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Bab 6: Hero?

(A Week Later)

"Okay Parker you can do this, it's not too hard you just jump right? Nothing much to it" Peter said to himself as he was on top of a roof in downtown Queens. The last week he'd been pretty busy, he'd gone back to the warehouse and set himself up a rudimentary lab of sorts with the help of Ned. While he could do it himself Ned was always better at the construction and electronics than he was.

With the money he had taken from the thugs in the alleyway, he'd managed to order himself a bunch of different chemicals though some of the ones he needed were controlled substances so he'd snuck into the school and relieved them of a few bottles, it probably would've went a lot faster if he could've got Gwen's help but he was a chemistry whiz as well so he managed it in the end, after getting stuck to the floor and ceiling multiple times. There was also that time he almost hung Ned... but at least he managed it.

Standing atop the building he had to fight every instinct he had, The sane thing to do when standing on the edge would be to step back and walk back down the stairs, but for the past week Peter had been going through a mad scientist phase so he wasn't exactly sane "Come on Pete you can do this" he said to himself as he edged closer to the building. But he couldn't do it, he couldn't take that final step, he then tried to let himself fall but his feet instinctually locked to the roof.

Peter sighed, and he jumped off the edge back onto the roof "Try again tomorrow" he said to himself as he ran to the fire escape and started climbing down. He took the black hood of his jacket down so he didn't look like a thug and he made his way to Gwen's house, he hadn't seen her much this week and he missed her. Though needless to say he'd have to sneak in, he doubted her parents would appreciate him showing up at this time.

Gwen lived in a rather large apartment building downtown so if he wanted to sneak in he'd have a bit of a climb 'Thank god for New York fire escapes' he thought to himself as he climbed up, though her window was still a couple of metres away from the fire escape so he attached himself to the wall and started to climb 'Shit...' he thought to himself as he looked down to the streets below. He preferred free running to this, as at least when he did that he didn't have time to think about what might happen if he fell.

Peter made it to her window and put his hand on the glass, Sticking his hand to it he lifted it up and carefully climbed inside "AHHHHH" Gwen screamed as she was getting changed into her pyjamas when Peter climbed in. Peter's hood had fallen down when he climbed in so she didn't see who it was "AHHH, OH SHIT!" Peter shouted as her scream made him jump backwards and fall back out the window.

Peter desperately tried to grip onto the side but he just ended up pushing himself further "Oh Fuck! Oh Fuck! Oh Fuck!" He shouted as he fell closer and closer to the ground. He held his hand out and did the only thing he could think of, he shot his web shooter  and it attached itself to the building, holding tightly to the web he was launched into a swing "OOOO SHIT!" he shouted as he swung on the web, at the apex of the swing he had no choice  but to let go of the web and shoot another one attaching it to the opposite building 'This is amazing!' He thought to himself as the fear of falling had dissipated and the adrenaline rush of swinging through the city hit him.

Peter laughed as he swung himself down the street the cold wind rushing through his hair and stinging his cheeks was exhilarating. It wasn't long until he started doing tricks in the air and flipping while swinging, though he soon realised that he had to go back since Gwen probably thought she murdered someone. He shot a web at her building and pulled on it flinging him towards the building, and he landed on the wall directly below her window. He peaked his head into her room and she was on the floor in shock at having just watched someone fall out of her window, though luckily for him she had gotten dressed "Peter!" She shouted as she stood up and ran towards the window.

Peter climbed inside and was immediately tackled by Gwen, though he learned his lesson from last time and he grabbed onto the side of the wall "Gwen! Is everything okay" they both hear her father say as he knocks on the door.

Her eyes widen as she covers Peter's mouth "I'm fine! It was just a spider" she shouts back, Thankfully for the two of them it got rid of her father and they both relaxed "Peter what're you doing here!" She whispered loudly as she held onto him.

Peter smiled at her "I wanted to see you, we haven't spent much time together since you got back from the hospital"  he said as he pulled her closer.

She smiled back and leaned her head on his chest "I'm sorry for almost killing you" she said into his chest.

Peter snorted "It's fine, I'm sure that happens at least once in every relationship"

She removed her head from his chest and looked up at him before going on her toes and pecking him on the lips "I'm glad we got it out the way then...though if you walk in on me getting changed again I might do it again" she said with a look that made Peter shiver a bit.

"Yes Ma'am," he said with a nervous chuckle.

