Webnovel Author: The_Olympians_Rule - Fanfic Collection



male LV 14

Let me know what you think of my stories and what you’d like to see in the future. Check out my pa tre on, same as my name. Nothing extra included. Just show some love.

2019-12-16 Bergabung United States

Lencana 7

Moments 45

Replied to shirou_sureiya

He’s an officer. You need someone to be reasonable, or else it’s just the blind leading the blind 😂

"I only read a few comics and I'm pretty sure Wolverine isn't even that strong… I'm fucked, aren't I?... Though at least I'm biologically immortal… I think," I say out loud again almost trying to convince myself this isn't real. 

Wolverine in The Boys

Wolverine in The Boys

TV · Anomander_Adaar



(A/N: Comment if I should do an R-18, not really use to doing them, but I can try if you want it.)

Twilight: Really! I Didn't Ask For This!

Twilight: Really! I Didn't Ask For This!

Movies · Flaming_Lines


Never heard of these domains/abilities of Hades. Are these actual domains or something you add? And if so where did you read about them?

God of Forbidden Knowledge: Being the Deity responsible for holding forbidden knowledge, Hades is seen as a holder of both helpful and destructive expertise. Hades is known for using the allure of forbidden knowledge to lure people into servitude. Is Not only knowledge like lost magics and rituals part of Hade's domain but also any secrets or plots that may be occurring; this has led to Hades being prayed to by rulers and politicians in hopes of uncovering plots. Hades' domain over forbidden knowledge has led him to be considered one of the wisest of the Gods and often seen as the Patron of Secrets.

Reborn as Hades In PJO

Reborn as Hades In PJO

Book&Literature · TheGreekMythosGuru



I walked with My rifle in it's sling and a dagger in hand to find some food once I was done looting the armory for weapons and clothes.

Evil Degenerate Reborn in The Walking Dead

Evil Degenerate Reborn in The Walking Dead


Replied to Ilikefords44445555

Is this from a game?

Replied to Ilikefords44445555

Is this supposed to be the legionaries?


There is a thing as too much description.

"Rargh", groaning incomprehensible sounds, he fell to his knees while staring vacantly at the trees. Trying to push himself forward in hopes of reaching the singing tree but try as he may, he couldn't exert as small a force to tilt his head in its direction. With every struggle, the sounds grew dimmer until the forest was bathed in a downpour of silence - total silence. A silence so heavy that even the insects sang in its muted melody leaving only the beating of a heart to echo through the forest as the owner fell into slumber.



TV · Draul_TheOminous


I should have predicted you would have come ☝️🤓

"Robin? The boy wonder? I should have predicted that you would come," said Jordan.

The New Titans: A Teen Titans Story

The New Titans: A Teen Titans Story

TV · sergeantmeat69


No one talks like this. Especially not kids? TF 🤨

"There's no need to bully us, Ryder. We want to get our education as well," said Darius.

The New Titans: A Teen Titans Story

The New Titans: A Teen Titans Story

TV · sergeantmeat69

Replied to HaremGodZ

Wow, good come back.

Buku ini telah dihapus.

Why does uncle Ben always have to die 😢

She looked at him tearfully "It's your Uncle, he was in an accident at work, he's in the hospital now... I don't know if he'll make it" she said before breaking down and sobbing once again.

Being Spider-Man is a Sacrifice || Marvel x MCU Fic

Being Spider-Man is a Sacrifice || Marvel x MCU Fic

Anime & Comics · TheManUnderTheBed

Replied to IMPAiLER


'And Sansa is here with me, Sansa, Fathers favourite princess the mini Lady Stark and now she's here with me in a place I don't know.

Lost in Sothoryos | A Game of Thrones fanfic

Lost in Sothoryos | A Game of Thrones fanfic

Book&Literature · TheManUnderTheBed


That’s the third Valyrian sword he just gave away. Swords so expensive they could be traded for armies. And your MC is using two normal steel katanas, that aren’t going to do anything against real armor. Rest of the story has been really good so this part really annoys me. Stop being a weeb and use the strongest sword type there is. Harry is from magical Britain why he wants to use a katana any way I have no clue. He’s used the Gryfindor sword before, he should be familiar with long swords.

Aryan had gifted the Valyrian steel sword to Wylis Manderly, who was even now admiring the new sword of House Manderly. He gave Roose the money they had received for their surrender by Lord Harlaw. Soon they were near Pyke and saw that the ships surrounding Pyke were the Manderly fleet and the Royal fleet, the latter's presence surprised him. They were ahead of schedule. Stannis must be given more credit than due for achieving that. Soon the Marauder docked and Aryan got down.

Game of Thrones : The Northern Realms

Game of Thrones : The Northern Realms

Book&Literature · ElderKwon


Another wish fulfillment plus anime powers in GoT. Anime and GoT thrones doesn’t mix well, for me at least. And the cherry on top, poor grammar. Which on this cite isn’t surprising.

Buku ini telah dihapus.

Do you know English?

" Charlie is not home... I cant smell his scent. And I cant hear his breathing. Probably he is in the police station . "

Werewolf İn Twilight

Werewolf İn Twilight

Movies · Lazyauthor46



"I don't know. I just felt something pulling me towards the woods, so I snuck out, and when I got there, once the moon hit its peak, I suddenly felt an energy erupt from my stomach and spread throughout my body, bringing excruciating pain. When it was over, I found a ball of energy right below my navel within my body, which I assume to be the magic that you are talking about, Mother." I tell her hoping she misses the lies in my explanation.

Life of Ace Mikaelson (the originals fanfic

Life of Ace Mikaelson (the originals fanfic

TV · LonerZN

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