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27.41% Futanari World / Chapter 15: Chapter 15 - 6 Months!

Bab 15: Chapter 15 - 6 Months!


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PART 1 – Sabuu Productions!


I returned to the Academy and my peaceful days continued, Miliam did nothing after what I said to her, I don't think it was big things, but seeing the unreasonableness of the noble people, my refusing her must have been like me getting killed your parents.

Anyway, Sunday arrived without a hitch and my girls were heading back to school.

Annie told me about how she talked to her family and… she needed me, a contract, it turns out that Sabuu Productions wanted the mind behind the lyrics of the song.

Even though [Lost in The Moment] is an amazing song, I know its lyrics aren't all that, but maybe it's its style and the sadness.

It's something new in this world and maybe they want a mind with that sadness, creating songs like that.

Annie is just a means to get to me, as they didn't know me, it's natural that they focused on Annie, thinking that she did everything, but since she said that I wrote the song...

I got phone calls and E-mails, they're annoying, so I ignored most of them after a while.

Annie understood that I don't want to be a recording artist, it's just a hobby for me and if I sign contracts and stuff like that, I lose my freedom.

I want her success, but I'm not going to limit my future for her, sorry Annie.

When classes started again, it was already going to a time of exams and tests, before 2 weeks of vacation in the middle of the year.

I started focusing on my studies and training, as well as my girls.

And in the middle of that, I ended up being called to the Board, with me was Annie, I knew what it was without even knowing the details.

When we entered the Principal's Office, we found 3 people, Principal Pericles and 2 others unknown to me, but Annie recognized them, an older man and a beautiful woman with long blue hair.

"Annie, Roxana, please be seated! These are the envoys from Sabuu Produções, personally coming to talk to you!" - Said Pericles politely, I understand, they are a world famous company.

"Good morning, I'm Rasmund and this is our star, Jessica!" - Said the older man smiling and coming to us.

There was a handshake as Jessica came over and smiling she bowed.

"I understand that you, Roxana, wrote the lyrics to the song [Lost in The Moment], correct?" - Rasmund asked and I confirmed.

"A truly great talent, a very touching song that actually rocked the internet, I'm amazed that a song like this came from a 15 year old girl!" - He said and I understood, he still doesn't believe that I was really the one who created it, but I don't care.

"It was a spur of the moment thing!" - I say smiling, a joke that made him laugh lightly.

"You know what we came here for, right?" - He asks smiling.

"Yes, but I'll say the same as the producers who called me, I'm not interested in signing any contracts, I don't want the life of a recording artist, I'm a Berserker Warrior and I prefer it that way!" - I say without hesitation.

"I understand, but I hope you understand that there's no way we can allow such incredible talent to go to waste, but before we go any further, I have a question, are there other songs on this level? You blew everyone away with such an amazing song, but are there more?"

"…yes, I've been writing songs since I was 12, my grammar wasn't the best, but since I joined the Academy, it's been improving and I've improved all my songs, [Lost in The Moment] for example, I created it at your fingertips. 12 to 13 years." - I say calmly.

"I see, really impressive, I don't know what he went through to create such a sad song, but I know it was something that changed him!" - Said Rasmund and I said nothing.

"How about giving a small sample of what you have?" -Rasmund asked smiling, I look at Annie she was very excited, in fact, the moment she saw Jessica, she was much more excited… she must be very famous.

"How about [What A Wonderful World]?" - He asked smiling and she nods happily.

"[What A Wonderful World]? What an interesting name, I believe it is the opposite of [Lost In The Moment], correct?" - Rasmund asked and I nodded.

"The problem is that there are no instruments here, so we would have to go to the Music Club, there are instruments there." - I say calmly.

"Of course, is there a problem Director?" - Asked Rasmund and Pericles didn't bother.

And it wasn't long before we all went to the Music Club, where I noticed Jessica being kind to me and Annie, but her interest seemed more in me.

Perhaps she thinks of Annie as a rival or enemy of sorts, as it must be hotly contested at the production company, as for me? I'm a potential goose that lays golden eggs, so she must want my songs.

But anyway, I didn't pay much attention to her, Annie is a fan, I'm not, it's just that I'm not very used to the musical and grammatical styles of this world.

They end up putting something ambiguous like Mana and Aura in their songs, to give depth, I can't get emotional that much, because I still have a mindset that is very focused on something more realistic, that is, I am not yet fully integrated into this new reality.

