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23.4% Game of Thrones : The Northern Realms / Chapter 11: The Battle of Pyke

Bab 11: The Battle of Pyke

Sunset Sea

The Marauder was cruising towards Pyke. The distant towers of the ancient castle were visible to Aryan, also the several ships surrounding it. Though it was too far to identify the ships. He looked back towards his own fleet. He had began the campaign with a hundred ships. While they lost seven till now they had gained a hundred longships, three warships and several cogs. This was not counting the fishing vessels which he had already sent to the Mormonts at the Bear Islands, who were now the main suppliers of fish in the North. They were now going into the final fight – the siege of Pyke. After conquering the Blacktyde, they had proceeded to Orkmont. But Orkmont had a defensive layout unlike the open Blacktyde. Their stealth attack was discovered by a few guards of the Orkwood. Still as most of the soldiers were with Lord Alyn Orkwood, they were able to slaughter them easily. All the women and children were gathered into the castle with the Lady Orkwood. After that Roose Bolton and his men were sent to kill all the men on the island. He also gave Roose whatever was found in the treasury.

After the culling of the Orkmont they next went to Harlaw. But here Aryan realized one thing, unlike the previous two islands Harlaw was better built and defended. It cannot be taken just by small attack. While the other two islands had open docks, the Harlaw was surrounded by jagged rocks on all sides, with the only dock within the range of gate towers. They must have a full scale assault to capture the Ten Towers. At times like these he cursed himself for being unable to apparate without a wand. But thankfully that was not required. He smiled at the memory.


Harlaw, Iron Islands

The towers of the castle Ten Towers were standing high with the stormy clouds surrounding them, but only four of them looked to be in a good shape. Aryan was having a meeting with his commanders on how to take over the island. After many discussions they all had agreed that they would need to mount a full scale attack to capture Harlaw. They were interrupted by the captain of Marauder, a man named Myrio Florel. The man was a good an experienced sailor and was recommended to Aryan by the Sealord of Bravos. The Florels were very connected family in Bravos, with Syrio Florel the first sword of Bravos and another Phario Florel a famous playright in Bravos.

"My lord, we have a single ship incoming with white sails." he said.

They all looked at each other.

Roose Bolton said, " They must be here to parlay. The lord of this island is Lord Rodrick Harlaw. Some call him the Reader. Unlike the other squids this one is a reasonable one."

As the warship Sea Song approached the Marauder, Aryan saw that the ship only had a skeleton crew. A man with greying hairs stepped on to the deck of the Marauder. He raised his hands and said, "I am Rodrick Harlaw, the Lord of the Iron Islands. With whom I am talking to? "

Aryan said, ''That would be me Lord Harlaw."

The man looked surprised, "Pardon, who are you?"

It was Smalljon who answered, "You are in the presence of Lord Aryan Stark, Warden and Lord Paramount of the North."

'Too many titles again,' Aryan thought 'but these are were well earned unlike the boy-who-lived in the previous world.'

Rodrick Harlaw said, "I apologise. You are very tall for your age. You are now the most infamous and feared person in the islands."

Aryan said, "Is that so. What do they say?"

"People are calling you the Bloody Wolf of the North." Rodrick told him.

'At least now I have a fearsome title' Aryan mused, then asked the Lord of Harlaw, "That all sounds interesting. Why are you here, my lord?"

"To offer my terms of surrender." Rodrick said.

Aryan looked surprised. He could see the same expression reflected in others faces. Roose's face was expressionless as usual.

"Lets take this to my room, Lord Harlaw. Uncle come with me. Lord Bolton keep an eye on the Sea Song to avoid any surprises," Aryan gave orders and went down below the deck, with the others following him.

As he was leading them to his room, he heard the familiar scream of Rodrick Greyjoy. Hearing that Lord Harlaw stopped and asked with surprise, "Is that Prince Rodrick Greyjoy?"

Benjen replied to him, "Yes Lord Harlaw. That is Rodrick Greyjoy. He attacked the North and tried to take something which is precious to our family. So he is paying the iron price now. He will pay more in the coming days."

Benjen said, "You seem to be very familiar with him Lord Harlaw."

Rodrick replied solemnly, "Yes. Yes he is nephew. He is my sister Alannys's son with Balon. She named him after me."

