Hopehard - Profile



male LV 14

I enjoy a story that has magic and beasts of a wonderful nature that's hard to describe. A fantasy that has new races and weird rules are the most exciting.

2019-09-25 Bergabung United States

Lencana 20

Moments 932


it would also multiply the chance of being detected. A group is a danger to a weakling, a problem for the capable, and an all you can eat to the strong.

It seemed like Helena did not really want to join Milos’ group at first, but she eventually gave in because of Maybelle’s persuasion. Maybelle was not so different from Milos. She was not that strong of a mage, so traveling as a group with a lot of people would further ensure her safety.

Awakening of the Sorcerer King

Awakening of the Sorcerer King

Fantasy · Madarm

Replied to KingsCandidate

also old man was poisoned and murdered by someone close to him before he died

“You got lucky this time. But this won’t be the end of it, Mashelle.”

Awakening of the Sorcerer King

Awakening of the Sorcerer King

Fantasy · Madarm


you went outside 3 months ago and was almost killed by foxes you lost your right to complain about underestimating your capabilities.

Helene threw her father a displeased look, not really liking the idea. There were so many times when she felt uncomfortable because there were always people guarding her. This time, she had hoped to go on an adventure in this strange land by herself without having her parents’ people at her heels. But in the end, someone had been assigned to accompany her yet again.

Awakening of the Sorcerer King

Awakening of the Sorcerer King

Fantasy · Madarm

Replied to Hopehard

I meant 10th

Rocco led the eight of them along the path inside the Hargen’s manor until they reached a medium-sized hall. There was no furniture in this hall. One could almost say the place was empty save for the archway that was made rather strangely. Normal archways and doors would be attached to a wall, but this archway was standing in the middle of the room. The archway was made out of rock. More specifically, it was carved out of a single huge rock, making the archway seamless. There were only some markings on it which had been worn down with time. From the look of it, this archway must be even older than the Hargen’s manor.

Awakening of the Sorcerer King

Awakening of the Sorcerer King

Fantasy · Madarm


man is hungry and you're food with a bunch of gifts

'Don't let Verhen escape!' Q'porr and the rest of her team were blinded by the wall of mana but otherwise unscathed.

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20


so the deadly version of his valadion shield trick

At the same time, the droplets followed the main conscience and rained upon the Chroniclers like bullets of Chaos and enchanted metal. They formed a layer surrounding the elf's whole body and exploited every centimeter of his exposed skin to drain his vitality faster.

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20


Void: My Yggdraeats right as I started to feel voracious

It was the reason the Void perceived the shift in the world energy as the Chroniclers approached him.

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20



"That even if I fail, this time it's not going to be just my problem. The world won't keep spinning no matter how deep in shit I am. It's going to be everyone's problem."

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20

Replied to tinyrex

they are the deadpan ones who don't look like they give af

Renner is a Yandere, the same as Mayara, only for a more aggressive level.

Futanari World

Futanari World

Fantasy · Ero_Hacker

Replied to zenden

maybe high level people can't feel the conveyed emotion otherwise

They end up putting something ambiguous like Mana and Aura in their songs, to give depth, I can't get emotional that much, because I still have a mindset that is very focused on something more realistic, that is, I am not yet fully integrated into this new reality.

Futanari World

Futanari World

Fantasy · Ero_Hacker

Replied to zenden

it's 2 armors for the price of one

I don't need to wear heavy armor, my skin already matches leather armor and in the future, with my disparity in attributes, it's obvious that my natural defense matches that of armored armor.

Futanari World

Futanari World

Fantasy · Ero_Hacker


nah soft words backed by big sticks

For in the end, the world belongs to the rich and powerful, strength is important, but this is not such a barbaric time as in the past, the world is developing into something more peaceful and more and more financial and political power is showing well. if superior to sheer brute force!

Futanari World

Futanari World

Fantasy · Ero_Hacker


thank you


“Arias is also one of the Scarcia’s heirs. If we’re speaking of status, I don’t see how he’s inferior to your Lady Sophiar. So, it’s not quite right to say that he doesn’t know his place. And you must have forgotten that a few months ago, your Lady Sophiar had just requested that their engagement be called off. It’s not surprising if he got back at her by treating her like that.”

Awakening of the Sorcerer King

Awakening of the Sorcerer King

Fantasy · Madarm


nah you just lame

“He beat me in the first round because he’s a beast hybrid! It’s not fair to have a beast hybrid fight a human!”

Awakening of the Sorcerer King

Awakening of the Sorcerer King

Fantasy · Madarm


tbf if you didn't provoke him every chance you had he may have been less inclined to snitch

Mashelle furiously declared. Arias’ words just fueled the spite in his heart to burn more fiercely than before. Every single day he was confined in the back-room, every minute he had spent without seeing the light of day or the shine of stars, all those times had made the feeling of hatred grow inside of him like a demon. During the time he spent in confinement, there was not a moment when Mashelle thought to blame himself. The only one at fault was the person who caused him to be sent there. If Arias had just kept his mouth shut and did not say anything, he would not have been put in that situation. For Mashelle, the only way to put his mind at peace was to kill Arias.

Awakening of the Sorcerer King

Awakening of the Sorcerer King

Fantasy · Madarm

Replied to KingsCandidate

tbf he did worse to his other cousin

Arias said with a small, jovial laugh. A trace of softness was still lingering on his hand. He stood with a small smirk before gliding down from the stage without paying any more attention to her. While they were cousins, he was not very close to her. He did not even remember what she looked like before. The reason he did that to her was just that he thought it would be funny.

Awakening of the Sorcerer King

Awakening of the Sorcerer King

Fantasy · Madarm

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