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LV 4
2023-03-29 Se unió Global

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The magnifiers in his eyes receded, and the veins in his temples disappeared. Even with his vast intellect capable of effortlessly assimilating knowledge from all the civilizations in the galaxy, he still felt insignificant when faced with the Speed Force.

DC: New Krypton (Omniverse)

DC: New Krypton (Omniverse)

Anime & Comics · Baph0met


He can just use time travel and send them black in time and wait for it to be completed.

"To extract the genetic information from his body, compare, and verify its functionality, we'll need well over ten thousand years to complete this complex undertaking. Meanwhile, his own physical potential is adapting harmoniously to the Kryptonian atmosphere, Kryptonite gas, and red solar radiation. This adaptation will enable him to fully resist radiation within a decade."

DC: New Krypton (Omniverse)

DC: New Krypton (Omniverse)

Anime & Comics · Baph0met


Your parents when you turn 15 give you 6 Vault tec Vaults. 1 of the vaults that controls the other 5 vaults will be your home. You will have 3 years to find the strongest smartest most beautiful people with the best traits in humanity and American values to go into those 5 vaults for you will create a device that you wear on your head and a program that can connect to your mind to all the vaults like the one your dad made to control new Vegas but yours controls the vaults and you will start selective breeding humans for the future of humanity. And to create your army and government and all your future citizens of your country. Only the royal family the House family can have powers so your mom only made one extra serum for your future wife to have. And you and your mom live in the vault with selective people you chose from the other 5 vaults every so often To pull bad genes from the pool of genetics but they don’t need to know that. they can still have kids but they come to your vault to be experimented on to remove bad genes from anyone who has them genetic diseases will be eradicated after 200 years of this. Also you can have each vault specialize in a specific group of science. Because y’all can leave the vaults and fly into space you should spend all your time before the Great War transporting anything you might need to the moon on a base you make there with your mom and dads help.


No fr that’s actually what I was thinking it should have been just a group of like 5 people

Damn, these guys just kept popping out of the woodwork. Just how many had been hired for this? Luckily it seems that it stopped after the third group arrived but still, it's a bit much. They must have really wanted Frank dead.

Marvel: Tech System

Marvel: Tech System

Anime & Comics · Unknown_To_All



Gwen knew I was right and left to go do her task but that didn't ease her worries as she threatened to kill me if I died.

Marvel: Tech System

Marvel: Tech System

Anime & Comics · Unknown_To_All


One person making their own stuff can’t effect the economy unless she’s making gold threaded clothes

"you know that you can easily create these clothes from your quirk right, why are you wasting your time on these shopping sprees" I asked even though I knew the answer. She looked flustered "Um, I mean you should consider the economy as well. I have already said this to you but since you lost your memory I will say this again," she said, I can easily say that she loves spending money.



Anime & Comics · The_Zephyrous



Stilgar is a very important character in the film. He is the charismatic and pragmatic leader of the Sietch Tabr, one of the Fremen tribes on the desert planet Arrakis. 

Universe Hopping: What If?

Universe Hopping: What If?

Anime & Comics · Marcus_Adderley


It’s not so bad as long as you don’t join and don’t talk bad ab them you can be friends and never have problems. Even today they are pretty dangerous.

"Well..." Lucas's mind drifted to Tom's well-known affiliation with Scientology. He couldn't help but wonder if that was the real reason for the invite.

Tycoon Actor in Hollywood

Tycoon Actor in Hollywood

Movies · NewComer714


He also has a look that is easy to disguise.

Lucas hesitated, his mind drifting to thoughts of top actors like Keanu Reeves, who seemed to get by just fine without security. He had always admired their carefree lifestyle, but after today's incident, he realized that he couldn't afford to be so cavalier with his safety. The memory of the knife-wielding thugs was still fresh in his mind, and he shuddered. It could have gone south very quickly.

Tycoon Actor in Hollywood

Tycoon Actor in Hollywood

Movies · NewComer714


That’s a good way to get evicted from one of those places.

"No way!" the man responds, surprise evident in his voice. "Well, if we bump into him, we should definitely ask for a picture or two!" he suggests, a grin creeping onto his face.

Tycoon Actor in Hollywood

Tycoon Actor in Hollywood

Movies · NewComer714

Replied to nunya_business_3493


@Diddy: 🎤😍 Can't get enough of your voice, @LucasXKnight! Your talent and charm are undeniable. Hope to see you at my next party. #LucasKnight

Tycoon Actor in Hollywood

Tycoon Actor in Hollywood

Movies · NewComer714

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