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61.9% Rise of the Hollow Family -HP Fanfic / Chapter 13: The Secrets of an Old Man

Capítulo 13: The Secrets of an Old Man

"Hey, Cotton. Heard you sent ol' Moaning Myrtle away," said Aliana as she took a seat next to Cotton at the Ravenclaw table in the great hall.

"It was her time. Besides, all I did was fix a bathroom." Cotton replied, "So, how's it been, Aliana?"

"I've been here for five years already, I should be asking you that." said Aliana, "Well?"

Cotton sighed and put down his Sausage. "I'm watching the pregame right now. Everyone here is smooching. Well, everyone here's is making friends with everyone. At least amongst the first years. What I'm watching are the ones who are calculating. Draco Malfoy of course, but there is also Blaise Zabini and Zubediah Khan in Slytherin."

"What about Daphnee Greengrass? And Severus told me about your tutor, Kathleen Parkinson. You know her cousin is Pansy, right?"

"Doesn't matter. The Greengrass has a family illness. So while marrying Daphne can allow you to take over House of Greengrass, it isn't worth it. Besides, she's an idle one. And Pansy has her eyes set on Draco. I'm sure the Parkinsons are looking forward to an alliance with the House of Black." said Cotton.

Alian smiled. "So what about Gryffindor? See anyone other than Hermione."

"Please, the muggle-born girl is of no value other than friendship. In a few years, she'll see other boys and see me as a brother. But there is Katie Bell, she's sharper than she looks. Caught her in the Gryffindor library reading up on Transfiguration, and it wasn't a second-year level either." said Cotton.

Aliana furrowed her brow, "Katie Bell? That's not a good idea."


"Because her mother is the only daughter of the late Lord Selwyn. When her grandfather died, they lost everything. " Aliana explained.

"I know. People who've lost everything aren't afraid to work. That's why I was looking at Oliver Wood as well, a good leader and the making of a wonderful knight. Then we have Ravenclaw, my very own house. Padma Patil and Heir of a Baronet, Adonis Mackay. "

"So really have it all planned out," said Aliana.

"Yupp. I'll just rather take it slow. Besides, it's only year one of seven. And there's so much more to the castle than politics." Cotton began to eat again.

"Or your just waiting on the right moment to move," Alina whispered then pushed herself up. "Like, maybe, the vessels of Thetford approaching you."

Cotton didn't react. He merely kept eating and Aliana giggled. "I'm planning a party at Prince Cottage. I'll send for you when it's time."

When Aliana walked away, Cotton put down his sausage again and found that he had lost his appetite.

-September 12th- -1st POV-

It was early in the morning. Ravenclaw's quidditch tryouts were being held. I stood there with a brand new Nimbus 2000, the finest broom on the market. My parents had it sent to Hogwarts. They said that should be no excuse if I didn't make the cut. Then they wished me luck.

Cho and I stood side by side wearing our house colors as the team Captian, Ray Dundry gave his speech about only taking the best of the best. Ray then explained the rules then, we were broken up into teams. It was a bit sad that Cho also wanted to be a Seeker. I told her I would win, and Hermione chided me for having no mercy.

But had been practicing precision flying. I hadn't even practiced for any particular Qudittch position. So when, when I had to pick one, I picked Seeker. All I had to do was be fast and catch the damn snitch.

Sharing our dilemma with Ray, he told us that we could try out for multiple spots as only one person could be Seeker. But we also needed a back and talented flyers could always be beaters, chasers, or a keeper.

We now sat on our brooms high in the air as Ray started the match. He believed that wizard should already know how to play quidditch before trying out so he didn't bother putting us through drills. He wanted to observe raw talent.

My job was the easiest. As everyone played with all of their energy. I sat on my broom and watched. Well within the range of my magical sense, I had the broad location of the golden snitch. It was the fastest current of magic zipping across the field. So while magic was everywhere, the golden snitch had a distinct tell, its speed.

The golden snitch often simply called the Snitch, is the third and smallest ball used in Quidditch. It is a walnut-sized gold-colored sphere with silver wings. It flies around the Quidditch field at high speeds, sometimes pausing and hovering in place. The Seeker's goal is to catch the Snitch before the other team's seeker, which is worth one-hundred and fifty points. The game can only end when the Snitch has been caught, or by mutual agreement of the two teams' Captains; the latter is very rare.

So, as the current team's seeker was diligently looking, I simply waited for him to find it so that we could race for it. Just catching the snitch wouldn't be enough, I had to show that I could outfly and outmaneuver my opponent.

Naturally, we amateurs were getting murdered. But it was about displaying skills, not winning. Cho was doing a decent job as a chaser. She trained to be a seeker, which meant she was fast. Faster than Ravenclaw's current chaser, something that Ray noticed and took note of.