I pick up a bass to play while Annie prepares the microphone.

Then I started playing the right melody, Annie and I have been playing this song a lot, it was the first one we sang together, naturally it's special for us.

[ What A Wonderful World | Sarah Kroger (Official Music Video) ]

(Note: Search for the version above, it's the one they're singing this time, the lyrics are the same, what changes is the style and instrument.)

I played a beautiful melody, something light, while Annie's sweet and pleasant voice rang out, filling me with satisfaction.

The 3 sat in front of us, listening calmly, Rasmund starts to get very interesting, smiling and enjoying the music.

Jessica appears to be entertained by the music, while Pericles is surprised and also appreciative.

For 3 minutes, Annie sang in a slow, passionate tone, heavens, she looks magnificent!

And when I played the last chord, the 3 listening to us stood up and applauded.

"Incredible! Fantastic! What magnificent lyrics!" Rasmund shouted and clapped his hands.

"Really, what a beautiful song, I get emotional." - Jessica said rubbing a tear in her eyes.

"I may not be someone who enjoys music very much, I was moved by the previous one, but this one… I became a huge fan!" - Said Pericles smiling with delight, like a Director of a school, naturally he prefers more happy songs and full of hope, than something sad.

Annie looked very happy, she really must be a big fan of Jessica.

"Did you have the lyrics to the song written? I want to take a look, to understand better." - Said Rasmund smiling and Annie said. - "Yes, we have it here, let me get it!"

She went to a closet and took out several song lyrics, finding the one we just sang and handed it to Rasmund without hesitation, where Jessica beside her also read it with great attention.

I realize what's about to happen, Annie is so excited she hasn't noticed yet...

"Really, amazing lyrics, may I know, you wrote them, right?" - Rasmund asked and I nodded.

"What was the creative process like for something like this? It really is shocking how a 15-year-old could create something so… alive and full of passion!" - Said Rasmund and indeed, it is an amazing song!

"When I lost my parents, my world turned gray, I didn't want to live in a certain way anymore, I found everything boring, but I still did the things I had to do, I started to connect with music a little and I wrote what I wanted. came to my mind, until one rainy night, I saw lightning and thunder dancing in the skies… it was beautiful, for the first time, I found something beautiful after so many years… I then wanted to know if there was more, so I walked through my village, I went in some dangerous places, wanting to see beautiful things and I was surprised by views of places, like people even in the face of losses, they kept going forward and I realized at that moment, that I had more than just to mourn and feel sorry for myself, So I got excited and created this song, improving it since I entered the Academy, as I have done with many of my other songs, looking at the internet and realizing how magnificent and immense this world is!" - I give a smile, I got carried away with the false explanation, but… this world is wonderful!

"What an exciting story, a true overcoming that gave rise to incredible works! How about one more, only this time, could you let Jessica sing along, like a duet?" - Asked Rasmund smiling and Annie accepted without hesitation… idiot…

Jessica smiling, took the paper with the lyrics and pretended to read it, it was obvious that she memorized it while it was still in Rasmund's hands, not to mention that she paid a lot of attention to the music.

And soon, with me starting to play, the two started, initially they were paired, sharing well, but Jessica began to demonstrate her superior skills, outshining Annie.

Annie didn't care, she was doing her best, but it was obvious that Jessica wasn't keeping up with her and because of that, it made it seem like Annie was dragging her down.

That's the difference in musical abilities, it's unfair, but it's a fact!

"Really, wonderful, I am speechless!" - Said Rasmund and Pericles nodded.

"Can I sing alone one time? Not that I have a problem with you, just wondering how it would turn out, I really fell in love with this song!" - Jessica said, which I already expected.

"Sure, no problem, right Rox?" - Annie asked and I nodded, I didn't want to do that, but since she hasn't noticed yet...

So again I started playing and Jessica sang alone this time without Annie along, she demonstrated her amazing vocal skills, I have to admit, she has total control over her voice, hitting the right key for the song, Annie can't compare.

It's the same song, but sung by different people, it doesn't even sound like the same song.

So at the end, Annie gave a standing ovation, marveling at her idol singing a song she liked so well.

Rasmund was full of pride, Pericles was smiling in wonder, I was smiling too, but it was pretend.


Rasmund and Jessica talked it over with us, but I was firm in my decision, but it didn't affect the two of them.

