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68.75% Pokemon: Trainer SI / Chapter 32: Chapter 32 : Luncheon

Bab 32: Chapter 32 : Luncheon

Author's note: Archer will be more power-driven and take more risks to become stronger faster. Also, I would like to mention READ THE TAGS, this fanfic also has a Kingdom building tag, but I will balance them all.

Comment on your thoughts.




In front of the mirror, I adjusted the tie, my reflection staring back at me, adorned in a black suit.

Dregen's sword leaned against the wall, a silent reminder of the weight now on my shoulders. The luncheon for Dregen's honour awaited, but my thoughts were a mess struggling against a web of emotions.

I still remember the will pressuring me to take up his mantle. I could understand his point of view. Giving this responsibility of bettering Bharatsa to Sam is not the same as giving it to me directly.

If it was Sam who inherited the mantle, I would at best help to the best of my limit. But he had given it to me, Now I know, my best is nowhere near enough for it.

At the same time, I couldn't foist this responsibility on others. Then it would be betraying one of the few closest relations in this world.

But please do take care of Archer. For all his brilliance, he has his flaws. he is a loner. Sure, he can easily make friends, but they are mostly superficial to him. As far as I know, I can count on both hands the number of people he considers close. 

The man knew the most about me, even the parts I wanted to overlook. Even, the deliberate distancing of people was noticed and used by him. He knew all the buttons to press on me. I couldn't help but feel a chill of fear in my spine imagining a Dregen capable of manipulating others for his benefit-a true Villain.

Luckily, he isn't. Well, he is a Villain to my freedom.

I picked up the sword, feeling its weight in my hands. I took a deep breath, steadying my nerves. As I sheathed the sword, I felt a strange mix of determination and vulnerability.

While the content differed in each of them. The endpoint in yours is the same which is my dying wish to you- While your talent is driving you forward, you don't have a specific goal. More precisely it is a dream to die for. So Archer, please take my dream as yours. And lead them.

 The second person to find that I have no goal. But this person unlike the crime boss, is my family. He used my own emotions and personality traits as chains to drown me in the new goal.

 So Archer, please take my dream as yours. And lead them.

 Very well, no need for your words to haunt me. It is my new Goal.



The luncheon hall buzzed with conversations and a mix of people from all walks of life. Those who had received Dregen's help, politicians led by Pig George, and surprisingly, Police Officer Sunak—an uncorrupted anomaly in the local police force.

Except for Jenny who is assigned/outcasted here, he is the only police officer who has a reputation for honesty. The rest of them, at least took some bribes, even the good police.

But this unbent guy regarding rules and shit, came to Dregen's funeral, who for all his fame among people, is a criminal for manslaughter in Alliance.

My attention shifted as the door opened, revealing Archer in a suit, carrying his sword. Archer, usually laid-back, looked serious and dressed the same. The scars, barely hidden, told stories of his encounter with legendary Pokémon- Zapdos.

Rumours were spreading fast, especially among the people here. Good too, for reputation is a basic requirement if want to impact a change.

People who noticed as Archer walked in. The room buzzed with whispers and looks.

Archer, now in the spotlight, moved with determination. Dregen's legacy now rested on his shoulders, after all. 

"I am sorry for your loss little Archer."

"Thank you for your condolences, Minister George. I was not in the right state of mind yesterday. I am sorry, it took reading Dregen's dairies for me to find, how great of a person you are. Please, have this crab meat. I am sure you enjoy the food."

"Yes, It's fine. I understand such things."


Another trash entered the conversation with, "Ah! Mr Archer, I heard about your recent win against Eleana, the Celadon gym. Congrats."

"Thank you, Officer Snow."

"So, I heard you are retiring from the circuit. Is that true? Such a pity if it is. I was expecting to see a member of our clan, in the Indigo tournament."

I snorted at the comment, as far as I know, the so-called clan love only comes into play when the chance for profits comes for them.

"Haha! No worries, Officer. I will take a month or two to put the affairs here in order and get back to the Kanto circuit. You can wait for a big surprise there."


"I am sorry for your loss, Mr Archer."

"Thank you, Mr. Edward, for your condolences."

"I heard that you plan to move to main Kanto. A right decision, I must say---"

"Mr. Edward. They are all lies, I am here to stay. Sure, I am going to go on my journey, but Bharatsa is my home. So, don't worry." 

Mr. Edward is worrying from the looks on his face, especially as Archer gives a strong Handshake with his scarred hand. Good, Edward is a pushover and needs some strong words to stay silent.


