/ Anime & Comics / MHA: Horizon (Ope-Ope No Mi)
4.55 (233 audimat)
A prodigy born with a godly quirk and forced into being a hero and living a life he despises, all for the sake of his parents.
OP MC from the beginning, NO HAREM so please just don't ask.
QUIRK: Hand Of God(Ope-Ope No Mi)
The Art and original series don't belong to me. If you own anything here and would like it removed I'll gladly comply.
Story cross-posted on scribble hub under the same title and profile name.
Update Schedule: Monday-Wednesday-Friday
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Écrire un avisSo if you've read my Elementalist In A Dungeon, which is my previous story, then you know what to expect...but this time we start with actually good writing quality XD ---The story is probably gonna be longer than I expect. ---I try my best to keep everyone in character. ---Minimal OCs. ---No Harem. ---No character bashing(Unless it's in character within the story). I know MHA stories have a tendency to do this so just saying this now. ---MC will be causing canon to change so be prepared for that. ---Aside from his Quirk nothing else from the One Piece power systems is in this story. No 6 marine powers or Haki. This is a MHA story and I'm keeping it as such. ---I read and like almost every comment and reply to all that require a response, feel free to engage with me. And worry not I keep things polite :)
Well fleshed-out world, great grammar, a unique story not afraid to diverge from canon, updating stability is not the best though it has improved. MC is as realistic as a MC with a superiority complex can get, Mc is not a hypocrite. Author is working really hard to make a great story. All-in-all a great read. Take notes from this guy if you also want to write.
I am ashamed of myself. When I read the reviews about him being arrogant and having an insufferable god complex, I thought that's the best part and when I started reading it at first the god complex was kinda exciting for but it aged to quickly to the point of being insufferable in just a few chapters that reading it became a chore and I thought was it really me who said I would never get tired of it just before.
Massive nerf for Mc, author has removed *most core ability* of ope-ope no mi .' "spatial cut"- from USJ arc . This is from wiki for surgical fruit powers *Inside his ROOM, Law can perform long-ranged spatial slicing to cleanly sever flesh and bone without actually hurting the victim. People separated by this ability are not killed and can still feel their separated parts, regardless of the distance* Author created bs in USJ arc as "super regeneration" countering spatial cut.
He kills multiple pro heros, and then later joins UA? I'm sure some other people will enjoy this, but that's not too logical in my opinion. 👍🏽
Spoiler de révélationWell imo the writing quality is pretty good and same with the story development but i thing that's ruining it for me is the mc. He is a hypocrite, whiny, and sometimes smart and other time super dumb. He ranted on how much he hate teenagers and the qualities that make them bad but he has exactly those qualities. plus the comments are excusing his behavior by say he just a teenager after he just ripped on them and how he doesn't want to be like them. Overall I'm announcing my departure from this plane/story.
Only around chaoter 24 so the review could change, but so far it’s a decent story. Shows different viewpoints on different situations, rather than continuously trying to convince you the MC Is right in everything he does. But there’s also a few things that either heavily annoy me, or make no sense. For one the MC seems to be a little inconsistent, this entire story he’s all about protecting his family (parents) and such, yet he can’t understand why a father would spend so much to save his sons life, just because said son is quirkless. The main problem for me though was that the MC is already a womanizer at the age of 15, besides how weird it is for the author to talk about that for a 15 year old imo, the man is literally doing it with people that are old enough to be adults, I know age of consent is lower in some places in the world, but it’s extremely off putting and weird, Nezu even mentioned it and the MC being his usual god complex annoyingly overconfident self just said he is tall and has muscles so it doesn’t matter
Spoiler de révélation1. I got a dig bick 2. You that read wrong 3. You read that wrong too 4. You checked 5. You smiled 7. You are wandering why you are still reading this 8. You saw that mistake, right? (On 7) 10. But did you see that I skipped 6? 10. You checked 11. And saw you that I doubled 10 and skipped 9 12. I said "saw you" not you saw 13. I also skipped 2 14. You got tricked 15. I'm just wasting your time, but if you were entertained, leave a like and happy reading!
