/ TV / The 100: Love and Dirt

The 100: Love and Dirt Original

The 100: Love and Dirt

TV 19 Capítulos 413.7K Visitas

4.64 (26 valoraciones)

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Set in the world of 'The 100'. Tanemahuta Ngata was locked in the Skybox at the tender age of seven years old. He would spend ten years as a prisoner before he is suddenly sent to earth, a place said to be inhabitable four another four generations, at least.

When he finds that the earth is beautiful, fresh, and very survivable. Tanemahuta will use the legacy left by his grandfather to navigate this new world and build a tribe beyond anything his ancestors could have ever imagined.

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  1. Jakilla_15
    Jakilla_15 Contribuido 10
  2. loveneverdies
    loveneverdies Contribuido 8
  3. Jonathan_Pardo_4936
    Jonathan_Pardo_4936 Contribuido 5

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  • Calidad de Traducción
  • Estabilidad de las actualizaciones
  • Desarrollo de la Historia
  • Diseño de Personajes
  • Antecedentes del mundo

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To be honest, after reading a number of unsuccessful stories, I did not expect anything special, but you intrigued me. First of all the colorful characters and is quite suitable for the peace of the nation. Secondly, his knowledge and skills are not taken out of thin air like many other mediocre characters. Long physical training sessions and lo and behold, he used books for information (no rebirth with knowledge of the series, gods with grand pianos, the three wishes, or the system. Real books!). Thirdly, any of his actions requires resources that he again does not take from the air, but from a specific place. Fourth, the character may have a number of survival advantages (a so-so feat considering that the surrounding teenagers are from the space station) over others, but does not stand out in front of others as Mr. Perfect and does not steal all the airtime. It intelligently blends in with the surrounding team. Fifth and no less important is the harem. Girls do not rush to the neck of the character immediately and do not spread their legs, but really gradually develop a relationship with your character. In general, a rather promising story that I want to reread and a good example to others. Good luck with your creativity, man!

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Damn, this is a nice story. Its been a long time since I’ve read a good fanfic about the 100 with a original character. Its also a awesome, how you include rituals and stuff into the story. The various elements you include into this story fitt well into this universe. Keep up the good work! 🙏👊

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Damn this is a masterpiece and definitely needs to be read. And incredible job Author-san and keep up the amazing job you've done so far 😊👍

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So far so good cant wait for more

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it is the first fanfic I read about 100 but its good I recommend it.

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legal story, the MC is good despite having the defect of accepting a slut in the harem, besides his bad taste in women he is a good leader, trina is a slut and I hope he betrays the protagonist because that would be a great lesson for make the MC choose better who puts in his harem, Mira is the best wife of the MC and will be helping the MC to lead the tribe and will be the only useful woman in the harem

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good fanfic it is the first fanfic I read about 100 I don't have comparison still one of the best fanfic I have read so far and I am antisipating the future chapter and I hope it continues to excite me😉😉😉😏😏😏😏😸😸😸😸😸😸🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

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is this a huge harem? is this a huge harem? is this a huge harem? is this a huge harem? is this a huge harem? is this a huge harem? is this a huge harem? is this a huge harem?

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normally I don't like harem stories, but this time I make an exception, because it was very well developed, very well written, it's not just about the series, like Mc has to be glued to the main characters (Clark is berlamy) understand? I like the dynamics of the harem, the girls having power, you know? the things he does don't come out of nowhere, I also liked the new culture, developed language, I thought it was very cool, I hope you continue because honestly this was fomdom, it lacks good So well developed stories like this.🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

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This was surprisingly good. The MC is interesting and seeing how he incorporated Maori culture into his own tribe is pretty cool. Mana is a bit OP but at least the Grounders have some of it as well. The language and grammar are off in places, but after a few chapters I could pretty much ignore that. Thanks for writing.

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I hope this wasn't dropped. This is a magical journey lol. Clan shaman's, and or druid's(black eyes). I love this fanfic. I hope you are just waiting to do a mass release, because its been 2 months since a update.

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I like it very much . it has some new ideas which were very fulfilling to some extent.. ... . . .. . .... .. .... .... ....... .. ... .. ....

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dam such a good book, so we'll written, plot is excellent characters feel like how there were in the tv show. really wish the author didn't stop making more chapters.

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LV 5 Badge

So far a good story, the fictions of the 100 are few and abandoned, I like that their knowledge and skills are of their own effort, although the mana they use seems like a trap does not affect much, I hope this type of stories grows more.

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I like the story but the mana is a bunch of bullshit it's awful I liked it until that was introduced . vgvvv

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Im not good at writing reviews so ill just say i love it

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Damn this Novel is good! He adds a new character, but instead of it being a generic “ I Know how to make a gun, lets make a f*cking fusion reactor” he insteads Recreates The maori way of life before the pakiha(white people) came. Seriously, if anyone is indecisive of Reading this, just hop over here and read this review. i may be biased due to me being pert maori. but you cant deny its not a good novel. if you changed some. names and titles you would have a completely different book. so recommending. yes. Loving. Absolutely! Excited for more. most definitely!

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