By then they had entered Aryan's room. After taking their seats Aryan said pointedly, "Its a pity he didn't get your brains like your name. Let me get this straight Rodrick Greyjoy is not going to be in any part of our negotiations. Are we clear on that Lord Harlaw."

The man reluctantly agreed.

Benjen then asked, "So what were your terms of surrender Lord Harlaw."

"Only one thing Lord Stark, you will not harm me, my family or my people. Also we will keep our lands and titles." Rodrick said looking at Aryan.

"Hmm. Just like that? I am not feeling very merciful against the ironborn Lord Harlaw. Why should I accept your terms." Aryan told him laughing.

Rodrick said, "If you attack it will take time and men to breach the gates. Besides look at the weather. A storm is coming. Even ironborns are not stupid enough to carry out attacks in the storms."

Aryan considered what Rodrick said. While it was true that a storm was coming, unlike the other ironborn he met, Rodrick Harlaw seemed more intelligent.

Seeing the apprehension in Aryan's eyes Rodrick told him, "You know I never supported Balon's plans. I knew it was foolish and tried to reason with him. But the his brothers and his more zealous supporters encouraged him to do it. You will see that I did not provide him my men. As he is my liege lord and good brother I had to give him my ships. You will also find that there are no thralls or saltwives in Harlaw."

Aryan said, "Very well, Lord Harlaw, we will see about your claims. If they are true then perhaps we can come to an agreement."

Rodrick agreed. Aryan then sent Roose Bolton to the Harlaw island, while keeping Rodrick Harlaw in the Marauder. After a few hours Roose Bolton returned and confirmed that Rodrick Harlaw's claims were true. So Aryan formally accepted Rodrick's surrender. He had half a mind to take the House Harlaw's ancestral blade Nightfall, but then decided not to. The gates of the Ten Towers were then opened and the Northern army entered it and secured the castle. And what Rodrick Harlaw predicted, happened. A razing storm began to blow. He heard Wyllis Manderly saying, "No one knows the sea better than the Ironmen." And Aryan agreed with him.

The next day Aryan and Rodrick were seated at the private room of Lord Harlaw. Aryan had to come to realise that Rodrick Harlaw was a learned man, who could give even the master a run for their money. His library was very large, though not even half of that of Winterfell. But he was familiar with all his books.

Aryan said, "Perhaps we should ask the king to make you the Lord Paramount of these islands Lord Harlaw."

With a faint smile Rodrick replied, "You are too kind Lord Stark. But it will be rather difficult. The ironborn always follow the Old Way. Then will not follow a pacifist like me. Also even if the King makes me the new Lord Paramount, nobody cares about us. The rest of Westeros will ignore us like always. That is why Balon Greyjoy's campaign had so many supporters."

Aryan was impressed by Rodrick's reasoning. What he said was true. The ironborn like the North had virtually no say in the affairs of Westeros. Though he had changed that in case of the North, the same could not be said about the Ironborn.

After taking most of the Harlaw's fleet and fishing vessels they had then set out to the Pyke. The storm had subsided by then. The day he was leaving Rodrick came to him and presented him a sword. Aryan unsheathed it, the smoky grey colour of a Valyrian long sword. Rodrick told him, "I saw you eyeing my ancestral sword. Unfortunately I cannot part with it. But this was taken my one of my ancestors from Essos while raiding. I am gifting it to you for your kindness towards us, even when you decided to kill all the ironborn."

Aryan told him, "Unlike the other idiots I have met you are intelligent and reasonable. You didn't have to give this sword. But I accept this gift. I will make sure that your sister and her younger children live."

Rodrick nodded gratefully. And the northerners now set course to the Pyke.

(Flashback ends)

Aryan had gifted the Valyrian steel sword to Wylis Manderly, who was even now admiring the new sword of House Manderly. He gave Roose the money they had received for their surrender by Lord Harlaw. Soon they were near Pyke and saw that the ships surrounding Pyke were the Manderly fleet and the Royal fleet, the latter's presence surprised him. They were ahead of schedule. Stannis must be given more credit than due for achieving that. Soon the Marauder docked and Aryan got down.

"So the Bloody Wolf has finally graced us with hi presence." a voice called out.

Aryan looked at source of the voice. A golden haired man with golden armour and white cloak of the kinsguard was standing in front of them ahead of few Lannister soldiers. Jaime Lannister looked rather radiant shining in all that golden colour.

