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75.86% Blood and Dragons || House of the Dragon Fic / Chapter 22: Friends to Make and Women to Marry

Chapitre 22: Friends to Make and Women to Marry

Jace soared high above the Blackwater Rush, the cool night air rushing past him as he rode atop Vermax. He smiled, savouring the familiar exhilaration of flying upon one of the most incredible beasts in the world. The ground below was a blur of dark water and rolling landscape, but he could see the distant lights of King's Landing on the horizon.

As he approached the city, his smile faded into a frown. Smoke rose in thick plumes from several quarters, and flames licked at the buildings. King's Landing was on fire, chaos and destruction rampant in the streets below. His heart tightened with concern, but before he could process the scene fully, a deafening roar echoed through the sky.

Jace turned just in time to see Vhagar, diving toward him with terrifying speed. Vhagar's maw opened wide, revealing rows of sharp teeth. Jace barely had time to react before the great beast's jaws snapped shut around him, plunging him into darkness.

The familiar rush of the wind ceased, replaced by a suffocating void. He couldn't see anything, his surroundings swallowed by inky blackness. The only sounds were the slow drip of liquid and a faint, ominous rumble. Panic surged within him as he tried to call out Vermax's name, but no sound escaped his lips. A sudden spark of fire ignited not far away, growing rapidly until it illuminated his surroundings. Jace realized with horror that he was in front of the open maw of a dragon. The flames provided a brief, terrifying glimpse of his situation before he dove to the side, narrowly avoiding a torrent of dragonfire.

The flames lit up a dank, cavernous space around him. The walls were slick with moisture, and the air was thick with the stench of sulfur and decay. The dragon before him was coal black, its scales gleaming with an eerie sheen. Its sickly green eyes, reminiscent of wildfire, glared at him with malevolent intelligence.

The beast turned its massive head toward him, winding back to strike. Jace scrambled to his feet, but before he could move, the dragon lunged, its jaws snapping shut around him once more.

Jace woke up screaming, his heart pounding in his chest and his body drenched in sweat. He sat up in bed, gasping for breath, the echoes of his nightmare still ringing in his ears. His eyes darted around the room, taking in the familiar surroundings of his chambers in the Red Keep. Gradually, his breathing slowed and his heart rate steadied. The terror of the dream began to fade, replaced by the comforting realization that he was safe. He ran a hand through his damp hair, trying to shake off the lingering dread. It was just a dream, he reminded himself, though it had felt all too real.

He lay back down, staring up at the ceiling as his thoughts wandered. Normally he would discount this as just another dream, but he knew that sometimes they could have deeper meaning. The dreams he had in Valyria were a testament to that; he had been reluctant to return to that dreamscape, and the time he spent trapped there had left a mark on him that made him fearful of the place.

As Jace regained his composure, the door to his room opened, and his mother walked inside with Helaena and Daella at her heels. "Splendid, you're already awake," Rhaenyra said as she saw Jace.

"Good morning, Mother," Jace replied, hopping off his bed. Daella and Helaena both blushed slightly as Jace was bare-chested. While he had always been athletic, the constant training had started to build muscle on his lean frame. Jace didn't notice their looks and instead walked over to his dresser, taking out a white tunic. But as he did, his mother stepped forward and took it from his hand.

"That won't do," she said, examining the simple garment.

"What do you mean?" Jace asked, puzzled.

"You're having lunch with Borros Baratheon's daughters today. You must wear something more presentable."

Jace sighed, already dreading the prospect. "Give them to Aegon and Aemond. I have training this afternoon."

"They are escorting the Tyrell and Lannister children," Rhaenyra replied firmly.

Before Jace could protest further, Helaena chimed in with a smirk, "Before you suggest us, Daella and I have been asked to escort the Stark, Arryn, and Martell children."

Jace growled in frustration, making his mother smile. She walked over to him, stroking and fixing his hair. "Don't pout. You'll survive. I'm not asking you to marry them," Rhaenyra said gently.

"Is that not their goal?" Jace said, raising an eyebrow sceptically.

Rhaenyra cupped his face, her expression softening. "As long as I am Heir to the Throne, you will not be betrothed until you are ready." Jace sent her a grateful smile, but Rhaenyra then squeezed his cheeks playfully. "However, that does not mean you're allowed to be anything but courteous to their daughters," she added sternly.

Jace huffed again, resigning himself to his fate. "Just treat them as you do Daella and Helaena, and you'll have them eating out of your palm," Rhaenyra said, smiling in amusement at the blushing faces of the girls behind her.