As Archer mingled with the crowd, condolences and thanks came his way. Frankly speaking, it is impressive that he managed to mingle with them so easily. He is stroking the ego of the right guys, warning the right cowards. 

All this in a single night's conversation with me. I mean, Sure I told him about each of these guys, but it is impressive that he can remember it all and use it.

[Author's note: Guess how??😘]

I soon observed the youth, led by Sam and Jon, gathered behind Archer, forming the core group of the next generation.

These youths were childhood friends of my son or were children of other members of the group led by Dregen.

 While it was heartening to see the bonds forming among them, they still have time to be kids rather than involve themselves and accept these pressures.

Let my generation still hold the weight for some time. While Archer or Sam's case was unavoidable, and unfortunately, my son follows them both all the way. I can do something about the rest.

Mirroring my walk towards Archer, my friends Gerad and Samantha joined them. It seems we are on the same page. It is a pity that the core trio have no choice in the matter.

As I started the light banter, complimenting Archer, "The dress makes you look smart, Little Archer.

But he interrupted me with a serious tone. "Thanks, Uncle, but I need you to call me boss. I'm sorry, while it is abrupt but it's better to implement the plans now."

Archer then turned to Gerad and Samantha, leaving the youth except Sam and Jon confused. "I guess, he informed you guys."

"Yes, Boss" they replied in unison.

I sighed, playing along. "Yes, Boss."

Dregen, while I believe was selfish in his last moments, I couldn't help but agree with his decision.

Archer not even resting from the Funeral yesterday, revealed his plans which were revised on the Business plans he made in the past.

I am still shocked that he made such things, not to forget the fact he changed them overnight.

I had to admit, that Dregen's funeral luncheon was the perfect time to kickstart these plans.

If it had been me in Archer's position, there was a 50-50% chance that I could harden myself to start so soon, but the little Archer did it. Nay, Boss should be the right address. 

Boss, despite his young age, took the pressure well. I found myself again, agreeing with Dregen's seemingly self-centred decision for the people.



I let out a sigh of relief as the crowd surrounded Archer in the centre. Both Dad and Archer had this amazing ability to manage people and leave a good impression on them. Dad did it with genuine kindness, understanding each person's viewpoint and correcting any mistakes.

It was overwhelming for most, like the Berrytown mayor who used to scold Dad and now acted as if they were friends. It irritated me, but Archer had a different approach.

"Dregen, was always ready to change the world, a good friend I will miss."

"Yes, Mayor Arun. He always said to me, your wonderful talks with him in your guest house."

 Jon let out a snort at that, we knew the threats Dad left on him, as far as I knew he made the mayor kneel in underwear to sink in the message.

It was as if he had a lifetime of experience, making it easier for him to understand others.

Unlike Dad, He used this to his advantage.

Knowing that the mayor's position was affected by the berrytown citizens, of which most of them are here to honour Dad. Archer by reminding it, warned the guy. With Uncle standing beside Archer, with his maniac smile, Mayor got the message that his position can be shaken easily by Archer and became silent.

Archer continued to mingle with everyone, citing their tastes, and incidents, and likes to leave them with a good impression.

But I know, in this entire room, he trusted only a few, and I knew I was among them along with Jon and Jonathan. Gerad and Samantha were, at best, still under review by him.

Even this morning, he forced me to listen to him, citing the reasons for trust and the psychological profiles of each of Dad's friends. I couldn't help but feel that he didn't get a psychology degree simply because he didn't have the time.

Jon, who was beside me, asked me, "Do you know I once asked Uncle Dregen to try making you take his mantle? Why force the unwilling Archer, even if he is the better choice? No offense, buddy."

"I know. Dad sat me and said one day, Archer is a better choice compared to him, not to mention me who can't manage the need to be polite to scum. "

But one thing that made me fear the position, was the Archer's words in the morning.

"Listen, Sam. While the power this Will gave me is immense, it is with a cost. With Dregen's good reputation and power he left, I may affect many things. But to fulfil our goal, it is not a laughing matter. 

Please stand beside me, see everything, hear everything and understand everything. Because Dregen all but made sure to make me take his position. A position, in which I may die anytime. Then, it will be you who must take up the mantle. Because you are the only one who can."

After those words, I understood Archer's position before today.

In essence, if misfortune struck Archer, I must take his position. It was suffocating. Though a hint of mirth came to me, just like Dad is forcing Archer, Archer is forcing me to take up the mantle one day. A day, I am not willing to see.

