"Driri, play my Blood & Murder Mix."
*Playing 'God's Warrior' by Tee Grizzley.*
Seras excitedly danced about her closet like a teen girl in an early 2000's movie.
Fighting and dancing both require a certain level of rhythm and attention to pacing that Seras certainly should have possessed.
But she either didn't care to dance correctly, or was unable to at present. The music kind of just did whatever with her body like Lailah when she'd had enough liquor.
Adrenaline coursed through her body in waves as she picked weapons off the wall.
Her spear was the first thing to go in her dimensional storage, followed by the khopesh Ra gifted her a few million years ago and the shield she took from Zeus.
She was so deep in her own little world that she didn't notice Bekka walk in; no doubt looking for clean clothes to steal.
I didn’t realize yesterday that we hit 800 chapters and I promised myself I wouldn’t get too sentimental so I just went to say to everyone thank you for supporting me and I hope to continue enriching your reading experience here.
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