17.85% A Multiverse at the Tip of my Fingers! / Chapter 3: Chapter 2

章 3: Chapter 2

{-20 reputation with Hyoudou Issei[-25/100] for being handsome}

{-20 reputation with Matsuhada[-25/100] for being handsome}

{-20 reputation with Motohama[-25/100] for being handsome}


Just wow.

Didn't know that one could be that petty. Hating me for being handsome and hurling insults at me the moment I introduced myself. Were these three dropped on their head as babies? And one of them was supposed to be the main character of this universe and get all the ladies? This universe had really bad taste. Even by my scummy standards.

{Quest: Long Live the King:

The world needs only true harem kings, not washed up versions like that pathetic pervert. Claim your dominance!

Objective: Kill Hyoudou Issei before the first season starts.

Hidden Objective: ?

Hidden Objective: ?

Reward: Massive EXP, [Plot Armor Piercer] perk.

Hidden Reward: ?

Hidden Reward: ?}

Wow, been here for less than a day and the Game was already telling me to commit murder. I probably should feel worse about such a thing but I was just curious about the Hidden Objectives and their rewards. Guess that confirmed that Ruthless trait is the real deal.

"Hyoudou, Matsuda, Motohama; keep quiet. And Samson-kun please take a seat back there next to Kiryuu-san." teacher droned on as he gestured towards the bespectacled girl with braids. Who simply smiled mischievously with a small blush.

{+15 affection with Kiryuu Aika[10/100] for being far more 'impressive' than any other guy she ever seen}

Plus fifteen made only ten? Why would— ah right, I had the Ire of Perverts trait didn't I. That might be a big problem in this world. But now, class commences.


School is evil.

There could be no better explanation for my boredom right now and I was pretty sure that I was right about this school at least since it had literal devils inside.

Pure boredom, no idea why the heiresses in this school were so enthusiastic about it. I am just happy to be back home. Now, time to open the chests that I got from that dungeon run!

{You have acquired:

•Middle Heal Potion x24

•Metal Ingot x11

•Gauntlet of Griffin Lord

•Companion Gem: Paracelsus

•Gacha token x1}

Gauntlet of Griffin Lord? That sounds strong. Observe

{Gauntlet of Griffin Lord: Uncommon item. These talon shaped gauntlets were once used by the king of Inveria before his death due to machinations of Elder Coffin Dragon Lord, Cure Elim Los Malvar. Inflicts burn damage to enemies through physical contact.}

Ok so they aren't that impressive. Just have a cool name, but they still would be useful. More importantly, now I had two Gacha tokens, let's see if being Lady Luck's Lovechild is real deal. I crushed the first token in my hand.

{Spinning… Spinning… Spinning…}

{Familiar Egg: An egg that will hatch into a familiar that is suited to you}

Lady Luck is awesome, to see what I would get next, I crushed the other token.

{Spinning… Spinning… Spinning…}

{Excalibur Galatine: The sister sword of original Excalibur, a holy sword representing the Sun!}

…blink… blink blink…

JACKPOT! Though will this cause any problems in the DxD world?

{The reality is shifted in order to accommodate the game. It wouldn't do well if this world thought that it had higher authority than me.}

A bit arrogant but the game is still pretty awesome.

Now it was the last and possibly the most important item I had, a companion gem. Honestly, I wasn't completely sure about using it. The only Paracelsus I knew of was from FGO and he was a super nice guy that probably would try to stop me from killing Issei. But the thought of having a genius alchemist with me was far too alluring. I could also have him do work and kill Issei without him so it wasn't such a big problem. With my decision made, I crushed the Companion Gem in my palm.

The one who came out with a light show was the Paracelsus that I was thinking about but also... not. Instead of the white lab coat, his was pitch black and instead of bluish dark hair, he had a more grayish hair color. But the most important part was the eyes, amber colored eyes.

{Paracelsus von Hohenheim Alternative: Mid High Class. The blackened version of the genius alchemist. Alignment: Neutral Evil} Whut?

