

male LV 13

I'm an American amateur writer, and college student majoring in business. I love Japanese light-novels, manga, and world history. If you pay close attention you may see references!

2019-12-23 入りました United States
バッジ 13

Moments 87
2 years ago
Replied to Danikaze

Keep your head up for “Rift Wars” it should be out during April. And, thank you for enjoying it. I loved writing this story and I’m glad there’re people who can appreciate it.

2 years ago
Replied to AdriftInTheVoid

I burned myself out and lost a sense of direction for the story. I think I read into too many of my negatives comments as well and it made me doubt my writing. I’m very busy with college right now as well, so it’s been tough. But I haven’t quit writing. I’m working on a WSA Entry right now. If enough people speak out I may pick this story up again.

2 years ago
Replied to Chaossin

No, his actions thus far have only been something that a normal human being would respond with, confounded by logical reasoning. If you delve deeper then you will see him delve into his true antihero nature. None of the events so far would make sense for him to be neutral. They have all been one side or the other. He is neither a villain nor a hero and that is what an antihero is.

2 years ago
Replied to JSKOPOP

Don't worry, it's just a developing factor.

2 years ago
Replied to DarkX24

Nothings settled and there’s more options. Its still early on.

She moves closer to Lucian, wrapping her arms around his and laying her head on his shoulder.

A Demon's Ascent

A Demon's Ascent

Fantasy · DemonicAscent

2 years ago
Replied to FTLnovaKid

Non-Spoiler: There’s always moral conflicts in life and perspectives are always changing. Though, Lucian is hardheaded ;)

2 years ago
Replied to llama_gaming_99

You realize he’s got the strength of a child right? Also swords are not balanced on the hilt it’s higher than that for the average sword. Its not about overall weight it’ the distribution that makes them heavy. (I’ll just ask you this. Have you ever held a sword? Because I have held several, and it’ too much for a child.)

"Shit! I knew it would be heavy, but I didn't think I would be this weak!'

A Demon's Ascent

A Demon's Ascent

Fantasy · DemonicAscent

2 years ago
Replied to TurtleOfRainbow

She’ll be 6 turning 7 later in the year.

(Author's Note: Talia was born Octus 8, 893)

A Demon's Ascent

A Demon's Ascent

Fantasy · DemonicAscent

2 years ago
Replied to

Thank your for pointing that out. My math was off.

(Author's Note: Talia was born Octus 8, 893)

A Demon's Ascent

A Demon's Ascent

Fantasy · DemonicAscent

2 years ago
Replied to TurtleOfRainbow

He does. It’s more of an “I have points in magic, why can’t I control it.”

'My strength and Dexterity have naturally increased at a pretty quick rate, though they're now plateauing. I haven't gained a stat point in the past two months. Maybe this is the limit of my body right now. I need to find a solution to increasing my other stats. I still haven't found a way to increase three of my stats. I would think Constitution is increased by endurance training, but there's been no progression even when I run 10 miles a day. I can't help Charisma since I only talk to people when I'm out with Layla or customers. For magic, I will have to wait until I start my mentorship. I can barely crackle a bolt of lightning in my hand, but that night I was able to cover my entire body without a thought. Maybe the Marquis will be able to tell me why. Now there's just perception, and that's a goddamn mystery.'

A Demon's Ascent

A Demon's Ascent

Fantasy · DemonicAscent

  • A Demon's Ascent original

    A Demon's Ascent



    Why me? What the hell did I ever do to deserve this pain? What the hell did I do to have my heart ripped from my chest, to be stomped on over and over again? Why does the filth of this world deserve to breathe the same air as me? I focused on myself, kept to myself, and always tried to succeed no matter the odds. I blew through school with the best grades. I killed myself every day to be someone who matters. What do I get for it? I die a horrible death only to watch my sister be tortured right before my eyes. I'd do anything to change that night. What do I matter? I never felt a day of light in this cruel world, but why did she have to experience that? The light of my world snuffed out in a second. I've been given the chance to change the past. Who cares how. I'd do anything to make things right. A deal with the devil was the easiest choice I ever made. I'll reincarnate however many times it takes as long as he holds up his end of the bargain. I'm going to lay waste to this world and unleash the hell's wrath upon all who get in my way. Not a soul will stop me. The sheep of the world just follow the status quo. Time for that to change. The end times are coming and it's me. My name is Conrad Stein and I'm gonna conquer this world. No matter the cost. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Please Join the Discord for novel related art and announcements! Discord: [Credit to the artist. Not my own.] [Story currently on a temporary hiatus]

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