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25% Chandrakanta's True Love / Chapter 1: Full Synopsis
Chandrakanta's True Love Chandrakanta's True Love original

Chandrakanta's True Love

Autor: flowerblossom400

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Full Synopsis

This is a fan fiction based on an Indian show- Prem Ya Paheli- Chandrakanta meaning Love Or Puzzle- Chandrakanta. Its set in 11th century India. Vigaygarh princess Chandrakanta who is the most beautiful girl in the world gets innumerable alliances but she rejects them all. Her father king Jai Singh wants her to accept the proposal of his friend king Surendra Singh of Naugarh's son crown prince Shiv Dutt to which she says she will talk after coming from temple in another kingdom of theirs called Jwaar Ghaati. There the son of Chunargarh king Marich's son prince Virendra Singh attacks Jwaar Ghaati on his father's orders as the commander of Jwaar Ghaati killed some of their soldiers. He was about to kill the commander but Chandrakanta stops him. He gets losts inti her. Chandrakanta could not see his face as he was wearing a mask. His men takes him away as he lost his senses. He is angered at his failure. He went back to Jwaar Ghaati and killed rhe commander at his quarter. Chandrakanta is told by her father to accept Shiv Dutt's proposal but she wants to first test him as one of her aiyyaras(friend cum servant who are warriors and can change appearance via magic) Chapla told that ge is a womanizer and alcoholic to which her father agrees. Marich tells his son to bring a magical key from a place called Yaksh Mahal belonging to crown prince Shiv Dutt of Naugarh. So he sets off to Naugarh. Shiv Dutt was sleeping with 4 women when his assistant Jhumroo cones and says that he has to meet Chandrakanta at Yaksh Mahal. He gets very happy and leaves the women alone to get ready. Chandrakanta sets off to Yaksh Mahal with her aiyyaras Champa and Chapla along with her defence minister Kroor Singh(a man of her father's age who tok loves her and wants to marry her which only his aiyyars know) and his aiyyars(male aiyyaras) Nazim and Ahmed along with sone soldiers and maids. Chandrakanta while walking in the jungle for fresh air on the way gets chased by a cheetah but is saved by Virendra who is disguised as a woodcutter. He killed the cheetah and she fainted at him stabbing the cheetah with the wooden stick. Since Chandrakanta did not sae his face earlier she does not recognized him as Virendra Singh. He is angry on seeing her as because of her he failed first time but he still thinks to save her from further danger but he leaves on hearing her aiyyaras calling her. Chandrakanta(CK) covers her face with a mask and shows herself as a daasi to Chapla who was acting as Chandrakanta. They switched each other's place to test Shiv Dutt(SD) whether he really is as Chapla said. Virendra takes the place of a temple servant along with his taiyyar Badri who changed his appearance like the servant Munna and told the priest that since other servant went for some reason his friend Viru will work in place of him. In reality, Virendra(V) and Badri had kidnapped real Munna and other servant. SD was an arrogant and cruel man who looked down at his inferiors and poor people. He tries to impress CK many times. CK meets V several times where they sometimes fight and sometimes save each other from danger. Once while saving V from SD ego was about to kill him as he doubted him to ve a spy, CK tells SD to stop and reveals herself as CK and on SD asking who is the women pointing at Chapla in CK's clothes she tells him that she is her aiyyara Chapla and they switched places to test him. SD gets angry and manhandles Chapla and tried to kill her but CK requested him to leave her which he did and left V too. SD invited her for dinner where he purposely called and insulted V making him eat the fruit fallen on floor and press and wash his wash. He was about to make him drink the water with which his feet were washed but CK stopped him and challenged him one on one fight with V which he accepted. V purposely lost the fight as he felt CK was distraction for him in his way of getting the magical key and he wants to break her trust so that she don't look at him ever. CK understood he lost purposely. She was about to meet SD in his tent as he won but she fell in trouble on the way due to a supernatural woman who wanted to kill her for some reason and pushes her off the cliff via her magic. V saves her by falling after her and hanging to a rope branch before calling down safely. SS who arrived there with his aiyyar Tej Singh and soldiers is angry to see their closeness. Next day, SD proposed CK in front of everyone and ahe asked for time. He invited for a party that day. She again made Chapla take her form and go to the party while she went to meet V in a cave near the party venue as she was leaving for her kingdom next day. The caves starts shaking. Nazim tells SD that he saw CK inside who is in danger to which SD says he drank a lot(CK is attacked by some magical soldiers sent by Badri but V saves her. Badri did it to kill CK so that V don't lose his focus). But Chapla who was in CK's form revealed that CK is really inside and came back to her form. SD gets angry and tried to kill her but Tej Singh stopped him saying they need to save CK to which SD in anger tells let her die. Chapla requests to help in saving her after which he can punish her and he agrees. V goes for some work in another section of cave where he had to help the same supernatural woman who tried to kill CK(No one knows about her trying to kill CK) in getting back her lover who is trapped inside a stone from 100 years and he helped her. The cave starts shaking. Champa, Chapla and others came to help CK. SD meets her and says she has not done right in fooling him twice, SD does not forgives 2nd mistake and she will pay for what she did. They all leave for their respective kingdoms. V is teapoec inside the cave and CK is worried for him. By the time he comes out, CK left in her carriage with others. On reaching kingdom next morning, CK refuses to accept SD's alliance. Later that day, CK received insulting gifts from SD meabt for lower class people with note that 'After marriage, CK will leave not as his crown princess/queen but as a daasi(maid servant or slave) and if they refuse this alliance they should be ready to have a war with his huge army(At this time Vijaygarh army is smaller than Naugarh army). Her father is angry. CK is in dilemma what to do. Her father gets attack and is unwell. Her stepmother who hates her blames her for his condition. She decides to become acting ruler till her father is well and accepts war with SD. Her stepmother who wants her own son Mayuk to be heir of Vijaygarh hurts her and tells her she priced to be step sister. V who came as woodcutter Viru to Vijaygarh to get the magical key which is in CK's palace(supernatural woman in Naugarh soldier disguise gave her a box with CK unaware what's in it. Marich who can see the past sometimes due to some magic gets to know where is the key) unaware of the situation of impending war. SD is hell-bent on making CK as his daasi to break her ego and pride. V takes part in Vijaygarh commander competition and wins. CK is happy to see him but Kroor Singh is unhappy to see him. He won the competition so that ge can find the key but he genuinely wants to help CK too.

