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57.53% Lost in Sothoryos | A Game of Thrones fanfic / Chapter 42: Someone You’d Burn The World For

Chapitre 42: Someone You’d Burn The World For

(Kings Landing)


The mood was sombre in the small council chambers, even the wind seemed to die down in the current atmosphere. King Robert Baratheon sat at the head of the table, bags under his eyes conveying the lack of sleep he had gotten last night. A week ago they had lost the Hand of the King in what seemed to be an ambush by supporters of Aegon Targaryen, an assassin had also tried to claim the Crown Prince's life, however, he survived though he is now effective a eunuch.

Quite unusually was that Jaime Lannister was present in the room, a few days after the incident Barristan disappeared, no one knowing where he went, this did much to implicate him in what occurred but there was no conclusive evidence to say it was him. Jaime Lannister at the insistence of the Queen took the position of Lord Commander of the Kingsguard and so by right he was allowed to sit in on Small Council meetings.

The occupants of the room were Robert, Jaime, Stannis and Renly, he had kept out Littlefinger and Varys as they were under suspicion for not only being involved in the incident but supporting the Targaryens.

"Stannis, have you found anything?" Robert asks in a tired voice, losing his father figure was hard enough but he also had to deal with the wailing and screeching of his wife for the past week.

Stannis nodded, he placed certain documents onto the table "The warehouse was owned by Baelish, though unfortunately, it doesn't prove anything, he owns many properties in Kings landing"

Renly laughs "What would Littlefinger have to gain from supporting the Targaryens, he's already Master of Coin, he isn't stupid enough to think he'll rise beyond what he is"

Robert frowns "You would be surprised what men are capable of, even those we think we know" he grumbles while thinking of his friend.

Robert then looks to Renly "I don't know if I should even bother asking but have you discovered anything of help?"

Renly narrows his eyes "Terribly sorry to disappoint you brother but I have... During the chaos last night one of the City Watch snatched a child heading towards the keep, After some time alone with the child we discovered he was one of Vary's little birds. He confessed that he used the secret tunnels you discovered a week ago to give messages to him"

Stannis frowns at the revelation "So Varys knew about the secret tunnels throughout the Red Keep but neglected to tell the King... even if he doesn't support the Targaryens that is still a dereliction of duty"

Robert bashes his fist on the table "Seven hells! I got one piece of evidence pointing one way and another pointing a different way. I should just end then both myself" he shouts out.

Jaime Lannister who had been content to sit there finally chimed in "I'd hold back your grace, while I'd love nothing more than to see Littlefingers head on a spike they do have important roles in the realm if we kill them and they are innocent then we'd be plunging the seven kingdoms further into chaos for no reason"

Robert sat there contemplating his suggestion before he curses and stands up "I want them watched, any hint of treason HEADS ON SPIKES!" He shouts before marching out of the room and slamming the door.

Though unknown to the people in the room, looking in from opposite sides in separate secret tunnels were Petyr Baelish and Varys. Both had the same thought when they heard the information that was presented to the small council.

'We've both been played...'

They both thought as they contemplated who would've been smart enough and known them enough to completely play them. Even now they had to dance to this stranger's tune, if Petyr didn't try to implicate Varys then his embezzlement might be discovered, and if Varys didn't do the same they might discover that he was supporting Aegon.

Regardless of the fact they knew about the stranger's plan, they had no choice but to play their parts in it, lest their heads be separated from their necks.


(Old Town)


It was a beautiful day in Old Town, while it was hot the sea breeze coming from the ocean cooled down the residents, Arya and Sansa decided to leave the city and go hunt small game to see if they'd get any coin for it. While Daeron spent his time where he usually had for the last week.

He was hammering away at a post driving it into the ground. The orphanage used to have its own cow as well as chickens but had lost them due to disease, this lead the coops and fences to fall into disrepair as others from the neighbourhood scavenged what they could. Luckily the coops weren't damaged but the surrounding fence was. Margaery was generous enough to replace the animals they lost, so Daeron offered to fix up the fence, he'd done simple construction back in Winterfell and studied architecture a bit in Sothoryos.

Daeron had taken his tunic off as he didn't want to ruin it with his sweat. He hammered away fixing poles to the floor before hammering planks between them, Margaery watched as he did so. She was standing just outside the back door to the orphanage, she was supposed to tell him that lunch was ready but found herself watching him.

He wasn't the biggest man he'd ever seen, but he was taller than the average man and while not overly muscled he had quite a good definition, it's as if his body was built for speed and agility.

'He looks like he isn't human' Margaery thought as she watches his silver hair shine in the sun. Margaery had met many lords and knights but she had never encountered someone as unique and beautiful as Daeron. He had an otherworldly beauty with eyes that looked as if they could stare into your soul.

Margaery approached him, deciding that standing and staring all day would not make her look good "Lucerys... the matron has made lunch for us to have with the children" she said in her sweet voice.

