For the 80th time in four days, Abaddon had woken up in somewhere that wasn't his bedroom.
This time, the place he awoke just so happened to be the common room sofa.
But at least he wasn't alone.
His daughters had seemingly come to comfort him en masse during his rest.
Courtney was sharing his lap with Gabbrielle, the twins sat at his sides, and Thrudd was sort of just sprawled out across the floor at his feet.
…All in all, it was a very cute visual.
Abaddon felt soothed to his core.
There weren't many things in life that could replicate being surrounded by your children. Abaddon knew this better than anyone.
With the exception of Thea, Mira, and Nubia, all of his precious daughters were here in one place.
And where were his sons?? None of those rodents were anywhere to be seen!
All of them were too concerned with their women to even show a tad bit of interest or empathy for their father!
we’re going to be moving soon and everytime I think about packing all the crap we have I physically feel my soul try to leave my body