Yes, I used Legilimency on the guy. His mental wards weren't all that tough. I had to know what he thought of Cho. She trained hard for this day and she was putting all on the line right now, holding nothing back. Honestly, I'm impressed.

Suddenly, I felt my opposing seeker take off and I leaned forward on my broom and shot off like a jet. I pushed out more magic and my speed doubled. Before I knew it, my opponent and I were playing chicken as the snitch was leading us into a collision.

I could see the boy was getting frightened as I was determined to catch the snitch no matter what. Little did I know at the time that everyone was watching on the edge of their seats. My opponent became anxious and his speed decreased. His eyes were locked on mine as he was trying to come to a nonverbal agreement.

Fuck that!

An inch away from the collision, the snitch made a crazy sharp right turn, I broke to the right, cocked my left leg kicked of into my opponent's chest. He fell from his broom and the burst of speed was enough to close the distance between me and the snitch before it could pick up speed again.


I snatched it from the air and the spectator and recruit squid went wild as I won the match from them. Ray, blew his whistle with a devious smile as he nodded his head.

"There was no Blatching as you both were intent on catching the Snitch and not colliding. There was no Cobbing as you all should expect a kick and elbow or two. It was his fault for not holding on to his broom. With that being said, Team 1 one wins this match!" Ray announced.

My opponent was taken to the infirmary but no one cared as I had become the youngest Seeker in a century.

"Good job, Mate! That was some wicked flying you did up there. And you weren't afraid to break a few bones, eh?" Ray congratulated me.

"My job is to catch the snitch. Nothing else matters." I replied. "Besides, it's his fault for hoovering where I was flying."

"Well said. We'll give Gryffindor a run for their money this year-round. And you, you're alternative chaser and big guy, you're our new beater. Everyone else is cut!"

I had to see this guy didn't care about feelings. He just wanted to win. I liked that.

That evening, I heard that Harry Potter had also become the seeker for his house. So, I was no longer the youngest seeker as his birthday was in July, and mine was early March.

Still, I decided to put my books up for the night and party with my fellow Ravenclaw in the common room. And to so my appreciation, I turned everyone's water into Rum or Ale.

Needless to say, I mingled a bit. Met some new people and the night was good. The days the followed were slow as I kept my head down to brew Drought of the Water Hag. But the most difficult part has funded some peace and quiet away from my peers.

So, I did what had been putting off for over a week, I went to visit the Headmaster.


"Mr.Hollow, I was wondering when you would come to visit me. Tea?" he asked.

"No, I'm okay," I replied. "Apologies for my lack of tact, but I was told that you are the secret Keeper of the Selwyn Cottage. I would like it."

"Which is your right, but I must first inform you of the Cottage Rules." Said Dumbledore, "Cottages have been the privilege of Nobility for at least three centuries after the founding of the school. Within your cottage is a deposit of all the Selwyns that placed their trust in that place. You can cut loose and enjoy, and the rules of Hogwarts no longer apply, but, there will be no murder or any act the violates the laws set forth by the ministry."

"Anti apparition wards?" I asked.

"Still in place," said Dumbledore.

"Fair. But how do I know that you haven't taken anything?" I asked him, earning a chuckled from the old man.

"I take it that you have the to the wards?" He asked.


"Then follow me." Dumbledore led me out of his office and through the castle. The walk felt like forever.

I then found myself back at Ravenclaw tower. Suddenly the Grey Lady appeared.

"Good day, Headmaster Dumbledore."

"Helena, it's always a pleasure," he replied.

"I take it that you wish to enter the Fidelius Chamber." she said, "Mr. Hollow is the belongs to which Cottage?"

"Selwyn." I replied, "House of Hollow now Holds the Viscounty of Thetford."

"I remember Miranda Selwyn. She belonged to Ravenclaw. I remember when her father was killed and she received the notice from Gringotts and the Ministry. She was distraught learning she had lost everything. She even lost her fiancee because of it. Tried to kill herself one. But she was saved by a Gryffindor boy. Adam Bell."

"Great story. What does it have to do with me?" I asked.

Dumbledore's mental wheels were turning as he remembered the past. But his body language was off. If I didn't have my past life's experience, I would have missed the subtle tells of fraud in his body language.

"That's right." he said, " You have the Viscounty Thetford and the House of Selwyn. The Viscounty can be explained. But the House of Selwyn was taken by the Baron Hakopa of New Zealand."

I was expecting this question to arise at some point. But Dumbledore just admitted that he knew who I was the entire time. But, he's trying to play me like a child.

"My father killed him." I obviously lied and I did a bad job at it.

"Hmm, and then he had a wizard for a son and now has the mean to claim it all."

"That's what the Goblins told us," I replied, lying again.

