/ Fantasy / A Demon's Ascent

A Demon's Ascent オリジナル

A Demon's Ascent

Fantasy 70 章 1.1M ビュー
作者: DemonicAscent

4.88 (28 レビュー結果)

詳細 目次


Why me?

What the hell did I ever do to deserve this pain? What the hell did I do to have my heart ripped from my chest, to be stomped on over and over again? Why does the filth of this world deserve to breathe the same air as me?

I focused on myself, kept to myself, and always tried to succeed no matter the odds. I blew through school with the best grades. I killed myself every day to be someone who matters. What do I get for it? I die a horrible death only to watch my sister be tortured right before my eyes.

I'd do anything to change that night. What do I matter? I never felt a day of light in this cruel world, but why did she have to experience that? The light of my world snuffed out in a second.

I've been given the chance to change the past. Who cares how. I'd do anything to make things right. A deal with the devil was the easiest choice I ever made.

I'll reincarnate however many times it takes as long as he holds up his end of the bargain. I'm going to lay waste to this world and unleash the hell's wrath upon all who get in my way. Not a soul will stop me. The sheep of the world just follow the status quo. Time for that to change.

The end times are coming and it's me.

My name is Conrad Stein and I'm gonna conquer this world. No matter the cost.


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[Credit to the artist. Not my own.]
[Story currently on a temporary hiatus]

Parents Strongly Cautioned
  1. Alexanderctn
    Alexanderctn 貢献した 11255
  2. EventHorizons
    EventHorizons 貢献した 6846
  3. DemonicAscent
    DemonicAscent 貢献した 6751


ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット




    • 翻訳品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景



    Your friendly author here! Hopefully you all enjoy my work! The following will be a description of me as an author and my hopes for the serial! 1. What is ADA? A Demon's Ascent is a system-reincarnation blend that is meant to bring out the dark realism of the real world. It is about bland relationships becoming something meaningful and truly blossoming. While treading on the thin threads of life and death. Always having the possibility of being ripped away. And what this means for someone new to these things we call emotions. 2. Who is the MC? Conrad stein is a near emotionless individual blessed with the task of bringing destruction upon another world. In the beginning he starts with nothing and by the end he ascend to a place only the strongest reside. Determined, logical, merciless, and at the will of the world. Day in and day out he fights for his right to humanity. 3. Mistakes! Please comment any mistakes you see in the comment section and I'll work my hardest to correct them! Can't have bad grammar screwing up your immersion! 4. Author! Feel free to speak to me in the comments. I check every single comment and really work to enjoy this story with you! Thank you for your support! Your friendly Demon.

    17 の返信を表示する

    (Author sticker my review 😭) This is awesome! I do not know how to express my POV in this book. I lack the grammars to use that will express my feelings for this book. This is just a new novel and it's so good? I can't believe it. To tell you the truth, this book has been in my library since last month, the last time I thought of opening it, something changed my mind about it and I almost ended up removing it from my library if not for one thing. Today I kept seeing the book so many places and something told me to open it. And when I did, I could not contain my happiness for not missing out on this great book. Author this is great, Your MC is just cool...grammar is okay! What else can I say? this is the best reincarnation book so far and I'm looking forward to a bright future for your book.🌹🌹

    1 の返信を表示する

    Seeing the other reviews on this book made me excited to read this... and it didn't disappoint! I'm sure that with Ascent's regular writing schedule, this book will be on the top of the leaderboards soon. Aight, so as of chapter 36, here's what I think, without spoiling the book: Plot: Great so far. I'm really looking forward to see how this one is going to turn out. Will Conrad go through with his original plans, or will his experiences in this new life sway him off of the path of destruction? What conflicts will affect his future? Characters: So far the characters are great, I can't wait to learn more about them. Ascent isn't just developing the main character, I can see him setting up intricate backstories for side characters as well. Worldbuilding: We don't know a ton about the world Conrad is residing in yet, and his rate of learning new things about this new world feels natural. There is no big info dump or tiresome explanation. Overall review: 9/10 The only book I've ever rated as a 10 is Lord of Mysteries, and this one isn't yet long enough to compare it to that masterpiece. However, if Ascent keeps up the great writing and publication rate, I think that this book could end up in my list of top 5 books. Keep up the good work!