Rasmund said that at the moment he just wanted to meet the genius girls behind [Lost In The Moment] and they ended up finding another amazing song that he was interested in producing, with Annie singing it.

He would even prepare everything, just wait a few more days, which made Annie extremely excited.

Rasmund wanted to know more about my songs, so I decided to sing some excerpts from some of them and say that they weren't ready yet, not that they were incomplete, just that I was looking for the correct grammar to fix them.

This only made Rasmund and Jessica even more interested in me, as they realized that none of my songs spoke of Mana, Magic or Aura, everything was more emotional and with other deeper meanings that do not involve the mystical.

For them, this must be something out of the box, which must be revolutionary.

Jessica was very excited and constantly brought up the subject with me, she exchanged numbers with me and Annie, note that she did with me first.

Annie was happy, but I noticed that Jessica started to pay less attention to her, but she's not stupid, so she didn't let on too much and acted like it was natural since I'm the one who writes the songs.

So in the end they left, Pericles too, and the two of us stayed at the Music Club.

"So-"-When I was about to ask how she felt, Annie hugged me tightly, I was confused, until I heard her sobs, her hugging me tightly and her arms shaking.

I slowly hugged her. -"Sorry…"-I say and kiss her hair, she cries in my arms.

I thought she didn't realize it, but… Annie understood everything, she wasn't blinded by meeting her idol.

In the end, she cried a lot and didn't answer her parents' call.

I took her to my dorm, where I texted the other girls that nothing would happen today, Annie wasn't feeling well.

In the end, they came to comfort Annie, so we decided to eat, drink, and watch some movies to see if it cheered her up.

I got messages from Jessica, I ignored it, my pretty girl is crying because of you callous vultures, so fuck you!


PART 2 – Rasmund and Jessica!


"What did you think of them?" - Rasmund asked Jessica, both having entered a limousine.

Jessica, who had always kept a smile on her face, now had nonchalance on her face as she took off her necklace. -"Annie has talent, but she is human, her talent is limited, she will not please everyone!" - She said disdainfully and picking up her cell phone.

"It would be nice to keep in touch, I can get her into one of our branches, she's still pretty and she's from a Marquesa house." - Said Rasmund taking a glass of wine in the limousine they are in.

"Put her in a 3rd category, that's more than she deserves!" Jessica said, shrugging.

"And about Roxana, what do you have to say about her?" Rasmund asked.

"She is skilled in playing the instruments, she adapts very quickly, I was surprised, as the melody suited my sound." - Jessica said calmly.

"I noticed that too, she's a good partner in that regard, but what did she think of the lyrics?"

"…she has potential, so much potential! At just 15 years old, she created 2 songs that, if properly produced, will be a phenomenon, not to mention that her songs are more emotional, it's obvious that she put her soul and will into them, but that with just 15 years old, she can grow a lot, we need to her, to have her with us!" - Jessica said with intensity.

"I noticed that too, the problem is that she is not interested in making it more than a hobby, not to mention that she and Annie are lovers, we have to be careful dealing with both of them." - Said Rasmund sighing.

"Roxana knows no respect!" - Jessica said showing some anger.

She thought of how Roxana treated her, while everyone would do anything to gain her favor, Roxana ignored her most of the time, while Annie acted like a normal person.

"She is smart!" - Said Rasmund taking his wine and Jessica frowned.

"Yes…but what are you going to do to hire her? Are you going to force her using Annie?" - Asked Jessica also filling a glass.

"I'll try this subtly, most likely the Marquis Forgier will put some pressure on them. If that doesn't work, we can use money, commoners like Roxana are always driven by enough money." - Said Rasmund laughing.

"… I don't think it will be very efficient, she disregarded fame, even when I talked about how her songs could earn her millions, even more so if I sang them, but she didn't even bother… she is also very focused on being a warrior…" - Jessica grunted and then sent some messages to Roxana.

"Probably because she is a commoner and comes from a primitive village, she believes that the only means of sustenance is physical or magical power, but the world is evolving and what will be gaining in this world is entertainment!" - Rasmund said laughing and Jessica frowned. - "She visualized and did not answer..." - She said irritated.

"Wait a bit, not everyone has such an opportunity, she should answer. But about the last song, did you like it?" Rasmund asked.

"What are you talking about? [Let Me Alone] or Roxana's?" Jessica asked.

