/ Anime & Comics / Fairy Tail: Shinigami

Fairy Tail: Shinigami オリジナル

Fairy Tail: Shinigami

Anime & Comics 310 章 10.3M ビュー

4.74 (161 レビュー結果)

詳細 目次


This is the story of a man who died and reincarnated in a completely different world, with powers beyond his understanding. Life, Death... who would've thought they were so flexible?

General Audiences
  1. TrAvElr
    TrAvElr 貢献した 851
    CORNBRINGER 貢献した 751
  3. Narcissist_
    Narcissist_ 貢献した 607


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット




  • 翻訳品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景



I hope you guys like it. With Love, Corn 🌽.

52 の返信を表示する

If It's Corn🌽 it's good. No More Words Needed.

2 の返信を表示する

It's Cornbringer, what did you expect? .

6 の返信を表示する

I only comment here because it's the newest novel you made. just a bit of advice as a long time reader. assuming you want to improve this is for all your novel. even though I only read 3 of your novels(gamer, blackbolt, and shinigami) I like your novel man. you're a good writer, at least above average, but for some/most narration paragraph, especially actions are kinda cringe. it feels 1 dimensional and egoistic and narrow. you're not amateur writer anymore, stop writing using 1st person pov ( I, me, my) for almost everything. learn to try using 3rd person pov on narration. it's a small change, but the impact is big in term of writing quality.

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LV 4 Badge

No Harem ! Yes, he is a Corn of class. ...............................................................................................

11 の返信を表示する
LV 11 Badge

The story is truly great the world background the emotions in its characters it’s basically no different from the real fairy tale amazing in this regard. And then we have our dear Mc who have shinigami powers (bleach) in a magic world, the main character design was absolute flawless before timeskip I mean before the canon starts. His growth and everything about him great his banter with the other characters, he can be ruthless when need to and a kind loving brother when needed his funny and all. But sadly all that changed after the canon started. The fights! Pre canon, was wonderful every fight was exciting albeit he was a punching bag most of the times but still great to read i really loved it. But everything changed when the canon started every fight he can basically finish in one move and it is against weaker opponents, what does he do? He trash talk through 3 chapters and almost getting beaten etc... this is very frustrating, he feels like Chinese beta Male sometimes. But what mostly disappoints me it’s the power system for this novel, one chapter he kills a god and few years of time skips he struggles against Jalal. He has so much power to use but he can’t because his body cant withstand that said power so he’s basically nerfed, what angers me the most is his Bankai, I have waited and longed for the moment he says BANKAI and then power up but sadly NO! He can only use it once because of his fragile body, 80% of his fights it’s him catching dirt and being punching bag for the strong thus always hospitalized and survives because of Plot armor. Anyways the novel went down hill for me after the canon started, don’t even know why is rated 5stars by everyone here 🤔

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The development of the story is kinda meh, too much AU. Doesn't feel Fairytail, might as well make this an OG...

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the author doesn't know how to make things exciting. that's one of the only two things I dislike about the novel but it is quite bad imo. the fight scenes are lacklustre at best and arnt built up properly. and I also really dislike the fact that the soul society (bleach world) exists as a separate dimension/ reality and that mc goes there for like 40% of the novel. its disappointing if anything tbh. i read 140 chapters or whatever (its hard to say because there's like 40 announcment chapters littered throughout which was annoying) to get there and i just really didnt wanna read about bleach for 100 chapters tbh so i dropped there after reading the chapter names and finding out the rest of the novel is there.

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It's Cornbringer, what do you expect..... You expect the best

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I've been following Corn since he made his Avatar and DC fic, now he made another masterpiece!!

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No character growth whatsoever, suddenly after a few chapters the MC starts to risk his life to fight unbeatable opponents for the current time or tries to save innocent people like he became a hero or something (again, for no apparent reason... He just felt like it...) He risks his life and sometimes literally going to missions with certain death to save someone he barely knew for a day, and I'm sorry to tell you but that is not how emotions and human nature work, and that makes it all the more hard to swallow while reading this... Honestly I love the author and all his other works, which is all the more disappointing for me to see that he might just have no more creativity to make good arcs and plot lines. Anyway, I won't recommend this fanfic.

