this fic is getting so confusing, well I'm getting tired of the bipolarity of the MC and some characters....and I'm honestly tired of all the drama. So good luck with your fic, but I'm done.
tall or small???
The ride remained in silence for a bit before Harry turned toward Ron and whispered, "Don't the first years kind of look tall?"
Book&Literature · Smutwriter007
harem for the win
what is a vaelix?? is this an AU with other different element from the original world??
thanks for the chap! I think it's heading towards a good start, now about the journey it would be good to have some bandids action, and maybe have more hedge knights joining him, he could even work for a mercenary company. Fighting in the north too against the wildings or some raidings of Iron born...he could go to the isle of faces or join the reed family who maybe know him.
So what is happening?? Are you the real author or is the other guy?? Are you stealing is work, because he has patreon with advanced chaps
Thanks for the chaps Keep going
I don't have more stones today. It's a good story so far. Is it going to be a harem? If so, can you tell me who will be in it? Thanks for the chap
You said that his sister is his twin, so she is a squib. Why didn't she get Hogwarts' letter, too?
The Lord of Ice and Magic
Book&Literature · RF_Axel