"Fine, I'll go. Let me get dressed," Jace said, relenting.

"I've seen you get dressed before; that simply won't do. I'll be choosing your outfit for you today," Rhaenyra said, moving to his dresser. Helaena and Daella exchanged glances and, despite their curiosity, decided to spare Jace any further embarrassment by waiting outside. They slipped out of the room, leaving Jace alone with his mother. Rhaenyra rifled through his clothes with a critical eye, finally pulling out a rich, deep black doublet embroidered with silver thread. "This will do nicely," she said, holding it up for Jace to see.

Jace sighed but didn't protest. He took the doublet from her and began to dress, under his mother's watchful eye. "You know, Mother, I understand the need for these formalities, but sometimes it feels like a performance," he said as he fastened the buttons.

Rhaenyra smiled sympathetically. "I know, Jace. But these meetings are important. They help maintain alliances and keep the peace. And who knows? You might actually enjoy the company of the Baratheon girls."

Jace gave her a sceptical look but nodded. "I'll do my best."

Once he was dressed, Rhaenyra stepped back to appraise him. "You look very handsome. Remember to be polite and attentive."

Jace gave her a resigned smile. "I will, Mother."

Rhaenyra hugged him briefly. "Good. Now, go out there and charm them."

Jace took a deep breath, straightened his shoulders, and walked out of his room to face the day. As he stepped into the hallway, Helaena and Daella rejoined him, giving him encouraging smiles.

"You look great, Jace," Daella said, her blush returning.

"Just be yourself," Helaena added.

Jace managed a small smile. "Thanks. Let's get this over with."


The four Baratheon sisters sat in one of the open gardens overlooking King's Landing. The sun was shining, and the city below seemed to sparkle in the daylight. Servants had brought honeyed milk, lemon tarts, and other pastries, which the girls picked at as they talked.

Cassandra was the first to speak. "King's Landing smells like shit," she said bluntly, crinkling her nose. "I don't know how people can live here all the time."

Floris giggled softly. "It's not all bad. There are parts that smell pretty nice, especially near the gardens."

Maris rolled her eyes. "Only you would find something nice to say about this place, Floris. But honestly, it's a bit overwhelming. So many people, and that smell..."

Ellyn nodded in agreement. "It's definitely different from Storm's End. But there's something exciting about it too, don't you think?"

Floris nodded eagerly, her eyes wide with wonder. "Yes! And the royal family... they're so interesting. I think it's fascinating to see them up close."

Cassandra took a sip of her honeyed milk and smirked. "Alright, who do you think is the most attractive among them?"

"I think Aemond," Cassandra then added without hesitation. "He's got that intense look, you know? Like he's always thinking about something important."

Maris shrugged. "I think Aegon's the most handsome. He has that carefree attitude, and there's something about him that's just... appealing."

Ellyn looked thoughtful. "I agree with Cassandra. Aemond has that serious, brooding look. It's kind of attractive."

Floris, who had been quiet, blushed deeply when her sisters turned to her. "Jacaerys," she mumbled, barely audible.

Cassandra raised an eyebrow. "What? You like Jacaerys? Really?"

Maris couldn't help but laugh. "Jacaerys? He looked a mess in the throne room. His tunic was simple, his hair was all over the place, and he didn't even acknowledge us properly."

Ellyn frowned. "Yeah, he was rude. Denied his name and just walked away. What's so special about him?"

Floris blushed even more, her cheeks turning bright red. "I don't know... I just thought he was dashing. There was something about him."

Cassandra snorted. "You've got weird taste, Floris."

Maris rolled her eyes. "Well, good luck with that. He didn't seem interested in talking to us at all."

Floris looked down at her hands, feeling embarrassed. "Maybe he was just having a bad day," she said softly.

They sat in silence for a moment, munching on the lemon tarts. The topic shifted back to the Red Keep and the difficulty of getting close to Aegon and Aemond. "It's hard to get near Aegon and Aemond," Maris said, sounding frustrated. "They're always busy with other daughters. It's like we don't even exist."

Ellyn sighed. "Yeah, it's really annoying. We came all this way, and we can't even talk to them properly."

Cassandra leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms. "We just need to find a way to stand out. Do something they'll remember."

Maris smirked. "Like what? Strip and dance on the tables?"

Cassandra laughed. "Maybe not that extreme, but we have to be more memorable than the others. Otherwise, we'll just blend in with the crowd."

Floris, still feeling a bit embarrassed, tried to steer the conversation to something lighter. "What do you think of the Red Keep? It's so big."

