50% Shield Hero: Hero? No, I am a Pharaoh! / Chapter 2: Prologue

章 2: Prologue

"We offer our condolences, lord Mansour." The messenger said with a bow before leaving, as if he hadn't just told a child that both of his parents had been murdered by bandits.

For those who are not aware, the child that I was referring to was me; Kyros Mansour. The only child of Alaric Mansour and Zahra Mansour, now departed lords of a small territory near the borders of Melromarc.

Yes, by Melromarc I do mean the kingdom from Shield Hero with a population whose average IQ is likely lower than their average shoe size number. The kingdom where the king decides to be a bitch towards all the other nations and sabotage their efforts to save the world during the literal apocalypse while letting his daughter just hurt, abuse, lie, kill whoever she wants for the lolz. That Melromarc.

So yeah, not exactly a happy place to be.

Doubly so considering that me being here was the result of me fucking dying and then pretty much selling my soul for this damn isekai situation. Not to the devil though, I'm not that dumb, but considering the way Christians acted towards other religions; I might as well have in their eyes.

Speaking of those who I sold my soul to…

"Did your people have anything to do with this?" I asked with a sigh to the seemingly empty room, but I knew that it wasn't empty. Which was proven by the emergence of an old man with graying hair, mustache, a rather muscular physique and scars around his face.

"While I can understand your reasoning for asking such a thing, I would rather you don't accuse us like this." The old man said with a smile. "There might be those among Ma'at who may see their deaths as favorable, but I assure you that they would not act while you are under my protection."

"'Protection' is not exactly the word I would use." I muttered, much to the old man's amusement.

"You can call it whatever you want, as long as you do not forget that you are now the Pharaoh that has been chosen by myself; Atum Ra." The god said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Yes Atum Ra, the supreme god of the Egyptian Pantheon, that was who I sold my soul to. My patron and sponsor for this isekai adventure.

"Look kid, I'm sorry about the parents thing. But I swear on my throne that neither I or my people had anything to do with that." And he was a whole lot more chill than you would expect of a pagan god. Something about learning humility after the whole fiasco with Moses or something, his own words.

"Anyway, you know what we need you to do kid." He said with a small frown and I nodded.

"Just live my life in this world, all the while gathering power since that's apparently a duty of the pharaoh, and just be a good bait for a megalomaniac goddess who is supposed to bring the end of this world."

"Yup. We just need you to protect this world enough that the bitch finally breaks the divine laws to get what she wants, which is when the full might of the gods of Ma'at will fall down on her and teach her her place as a bitch." The ruler of the gods said with a smile.

"If I don't get killed by the dumb politics of this world first." I said as I slouched down on my seat.

"Heh, you are empowered by me kid. And your followers will be empowered by gods of their own, you'll do fine." Ra said as he patted me on the shoulder with enough force to make me buckle down if I wasn't sitting already. "Remember, you are a pharaoh now. Teach this world what that world really means." And then disappeared with a flash of light much like the one he had appeared with.

"Teach them what it means… a real inspirational and wise god you truly are." I muttered to myself.

To be perfectly honest, I knew that I was being somewhat a jerk. I was given a new life and all I did in the last few minutes was just to complain, only looking at the negatives.

In my defense, I had just died. The life had left my body and my heart was weighed on a damn scale before Atum gave me his offer for this new life. Add my new memories as Kyros Mansour who had just lost both of his parents to suspicious circumstances… I was pretty sure that I was somewhat depressed at the moment.

Still, that wasn't enough of an excuse to just dally around with no purpose. So I raised my hand, palm facing upward, and concentrated. I concentrated on the blessing I had gotten from Atum, the great sun that protected Ma'at, and after a second; I could feel a pleasant heat above my palm.

A sphere of fire rested on my hand, though the way it glowed made it appear more akin to a small sun, smile grew on my face.

"Teach them what being a pharaoh means huh… I can do that."


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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