    0 の返信を表示する

    Love these genres type book, magic, and horror it was like a fantasy, go-ahead author keep writing [img=recommend][img=update][img=update][img=recommend]

    0 の返信を表示する
    LV 12 Badge

    so to start off the book is good, I won't be overdramatic like a lot of these reviews but I like the book well enough. the story keeps your attention and there's never a dull moment, the only part I don't really like is the Layla character, she just seems like the type of character that likes the MC and cant leave him alone and won't be independent is going to be her character trait. just by readying there interactions. I stopped reading as soon as the chapters stop becoming free, I like the book but not to the point I wanna spend cash on it. so the stuff abt the Layla character might change as you read, this is just how I see it rn.

    0 の返信を表示する

    I find it hard to understand how the story can have 4.9 stars. I haven't read anything innovative, very funny or very cool, in addition to being very childish in the beginning of the story and the cliché of the child who beats adults to protect a girl...

    3 の返信を表示する

    great story overall I really like the writing style but pls author don't kill off the MC's family for character development use any way other than that pls

    0 の返信を表示する

    ok Arthur everything about this story Is captivating good character's but one thing I don't like is the plot once I saw the thugs I knew that it was gonna be one of those mc saves girl goes to magic school beats everyone and when he is supposed to be a villain becomes a hero I'll still read tho but make the plot harder to guess good story so far tho

    1 の返信を表示する

    Wow~ That was a dark start~ I really like the use of fonts in this novel, it really brings out the dialogue and makes me imagine how they say it. A great read! Looking forward to more~

    1 の返信を表示する

    Nice story but bro ngl u ruined my life with the pay to read chapters 😪 àaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    1 の返信を表示する
    LV 11 Badge

    I have read 14 chapters so far, and haven't seen many grammar mistakes (although I'm not a native speaker) the only thing that hurt me was the random info drop in the middle of the chapter by the "Author Note" in my opinion it would have been better if this information was presented during the story, it threw me out of the immersion, but other than that it's a great stuff to read although I'm a little worried about the little sister, I really hope she won't be the typical "sick little sister who needs the MC's help" - Anyway I recommend it to everyone who likes dark vibe and isekai

    0 の返信を表示する

    There are only a few chapters right now, but they are great. The characters are likeable and mostly relatable. There are moments where I obviously can't connect with the MC, but that's to be expected considering his past. Let's just hope he will be able to leave his past life behind and start a new one with friends and family. (Author please don't crush my hopes lol) Can't really say much more because of the low number of chapters right now, but I have high expectations. This novel will definitely stay in my library. Give it a read, it's worth it.

    1 の返信を表示する

    A strong start with solid progression. The story really hooks the reader on an emotion level. Seems very promising, I urge you guys to read, you won't be disappointed. This is going on the top of my reading list. [img=recommend][img=update]

    0 の返信を表示する

    I'm loving this novel so far and really looking forward to the future. I see tons of possibilities for Iris and Lucian. I'm excited to see how him choosing happiness will pan out.

    0 の返信を表示する

    Review as of chapter 31. The book is really good so far but there are a few small grammatical but they don’t break the immersion too much. The updating stability is amazing, at least 2 chapters a day and the chapters are also a good length. Overall it is a very good book.

    0 の返信を表示する

    I really like the story so far I can’t wait for more chapters. 😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑

    1 の返信を表示する

    An excellent start. Because the grammar is excellent with no mistakes whatsoever, the story flows pretty smoothly. The plot line is clear and shows a proper direction. It has been a while I enjoyed such a great story. Looking forward to see how it will go in the future updates.

    0 の返信を表示する

    A good storyline, the characters are fascinating to an extent that grabs the readers attention. A beautiful picture is created through these words. Overall a nice novel.

    0 の返信を表示する

    The life that MC has led till now and how the only person he treasured is ***** tore my heart. The novel has a lot of promise with a strong storyline. Best of luck for the future, author!

    0 の返信を表示する

    This is one of the best isekai on webnovel! Gives me Jensen Ackles from supernatural vibes! The unique mix of demon and isekai and backstory makes this hard to beat!

    0 の返信を表示する

    作者 DemonicAscent