Boring, extremely boring. Mc is all talk, has the personality of an emo teen and behaves like a child (where's the "high iq" i was promised?) Plot is generic and well, it's a self-insert power fantasy solo mha fic, so don't come expecting much. As usual i'm surprised about the rating, if this is 4.7/5 material i shiver at the thought of a 2/5 novel.
I haven't even read the story yet, yes I am biased. And is this also going to have 2 girls like your last no harem fic, because trust me you did a really good job there and you won't see me complaining.
typical bait synopsis and tags. doesnt take long for him to get nerfed and then later on an even bigger nerf reducing him to like 10%. either way fake op mc and hes also a play boy so thats annoying. sucks since I liked the mc but I hate fake tags the most
Just trash. The MC is just extremely unlikable. The author is probably an Andrew Tate fanboy and it shows everytime a women is near the MC.
this guy is just too much toxic to me just how can he talk to hero's like that huh even though him being a killer he is enjoying his life
Was fun at first, but after so long (ch91) I don’t think there will be meaningful character development, he actually gets worse as a person as the story progresses - and people in the comments actually agree with him… The writing quality is really good, very little grammar mistakes and everything flows nicely. Story development is also there - the story is progressing at a good pace. There is nothing much to talk about in the world and character department, seeing as this is a fanfic. They both are good, in some places expanded and worked upon so it’s nice to read about it. The problem that I have and why I stopped reading this is mainly because of Law’s, the main character’s character. From the start, he had a bit of a god complex and was abrasive - which was understandable, had a good reason for it and was fun, at first. But he doesn’t overcome his character flaws, no, they actually get bigger. With time, his views on everything become clear and in quite a few cases it borders on sexist, misogyistic and ableist. Now, touching on those things and having a character like that isn’t inherently bad, but seeing as he doesn’t change and gets worse at it I am having trouble separating Law’s views on world with the Authors. Overall, a good, quality fanfic. The MC’s character leaves a lot to be desired - not a line of (positive)growth in 90ch. An enjoyable read, but be aware that Law is an awful person and many of his views are just wrong.
From the small amount of chapters I have read, I can tell the MC is not very tolerable. At the start is alright, development is fine. But when he and his mother encounter Hawks and three other heroes the MC becomes this half assed character that suddenly lost his years of experience with assassination and escape, he became emotional too easily which should be pretty much impossible as he has to have lessons in emotional control, as that is a very important aspect of an assassin. Not good, but not terrible. While I think it would be a good read, I can't tolerate MC's that get emotional too easily even when they have a lot of experience in an area that needs a good amount of control over your emotions.
I'm sure many might like this kind of mc and I try to give him the chance but I just can't even though mc is op, logical and a realist. However, mc has a massive god complex and love to belittle everyone. The author try to write it nicely saying that the mc can back it up bla bla but also wrote that he constantly telling people they probably die or will die or better off dead basically. There is zero development for the character other than he constantly going deeper into his god complex. What is the point of marking this as antihero anyway when the mc is worst than some villain in other novels.
Spoiler de révélationI’m going to start of by saying that this novel is really good. The story is about the child of two criminals, one of the best doctors in the world and one of the best assassins. This child is Law from One Piece with his devil fruit abilities. He is trained by his parents both as a doctor and an assassin. He is OP. While following his parents paths, eventually he becomes a hero. How it happened, you can read to find out, but it was well thought out by the author. A little spoiler: ”The last supper” doesn’t mean his parent’s died. Thank god for that. Hate that cliche. Concerning the main character, he is logical and smart. His main concern is his family first. I am led to believe that he will always keep his identity secret as a hero to protect his family. I like these types of characters better than the arrogant ones. The writing quality is very good. The story progresses reasonably, with good grammar and story telling. Just shows that the author is good at writing. I recommend you check it out. Just read one chapter. You can tell from the quality of just that chapter that this will be pretty good.
The mc is annoying. His god complex got old very quickly with how much he belittles everyone. He can't even have a single serious conversation without insulting anyone, he somehow acts the most childish in his class despite trying to act as an adult lol.
Auteur keanu_eugene
Biased review from someone who read author's previous works. I especially recommend this author's works because he writes really interesting and compelling characters (not just the MC either).