"How fortunate. Helena, are you satisfied?" Dumbledore asked. He didn't care if I was Hakopa or Hollow and this ghost was in on the scam.

"Hmm, but I still think Ms. Bell should be invited to the Cottage. But that's up to you, Mr.Hollow." Helena turned away and Dumbledore followed her.

And now, I questioned what kind of trap Katie Bell was. I had to be cautious of her. She could be on the old man's side or just an ignorant pawn.

I then followed the duo and arrived in the dungeon beneath the tower. "Headmaster if you will."

Dumbledore pulled out his wand and waved it. Countless wards dropped and a door was revealed. When they walked through the door into a room with rows of boxes on the shelf. One by one many boxes began to light up but many showed no reaction at all.

"You question my integrity. This is proof that I can not tamper with the Cottage. While I did send you a map of the cottage. I did not draw it was handed down. Once you receive the secret, the location of the cottage will be plotted. As for this room, Helena is the guardian and everyone one of those glowing boxes is empty. They are empty because the families already have the secret to locating their cottage. They are glowing because each of those families is being alerted because I have entered the room. If I violate this place, Hogwarts will not be kind to me."

" Ahh, well, I guess it's time to get my secret then."

I was led to my box and received an old parchment. I could feel the old magic within the parchment. This was way more than a simple Fidelius charm. The Charm itself seemed to be alive, actively keeping the secret for those who had a right to it.

"How about Miranda Bell? Shouldn't she know where the Cottage is?" I asked.

"No. The moment her house was conquered, the Cottage shifted allegiance. She the secret was pulled from her head and the Parchment holding the secret was returned here and the map was returned to the Headmaster's office." Helena explained.

"So the cottage is alive."

"Just like Hogwarts and the wands that wizards use," Dumbledore added.

"Incredible," I muttered.

"Indeed it is Mr. Hollow."

Sometime later, Dumbledore and I were walking outside of the castle. He said that he wished to speak to me away from it all. But I knew he was planning to play the concerned elder or some other trick for some unknown reason.

"Mr. Hollow. I know for a fact that you were adopted from New Zealand. But not even I can unseal those records. Luckily, only I and another remember the death of Lord Selwyn because he was a death eater looking to gather support from New Zealand. But he had no idea of how strong the familial bond was in your land. Muggle or Wizard, family is family. Baron Tama Hakopa killed him for his bigoted beliefs. You're his son, aren't you?"

"You're the one that tried to sick the ministry on us?" I asked, avoiding his question.

"No. I'm the one who destroyed the records of the Hakopa Family claiming Selwyn's assets by Right of Conquest fifteen years ago. If that information had leaked, the Dark Lord would have hunted your father to regain those assets. But I was surprised to find out that Hollow was already the Viscount Family of Thetford by the time the Ministry began to request documents."

"But the woman knows. Miranda Bell." I spoke, without acknowledging the subtle compliment of my family's diligence and efficiency.

"I handled that as well. " said Dumbledore, "Things must be done for the protection of the wizarding world. I've been watching your family's moves for a while now. And you almost covered up every connection you have to the Hakopa Family except one."

I knew which connection he was talking about. "The Marquessdom of Stornoway and Uist," I said.

"Oh yes. While the relinquishing of the Hakopa's title of Baron means you don't have to list the Hakopa Family as a subsidiary. The connection will be revealed the moment you claim the Marquessdom." Said Dumbledore.

He then added, "According to the records, your Great Grandfather claimed that title. The moment you become heir of House Hakopa of Stornoway and Uist, the world will know. The reason I am telling you this is because I have one simple request. Vouch for me with your father. I will invite your parents to your first Quidditch match and then we will speak further."

" I told my father we should cash that title in." I sighed. Besides the Barony in New Zealand that we exchanged for the Barony of Godric's Hollow, the Maquessdom in Scotland is the only thing that is left in the world that officially bears my Family name of Hakopa.

"Deal, but I need three hall passes for Hermione, Cho, and myself. Oh and thanks for not telling the world that I'm heir to Hakopa." I told him.

I wasn't really thankful. I knew the crafty old man was up to something. But if he wanted what I had, he would have to wait until I became a lord to kill me and take it. For now, I'm just an heir and my father is formally Lord Regent of the Barony and Viscounty. So his death would have no bearing on my assets as I could just appoint another Lord Regent.

Until that day, I figured that I could use the old man for my benefit. Like those Hall Passes. And when the time was right, I'll ask him to give me a pass to the Restricted Section of the library. I'm sure he'll ask my father for something only a House of Conquest could give. When that happens, I'll strike.

"I can do the hall passes. Just stay out of trouble, Mr.Hollow." Dumbledore spoke his final words the left me on my own.

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