I saw Archer who was among the crowd, give me a look, signalling the start of the plan, especially concerning Minister George. I nodded back.




Soon, in a private room prepared in the hotel, I was seated at a round table with Officer Sunuk and Minister George.

I sat with Sam, Jonathan, Gerad, and Samantha standing behind me. The officials and officers who followed the Minister and officer were positioned behind them.

I couldn't help but ask, "Then what about Sam?"

 "He will follow me as a proud son. I will feel happy resting in the spirit world knowing that my son took up my mantle forward, to the best of his ability. Unlike you."

 I glanced at Sam, who was managing the pressure much better than I ever did. I was forced into this position. So, I admired Sam's willingness to step up. prepared to take on my responsibilities if anything happened to me. He is a great guy, proving to be Dregen's son.

Turning my attention back to the Minister and Officer, I spoke, "You two had the most significant dealings with Dregen."

Their eyes narrowed, anticipating my next words. "Minister, you were provided with countless bribes to support Dregen's good cause of developing the region. Officer Sunuk, you took care of the worst criminals that Dregen caught."

"But things change now."

Standing up, I declared, "Minister, I'm no longer going to pay you money. Instead, I expect you to do your job efficiently." Stepping back, I continued with Officer Sunuk, "I propose even closer cooperation between us. Our teams will collaborate to raid the underworld, apprehend criminals, and earn recognition together."

 As they absorbed the information, I signalled Rotomdex to display two tablets. Each tablet contained detailed plans from the past. Plans that just changed location, rather than the plan implementation

Under my shocked gaze, he continued, "Yes, I saw your plan research proposals, business scenarios and even the Journey. While I can't understand them all, I could understand that you would rather dust your hands off the problems here."

"Minister, I'm requesting the establishment of a research centre based on my evolution achievements, an Electronics factory for manufacturing chargers for electric Pokémon, and Electirizers, with their patent registered here. Additionally, a few sites I want to purchase in Kanto, I want to require your help greasing the wheel in the official ranks."

"Officer Sunuk, your Tab shows the plan to absorb all members of Dregen's group into a security company. This company will assist in raids, apprehending criminals, and even reforming minor offenders coerced by circumstances. It's a fully legal operation."

As they perused the plans, Officer Sunuk expressed his doubt, "While your plans are commendable in addressing the root issues by providing jobs and security to citizens, my main worry is about those with criminal records."

I assured him, "They will be handed over to you for appropriate legal action. They will face the consequences."

The atmosphere grew tense as everyone absorbed my statement. Officer Sunuk broke the silence, "I agree."

With that, he left the room, but he did leave me with a parting remark, "You're not like Dregen. I could, at best, tolerate him. But I find it hard to accept someone who discards loyal people like you do. However, I must stay committed to my job, a commitment for which I've already paid too high a price."

I felt that the man shared Dregen's idealistic goals and understood Dregen's circumstances, but currently disagreed with my methods. Because it essentially cut everyone who has a criminal record to a jail sentence, including the ones in Dregen's group.

I, then finally turned to the guy who was most troublesome to convince. A corrupt politician of the most corrupt country in the world.

The man was continuously reading proposal after proposal while highlighting the core points at a pace that made me nod in approval.

I must admit while this guy is corrupt, he has a bottom line. He never stooped to illegal trade, pokémon human slave trade etc.

I can in a way understand him, he used the political knowledge that he found for himself. For example, he knew that an airport was sanctioned in Telios back then, so he brought tracts of land near the approved site making countless times the profit as land value rose.

"I must say, Mr. Archer. You are quite talented, Even the proposals are well crafted that any Administration graduate like me will praise."

Leave it to a politician to praise one while ending it to highlight themself, I know you have an Administration degree from Telios Academy. Now quote your price buddy.

"But there are problems with some of them. Problems that will take time," he said with a sly smile.

I decided to cut to the chase hearing him say various official procedures, since Officer Sunuk is not here anymore, I said, "I will pay for all your campaign funds for the next election. On top of that, I will give minor shares in my business. Of course, those are the gift for your good counsel."

He appeared contemplative since he must have got similar proposals now and then. though I am sure he would not be expecting my final offer, "I will establish a gym here."

His eyes widened in shock. Setting up a gym was no small matter; it guaranteed safety for the area it was established in.

Bharatsa, with its large population, had only nine gyms, none of which matched the level of major gyms.