"… make a comparison, which one would you rather sing in your concert?" - Asked Rasmund smiling.

"[Let Me Alone] is good, I particularly liked it a lot, as it was inspired by the obsessive prince and the humble peasant, but the internet is so saturated with this musical style, so I much prefer [What A Wonderful World], if I can get it sing this song for the audience, my fame will skyrocket!" - Jessica said lightly.

"I thought the same, I'll try to buy the rights to the music, if Principal Pericles wasn't there, we could steal it, but even though he is a greedy and ambitious man, he has integrity and would not harm his students." - Rasmund said gritting his teeth.

"Didn't expect something like that, did you?" Jessica laughed.

"How could I expect it to be not just a rare gem of momentary value, but an uncut gem in the rough?" Rasmund chuckled, regretting his approach.

His goal initially was to recruit the two young women, then take them to one of his lower production companies, slowly studying them and seeing if they could grow bigger or not.

In the end, Roxana surprised him a lot, thinking she was just a girl capable of creating depressing songs, but no, [What A Wonderful World] was a treasure, not to mention some snippets of the songs she sang, her ideas and her animation, made him understand that Roxana is a versatile lyricist!

This is very rare and if its potential is well developed, some great phenomena that will earn them tens to hundreds of millions may emerge.


PART 3 – Summer Vacation!


Jessica was pushy with texting, I showed no interest, always curt and ambiguous responses, refusals and more.

I think one reason I avoided getting close to her was what happened when I got close to Annie… well, I died because of it!

But anyway, I focused on my studies and training, mainly my studies due to exams.

Physical and combat exams, I got top marks, the problem was writing, I put so much effort into studying, that when the exams started… so easy!

I even found it rude how easy the tests were.

It just goes to show that my intellect is far superior to what I thought.

When I saw it, I was #1 in the entire 1st year!

Note 1,000 in theoretical and practical classes!

Maximum result in everything, I even won some prizes for that, it wasn't a record, but there are few who have a result as magnificent as I do!

But anyway, with the end of the mid-year exams, the mid-year break would soon begin.

Since I don't have a family or a home to return to, I'll stay at the Academy anyway, but all my girls had things to do, even though Mayara didn't get support from her family anymore, she had things to finish, just like she had to talk to her father in person.

I asked if she wanted my support, but she declined, saying that this is her decision and that she should take the consequences.

Tazla had to go back to her homeland, again I couldn't meet my in-laws, but I'm used to that.

Juju exhausted me before going with Tazla.

Sahari would stay at the Academy, not much to do at home, so she would stay with me.

Kassia would spend that time with her parents, but she lives in the city, so I can see her whenever I want.

Annie had a lot of things to sort out at home, mainly about Sabuu Productions, apparently her father was putting pressure on something related to me.

How many problems am I creating, sometimes it's annoying to be poor and weak!


With the start of Summer Break, I was relaxing by the Academy's pool, floating in the water, I was the only one here, as the school got pretty empty.

I'm going to focus my time on the Dungeon, but for today, I want to relax my tight muscles from training, as it's been quite hot.


I'm startled by a bell in my mind, then I look confused, thinking another World Secret has been found, but...

[Congratulations, you survived for half a year!]


[As a reward for half a year lived in this new and mystical world, a gift will be given!]

[It has been detected that you have found 1 World Secret!]

[It has been detected that you are the first to find a World Secret!]

I raise my eyebrow, so there will be a reward, please come!

[You can choose 1 Skill other than "Divine Vigor" or "Incarnation of Rage" to be upgraded to the same level as your Starting Skill!]

What?! Is this serious?! Holy crap!

You mean I can make any of my skills an SSS Rank?!

Then I look at my stock of skills:


Special Skills – [Divine Vigor(SSS)] [Incarnation of Rage(SSS)]

Class Skills – [True Berserker(S)] [Improved Berserker(A)] [Incarnate Rage(B)] [Warcry(B)] [Berserker Body(B)] [Berserker Mastery(C)] [Furious Strike(C)] [Frantic Gale(D)]

Active Skills – [Berserker(A)] [Aura of Anger(A)]

Passive Skills – [Pain Tolerance(B)] [Increased Regeneration(C)] [Music(C)] [Magic Senses(D)] [Aura Control(D)] [Poison Resistance(F)]


I smile, seriously, this is amazing!

