After several unnatural and near extinction level events, the entire planet seemed to go quiet.
If people weren't locked in their homes before, they certainly were now that a giant laser beam had fallen from the sky.
Even the animals had retreated to their dens as if they were preparing for a harsh winter.
So obviously, it was hard to find a place to sit down in, but eventually the girls found one inn with an owner who was just as insane as he was passionate about his craft.
Which was how the two of them ended up sitting in at a small table just by the window; with two cups of tea sitting in front of the both of them.
It was several minutes after the girls' sat down before Seras even tried to speak.
"…I was going to come home today, you know?"
Lillian remained rather obstinate. "You shouldn't have left in the first place."
"I-I know, but I needed… time. I didn't want any of you to see me like this." Seras lowered her head.
I’m sorry I’m late yall I was really just having trouble writing with everything going on.
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