With a smirk Aryan asked, "You must be the Kingslayer. Were you sent to welcome us?"

Jaime's eye twitched. He said, "You know most people call me Ser Jaime Lannister."

Aryan smiled and said, "Is that so and most people call me Lord Stark."

Jamie the laughed at that and said, "I like you Lord Stark. At least you are not boring and have a sense of humor unlike your uncle Eddard Stark. Since you have taken your Lordship, you are the main subject of the Small Council meetings."

"I have not yet taken my Lordship. Uncle Eddard is the Regent of North." Aryan replied.

Jaime smirked and said, "That may be so but it is you who call the shots."

They then started to walk towards the King's tent. On the way Aryan saw that the soldiers were building siege engines to breach the gates of Pyke and to bring down the curtain walls surrounding the castle.

Aryan asked Jaime, "How did Lord Stannis manage to come this soon. I thought, he would be fighting the rest of the iron fleet."

Jaime replied, "Not only you Lord Stark, everyone else thought that too. But Stannis has surprised everyone. He drove those squids in the Reach with the help of the Redwyne fleet, then smashed the main iron fleet under Victarion Greyjoy near the Fair Island. Since you have already taken Blacktyde, Orkmont and Harlaw, His Grace has sent the rest of the army to conquer the other islands. Though I would like to warn you that the Lord Hand Jon Arryn is extremely displeased at your actions in Blacktyde and Orkmont. Though I would like to ask you, why didn't you do the same in Harlaw?"

"Let's say that Lord Rodrick Harlaw is more intelligent and reasonable than the other idiots, I have met. And thank you for your warning." Aryan told him.

They then went to the King's tent. Aryan went in while Jaime stayed outside. The King Robert Baratheon, the Hand Jon Arryn, his Uncle Eddard and few other Lords who he didn't know were in a meeting. Well, more like the other lords while Robert was more occupied by his drink. It was Robert who noticed him first. He called out to Eddard and said, "Ned, look it is your nephew, the Bloody Wolf."

At once everyone's attention was on him. His uncle came forward and hugged him and asked, "Nephew, how are you."

"I am fine Uncle." he answered with a smile. Then Aryan bowed and greeted Robert, "Your Grace, Blacktyde, Orkmont and Harlaw are yours."

Robert grinned and said, "Ahh, look at you. You have all grown up. You look pretty tall for your age. Last time I saw you were just a little boy. So how your first war?"

"While I cannot say I like war, but it was an new experience, Your Grace." Aryan replied.

"Was it so interesting that you decided to kill all the ironborn when you conquered the islands? How could you kill all them? You cannot kill the people of a whole kingdom to fulfil your revenge." It was Jon Arryn who said that.

Aryan turned toward him, "With due respect Lord Hand, I fail to see where the problem is and what revenge are you talking about. They attacked and kill my people, and so I retaliated in kind. I am doing what every Lord should?"

"Killing the smallfolk of the iron islands in your retaliation, is not honourable. Perhaps Hoster Tully was right, you are not fit to become the Warden of North." Jon Arryn said.

At that both Aryan and Ned's face narrowed. Aryan could not without a wand look into deep memories and again cursed himself. 'What did Hoster do? Things are happening in the kingdoms that concerns me. I need to know. I must have a wand as early as possible.' he thought.

He narrowed his eyes and asked with anger and shocked everyone in the room, "That upstart andal cunt tried to do what !?"

Jon Arryn and a few other lords tried were about to argue but were interrupted by Robert who said, "Oh stop it Jon. He is learning. Aryan was doing what should be done. Now why don't you tell about your campaign?"

Everyone understood Robert was trying for a peace settlement. So Aryan nodded to Robert and started to tell about his campaign from leaving the North till reaching the Pyke. Robert was impressed by him. But unsurprisingly Jon condemned him. He started again saying about second chances and mercy. Aryan was suddenly reminded of Dumbledore. Aryan ignored Jon completely after telling him sarcastically that his opinion is highly valued, Jon became even angrier at him for that.

Robert said, "I am bloody bored. We have been sitting here for three days building those damn toys instead of killing the squids, while Aryan had all the fun."

"Have patience for a few more days Robert. We have to wait till they had built enough siege engines and scorpions to breach the castle." Jon advised.

