An utter massacre was the only word that could be used for what Kireina had brought down to the barbarian Demons of the Layer of Wrath.
In less than ten minutes, they were all completely annihilated, not a single soul left alive, patches of blood, flesh, and bones splattered across the battlefield, tainting the landscape of crimson red.
The entire battlefield was now silent after they were all utterly defeated, her powerful Aura Manifestation slowly retreating back into her body, as she deactivated most of her buffs and relaxed even so slightly.
"Kireina-sama! That was wonderful!" Agatheina, whom Kireina told to rest after she stepped into the battle, jumped towards her to give her a big kiss on her lips, and a lovely hug.
"It was nothing, I needed to let out some steam." Kireina giggled, patting Agatheina's head. "Did you rest even a bit?"