Ellyn smiled. "I love it. There's so much to explore. Did you see the throne room? It's incredible."

Maris nodded. "Yes, it's quite impressive. Though I still think Storm's End has its own charm."

Cassandra scoffed. "Charm? Storm's End is a fortress. The Red Keep is a palace. There's no comparison."

Floris looked thoughtful. "I like both for different reasons. Storm's End feels like home, but the Red Keep is so grand. It makes you feel like you're part of something important."

As the four sisters continued talking, their conversation quieted when they noticed someone entering the garden. The newcomer was wearing a finely made black doublet with silver lining. His silver-gold hair, which shone in the sun, was swept back behind his ears, looking thick and rich. He was very handsome, but his most prominent feature was his eyes, which looked like the sea reflecting a crystal blue sky.

The sisters were so shocked that they had no idea who this was. He approached them, his back straight and a serious expression on his face. "My ladies," Jace said with a small bow, taking each one of their hands and placing a kiss upon them.

All the sisters blushed, but Floris's cheeks were particularly heated. "Prince Jacaerys," she stuttered, bowing her head.

The other sisters looked on in shock, hardly believing that the dishevelled, rude boy they had met yesterday could possibly be the same person standing before them now.

Jace took a seat at the table, and a servant promptly walked forward, pouring him a drink and serving him food. The sisters watched him, still taken aback by the transformation, and wondered what had brought about such a change in demeanour and appearance.

"Prince Jacaerys?" Maris said almost questioningly, her voice tinged with disbelief.

Jace looked up from his food and smiled, making her heart beat quicken. "Yes, Lady Maris," he replied. She didn't respond immediately, instead just staring at him dumbly.

"We apologize, Prince Jacaerys. You just look a little different than you did before," Ellyn said carefully.

"Yeah, you're not a sweaty mess," Cassandra added more crassly, earning a kick from Maris.

Jace chuckled. "I had just finished training with the sword when I was called to the throne room. I apologize for my less than courtly appearance."

He continued, "I am also sorry for the way I spoke to you. I am not one for formalities, and I had other business I needed to attend to, though this doesn't excuse my behaviour." His tone was genuinely apologetic.

"Please think nothing of it, Prince Jacaerys. I only hope you were able to conclude your business," Floris said as she leaned on the table, her cheeks resting in her hands as she stared at him.

Jace gave her a polite smile and took another sip of his drink. "Thank you, Lady Floris. I appreciate your understanding."

The tension eased, and they all began to converse more freely. "So, tell me about Storm's End. What is it like growing up there?" Jace asked, genuinely curious.

Cassandra was the first to respond. "Storm's End is... well, it's a big, strong castle. The wind is always blowing, and the sea is always rough. It's kind of boring sometimes."

"But it's fun too," Ellyn added. "We get to climb the cliffs and watch the storms. It makes you feel tough."

Maris nodded. "And we learn a lot. Father says it makes us prepared for anything. The weather is bad, but it teaches us to deal with hard things."

Floris chimed in, her eyes still fixed on Jace. "And the cliffs and the sea... they're pretty. We play near the shore a lot."

Jace listened intently, nodding. "It sounds interesting.

"What about you, Prince Jacaerys?" Maris asked, leaning in slightly. "What was it like growing up in King's Landing?"

Jace shook his head. "Actually, I grew up mostly on Dragonstone. King's Landing is more of a recent place for me."

"Dragonstone?" Ellyn asked, her interest piqued. "What was that like?"

"Dragonstone is... different. It's an island with a volcano, and the castle is made of black stone. It's always a bit smoky. My favourite part is flying with Vermax," Jace said, his eyes lighting up at the memory.

"You fly Vermax from Driftmark to Dragonstone?" Floris asked, her excitement evident.

"Yes," Jace replied with a smile. "I've done it many times. Flying a dragon feels amazing. You're so high up and free."

The sisters leaned in closer, captivated by his words. "Have you ever had any... adventures while flying?" Maris asked, clearly intrigued.

Jace chuckled. "Oh, lots. A few times, I tried to make Cannibal, one of the wild dragons, chase me."

"Cannibal?" Ellyn asked, eyes wide. "The dragon that eats other dragons?"

"Yes, that one," Jace replied. "He chased me for a while. I had to fly fast to get away. It was dangerous but fun."

"That sounds terrifying," Floris said, her voice full of awe. "But also... amazing."

"It was both," Jace admitted. "Dragons are dangerous, but they're also incredible."