Aryan thought for a moment then said, "If Your Grace manages to assemble the army I will give you my word that we will break the wall by the evening."

Everyone gaped at him. Robert asked, "What? Really. What are you going to do?"

"I would like to let it remain a surprise Your Grace." Aryan told him with a smile.

Jon said, "Don't be so hasty Robert. You cannot just go by a boy's foolish ramblings."

Aryan told him, "Lord Hand, I won't make many claims. My results speak for myself. So if His Grace gives his permission, I could proceed to implement my plan." Aryan also sent a mental nudge to the drunk Robert.

And Robert got up and ordered, "Ready the men. We will go by Lord Stark's plan. And somebody get me my armor." Then looking at Aryan he said, "And you it better work. I don't want to have Jon telling me for the rest of my life 'I told you so'."

Aryan smiled and said, "Don't worry Your Grace. It will be a smashing plan." Then he got up followed by his uncle.

Right now Aryan was standing at outside Rodrick Greyjoy's cell. Sound of flesh hitting flesh could be heard. His uncle Eddard was unleashing all his pent up rage which Aryan had fueled while they were walking towards the Marauder. Eddard was punching Rodrick repeatedly saying, "You wanted my Cat as your salt wife, didn't you? Take this?" and punched him again.

So many days of torture, especially by the hands of Roose Bolton, had changed Greyjoy heir. The once arrogant man was begging for the mercy of death. After some time Eddard came out of the cell with a satisfied smile and thanked Aryan. They went to the deck and Aryan called for the captain. When Myrio came Aryan asked him, "Captain bring out the package?"

Myrio looked at him, "Are you sure my lord? You are going to use it now?"

"Yes. The King is waiting for me." Aryan replied.

Most of the Northern lords were on the deck of the ship. Benjen asked, "Package? What is it nephew?"

"You will find out soon uncle. And Smalljon bring Rodrick too with us." Aryan said and started to walk towards the castle Pyke.

The Northern soldiers had already set up a trebuchet at a great distance away from the gates of the castle. His men brought Rodrick Greyjoy and six big barrels carefully. On his instructions the men set the bound Rodrick Greyjoy into the trebuchet who started again to beg when he realized his fate.

The King and the other lords and the whole army were looking at the proceedings curiously. Aryan called out to Robert, "Have you ever seen a squid fly your Grace?"

Robert shouted back, "No. Show me."

Aryan smiled and released the lever, and a screaming Rodrick Greyjoy flew up, above and then into the castle walls. There was a silence from the Pyke. To nobody's surprise, there was no response from the Greyjoys. 'Well, time for plan B' Aryan decided.

His men then catapulted the barrels one by one till all ten of them splashed over the wooden gates as well as the, nearby walls. A green luminous liquid now coated the gate and the wall. Aryan saw Jaime Lannister's eyes widen in shock.

His men brought him a bow and a burning arrow. 'Fire in the hole,' Aryan thought and released the the lit arrow. A silence followed as the arrow neared its destination.

And then the world in front of him was set ablaze in a green light, followed by a deafening sound.

"Holy shit, what the hell is that," he heard Robert Baratheon exclaiming behind him.

"Wildfire Your Grace." Jaime Lannister explained.

While explaining about the alchemy in this world Marwin had told him about the Wildfire. On Aryan's suggestion Marwin using his contacts had arranged for some pyromancers to come to Winterfell. Even though the order of pyromancers was decaying in Kingslanding without the support of the Targaryens, most of them refused.

Still Marwin was able to convince a few Pyromancers to come to Winterfell, convincing them they will be allowed to research more alchemy there. Aryan had sent a ship to Kingslanding when the Pyromancers agreed to bring some Wildfire with them. They had arrived when Aryan was at Moat Cailin so he sent the Pyromancers to Winterfell along with half the Wildfire cache. The rest he brought with him to get an edge when faced with a fortified defence. Thankfully his campaign was relatively easier till now. But wanted to test the substance and now that he got a chance he immediatedly seized it. Jon Arryn was proving to be a problem. While Aryan did not have any thing against him, Jon contradicting everything he said bothered him. Jon Arryn was behaving like a politician. Jon preferred a diplomatic approach while Aryan preferred a direct approach. While diplomatic approach is necessary to prevent unnecessary bloodshed, here in case of ironborn nothing could be achieved using diplomacy. History has showed that the ironborn will repeat their actions again and again. That was why Aryan was killing them all to avoid any surprise in future. But Stannis's unexpected victory had changed it. Now others were dealing with the remaining islands and he was sure that nobody except maybe Tywin Lannister would be as ruthless as him.