Putting down his hammer Daeron turns to her and gives her a smile that makes her heart beat a little faster "Thank you, I'll just wash off at the barrel there and be in soon" Daeron says as he picks his tunic off one of the fence poles and throws it over his shoulder.

Margaery quickly follows him, she'd had a lot of fun with him this past week, even though most of the time they just talked about normal things it was nice. He didn't dislike that she was intelligent and they even found themselves talking about history and engaging in a few debates.

Though what she loves the most is the stories he tells her of the different places he has been to. Margaery was always told she was a rose of High Garden, roses don't travel they stay still otherwise they will never grow strong. She'd always felt bitter she was never allowed to travel and see the world, there was so much that books could not tell her. Jon would only tell her one story a day and it was maddening, yesterday he told her of his trip to Volantis where he had to escape. And before that, he told her of his trip beyond the wall and his encounter with all manner of people.

Margaery felt no need to alter her behaviour around him like she had to around everyone but her family, this alarmed her at first as to how comfortable she was with him but she shrugged it off not thinking it was important.

She walks in front of Daeron turning around to face him while still walking backwards she gives Daeron a smirk which makes him chuckle as he already knows what she wants "Lucerys... you promised me you'd tell me of another place you'd been to in your travels" she said coyly.

Daeron found her big doe eyes hard to say no to he handed her his tunic before grabbing a cloth on the side of the barrel. He dips his head inside revelling in the cool water against his skin, bringing his head back out he starts wiping his body with a damp cloth.

Behind him Margaret can be seen staring as he does, she looks down at the tunic that he handed to her before lifting it to her face and breathing in his scent. Margaery knew what she was doing was quite vulgar but she found that she didn't care. Her nose was surrounded by his scent, she closed her eyes basking in Daeron's smell.

She didn't realise Daeron had finished his quick wash and was looking at her smell his tunic, he got her attention by clearing his throat. She immediately snapped out of sniffing his shirt her eyes wide and her cheeks red.

This caused Daeron to smile, he'd never seen her lose her composure like this before, and he thought it was quite cute "May I have my tunic back?" He asks with mirth. Margaery immediately gives it back to him completely mortified that she was caught.

Daeron put his tunic on and they both made their way back towards the Orphanage to have lunch. Margaery looked at her feet her face still burning with embarrassment. Daeron didn't want her to feel too bad so decided to cheer her up a bit "You know Margaery I'm not as well-travelled as you might think. I spent the majority of my time in one place... Sothoryos"

Margaery's eyes widened as she looked up from her feet, she practically jumps on him as she grabs his arm "You've been to Sothoryos and you didn't tell me before!!!" She shouted much to Daeron's amusement.

Daeron nods his head "I spent around a year there, though it wasn't easy" he states.

Margaery gets even closer practically pushing her breasts into his chest, her golden brown eyes peering into his starry blue ones, their breath mingling together making them realise how close they are. Daeron looks down at her lush dark pink lips, but neither realises it when they both lean in and their lips connect. Margaery closes her eyes leaning into the kiss while Daeron wraps his arms around her waist.

Though Margaery quickly snaps out of it and pushes herself away quickly composing herself  "Apologies my Lady I got carried away and did something I should not have done" Daeron admits with a small bow.

Margaery touches her lips before shaking her head "Please Lucerys it was an honest mistake do not apologise"

They both head to the back door, Daeron opens it for Margaery who smiles at him before going inside "I still want to hear your story of Sothoryos" she says as she enters making him chuckle before he follows.




In a dark musty solar a man and a woman stood together, the man had just finished looking into a candle made of glass, and he sits back in his seat wiping his forehead with a meaty palm.

The woman who stood behind the man in the chair looked down at him "Did you see him? Is he near?" She asked excitement laced in her voice.

The man nods his head before standing up "Will his blood truly unlock the doors of stone?"

She smiles manically as she looks at him "There is power in the blood, and his blood is that of ice and fire"

The man steps towards his desk drinking from a mug that contained ale "Soon magic will permeate this world, the gods will walk among us and the grey rats that infest this city will burn" he said with malice.

He then looks towards the woman "Soon our partnership will come to a close something I'm grateful for, you R'hllor priests piss me off but I am curious to know what you will use his blood for"

The woman looks to the man "My god is trapped and I intend to free her..."




(3 weeks later)

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!!!" Rhaenys shouted as she continually threw things at Myrcella and Asha who had just shown up unannounced, luckily Arianne decided to go for a horse ride as she would most definitely recognise the Princess. 

Rhaenys was around 6 months into her pregnancy, and most of that time was spent without her love, Dornish temper combined with her raging hormones gave her a very short fuse "I just took a small trip on the boat and got sidetracked as I thought I saw a unicorn, Asha said they're only native to Skagos so I set out to prove her wrong which is why we took so long" Myrcella said with an innocent smile as Asha nodded constantly while next to her.