The conversation continued, flowing naturally as they exchanged stories and experiences. Jace asked more about Storm's End, and the sisters shared tales of their childhood adventures. They spoke of climbing the cliffs, braving the storms, and their father's strict but fair discipline.

In turn, Jace shared more about life on Dragonstone, and the traditions of being a dragona. He talked about the training he had undergone, in training Vermax and learning to fly. Maris, who had initially been skeptical, found herself drawn in by Jace's tales and his easy manner. She had moved her seat closer to him, captivated by his stories and the charm he now exuded. Floris, who had already been smitten, edged even closer, her attention wholly focused on Jace. "And what about your time here in King's Landing?" Cassandra asked her tone still slightly sceptical but softened by curiosity.

"King's Landing is... busy," Jace said, choosing his words carefully. "There's a lot of people and a lot of things happening. It's different from Dragonstone. Here, you have to deal with a lot of different people."

The tone of the conversation then shifted when Cassandra leaned forward, her curiosity getting the better of her. "Prince Jacaerys, there's been a rumour about you going around the Red Keep," she said.

Floris shot a glare at her eldest sister, warning her not to continue with the line of questioning.

"Nothing bad, I hope," Jace replied with a smile, though a hint of wariness crept into his eyes.

Cassandra ignored her younger sister's warning and pressed on. "They say you travelled to Valyria, that you fought monsters and dragons, and came back with treasure from the Freehold," she said, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

The smile faded from Jace's face, and he leaned back in his seat, taking a drink from his honeyed milk to mask his discomfort.

"You don't need to answer," Floris said, reaching forward and placing her hand on his arm, her touch gentle and reassuring.

"I'm sorry for her inappropriate line of questioning," Maris added, her tone more serious.

Jace waved them off, understanding their youthful curiosity. "It's alright. I know you're just curious." Despite his attempt to brush it off, he couldn't help the feelings of dread and fear that resurfaced whenever he thought about that cursed place. "It seems the rumours make my journey much grander than it actually was," he said with a forced smile.

"Can you tell us?! Please?" Cassandra asked, her eyes wide with anticipation. They all wanted to know what Valyria was like, and right now there were only a handful of people alive who had truly experienced it.

Jace paused, considering his words carefully. "It's best if I don't," he said finally. "I wouldn't want to scare your younger sisters with tales from that place."

Cassandra leaned forward, her curiosity unrelenting. "Please, Jace, just a little bit. What was it like in Valyria?"

Ellyn joined in, her eyes wide with excitement. "Yes, please! We won't tell anyone else, we promise."

Maris frowned and shook her head. "Stop bothering him. If he doesn't want to talk about it, he doesn't have to."

Floris gently squeezed Jace's arm. "You really don't have to. It's okay."

Jace sighed, seeing their eager faces and realizing they wouldn't let it go. "Alright," he said finally. "I'll tell you a few things, but only a little." The girls leaned in closer, anticipation etched on their faces.

"Rumors were right. I did travel there, and I did fight a dragon—bigger than Vhagar, bigger than Balerion," Jace said, his voice calm but serious.

Their eyes widened in shock. "Bigger than Vhagar!" Cassandra exclaimed excitedly, her voice full of awe. The sisters gasped and murmured their disbelief, the excitement palpable.

"I did find treasures as well," Jace continued. "My sword is one of them, but if you've met Daella, you'll notice she wears a necklace."

The four sisters immediately knew what he meant. Daella Targaryen's necklace had been the talk of the Red Keep since before they arrived. It was one of the most beautiful pieces of jewellery they had ever seen. The glowing blue stone that seemed to swirl and move was like magic.

"It's positively enchanting," Floris said, her eyes wide with admiration.

"Is there more like it?" Ellyn asked eagerly.

"That's the only one I found," Jace replied.

He skipped over the truly terrifying parts of his journey, simply saying, "I almost died."

Cassandra and Maris, the eldest, looked at him doubtfully. "Really?" Cassandra asked, raising an eyebrow.

Jace chuckled and stood up. He began unbuttoning his doublet, then lifted his tunic to reveal his torso. His body was muscular, but what caught their attention were the various scars that marked his skin. The most prominent scar was one that ran across his stomach, thick and jagged, showing the remnants of a deep cut as if he had been disembowelled.

The girls stared in shock at first, their eyes wide as they took in the sight. As the initial surprise faded, they began to notice how muscled his body was and how the scars seemed to add to his appearance. Cassandra's face turned a deep shade of red as she tried to process the sight before her. Maris, though usually composed, also blushed slightly, her scepticism replaced by awe. Ellyn's mouth hung open, while Floris could hardly breathe, her cheeks flushed with admiration.