But I need something that will give me immense power, maybe [Berserker] or [Aura of Anger]? It gives me a lot of power being A Rank, imagine SSS Rank? Should it increase my strength by 10 times?

That should give me enough power to already match Rank A in power, even though I'm a Rank C… but… the stamina cost will be something severe, maybe it'll run out in minutes, I understand that I'm weak, I think for a Rank Active Skill SSS, I need to have at least 3 digits in some attributes.

With that in mind, I will focus on passives, where I disregard [Berserker Mastery], it is good, it gives me mastery over all types of weapons, if I reach SSS Rank, my growth in wielding weapons will be explosive, but… I have better options!

So in the end, I have 3 perfect options, which will help me immensely: [Improved Berserker], [Berserker Body] and [Increased Regeneration].

[Improved Berserker] decreases the side effects of [Berserker] and prolongs its effects by 10%, so at SSS Rank, it should become something amazing, it can double the duration of the skill and nullify the side effects, maybe even have other amazing benefits!

[Berserker Body] increases my body's durability and my physical and magical resistance to everything external, at the moment it doubles that, but if it goes to SSS Rank, would my body be armor naturally? I admit that so far it's the one I'm most tempted to choose.

[Increased Regeneration] the one that increases my regeneration, it's only C-Rank, but if it reaches SSS-Rank, will I be able to regenerate limbs? Instant cure?

With my [Divine Vigor], Berserker's side effects, even more so with my activated Aura, if I have her SSS Rank, I think I hardly have to worry.

Maybe I'll become immortal as long as I don't get disintegrated!

In the end, my attention turned to [Berserker Body] and [Increased Regeneration], I carefully thought about what would be best for me, and… to protect my life, I have the Totem of Immortality!

I like the possibility of becoming immortal and even if I die I'm reborn, that would be an amazing combination... gosh, they're both amazing!

[Berserker Body] will give me an indestructible body, that's for sure, while [Increased Regeneration] will give me endless vitality!

What would best match my Totem of Immortality would be the second one, I would become a flesh shield, but the problem? Pain!

Since I won't be so afraid of being hit anymore, I can become a type of Ban, being beaten up like hell, being torn apart and continually being killed, I don't think I could take it.

So out of fear, I'll choose [Berserker Body], it will give me a durable body, something I need and I won't suffer so much pain!

With that decision, I made my choice and…

[The Skill "Berserker Body(B)" is evolving!]

[The System will send her to a safe place for the changes!]

That was new...

My body moved on its own, until I returned to my dorm, the problem was that I went there in my bathing suit, it wasn't revealing, but it's not common to walk around in it.

Lucky the school is empty.

So arriving at my dorm, I lay down on the bed and then it started!

I felt a flood of energy throughout his body, followed by illusory images of hammers and fire!

I felt my body get hot, then the impacts that made me shiver intensely, it wasn't painful, it was something confusing!

So how does a piece of iron feel on the anvil? Being hammered by the blacksmith? Am I an iron ingot being cast?

The hammering became constant and incessant, I lost feeling all over my body, followed by my senses and I think I fainted.

When I came to my senses, I was still still, but the hammering and the flames were gone, but what followed was something cold, a chilling sensation to the soul, covering me and sharp sounds.

Soon it felt like sword blades, axes, spears and arrows were coming at my body, only to break!

Hammers struck and recoiled, Clubs struck me, but their sharp points were dented and bounced off!

Nothing was able to hurt me, so when the sounds and sensations stopped!

[Skill "Berserker Body(B)" has become "Perfect Diamond Body(SSS)"!]

[Perfect Diamond Body(SSS): A perfect indestructible body, both externally and internally, whether physical or magical! RES × 2, equals Natural Defense, nullifying all damage up to that measure!]

I slowly sat up, looked at my limbs, my skin looked healthier and smoother, but I felt the power underneath it all!

[For acquiring the "Perfect Diamond Body(SSS)": +10 RES and +5 STR!]


I moan painfully as my body snaps, it was sudden but I can feel myself getting stronger… this is scary!

Meaning I have 42 RES now, doubling that and if my gear bonus works it will be 88 Physical and Magic Defense…


I went to the Ordeal Dungeon, didn't hesitate to enter it after minor preparations, and charged forward!

Even against the highest difficulty monsters, they were unable to harm me now, noting that I came in ordinary clothes and not my enhanced uniform.

With my body alone, I endured everything fearlessly and tore them to shreds!

