Webnovel Author: Player_Tenason - Fanfic Collection



LV 3
2019-06-04 Se unió Global

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Replied to Negan_5785


Daenerys Targaryen - Second Wife. --Taken by force and Manipulated.

GOT: God of Horses, Sex, and War

GOT: God of Horses, Sex, and War

Book&Literature · Player_Tenason

Replied to LittleVamp

Because people overlook a lot of things when they're scared.

Tie Ta just smirked at the conversation as not even the group of players, who talked about knowing the plot, noticed that he was wearing a big black duffle bag for no apparent reason after he was the last one to leave the train.

Terror Infinity: Accidental Player

Terror Infinity: Accidental Player

Book&Literature · Player_Tenason

Replied to Rogue_Gamer

If the faculty lets it slide, then it doesn't matter. We all know Hogwarts is quite flexible regarding rules and tolerance.

It was early in the morning. Ravenclaw's quidditch tryouts were being held. I stood there with a brand new Nimbus 2000, the finest broom on the market. My parents had it sent to Hogwarts. They said that should be no excuse if I didn't make the cut. Then they wished me luck.

Rise of the Hollow Family -HP Fanfic

Rise of the Hollow Family -HP Fanfic

Book&Literature · Player_Tenason

Replied to Dao_Of_Sauce

mutation with t-virus

While in God's light undergoing his changes, Impurities seeped from his pores and evaporated. His muscle became more defined. He grew to be 6 feet and four inches tall. A white streak then forms along the right side of his onyx black hair, and his eyes became a deep bloody red while two pairs of fangs grew on his top row of teeth and two more pairs grew on his bottom row.

Terror Infinity: Accidental Player

Terror Infinity: Accidental Player

Book&Literature · Player_Tenason



Tie Ta took one look at the place and laughed to himself. He had wondered how long he had been gone when a teenage girl with long blonde hair and two floating red light disc appeared.

Terror Infinity: Accidental Player

Terror Infinity: Accidental Player

Book&Literature · Player_Tenason

Replied to Mythril_Blade

It is a thing.

He put on his record player, showered, made some breakfast. After waiting he trained with blue crest for a few hours. The broad cutlass fit his style well, but the power it generated took some getting used to.

Rise of the Hollow Family -HP Fanfic

Rise of the Hollow Family -HP Fanfic

Book&Literature · Player_Tenason

Replied to Mythril_Blade

Merrily is supposed to merely

"That brings me to the last lesson. Royal Families. Dukes merrily have more power than Marquess. More money and so on. The only duke that can match a Royal House, is the Duke of Avalon. The Duke or Duchess of Avalon is also the High Priest or Priestess of the Isle of the Bless. Everything decreed on that land is the law. The Royal houses for us are the same, but, the Pendragons are extinct, no one can undo the protection of a House of Conquest because House Pendragon is a House Conquest, house could they have united Albion?"

Rise of the Hollow Family -HP Fanfic

Rise of the Hollow Family -HP Fanfic

Book&Literature · Player_Tenason

Replied to Mythril_Blade

Nice catch

Replied to Player_Tenason

Ive dropping hints since he picked up the sword Blue Crest

"All headmasters are no good. Dumbledore, Tom Riddle, this dark lord is about to drag you to this abyss and watch you struggle as you choke on the tides and die."

Rise of the Hollow Family -HP Fanfic

Rise of the Hollow Family -HP Fanfic

Book&Literature · Player_Tenason

Replied to Murdof

He’s possessed.

"All headmasters are no good. Dumbledore, Tom Riddle, this dark lord is about to drag you to this abyss and watch you struggle as you choke on the tides and die."

Rise of the Hollow Family -HP Fanfic

Rise of the Hollow Family -HP Fanfic

Book&Literature · Player_Tenason

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