DarkApolonir - Profile



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2017-10-03 Bergabung Belize

Lencana 8

Moments 1317


ancient magus wofe... pokemon... how many more universes do you plan to introduce? and are they important to the story or just ester eggs to make the inner child happy?

"This little one is a Vulpix," Barnaby replied as he stroked the creature's soft fur, which, judging by its expression, seemed to be enjoying the touch.

The Hagrid's son

The Hagrid's son

Book&Literature · Cadenadeaventuras

Replied to BurtIsMyDogsName

barbarian lions "recently" extinct by human, dwarfed tigers... they are the reason to the myth of the nemeian lion...

Excitement flared in Wayne's chest. Direwolves, monstrous offspring of celestial convergence and ordinary wolves, were coveted companions in the Northern Kingdoms. A full-grown male direwolf could rival the size of a wild lion or tiger, a ferocious predator indeed.

Witcher: The Half Elf

Witcher: The Half Elf

Book&Literature · LIl_wretch


no dragon heart? and brains? liver?

The journey back to the valley was uneventful, with Wayne encountering no monsters on his return trip. He arrived safely at the green dragon's lair with a dozen porters in tow. By the time he and George met, the corpses littering the valley – dragon, giant, and other monstrous creatures – were already mostly dismantled. George had meticulously collected valuable materials like dragon hides, tendons, claws, teeth, and the re-breathing sac – the most prized organ within a dragon, responsible for its fire breath.

Witcher: The Half Elf

Witcher: The Half Elf

Book&Literature · LIl_wretch


at four?

"Haha, consider it payment for 'cheating' earlier, or however you want to put it. Besides, every Togruta has to learn how to hunt. You are no less, Ahsoka. Come. Ready your hands. And pull the trigger when you feel ready.", Kohsaka whispered, firmly placing his hand over the rifle, ensuring it was safe to grasp onto it. Kohsaka even helped Ahsoka get into a kneeling position.

Star Wars: A New Life

Star Wars: A New Life

Anime & Comics · Aht


preety dumb animal no? there is no predator that would not see a recently carcass with lot of meet, and chose to attack anothers cub that being protected... a predator would go for the carcass every single time

Pav-ti immediately entered a defensive stance at the sudden creature appearing before her. Her parental instincts triggered, and her body lept forth in front of her two children. Ever so slowly, a face-off emerged between Togruta and beast, with the large tiger taking steps slowly, but surely. Its eyes ignored Pav-ti. It was clear the tiger was targeting her two children, wanting to consume them as a meal.

Star Wars: A New Life

Star Wars: A New Life

Anime & Comics · Aht


... well jean grey call him daddy... of that i'm sure... scott probably does too...

Because I know despite how he acts most of the time the big bad Wolverine has a major soft spot when it comes to kids. He's likely a father figure to many of the children at the school, or that one fun and cool uncle you love hanging out with.

All New Sunspot (Marvel)

All New Sunspot (Marvel)

Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever


did he got a magical item?

Learning magic, making connections with Jericho, Tandy and Tyrone, becoming a recognized master of the mystic arts.

All New Sunspot (Marvel)

All New Sunspot (Marvel)

Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever

Replied to Dao_Master211

could died quiet... but no has to open his mouth

"The Pokémon League hereby informs Archer of Bharatsa that he should attend the dying will reading of one, Dregen of Bharatsa in the village of Plains..."

Pokemon: Trainer SI

Pokemon: Trainer SI

Anime & Comics · KK9494


not really...

The team got depressed at that, "Hey guys, tell me. Don't you wish for the safety of that guy? A Happily ever after."'

Pokemon: Trainer SI

Pokemon: Trainer SI

Anime & Comics · KK9494


or master thunderbolt like ash pikachu, master it so hard that is basicly a non mastered thunder every 2 seconds

As for my newly evolved Electabuzz, I guided its training with a strategic approach. The focus was primarily on perfecting Thunderbolt, a move that balanced power and efficiency. The occasional use of Thunder, a more potent but energy-consuming move, was reserved for special situations. The deliberate progression aimed to ensure mastery of the smaller-cost Thunderbolt before delving into the heavier-hitting Thunder.

Pokemon: Trainer SI

Pokemon: Trainer SI

Anime & Comics · KK9494

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