right. Amun Ra is simply more famous.

"You can call it whatever you want, as long as you do not forget that you are now the Pharaoh that has been chosen by myself; Atum Ra." The god said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Shield Hero: Hero? No, I am a Pharaoh!

Shield Hero: Hero? No, I am a Pharaoh!

Anime & Comics · EgyptianDio

Replied to Fanfic_King2


"I... I am sorry." I bowed my head even though I was not. I just got myself a few seconds of fluff and I technically touched Yoruichi, something all Bleach fans had wished for at least once.

Bleach: Inconceivable Existence!

Bleach: Inconceivable Existence!

Anime & Comics · EgyptianDio

Replied to ImperialFayMonarch

No, Bob is clearly the superior name

"Wait! At least leave Bob with me!" The demon's name was what?!

Marvel Mutant, I’m a Burning Martian!

Marvel Mutant, I’m a Burning Martian!

Anime & Comics · EgyptianDio

Replied to ImperialFayMonarch


"But me of this timeline still loves him, and he loves her. I might not have gotten the happy ending I wanted with him, but damn it she will have it." She ended her words with a growl, which did some… things to me.

Marvel Mutant, I’m a Burning Martian!

Marvel Mutant, I’m a Burning Martian!

Anime & Comics · EgyptianDio