'At least for now' she thought to herself as she dragged Peter over to her bed and they both sat down "How've you been, does your head still hurt" Peter asked as he took a look at the side of her head, he could see some a small section beneath her hair that had stitches and winced slightly, he hated seeing Gwen hurt and slightly berated himself for not being there for her, though in his mind he knew it was an unrealistic expectation.

"I'm not too bad, the pain medication helps, mostly I've just been bored, Dad won't even let me down to the deli," She said with a huff as she lay down on her bed.

"Well I can't say I blame him, You did get a nasty bump on your head, he's probably just scared that you might pass out outside when you're alone," Peter said as he lay down next to her.

Gwen looked at Peter and narrowed her eyes at him before bumping him with her elbow "You know as my boyfriend you're supposed to support me when I complain about things"

Peter smirked "I can't believe how much of a tyrant your dad is being, you're like Rapunzel locked away in your room," he said dramatically making Gwen laugh.

"Was that better?" Peter said as he turned on his side to face her.

Gwen did the same thing and nodded her head "You're getting there" she whispered. They stared into each other's eyes as their faces were barely an inch apart, eventually Gwen closed the distance and they once again started to kiss. Neither of them had been in a relationship before so their inexperience was evident, but with each kiss, they became more confident, Peter couldn't help but pull Gwen close to him and she melted into his arms. When they came out for air they both had blushes on their faces and were breathing heavily "I've loved you for so long," Gwen whispered as she held his hand.

"I think I've loved you for longer" Peter whispered back, his heart was beating fast and it didn't help that his senses had been dialled up to eleven. He could tell she had just showered as his nose was filled with the scent of lavender, it mixed with her natural scent making something completely intoxicating to him.

"Mmmm and when did you realise it" Gwen said with a questioning eyebrow.

"That weekend when we made that model volcano together," Peter said almost immediately.

Gwen raised her eyebrows in surprise "I guess you do have me beat, that was nearly four years ago" his words made her heart flutter and her stomach turn upside down, It made her wish she had said something sooner "It doesn't matter anymore, we are together now" Peter said. He then pulled Gwen on top of him and she curled up on him like a cat. For a while they just lay there enjoying each other's company, it felt like the most natural thing in the world for Peter to have Gwen curled up on top of him, he knew he never wanted to go another day without her again.

Peter then remembered that he'd forgotten to tell her something, though he felt a bit nervous thinking about how she'd react "Hey Gwen, this isn't a big deal or anything but back when I visited you in the hospital after I left I came across MJ being harassed so I stepped in and showed those guys a lesson, then on the way home MJ kissed me" he decided to go with the blunt approach as Gwen was too smart and would tell if he left something out.

Gwen looked up at him moving her head up from his chest "You attacked a bunch of thugs! What's wrong with you? What if they had a gun? Or a knife! You could've been hurt you ass" Gwen shouted at him as she smacked his chest.

"I couldn't just leave MJ to these guys Gwen you should've seen them, messed up does not even begin to describe them" he explained.

"Plus I can handle myself now, I dealt with them easily enough" He continued.

Gwen still had a frown on her face before sighing "I don't care how strong you get I'll still worry about you... ass"

Peter smiled at her and kissed her forehead "To be honest I thought you'd be more pissed that she kissed me"

Gwen snorted "Please, it's hardly surprising I'm pretty sure she had a crush on you as well, and it's not like you're the one who kissed her so I can live with it"

Peter relaxed a bit and let himself slump on the bed with Gwen on top of him "I should probably get going" he said as he looked down at Gwen.

She looked a bit sad but nodded her head in understanding "Sneak in tomorrow?"

"Try and stop me" he replied with a smirk. He got up while lifting Gwen in a bridal carry and he set her back down on the bed.

His eyes then widened "I wanted to show you these as well" he said as he gestured towards his wrist, he shot a web out but quickly grabbed it before it could attach to anything.

"My very own formula," he said smugly as Gwen looked at it wide-eyed.

"That's amazing!" She said as she looked at the web in Peter's hands.

"What's the dissolution rate? What about the tensile strength?" She asked rapidly as she studied the web.

Peter shrugged "I've been having trouble getting a stable dissolution rate, ranging anywhere from 2 minutes to 2 hours, and I haven't tested the tensile strength that much, though I can lift a car with it" he explained.

Gwen's eyes were like stars, she loved biology a lot so when it mixed in with chemistry she couldn't help but get excited, she then looked up at Peter with a glare "You better take me with you next time you work on it!" She said sternly leaving no room for Peter to argue.

