Webnovel Author: Daydream_Wanderer - Novel Collection



LV 3
2019-12-07 入りました Global

バッジ 5

Moments 180

Replied to kessu91

People's minds are limited by their world view and concepts and they can have a hard time adapting to new things. And some people just deny anything new no matter how you explain. Like you offering a hot dog to someone from a different culture and this person will not eat it even after you tell it is not a real dog(personal experience), or when someone thinks that something can make him or her sick, and they start to feel sick soon after eating it.

He opened the scroll and read the content aloud, and when he finished, he was transferred to the Teleportation Hall in City Ji. Again, Ye Yan had to wait some time for his body and mind to adjust, because the mind can't understand what happened fast enough, even he being more than aware he is in a game, but his mind can't accept it right away. When he left the Teleportation Hall, the sky was already becoming dark, so he looked up and discovered that it was 7 a.m. in real life. He has stayed 13 real-time hours in the game, 26 hours in-game. So Ye Yan resolved to log out and do his morning routine, which consists of exercise and breakfast.

Second Life: Welcome to Gaia

Second Life: Welcome to Gaia

Games · Daydream_Wanderer

Replied to kessu91

?? They have this great advantage before they can exchange real money and game currency. I know how powerful a merchant can be because I played this class a lot before. XD

"In 4 days the money exchange between the game and real-life will be opened and I will have enough money to pay for the guild registration, so we need to prepare." Hu Ling is the Mr. Money Bags of the party and will be the treasurer of their guild. He made a deal with his father that if he could administrate well the guild, he wouldn't be forced to work in the family's company now that he had graduated. He didn't like to work there and having to go twice a week while he was studying was already his limit. "Now I know why they didn't enable this function from the beginning, if they had, it would be even easier for the merchants." The players that chose this class probably would invest money in the game, so they could have an almost instant leveling now and reap huge profits later on because of the advantage that could get now.

Second Life: Welcome to Gaia

Second Life: Welcome to Gaia

Games · Daydream_Wanderer

Replied to kessu91

I only practiced Capoeira, so those moves are normal.

He started the battle with two this time and focused in one until he and his summons were dead, so he would have to fight with four maximum. When the first devil summoned two more to the battle, Ye Yan couldn't dodge them as well as before, so he had to drink two novice healing potions during the battle and now he only has seven more potions for him to use. He started to get used to the battle and dodge better, even doing a cartwheel to dodge and hit the four at the same time. It was a fest of -1 damage. And Ye Yan decided he should look for equipment that suited more his fight style.

Second Life: Welcome to Gaia

Second Life: Welcome to Gaia

Games · Daydream_Wanderer

Replied to kessu91

I think I need to rewrite this note because I use the World War as an estimated date but looking at it now, it may give a different impression when associated with the rest of the text. I just put it as a fact, not as a cause of the change in meaning. And before the 20th century, pink was associated with luxury, not feminity. And today, girls need to suffer because of it when mothers made them use pink dresses and accessories (That's why I hate pink. I didn't let my mother put pink clothes on me since I was seven years old).

[1] Pink became a girly color only after World War II. Before, boys wearing pinks and girls, blue were very common. The Nazis arrested thousands of LGBT individuals, mostly gay men and, as Jews were forced to identify themselves with yellow stars, the gay men in concentration camps had to wear a large pink triangle and the lesbian and prostitutes had to wear a black triangle. Pink is thought to have calming effects and many prisons are dye pink to try to pacify the prisoner a little. For this same reason, a University of Iowa football team painted the visitors' locker room at Kinnick Stadium pink in 1980, and in 2005, they added pink lockers and urinals!

Second Life: Welcome to Gaia

Second Life: Welcome to Gaia

Games · Daydream_Wanderer

Replied to MadRat1286

Maybe the blue pill would kill him instead of help because he doesn't have the necessary instrument for it to take effect. You can find what exactly happened to him in the chapter notes. I even found the blade description.

"What I need is not something easy to acquire. I heard that the Goblin Chieftan of the goblin's tribe that invaded the mountain forest in the northeast of the city acquired a recipe for a very precious potion that can help me. What I need is that you kill him and bring that recipe to me as well as its ingredients, and I will pay you handsomely for it."

Second Life: Welcome to Gaia

Second Life: Welcome to Gaia

Games · Daydream_Wanderer


Maybe the blue pill would kill him instead of help because he doesn't have the necessary instrument for it to take effect. You can find what exactly happened to him in the chapter notes. I even found the blade description.

"What I need is not something easy to acquire. I heard that the Goblin Chieftan of the goblin's tribe that invaded the mountain forest in the northeast of the city acquired a recipe for a very precious potion that can help me. What I need is that you kill him and bring that recipe to me as well as its ingredients, and I will pay you handsomely for it."

Second Life: Welcome to Gaia

Second Life: Welcome to Gaia

Games · Daydream_Wanderer

Replied to kradidark


The other party members used powerful skills as well to kill them as fast as possible. I Love Skooma use [Bellow the belt] to deal a huge amount of damage and inflict [Pain] on the male targets, Mad Dog use [Slash] and [Chop], Conan attacked with the [Clive] skill, and Demon Fox used [Sharp Arrow] and [Triple Shot]. In the end, the battle against the 30 enemy players finished faster than the last one against 10. But this time, they weren't as lucky because many items were left in the place their bodies fell.

Second Life: Welcome to Gaia

Second Life: Welcome to Gaia

Games · Daydream_Wanderer



What Ye Yan doesn't know is that, because of this thought, he will suffer less from Mage of the Cold Nights imagination in the future. If she saw Ye Yan in pink, using chains-like wire, she would want him to use his body heat to warm Dovakin in one of her stories. As a Dragonborn, Dovakin depends on the heat of the environment to regulate his body temperature, so he would need Ye Yan's warmth on cold nights.

Second Life: Welcome to Gaia

Second Life: Welcome to Gaia

Games · Daydream_Wanderer

Replied to MadRat1286

Thanks!!! I had put 500 before and forgot to correct it after the change.

Second Life: Welcome to Gaia

Second Life: Welcome to Gaia

Games · Daydream_Wanderer



He looked at the origin of the sound and saw a tabby yellow cat with long, white eyebrows and mustache, giving it a wise style. 

Second Life: Welcome to Gaia

Second Life: Welcome to Gaia

Games · Daydream_Wanderer

Replied to MikeN


[What do I do with my life? I don't have a job, a house, or a girlfriend, only some money left by my parents, a college certificate, and my freaking virginity! I'm almost a loser! The only thing I like to do is gaming and fighting. I need some kind of sign to enlighten me about what to do with my life.] Ye Yan thought to himself while laying down on the couch, covering his face with his arms. While Ye Yan was having an internal debate about his options, he heard Tang Yunfan's voice and at the same time, a pillow hit him in his stomach.

Second Life: Welcome to Gaia

Second Life: Welcome to Gaia

Games · Daydream_Wanderer

Replied to MikeN

There are craftsmen but the classes he is looking at are only the fighting type.

"There are seven basic classes: fighter, swordsman, thief, mage, archer, doctor, and merchant. There's nothing about the specialized, classes but it mentions hidden and unique ones. Hum, I think I will be an archer. What about you?"

Second Life: Welcome to Gaia

Second Life: Welcome to Gaia

Games · Daydream_Wanderer