{The gem simply said Paracelsus, nothing about which one.} I didn't know if a metaphysical god creating system could be smug, now I know.

"So you are my contractor, I am Paracelsus von Hohenheim Alter, an alchemist." Paracelsus did a small bow with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Yes, I am Cyrus Samson, the man who summoned you to this world."

"This world, how interesting." Paracelsus rubbed his chin with a smile. "And Samson, like the lion wrestler?"

"My ancestor."

"Descendant of a hero you say, fascinating!" The semi evil alchemist laughed. "I truly have been summoned by a fascinating man. May I have some of your blood for my experiments?" Paracelsus asked as if that was the most obvious thing to do in this situation. But this did give me an opportunity.

"Yes but there are few things I need to know first."

"Then please ask." Paracelsus smiled, he seem to do that a lot for an alter.

"How do you feel about murder?"

"There is nothing wrong with it as long as we can deal with the consequences and that it is committed for an actual reason beyond shits and giggles." I think I'm starting to like this guy.

"Great, then another. Can you go spirit form like servants from Holy Grail War or are you fully materialized?"

"Both. I am fully materialized but I can go into a spirit form, it would take Magic to maintain it though." He gripped his chin as he said that.

"Great, then there is a boy that…" you know what, might as well go all the way "Sorry I meant to say there are TWO boys that I need you to bring here without alerting anyone. There is some amount of surveillance in this city." I said as I started to describe his targets to the alchemist who was much more awesome than his original version.

"I understand. Then I will get some of your hero blood for my experiments after getting those two boys here?"


{+5 reputation with Paracelsus Alter[5/100] for agreeing to helping his experiment}

"The I shall retrieve those boys immediately!" With a flourish of his hands, Paracelsus turned into blue particles and probably left the house.

Crushing the orb definitely was the right idea. An Alter he might be, this Paracelsus felt like a guy he definitely could trust. Though him being only Mid High class felt a bit weird.

{Paracelsus is a researcher in his heart. All of his combat ability is simply something he picked up in his researches. His true worth shines in alchemy, curses, gemcraft and other non combat oriented magics. If his combat ability was equal to his utility, he would have been at least a mid Ultimate class.} That actually made a lot of sense and make me feel better. Now, onto my egg.

As I retrieved it from my inventory I realized that whatever came out of the egg would take up some space later on, the egg itself was as almost twice the size of a tennis ball. I wasn't an expert on eggs but this probably meant that whatever came out of it would grow up to be a rather big animal. How do I hatch it though?

{Normally you would need to plunge the egg into a mix of your own blood and water from a sea where an at least Ultimate class being swam in every full moon three times. With my intervention the egg only needs some magic to be injected into it.} that's handy. Whelp here goes some magic.

As cracks started to spread through the egg, I took a pillow from the couch behind me and put it in front of my face, the little creating might make the eggshells explode outwards and I wanted no egg yolk on my face.

As I finally heard sound of the egg finally breaking, I left my pillow shield behind and look at my familiar. A little bird with four wings instead of two, one that hopefully would grow up to be a fearsome magical bird of prey in the future. Observe.

{Emerald Anqa, an Arabian breed of phoenix that possess not only the more well know phoenix abilities such as: regeneration, healing tears, soothing singing and fire manipulation, but also sonic attacks and hellfire manipulation. They possess immense appetites and should be kept fed as much as possible. There have been cases of Anqa's eating dragons. This one is a male for your information.}

I probably should find a way to send a VERY BIG gift basket to the Lady Luck. An Arabian phoenix that had an appetite big enough to eat a dragon. My lifelong partner.

"I'm gonna call you… Anatole, it means 'rising of the Sun'. A name worthy of you!" I smiled and maybe it was just my imagination but I was quite sure that newly named Anatole made some happy noises.

Now all that is left to do is to wait for Paracelsus to bring my murder victims.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