"Naturally" he said with a smile as he walked to the window and climbed on the ledge, he felt his heart leap into his mouth again but he knew he could do it "See ya Gwen" he said with a wave before jumping off the edge, he heard Gwen scream slightly at the sight of it, though it was probably more involuntary than anything else.

Peter felt the rushing of air through his hair again as he plummeted down to the streets below, Just before he crashed to the ground he shot a web out and swung through the streets "WOOOOOOOOOO" he flipped in the air as he cast another web.

'This will never get old' he thought to himself as he swung through the city, though he suddenly got goosebumps on his left arm which made him turn. In an alleyway, he saw two men who were dragging a young girl off to the other end where a van waited 'Another one? This city is a lot worse than I thought' he thought to himself as he swung down and landed on the wall above them.

He could hear the girl trying to scream through the hands of the large man but it was all in vain, she looked to be around fourteen and couldn't escape "Shut the Fuck up you stupid cunt, don't make me hurt you! Ol Toomey doesn't like damaged product" he said with a laugh, his friend who was walking behind him laughed in an irritating high pitched voice. Peter unzipped his pockets and took out his mobile he saw that he had a lot of missed calls from Aunt May but he invited it and he called the police and gave them the street name and alleyway 'Guess it's time to test these out' he said to himself before aiming down below and shooting the web at the guy who trailed behind, it hit him at the scruff of his neck and Peter yanked him as hard as he can up in the air, all the man could do was squeak as it happened so fast. His face then quickly met Peter's fist as he knocked him out and then webbed him to a fire escape.

The man who was ahead and dragging the girl to the van heard his friends squeak and turned around, though when he did he saw no one there "Bill!" He shouted as he turned and looked around but no one was there. "Stop fucking around! We got a job to do! You know how he gets if we don't meet the quota!" He shouted as he held the struggling girl in his hands. He let go of the girl but grabbed her by the throat, "If you run I break your legs! Understand me you little bitch!" He said viciously and she quickly nodded her head, tears streaming down her eyes.

He picked up a pipe from the floor and clenched it in his hands "Whoever is there you better come out! You don't wanna fuck with me!" He shouted as he became increasingly uneasy. Peter silently crawled on the wall behind him and dropped onto the ground without a sound, It was only the involuntary gasp from the girl that warned the man of something behind him and he immediately swung his pipe. Peter ducked underneath it and kicked his leg out from underneath him, though he ended up using a bit too much force and snapped his kneecap "AHHHHHHHHHH" the man screamed in pain as he crumbled to the floor dropping the pipe. "YOU FUCK! ILL KILL YOU UGHHH" he shouted as he grunted in pain.

Peter sighed 'Shit, need to control my strength better' he thought to himself as he walked up to the man, his hood was up and that combined with how dark it was covered his face "I'll make sure to visit in jail, you're gonna need some Vaseline after all" Peter said with amusement as he pulled him up by the shirt and uppercut him, knocking him out.

He went through his pockets and found another large wad of cash, he silently cursed as his conscious got the better of him, he knew Aunt May and Uncle Ben wouldn't approve of this. He wanted to help them out desperately but he didn't want to do it in a way they wouldn't be proud of, so he put the money back and stood up and walked over to the girl who was still trembling "Don't worry safe now, police are nearly here" he said to her, she jumped at him hugging him tightly as she started to sob. Peter felt awkward at first but eventually, he put his arm around her and rubbed her back. He did that until he saw the red and blue lights signifying that the police were there, he then grabbed her by the shoulders and gently pushed her off "Gotta go, stay safe" he said to her before jumping up and shooting a web and yanking himself over the building.


Peter couldn't help but feel good about himself as he swung home, he'd done something like an actual hero would, he didn't count MJ cause he knew her and he did end up robbing them after 'Maybe I could do this more often' he thought to himself as he swung on a lamp post before jumping into the street in his backyard.

He thought about trying to sneak in but saw that the lights were still on, so he sighed and decided it would be better to face his punishment now rather than later. He jumped to the ground and walked in through the backdoor into the kitchen "Hey Aunt May I'm-"

He saw that Aunt May was sitting at the kitchen counter with a glass of wine in her hand and a box of tissues next to her "Aunt May? What happened?" He asked as he walked quickly to her side.

She looked at him tearfully "It's your Uncle, he was in an accident at work, he's in the hospital now... I don't know if he'll make it" she said before breaking down and sobbing once again.

(AN: Another chapter done, almost finished the prologue arc which is good cause I hate writing beginnings to a story)

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