Mercilessly I advanced without setbacks, it wasn't until the 20th challenge that I started to feel some twinges of pain, but nothing major, I healed quickly!

I made it to the 25th challenge with ease, Skeleton Knights, I'm sorry your spears and swords only leave scratches!

I returned, rested, got ready and it was time to start my frantic training, I want to reach the 40th challenge as soon as possible and of course, reach Level 15!


PART 4 – Level 15!


I fearlessly braved the Ordeal Dungeon, rocketing through the clouds!

Challenging powerful beings, I started receiving damage from enemies after the 30th challenge, damage that even little could accumulate and become very dangerous.

But I adapted quickly, before it could get dangerous, as a result, subsequent floors of the same types of enemies, just being more numerous or stronger, became simple for me!

The problem I ended up discovering would be my speed!

I got strong, 31 Strength, 42 Stamina and only 20 Agility!

I'm very unbalanced, I need to fix this, urgently!

But the opportunity came faster than I thought, after 3 days of non-stop hunting on challenges 35th and beyond, I reached Level 15!

I played the 2 Points in Agility, but right after…

[You have reached Level 15, going through Class Advancement!]

["Berserker(★★★)" became "Great Berserker(★★★★)"!]

[Advance Bonus: +8 STR, +10 RES, +4 AGI!]

The entire Ordeal Dungeon was paused for my advancement, where I gained immense power, becoming even more powerful and incredible!

My HP has increased by 194 while my MP has increased by 37.

[You have acquired S-Rank Skill: Formidable Force!]

[You have acquired S-Rank Skill: Bloody Frenzy!]

[You have acquired A-Rank Skill: Formidable Will!]

[You have acquired B-Rank Skill: Wild Instinct!]

[You have acquired B-Rank Skill: Provoke!]

[Formidable Force(S): In the face of tense and life-threatening moments, a mysterious Force will arise, increasing your Physical Attributes by the level!]

[Bloody Frenzy(S): When in Berserker state, the more wounds accumulate on your body and the more enemies you kill, the greater the power exerted and the loss of sanity! +5~50%!]

[Formidable Will(A): When in Berserker state, decreases damage to sanity by 25%!]

[Wild Instinct(B): A kind of sixth sense for danger!]

[Provoke(B): Draw your enemies' rage more easily, making them focus on you!]

I felt the changes, at the beginning of these Summer Holidays, I feel that I am 2 times stronger!

My new skills… gosh, [Bloody Frenzy] stacks with Berserker, I wonder with Berserker and Aura activated, along with [Bloody Frenzy] at its max, how freakishly powerful would I be?

Then I would be a monster, a demon, but I find it difficult to have an opportunity for the 3 to show their best!

[Formidable Will] I accept with open arms, something to keep my mind controlled during my Berserker state, due to me being able to supply its needs with my [Divine Vigor], using it for a long time affects me.

Of course, I got used to it and gained a natural immunity to its effects, but that only strengthened my resistance.

[Provoke] is very interesting, a generic skill from the games, but very efficient for the team's Tank, as I'm targeting this position, it's natural that I would want something like that.

[Wild Instinct], this will give me a sixth sense for danger, I think it's very good, I'll need to train it little by little.

And finally [Formidable Force], which initially reminded me of Star Wars, I found myself imagining levitating things with the power of my mind.

But reading the skill, I saw that it was… how can I say it, something that would come from a tabletop RPG!

It's pretty weird, but if I'm now Level 15, I'll get +15 to STR, RES, and AGI in times of need, I think it's a perfect skill for a female protagonist!

I laugh, really, advancing in my Class is amazing, I want more!

"Wait… I acquired my Class at Level 5, I advanced at Level 15, so… can I have another advancement at Level 30? Since this Dungeon is limited to this level, then…" - My eyes sparkled at the thought.

But thinking about reaching the maximum Level allowed by this Dungeon, I think it will take 1 to 2 years…

Well, I will do my best, because I feel that this year still, I will be able to conquer this Dungeon, even on the highest difficulty, my enemies, since I acquired [Perfect Diamond Body], have become easier to deal with.

Now that my RES has increased by +10 points, symbolizing +20 Defense, along with many other amazing perks… needless to say, I'm turning into a monster!

I'm enjoying the thought of being a monster, it sounds really cool.

But anyway, having to face my enemies, armored Gnolls, let's go!

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