/ Fantasy / Into Your Blood And Bones

Into Your Blood And Bones オリジナル

Into Your Blood And Bones

Fantasy 97 章 152.5K ビュー
作者: _Rain

4.88 (52 レビュー結果)

詳細 目次


Skyla wondered whether she was crazy or was the world driving her crazy? And everything started and ended because of her blood.

The smell, taste or even the sight of her blood could drive anyone crazy making her life hard to live. Until one day, she found the gateway to another world.

A place where all her nightmares became a reality.

A place under the halo of the blood moon.


Defrox, the realm of darkness. Every morning is night and every midnight is when ‘they’ begin the hunt. Until one day, like the break of dawn, a woman brought light upon her arrival.

A small faint light but was able to pierce the darkness for a moment. That’s when ‘they’ begin to question, “What is this delightful smell?”

It is the smell of a new light, the sacred blood.

Then the chaos began.

Instagram: author__rain or _Rain
Discord: _Rain#8489
Join my discord server: https://discord.gg/dXqUYeMD2A
Disclaimer: The cover does not belong to me. Just edited to suit my story.

  1. Sunny_Enoch
    Sunny_Enoch 貢献した 436
  2. mariannew
    mariannew 貢献した 418
  3. Cassaundra_Allen
    Cassaundra_Allen 貢献した 406


ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット




    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景



    Woah! Into Your Blood And Bones, the title caught me by surprise. Is it too early to review? Never mind, I am going for it after reading four chapters. The synopsis piqued my curiosity to read the novel and I was on the edge while reading from the first chapter. The way our author detailed the nightmare and synopsis saying it is going to be Skyla’s reality ”A place where all her nightmares became a reality.” The novel found its place in my library. I am waiting for the chaos to begin in Defrox, the realm of darkness.

    1 の返信を表示する

    I don't read much web novels, but I do watch a hell lot of anime. And I can assure you, if this novel gets adapted as an anime, it is gonna become an instant hit. The opening is really on a whole new level. It won me over and got me into reading the chapters one by one on a quest to know what happens next, and before I knew it 8 chapters were over and I was up-to-date. The constant updates are amazing as well. Can't wait to follow along and find out how the story progresses and what heights this novel will reach.

    1 の返信を表示する

    Here I am clapping my hands to the awesome work of the author. There are no typos for me and I say this needs adaptation now! I can see its potential for the future. I say interesting synopsis and hooking intro chapters! Kudos for the job well done! And good luck on spiritu too! haha 😂

    2 の返信を表示する

    This is good. Just good. Its so beautifully written. I recommend it if you want something new. Something fresh. Something poetic in a way. I find vampires poetic. Anyway, the book is goooodddd!!

    1 の返信を表示する

    Entertaining and very well-written. ❤️ I was never a big fan of fantasy novels, but the first few chapters got me hooked. The way the story develops is really well done. Looking forward to what happens next ❤️❤️

    1 の返信を表示する

    Catchy title brought me here ! I really have no idea where this is going! I'm getting every scenes as if it's passing before my eyes. I honestly can feel Skyla!😞 Way to go @_Rain ❤ Need more!🔥

    1 の返信を表示する

    The novel is very well written! The story is good. I just read the first 4 chapters, but I think overall is good. I will put it into my collection and read more chapters. But I think It would be better to have an engaging cliffhanger, especially for the first 3 chapters... keep the good work, author...

    1 の返信を表示する

    I have to say that the moment i started reading this, I was excited to see that it was written in third person POV. I really enjoyed reading this novel. Every episode ended with a cliffhanger that just made me want to keep reading. And I have to say, the characters are so likeable and relatable especially Ellie.

    1 の返信を表示する

    Enjoying the story so far, the thrill and the mystery is cool. I can not wait the next chapter. Overall, it's a good novel. Keep working on it! [img=recommend]

    1 の返信を表示する

    a very nice start to any story. you are shown the type of character the mc is and shown her struggles. Like always continue on your journey as a author.

    3 の返信を表示する

    Reading this webnovel is really entertaining, I read someone saying this will be a hit if turned into anime and I wholeheartedly agree with that! I like the characters and the world building of this novel and also like to appreciate the story! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!

    1 の返信を表示する

    5 stars all around! I am so hooked on this story. I felt drawn in and invested in the characters from the beginning—love the way the author has developed them so far and gradually keeps introducing more. The pacing keeps me interested, and I appreciate the balance between the dialogue/world building/etc

    1 の返信を表示する

    I enjoyed this novel a lot! The writing is well done, the syntax was crazy good, and it really had a great hand into making the world much more interesting! I hope the novel will continue, good luck!

    1 の返信を表示する

    Enjoying the story so far. It was easy to get caught up and drawn into the story. It flowed well from chapter to chapter and kept you engaged. I really enjoyed the MC, she’s been through a lot and still keeps moving forward.

    1 の返信を表示する

    Overall: This is a very good novel to read. If you want to read a fantasy book full of thrills, look no further than this. Highly recommended. Style - The author is using third person narration style. We are able to experience the feelings and actions of the characters. Well executed. Updating - As a writer myself, I give kudos to the author. Wtiting is very hard. I'm giving the autho 5 in this aspect. Story - Well planned. Story line is the heart of any novel, and this novel did a good job on its story. It's about a girl named Skyla and her saga in a dark realm. Hard to put down. Grammar - Excellent use of the grammar. No complaint on this aspect. The flow of the story is smooth which shows the effort that the author is putting into the writing. Commendable. Character - The characters are well written and designed. They fitted their roles, especially Skyla. Well written. The other characters are well catered for too. Kudos to the author. World: Its based on the fantasy genre settings. The author put great effort into this and it was perfect. Well done.

    1 の返信を表示する

    The only thing I would say, is that there were a few points that characters could have used a bit more description. But a very solid story overall. Bravo. Good character development for the most part. The story is written excellently. There were a couple of parts that I thought ran just a bit dull, but I think that's more of a stylistic preference. The dialogue was amazing. I thought the beginning was particularly my favorite. The evil Kitten part and the professor were legendary.

    1 の返信を表示する

    This is... AWESOME!!! The synopsis alone was carefully laid and the story and setting is as unique as it gets... This would make an amazing anime/manga. Kudos!

    1 の返信を表示する
    LV 10 Badge

    There's no question that this novel is going to be a hit! Action unravels like a porcupine stanced for attack; ready to pierce you at any moment. The suspense, the description, and, oh wait, I've been pricked - the author is now in my blood.

    2 の返信を表示する

    This is definitely written like a mystery novel. I can see the Aesthetic the novel is going for. The writing quality is great and I really like the supporting characters. I would guess this isn’t your first Novel you wrote just by the quality of everything

    1 の返信を表示する

    Hey, so I read the first two chapters. The plot is quite interesting and very well set. I love the way you have written the story. It has a smooth flow. Keep writing!!

    1 の返信を表示する

    作者 _Rain