As the fire slowly subsided. The Wildfire had done its job excellently. There was large gap where the gates of the Pyke once stood and the way was devoid of any ironborn. Aryan then looked at Robert and said, "Your Grace I have fulfilled my promise."

Robert looked at him surprised at what had happened. The other lords and men around the king also mirrored the Kings surprise. Aryan's this act has announced the arrival of a new player into the Game of Thrones. Robert then nodded at him then yelled, "Charge." And the whole men began to charge. Aryan didn't bother to with them. He had done well enough. He had established himself as a capable commander. Let the others take their glory. He spotted Jorah Mormont among the first who charged inside the walls.

He saw Eddard Stark coming towards him. Aryan asked him, "You didn't join the fight uncle?"

Eddard replied looking at the charging men, "No Aryan. Let the others handle it. I had done my share when we arrived here."

"Are you disappointed in what I had done, Uncle?" Aryan asked him. Aryan did not have a father in both his lives, but in this life he had relatives who cared for him unlike the Durselys. So a small part of him wanted their approval.

Eddard looked at him surprised and asked, "What do you mean Aryan?"

Aryan said, "You know, I had dealt with the ironborn very ruthlessly. Your mentor Jon Arryn also criticised me for what I had done for which I don't have any regrets. So do you think what I did was wrong?"

Eddard said as both of them sat on a rock, "You know Aryan when Moat Cailin was ready and I decided to move out several people asked me if it was wise to leave you by yourself to rule the North. Even Benjen was very skeptical of the idea. But I told them that I have complete trust in your abilities. In the eight years we were together at Winterfell your ideas had drastically changed the North. If I had been the Warden of North, the North would still have been the same, still weak. Benjen was right, the North cannot be ruled by someone like me. I have realised that I am too naive, unassuming and honorable. It must have someone like you who is pragmatic and ruthless but just and far sighted. By this war you have also proved yourself to be a capable commander as well as a strategist. And take my word, all the Northern Lords have immense respect for you. So don't bother about my approval. Even though I may not agree with some of your actions, but I trust you to do whatever is necessary. I will always support your decisions."

Aryan smiled in gratitude. Both of them looked towards the setting sun while the sound of battle and crash of waves could be heard.

Some time later...

All the Greyjoys except Euron Greyjoy as well as the other Lords of Iron Islands were bound on the floor. Even though it was Victarion who burned the Lannister fleet they had learned that it was Euron Greyjoy who had planned the attack. And now Euron Greyjoy went missing after the victory of Stannis Baratheon in Reach. From Rodrick Harlaw Aryan had learned that Euron was the most dangerous man in the Iron Islands. He was clever and intelligent as well as cruel, who liked to play mind games with others. Several lords assumed that Euron may have died but Aryan knew better. People like Euron will not die so easily. He will return definitely.

Balon was glaring at Aryan, because Aryan killed both his sons. Maron Greyjoy died due to the wildfire explosion. Aryan stared back at him and smirked. Some time ago Aryan supported by many Northern lords had urged Robert to end the Greyjoy line or at least take away their titles, which was objected by Jon Arryn and his supporters from Vale. After sometime into the discussion, Jon Arryn had asked the other lords to leave as he had to discuss somethings in private withe the King.

So they had left them and were now waiting them to come. After sometime Robert followed by Jon came into the hall. Then looking at Balon he said, "You had some nerve to challenge the power of the Iron throne. Didn't you swore an oath to the throne?"

Meeting Robert's gaze Balon said, "I never swore an oath to a Baratheon. Last time a Greyjoy swore an oath it was to a Targaryen."

Robert looked at Balon for sometime, "I like your spirit. You know all those Northern lords wanted me remove your head along with the others."

The bound lords looked at each other some of whose faces became pale on hearing that. Robert seemed to enjoying their faces. Then he continued,"But as Jon reminded me a King must also be sometimes merciful towards his unruly subjects. So swear an oath now."