Rhaenys raises an eyebrow "And the 20 chests filled with gold and gems? Where did you find that"

Myrcella sheepishly rubs her head "I guess someone must've left it on the beach... perhaps a pirate forgot to bury his treasure?"

Rhaenys features grow serious as she huffs, scarily reminding the two girls of Vhagar "Myrcella, I forgave you for lying about your identity... but if you lie again I will not forgive you a second time" She says clearly.

Myrcella meets Rhaenys eyes for a minute, she looks away and sighs "We went to Kings Landing" She says truthfully, meeting her eyes once more.

Rhaenys eyes widen again as she looks for something to throw, settling on a pillow from her bed, it hits Asha in the face who grumbles about it not being her idea.

"What possessed you to go to that snake pit, If they had caught you they would never let you leave again" Rhaenys said as she reprimanded them.

Myrcella looked at her with a serious expression, something that Rhaenys had rarely seen "The King was too focused on Jon, so I gave him another target to focus on"

Rhaenys eyes widen in surprise as do Asha's "You sent the original letter... telling them of Aegon" Myrcella nods her head.

"But why travel to Kings Landing? You'd already caused the damage with the letter" Rhaenys asks, Asha was curious as well because she didn't know that Myrcella sent the original letter nor did she know why they went to Kings Landing until they got there.

Myrcella walks to Rhaenys bed and takes a seat next to her "I couldn't be sure how long it would last, and there was still Lord Stark to worry about he had free reign to search for Jon"

Rhaenys looks at her with concern "What did you do Myrcella..."

Myrcella smiled regaining her cheerful nature "Littlefinger has lost most of his money, Varys lost his access through the Red Keep and the Hand of the King is dead, knowing father he'll send for Lord Stark meaning that both people who want to find Jon the most won't be able to as they will both be consumed with Aegon and the Golden Company, as well as the suspicions that have now been placed on Varys and Littlefinger. And just to cause a little more chaos I unmanned my brother"

"Why!" Rhaenys blurts out in shock.

Myrcella regains her cold serious look "He's a vicious and cruel person, he's no better than the mad king from what I've read, he's a mistake, a product of ill-breeding and eliminating any chance of him fathering children is my gift to the world. Though it also had the added benefit of making my mother more unstable, she's already quite volatile and will concoct amateurish plans to get what she wants, which is now focused on Aegon"

Rhaenys feels speechless, her mouth is open as she looks at Myrcella, Asha who had grown up with the iron born and was used to cruelty but turning an entire city on its head impressed her.

"Why do all this?" Rhaenys finds herself saying quietly.

Myrcella moves closer holding Rhaenys hand and giving her a warm smile "Why do you think silly" she says as she kisses her mouth surprising Rhaenys, she'd never been kissed by Myrcella like this before, all of them had been passionate in the middle of their intimate moments, not the slow loving kiss she was receiving now.

Myrcella moves back her lips disconnecting from Rhaenys "I love you and Jon... before I met you I felt like a ghost haunting the Red Keep, my heart beat but my eyes were soulless, meeting Jon and then you breathed life into me..."

"And if the entire world turned against you... I would burn it to the ground"


(Old Town)


Daeron felt his heart race as he walked into the tunnel, he wishes he had thought to bring his Valyrian steel armour but then immediately threw the thought out, that would bring a lot of attention to himself and probably her him robbed. It was time for the tournament, it had been a month and he was ready, he would claim the mountain's life for taking his brother and stepmother away from him and then he'd claim his head and present it to Rhaenys as a wedding gift.

Daeron reaches the exit of the tunnel covering his eyes as the rays of the sun hit his eyes. The crowd was cheering, and he looked to be the last fighter that had entered the arena, Daeron looked around and saw at least 50 different people in this arena, he wasn't surprised the prize for this melee was 50,000 gold dragons as well as a Tyrell bred horse, they were known or more specifically the eldest son Willas was known to breed the finest horses in Westeros, so for any knight, this was a large boon.

But Daeron didn't care about that, he felt himself smile as he looked upon his target, standing there the largest man on the field, Ser Gregor Clegane seemed to pace like a wild animal sometimes hitting his helmet with his fists. Daeron shrugged it off, any man who can do what they did to a woman and child is not sane, so his behaviour is not out of the ordinary.

He looked up to the stands to see Arya and Sansa cheering for him, he smiled back at them giving them a quick wave.  He looked at the seat of honour where usually the hosting family would sit, they were joined by the Tyrell however. He could see Margaery was there though she did not look very happy, Daeron grimaced as he knew why. She thought it was stupid of him to enter into the melee, saying that he could get hurt.

He felt bad to hurt a friend like that but he wouldn't allow his brother's killer to slip away when he was so close.


'Time to slay a mountain... again'

(AN: ugh I hate writing these slice-of-life chapters, I'd much rather be writing cool shit, but we'll get there, next chapter is the melee fight and some other stuff, i decided to add Margaery to the harem, cause Fuck it. Anyway let me know what you think)

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