Jace pulled his tunic back down and sat back in his seat. "I think perhaps it's best we don't speak of Valyria anymore," he said quietly.

The mood seemed to have dipped after the conversation about Valyria. Not wanting the girls to feel bad, Jace leaned forward with a playful glint in his eye. "Have you ever seen a dragon up close?" he asked.

They all shook their heads, eyes widening with excitement. Jace smirked and said, "Would you like to?"

Their faces lit up instantly, the earlier tension forgotten. "Yes, please!" Floris exclaimed, her voice filled with enthusiasm; the other sisters nodded eagerly.


After arranging for Edryck and Ser Erryk to escort them to the Dragonpit, Jace stood in the open area and shouted in Valyrian, "Vermax, ūndegon!" (Vermax, come!). The dragon, who usually nested on top of the Dragonpit to avoid the cramped conditions inside, roared before swooping down, landing heavily on the ground with a gust of wind from his wings.

The girls all stepped back in shock, their eyes wide at the sight of the massive beast. Jace just smiled and stepped forward, grabbing Maris by the hand. She hadn't retreated as far as the others and she felt her heart race as he held her hand. Vermax growled, sensing her approach, but Jace placed a calming hand on his snout and said in a firm tone, "Sōvēs, Vermax." (Calm, Vermax).

Jace then moved behind Maris, guiding her hand across Vermax's smooth, warm scales. She could feel the powerful muscles under the dragon's skin and the warmth emanating from his body. The proximity of Jace's body behind her made her heart pound even faster. "Amazing," she whispered in awe.

"Just wait till you see it from up there," Jace whispered in her ear. Before she could fully process his words, Vermax leaned down, and Jace stepped onto the small leather staircase that led up to the saddle, pulling Maris up with him.

"Wait, wait, I don't think—" she tried to say, but Jace had already secured her in the saddle. He strapped her in tightly and took the reins, commanding Vermax in Valyrian, "Sōvēs iksis." (Be still).

"Jorrāelagon!" (Fly!), he commanded, and with a powerful thrust of his wings, Vermax took off, lifting them into the sky.

The ground fell away rapidly, and Maris gasped, clutching the saddle as they soared higher. King's Landing spread out below them, a patchwork of streets, buildings, and people looking like tiny ants from their height. The Blackwater Rush shimmered in the distance, its waters reflecting the sunlight.

"Jace, this is incredible!" Maris exclaimed, her fear turned into exhilaration.

Jace laughed, the sound carried away by the wind. "It's only the beginning!" he shouted back. "īves!" (Higher!). The dragon obeyed, climbing swiftly until they broke through the clouds. Above the cloud cover, the world seemed completely different. The sky was a brilliant blue, and the clouds below looked like a vast, fluffy sea. Maris had never seen anything like it. She felt a sense of freedom she had never known before.

"Look down there," Jace said, pointing as they dipped closer to the sea. The waves crashed below them, the salty spray almost reaching them as Vermax flew low over the water. They could see ships sailing far below, their sails tiny squares on the vast expanse. "Vermax, ēbrie!" (Vermax Up!), Jace commanded, and the dragon ascended once more, soaring above the clouds. Maris felt like she was flying on pure joy, her earlier fears completely forgotten.

"How does it feel?" Jace asked, turning his head slightly to look at her.

"It's... it's beyond words," Maris replied, her voice filled with awe. "Thank you, Jace."

He smiled, glad to see her enjoying the experience. "I thought you'd like it. There's nothing quite like flying a dragon."

They spent a little more time in the sky, Maris soaking in every moment. Jace pointed out landmarks from above, Eventually, Jace guided Vermax back towards the Dragonpit, and the dragon began a graceful descent. As they landed, the other sisters ran forward, their faces filled with a mix of relief and excitement. "How was it?" Cassandra asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.

Maris, still a bit breathless from the experience, grinned widely. "It was... unbelievable. You have to try it!"

Floris and Ellyn looked at Jace with pleading eyes, eager for their turn. Jace laughed, promising, "Don't worry, there's plenty of time for everyone. Vermax will be happy to take you all for a ride."

(AN: Jace just casually being a Rizz god. Just kidding, but tbf it's not that unusual for people in their early teens to get a crush. Though medieval love is a little screwy so who knows. Jace was just trying to be nice like his mother asked him to, he didn't really realise what he was doing as he hasn't really developed romantic feelings yet. These girls are a little older so they most certainly have. Anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter.)

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