Balon knew that his as well as his supporters lives were hanging by a thin thread, so he immediately agreed and swore the oath. As Robert was currently looking away from him Aryan could not use his mind magic on him. Besides due to the absence of the Weirdwood trees in the islands Aryan felt that his magic wandless mind magic would be ineffective against Robert.

So Aryan tried for one last time,"Your Grace, the Ironborn will attack again when they get a chance. Now that they know, it was the North which had dealt them heavy losses we will be their most probable target. Lord Hand does not seem to correctly understand the problem. As the Vale and its port Gulltown is in the Eastern side, they are safe from these squids, it is the West coast which is more vulnerable." 'It is a pity Tywin is not here. He could have supported me." Aryan thought.

Robert looked at him and said, "I am sorry Aryan but I stand by my decision. But I understand your problem. So that Balon never get any such ideas I hereby command the North to take Theon Greyjoy as a ward."

'Fucking idiots, they don't understand the problem. This idea of hostages may work with the other lords of Westeros. But the ironborn were a different breed. They will not care about such petty issues. Aryan dropped the subject as it was futile now but threatened Balon nevertheless, "I warn you squid if I see a single so called pirate ship in my western shore trying to attack the North, I do not care whether you are innocent or not, I will bring your son to the dungeons of the Dreadfort and let the Boltons send you his body parts. Is it understood ?" Balon was seething while the other lords of the Iron Islands looked pale and Jon Arryn was angry. Stannis's unexpected victory had changed his plans as Aryan could not finish his campaign over the all the Islands which would have permanently neutralised the ironborn. Aryan walked out while Jon Arryn was giving the final terms and conditions to the Lords of the Iron Islands.


Moat Cailin, The North

All the Lords of the North were currently assembled in the hall of Moat Cailin. After dealing with ironborn Aryan had requested all the lords to gather at Moat Cailin before returning to their respective homes. The army were slowly sent back, most of them by ships. When Aryan had returned with Ned to Moat Cailin he was unexpectedly hugged by Catelyn Stark, who thanked him for killing her would be kidnapper. Another unexpected surprise was the presence of Hoster Tully at the Moat. Initially Aryan had thought the man came to visit his daughter and grandchildren, but Hoster actually came to meet him.


One morning Aryan was telling about the war to Robb, Arya and Bran. Sansa also sat there for sometime but she was taken away by the Septa Mordane saying war stories were not for ladies. Aryan was about to tell the Septa to fuck off, when Hoster Tully and Eddard came. Eddard told his children to leave them which they did after making Aryan promise that he would tell the stories later.

His uncle said, "Nephew Lord Tully requested to talk with you."

Aryan looked at Hoster, "Lord Tully how can I help you?"

Hoster's face showed his dislike for Aryan whose sole presence was responsible for his grandchildren never having the opportunity to be the Warden of the North. Hoster said, "Lord Stark I first discussed the matter with my goodson Eddard, as he is the Regent of the North. But he told me to talk to you."

Aryan looked at his uncle who told him, "Lord Tully wants to increase the trade of food with the North. As we are growing our own food the Riverlords are unable to sell their food. His vassals has petitioned to him regarding that."

Hoster interrupted, "I married off my daughter to the North to get an alliance with them so that both sides were benefit from the alliance. But unfortunately we the Riverlords are not gaining anything from this alliance."

Aryan asked him, "And what exactly has the North gained. Its not like you reduced your food prices for us. Till now you all have used the desperation of the North due to its inability to grow food and profited from it, while the North remained poor as we sent all our money to feed our people. Now that we are growing our own food you are complaining because your income has reduced. You want all the benefit but don't want to lose anything, I was right about you, you are an upstart andal cunt."

Hoster was angry at the insult and was about to argue when Aryan continued, "And why must I help you? You asked the King to declare me a bastard so that your bloodline would be the Warden of the North, which failed obviously and the King threatened to bash your head. Did you really think I won't find about it? So tell me why must I help you? How arrogant can you be to think that you a mere Tully can get to decide of the succession of the greatest family in the known world. A family who has ruled these lands for more than ten millennia."

Eddard became angry at hearing that and shouted at Hoster, "Really, I made myself clear when I last visited Riverrun that Aryan will be the next Lord of the North. Then you went behind my back and did this. Clearly your ambition knows no bounds..."

