/ Book&Literature / Game of Thrones: Orphan

Game of Thrones: Orphan オリジナル

Game of Thrones: Orphan

Book&Literature 51 章 1.2M ビュー
作者: YellowScarf

4.61 (32 レビュー結果)

詳細 目次


An ordinary boy born in the cold North, just trying to survive...


MC is a commoner so do not expect kickass nobles in this story.

No One 17 and Under Admitted
  1. _Toasty_
    _Toasty_ 貢献した 113
  2. YellowScarf
    YellowScarf 貢献した 73
  3. Mai_Spartacus
    Mai_Spartacus 貢献した 57


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット




  • 翻訳品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景



If the author is to lazy to write a proper synopsis I am to lazy to read the fic. Giving 3 stars because I think giving just 1 would be unfair.

3 の返信を表示する

you know by your past novels I was excited and was not disappointed by this novel but im curious about the development of the story wither the mc will become a minor lord or some thing. And also I think in the long run you wouldn't have some ides for the mc.

2 の返信を表示する

I have to say the start was not very good it's very Bland in the beginning but it does start picking up. I'm on chapter 17 and it's not too bad still a little lackluster but that may be because I'm used to super power or genius MC if you're looking for that not going to lie this is probably not for you but if you're looking more for reasonable and more normal story progression this might be for you then

9 の返信を表示する
LV 15 Badge

best book ever, the character development is detailed, realistic and gripping. the author does an incredible job describing every detail of every scene to the t, all without making it too complex. would highly recommend, it's a great book, can't wait for more chapters. keep up the good work 👏.

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Good story, wanted to wright a review so the author would see the story is important

1 の返信を表示する

I like your story friend. Believe me I'm tired of those fanfics where the MC is a Targaryen and has powers outside the logic of the world of GOT. This MC only has talent, dedication and intelligence and only those are enough to stand out. Please continue with your story, believe me I enjoy it. (PS: I'm using a translator, sorry for any grammar mistakes)

1 の返信を表示する

At the moment its very good story but its stil too earlier to give a 5 star review and the slow updates are onde of the things to have in mind. But until now its very good. kepp going

0 の返信を表示する

So the story is about a commoner (not a transmigrator) whose father goes to war and leave him in their home at a village just next to winterfell ( house stark ) , and yeah his father dies and he gets fked up basically after that i wont spoile much Anyway as of chapter 35 story is top tier imo , mc personality is realistic from being a trouble maker child to a warrior and he actually is smart and reflects on his mistakes which is quite hard to find in webnovel , anyway character interactions are done right you actually get attached to secondary characters , chapters are long , the only downside i have is probably that it takes too long for new chapters to be published but i see the author starting to pump them chapters one after another after ch34 so i am hoping he is going to have a stable update frequency Anyway its a 4.8 from me and 5 if my last point is solved 😁

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........................................................................perfect...................................................keep going.......................................

0 の返信を表示する

I‘m loving the writing style so far. Very descriptive and realistic, both for the characters and the world around them. Plus it feels very gritty and grounded for a GoT ff, which a appreciate way more then all those power fantasy ffs. Althought the story just started and the chapter releases are pretty erratic, I have a lot of faith in this novel !!!

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atm this is my review cant give it a 5star yet simply because we havent seen too much as in its early in chapters. but everything ive read atm is amazing and would highly recommend to read this

1 の返信を表示する

I love it so far but I dislike what you are doing to the OC. The Starks are betraying him and he’s going to just take it and join the Night’s watch? There is something called trial by combat and he’s more than strong enough to get himself acquitted. I do not know why you are reducing all his character growth and history to little more than a dog/ Clegane for them. He’s helped them enough its time to go his own way.

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I got to about chaoter 5 and had to drop it. All the characters are OOC, they don’t feel like the actual characters at all. And the MC is pathetic. I’m not sure how long the story focuses on him being a child but I have no interest in reading about a child mc that is average in every way possible. Usually the early chapters are used to hook readers….these were just boring. The only slightly interesting part was the whole criminal gang stuff. Everything else was lackluster in every way possible. I like your other GoT fic but this one just falls short. Good luck author.

1 の返信を表示する

A really enjoyable fanfic, I don't really like reviewing things as I find it hard to put my thoughts on "paper" but this is legit good and I want to show my support. A lot of dialogues in Originals is bad, but the ones in this isn't grating and feels more professional and natural which I really appreciate. There are some spelling errors but it's a minor issue. I need to see a more fleshed out story to be able to judge how close it will be to the original later on but so far so good!

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Uno de los mejores fanfic de Juego de Tronos de esta página, buen desarrollo de personaje y coherencia en la escritura. Sería bueno ver como logra desarrollar esta historia cuando se desvíe del Canon que todos conocen.

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作者 YellowScarf