Lord_of_darkness99 - Profile


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2021-11-01 Joint Global

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run bro

Arell turned to see a man approaching them. Even in the dim light of the penthouse, there was no mistaking who it was. Sean Combs, better known as P. Diddy, was making his way towards them. He was dressed impeccably in a tailored suit, a gold chain gleaming around his neck. His presence commanded attention, and several partygoers turned to watch as he approached.

Convict to King

Convict to King

Movies · AmSincere


is this like what mark Cuban did ?

For those of you who don't know what a Put option is, let me explain. Suppose the price of Yahoo falls to $401.3 (420-18.7) after 12 months, then I'll have no profit, no loss. If it is anything above that amount, I would be making a loss. But anything below the value of $401.3 will result in a profit for me. On the conservative side, say the price is $400, I'd still be making $68,900.

Dreams of Stardom (Hollywood SI)

Dreams of Stardom (Hollywood SI)

Movies · FableWeaver


he's a powerful warg

"What the fuck," he muttered, shocked and disoriented.

The Son of Ice and Fire (Jon Snow SI)

The Son of Ice and Fire (Jon Snow SI)

TV · Illusiveone

Replied to TheManUnderTheBed

looks fierce

Samaya was having trouble sleeping as she lay atop her blankets in the nude with her long thick black hair sprawled out on her pillow. All she could think about was the strange group that had entered the city barely half a day ago, though it was one of them who interested her the most, she discarded the white and red-haired men as they looked weak, and while the older black haired one had the stance of a warrior he did not ooze the power that the one called Jon did, and he was of the Blood of Old Valyria.

Lost Artefacts | A Game of Thrones fic

Lost Artefacts | A Game of Thrones fic

Book&Literature · TheManUnderTheBed


cripple him

'Of course my queen.' I said while my heart was still racing from the kiss I just received from her. I want more but patience… Aerys is an obstacle I must figure out how to remove.

The Quiet Knight /ASOIAF

The Quiet Knight /ASOIAF

Book&Literature · Ash_D_Born


maybe spell books or valyrian steel armor for dragons

(AN: Daeron has regained his powers and is now a walking powerhouse, basicslly a small ice and fire dragon rolled into one. Pretty cool I think, anyway do you guys want Daeron to find some cool stuff in valyria or head straight home?)

Lost in Sothoryos | A Game of Thrones fanfic

Lost in Sothoryos | A Game of Thrones fanfic

Book&Literature · TheManUnderTheBed


marry her

Myrcella smiled regaining her cheerful nature "Littlefinger has lost most of his money, Varys lost his access through the Red Keep and the Hand of the King is dead, knowing father he'll send for Lord Stark meaning that both people who want to find Jon the most won't be able to as they will both be consumed with Aegon and the Golden Company, as well as the suspicions that have now been placed on Varys and Littlefinger. And just to cause a little more chaos I unmanned my brother"

Lost in Sothoryos | A Game of Thrones fanfic

Lost in Sothoryos | A Game of Thrones fanfic

Book&Literature · TheManUnderTheBed


the original form

When he took his first breath back in the real world he realised he was in a burning ship, panicking he tried to get up but his body was weak and on top of him was a deep red dragon that that had smooth scales, as if they had never seen the outside before, small spines ran down the baby dragons back leading to a spiked tail. The most noticeable thing about the creature was that it had four legs in addition to its wings, unlike Vhagar who only had a single pair.

Lost in Sothoryos | A Game of Thrones fanfic

Lost in Sothoryos | A Game of Thrones fanfic

Book&Literature · TheManUnderTheBed



"GET OFF ME" I shout as loud as I can, all of a sudden flames burst from my body and spread around me.

Lost in Sothoryos | A Game of Thrones fanfic

Lost in Sothoryos | A Game of Thrones fanfic

Book&Literature · TheManUnderTheBed


fire cannot kill a dragon

I found a stick that I've tied a bit of my shirt too, would've used Sansa's dress but she needs all the protection from the sun she can get 'I fear any longer in the sun and her skin would share the same trait as her hair' I think with a slight chuckle 'Though my skin seems fine for some reason' I ponder while tying the cloth in a knot.

Lost in Sothoryos | A Game of Thrones fanfic

Lost in Sothoryos | A Game of Thrones fanfic

Book&Literature · TheManUnderTheBed


Jace having rizz is not crazy,he has the face for it

(AN: Jace just casually being a Rizz god. Just kidding, but tbf it's not that unusual for people in their early teens to get a crush. Though medieval love is a little screwy so who knows. Jace was just trying to be nice like his mother asked him to, he didn't really realise what he was doing as he hasn't really developed romantic feelings yet. These girls are a little older so they most certainly have. Anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter.)

Blood and Dragons || House of the Dragon Fic

Blood and Dragons || House of the Dragon Fic

TV · TheManUnderTheBed

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