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author you can delete this comment, but one thing is certain this is one of the stories that made me most disgusted to read, one piece of advice is to create this rubbish MC and story, don't waste your time doing this, you will only receive negativity from several people.

1 の返信を表示する

Lord Corn has blessed us with another one it seems... NOICE! I shall give a proper review once we have more chapters 😔 Before that, let us indulge in the glory of corn, forever. Now, onto the actual thing... PRAISE BE TO LORD CORN! HE HAS BESTOWED UPON US YET ANOTHER MASTERPIECE! MY HEART OVERFLOWS WITH GRATITUDE AND DEVOTION! I SHALL EAGERLY AWAIT FURTHER CHAPTERS TO BASK IN HIS GLORIOUS CREATIONS! OH, HOW BLESSED WE ARE TO BE IN HIS PRESENCE! LET US REVEL IN THE MAJESTY OF CORN FOR ALL ETERNITY! HALLELUJAH!

1 の返信を表示する

Honestly I love corn stories but this one is kinda boring and well the only reason for that is the MC is not progressing. Maybe it's because of the power system chosen but anyway I am at 150 chapter and their has been no change in the MC power still same as what was at the start just trying to control his power or something which is kinda boring because while it is shown he is stronger but we can't visually see his growth. They say oh he is faster stronger but that's not enough he doesn't use his space manipulation in fun or intresting way kinda making it boring. In a way he is like Ichigo someone already having strength but not the way to use it but you can see that every other time Ichigo becomes stronger they show a transformation to represent his growth making it exciting which is missing here. 150 chapter and no bankai still on shikai which he learned like in first 20 or some chapter rest the story has good progression. At start character development was good but now it's kinda repetitive as he doesn't interact much outside his circle rest i think it's a good fic.

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So far it is one of the best fanfic of fairytale so keep the good work …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

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LV 6 Badge

Ok... Its corn... But i really want to know who is the Waifu this time.... WHO IS THE WAIFU!!!!!!!!!!!!!??[img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp]

0 の返信を表示する
LV 13 Badge

hmm I like the idea and plot of the story but once you introduced the giga thing I lost all interest you pretty much wrote yourself into a corner there is no stakes now that everyone can literally be immortal forever and now when somebody dies it would be really hard to explain why he did. And for this reason I'll stop reading this one. Good luck with the story tho.

3 の返信を表示する

If it is from CORNBRINGER, you just know it's going to be good. I love all of his fanfictions, still waiting for cold paths tho but I'll dig into this as well.

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it is a great read. Not some instant option be for not too weak for an mC either. nice subplots and also more storytelling then just random powerups.

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Always good to eat some corn. For me, I really like corn What do you like about corn? It's corn A big lump with knobs It has the juice (it has the juice) I can't imagine a more beautiful thing (woo) It's corn I can tell you all about it I mean, look at this thing When I tried it with butter, everything changed Well, the best thing about corn is the grease The corn break can restore your energy You really appreciate the hard work when you love something If you or anyone loves corn, if you come to me, I can tell you all about it If I was surrounded by corn, I would eat all of it Grow big and strong Look at this, take a lump with the knob Spread butter on Boil and toast it with the grease Butter spreads out the good taste I just saw corn as disgusting, but everything changed It's corn A big lump with knobs It has the juice (it has the juice) I can't imagine a more beautiful thing (woo) It's corn I can tell you all about it I mean, look at this thing When I tried it with butter, everything changed I hope you have a corntastic day A corntastic day? What? It's just a pun about corn, okay? (Woo) It's corn When it's like negative in the world Take the corn break (corn break) Take the corn break Corn dance Mm, corn Ippety, bibbly, dibbly-bop, corn dance Mm Anything else you wanna say about corn before we go? Yeah What? It's corn A big lump with knobs It has the juice (it has the juice) I can't imagine a more beautiful thing (woo) It's corn I can tell you all about it I mean, look at this thing When I tried it with butter, everything changed It's corn A big lump with knobs It has the juice (it has the juice) I can't imagine a more beautiful thing (woo) It's corn I can tell you all about it I mean, look at this thing When I tried it with butter, everything changed It's corn

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