"That is enough uncle. Clearly Lord Tully made a mistake and now understood his place, I am sure he will not repeat his mistakes." Aryan interrupted and then looked at Hoster, "Very well Lord Tully, since you are related to me through my uncle's marriage, I can resolve your problem. The North will stop the buying of food from the Reach and will buy food from Riverrun only, if you accept my two demands."

Hoster asked, "What demands?"

"First the North will build a fortified bridge across the Green Fork to have easy access to Riverrun, which would be strictly for military purpose. Second you will reduce the price of the food which you sell to us." Aryan replied.

"While I can accept the second demand, a bridge across the Green Fork? Why do you need it? Besides the Frey's won't be happy about it." Hoster said.

"All the people who want to go from Riverrun can go through the Twins. The bridge we are building is only for military use. As we are allies, you could use our help in future if any wars happen. Due to Frey's questionable loyalty, I think this would be very beneficial. From what uncle says the Lannisters are hungry for power. If Tywin one day decides to attack the Riverlands you will be utterly fucked. And if the North has to reach for your assistance it is essential that we do not deal with the Freys. You used uncle Eddards desperation to fight against the Targaryens to wed your daughter to him, by stalling him at the Twins. I do not want a repeat of that in future. And the Freys are your vassels make them obey."

Hoster agreed reluctantly.

(Flashback Ends)

The Lords were looking at Aryan. Aryan began, "My Lords first of all I aplogise to you. We were not able to kill all the squids. The King spared them. Our actions have made us the enemy of the Iron Islands. So the next time they attack, we will be their primary target. And like always the South doesn't care about us."

"Surely My Lord after the sound defeat we gave them, they will not dare to attack us." The aging Rodrick Ryswell asked.

"They will not attack now. But they will definitely attack in the future when there is a conflict among the other kingdoms. History shows that whenever internal wars plagued Westeros the Ironborn had attacked the mainland. So we need to be prepared for them." Aryan told them all.

"What do you want us to do?" Lord Flint asked.

Aryan told, "As it is obvious the West Coast would be the most vulnerable, first of all I want Flint's Finger, Barrowtown, Torrhen's Square, Deepwood Motte, Wolfbay and Bear Island to be heavily fortified, I want it to become impregnable. Don't worry, Winterfell would provide the necessary assistance to you."

All of them agreed to that. Aryan told them,"Now that we have sufficient money I am planning on setting up a standing miliary for the North."

William Dustin said,"Only the Westerlands have a standing military."

Aryan replied,"As well as the Free Cities Lord Dustin. But we don't need large force. I planning to setup a thirty thousand strong force to be stationed mainly along the West Coast against any surprise from the squids and along the Gift near the Wall for protection against the Wildlings. What do you say?"

All of them agreed. Aryan continued, "I will plan more on this idea will implement it in a couple of years. Another thing is as you know we have captured many longships and small fishing vessels during our campaigns. I have decided to distribute these vessels to you all so for easier trade and transport. You all know the success of the boat system I have implemented in the Fever River. Trade and transport from Winterfell to White Harbor and Moat Cailin has become easier. I want you all to set up the same system in the Rivers near your lands. This will increase your income too."

Again all the Lords agreed to him. After some final discussions they all went their ways.

While the other lords went away Aryan stayed back at the Moat for a few more days. He had taken time to visit the cranogmen Lord Reed. He was the first Lord Stark to do so after a long time. The people there were thankful to him, as due to cultivation of rice the cranogmen were now able to eat better food than earlier. As rice could be stored for long winters Aryan had banned its export outside of the North. Lord Reed also talked about the wargs and agreed to send all 137 to Jaqen for training."

Currently Aryan was outside with his men ready to depart. Arya was crying telling him to take her to Winterfell. Catelyn held Arya. Eddard returned him the Ice saying,"Take this with you Aryan. This belongs to Winterfell. Though why didn't you use it yourself instead of your katanas."

Tying the ancestral greatsword of the Starks over his back Aryan replied, "Ice is too big for me to handle now Uncle. I will use it in a few years. Besides katanas were useful against the squids who mostly wear light armor. Katanas offer more speed and slices through the leather armors. But katanas are totally useless against the heavy armor. So next time when we are at war and facing heavy armored foes I will probably use Ice."

Then saying his final goodbyes Aryan started his journey back to Winterfell.

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