"Just think about it, Minister. With the reputation of the development under your support, there is no need to limit yourself to another ministry. You can aim for the home ministry, then the Vice presidency, and even the presidency. You will be the Goodshow of Bharatsa, the man who remade it, just like Goodshow remade Indigo."

The idea seemed to invigorate him. Excitement gleamed in his eyes, and he eagerly agreed, "Yes, yes, Mr. Archer. I will help you with the permission. But just send the shares to my wife's name."

I nodded in agreement, knowing it was a proxy, an open loophole that officials wouldn't easily fill.

"However, Mr. Archer, there is an actual problem with two of your projects."

"What is it?"

"You stated that you would provide 50% of the funds and apply for the rest as loans from Alliance. While I can pass the request for the Research lab and Electronics industry it will be tough to do the same for the Pokeblock and Breeding house. The review board will not approve funding for both."

His reasoning was clear. Pokeblocks were considered high-end food for even the high-consumption trainer group, and every breeding house funded by Alliance had existed for generations. It posed a challenge in terms of profit margins due to established brands.

 I needed to address this problem in the future. I will establish them myself if needed because there is a reason the society runs on Pokémon.

Pokemon consumption in the economy is much higher than that of humans. So, the core part of the Pokémon economy is based on Breeding house, which has to be developed.

Then the minister said, "The one I am most surprised about was your plan to invite Lt. Surge as a partner in the electronic industry. A smart thing to tie his influence in central Kanto to your business. I can see him agreeing to be a part of the manufacturing process of the first man-made Evolution item. Especially considering his followers are experienced in electronics, they can be your employees. I am sure to give your support in this."

His overthinking at the last part irritated even me.

I got his hidden message, which is saying he wants the shares to be from this industry, rather than risk hole research labs.

You must know the profit capabilities of research labs are either a massive success or directly put the owner on the roads, begging for food.

I watched as he goofed for a while making small talk with Sam and Jonathan. While unfortunate, I need his support for smooth progression from the official site of Bharatsa. It's just my heart breaks on my loss.

 You must know, that I even plan to make a production line for Pokemon world counterparts of Mobile phones. Each with different grades of features until the Rotomdex at the top. However, the supply of Rotoms must be found, which is a manageable issue.

I was broken from my thoughts as the minister left the irritated Sam and said to me, "It was good to meet you, Mr. Archer. May we have a lifelong friendship."

I replied the same with a broad smile, "I wish the same, Mr. George. You must know, that you are the referral in my trainer card for the travel to the Kanto circuit."

"Then we are fated."

I watched as he finally left and sunk back in my seat. I indicated Rotomdex to search the room. I signalled them to see Rotomdex displaying a search for hearing devices.

Jon getting my point the fastest, started the show.

"Can we trust the pig? No offence, but he doesn't seem reliable," Jon asked as we observed the minister entering his car from the window.

I chuckled in response, "Trust me, as long as you show profit, fame, or power, none can be as hardworking as a corrupt politician. I just gave him all of them."

"But if he doesn't comply with giving us support," I added, watching as Rotomdex scanned the room, removing the eavesdropping bug device left by the minister. 

I took the bug while my anger rose, I channelled it to give the stick to the pig. After all stick and carrot has been the best form of making someone work since the beginning of civilization.

"Your dad's friends will ensure someone who will support us to take his place. After all, one more record is nothing for them, right?" I continued.

Jonathan laughed knowing the point I was making. In an odd reminiscing look, he gave a pat on my shoulder and answered the question, "Yes, what's one more record?"

Leaving the record piece back in place, we walked out of the room. Hopefully, Minister George got the message.



While strolling down the corridor, I asked Jonathan, "Are your friends with records ready for the task I sent? After all, they essentially have to hide themselves while their friends walk in the light."

"It's not a new thing for them, so it won't be a problem. But they have a request," Jonathan replied.

Curious, I asked, "What is it?"

"They want to meet you," he said.

Jon laughed at that, "Then it's a good thing we're already on the way to meet them."

Sam who was frowning asked me a doubt, "Will you follow through your threat to the Pig?"

I stopped for a second to think and continued my gait, "Change your speaking Sam. Mister George or Minister, it is the right way to address this. No matter our inner thoughts, he holds power, and we need him "

Sam nodded at my advice and asked me again, "What if he backs down? Will you follow through with your threat to Minister?"

I bluntly said, "I wish he doesn't Sam."




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