How do you liked the plot of the story? Who do you think Chandrakanta should be paired with? Virendra, Shiv Dutt or Kroor Singh?

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Capítulo 2: Chapter 1- Introduction of main characters(Chandrakanta, Virendra, Marich, Kroor Singh, Shiv Dutt)

Vijaygarh princess Chandrakantha, who is very beautiful is seen waking up from her sleep. Chandrakanta….song…plays in the background..describing her beauty. She is seen feeling her beauty and taking bath in a royal bath tub. Servants then dress her up. Her two aiyyaras Champa and Chapla(I gave the meaning of aiyyars and aiyyaras in synopsis). Chapla describes Chandrakantha's beauty and says everytime she looks more beautiful. Champa says whole world's romeos are mad behind her. Chandrakantha says okay now, are they ready to head towards jwarghati temple. Another servant informs that her uncle Kroorsingh ji is coming. Kroor Singh is defence minister who is of Chandrakamta's father's age. Chandrakantha says Kroorsingh is protecting her since childhood. Kroor singh shingly enters and says he brought love letters for her, he means from other princes all around the world. She asks to keep it. He asks if she liked palace security, he is personally taking care of it. Champa and Chapala comment. Chandrakantha asks if he made arrangements for jwarghati temple, she will go and meet father till then.

Chandrakantha meets her father. He hugs her forehead and says she is his pride. She says he looks tensed. He says he gets a lot of proposal for her from kingdoms, some friendly ones and some hidden agenda. Chandrakantha asks not to worry, she is going to Jwarghati temple as today is ashad maas and will pray for their prosperity.

Kroor singh's aiyyars suggest him not to go with Chandrakantha to jwarghati temple. Kroor singh says he loves Chandrakantha since she is a child and is protecting her. He then asks who can dare to scare him. Aiyyars say Chunargarh's prince Virendra Singh.

Seene shifts to Chunargarh. Virendra enters to his father Chunagargarh king's room and asks reason for calling him. He says Jwarghati's senapati Maan Singh has dared to kill their soldiers. Virendra says he will take revenge and asks his permission. King asks him to not call him maharaj but father and comes in light, revealing himself as Marich as his and Virendra's faces are shown.

Chandrakanta heads towards Jwarghati temple in a chariot with soldiers guarding around her. Champa and Chapala taunt her that maharaj has decided to get her married and searching rajkumar. Chandrakanta counter taunts that she is will get them married to Krur Singh's 2 puppets. They say it is better to keep silent now. They reach Jwarghati. Chandrakanta gets out of chariot with Champa and Chapala. Krur Singh says they have to leave this place son as it this place is very dangerous. Chandrakanta asks why. Krur Singh says their senapati killed a few rival soldiers and Virendra singh wants to take revenge. Chandrakanta asks who is Virendra. Krur Singh's puppets say he is Chunargarh's rajkumar and is very cruel. Chandrakanta says this is her kingdom and she can protect herself. Mansingh comes and assures that until he is alive, he will protect Chandrakanta. Krur Singh boasts that with his presence, Mansingh is very courageous now.

Chandrakanta enters temple and addresses god that she used to come with her mother here. Virendra enters Jwarghati, hides his face with mask and with his masked soldiers start massacaring innocent people. Chandrakanta hears people shouting and comes out of temple. Krur Singh orders soldiers to make a protective barrier around rajkumari and Mansingh fights with Virendra singh and his soldiers. Chandrakanta sees an old woman on ground and rushes to save her. Krur singh shouts where is his rajkumari. Virendra continues killing soldiers and overpowers Mansingh. Attacking Mansingh repeatedly, he shouts he dared to kill khoonkhars/chunargarh soldiers now he will kill Mansingh for his crime. He is about to behead Mansingh when Chandrakanta stops him. Mansingh escapes. They both stand looking at each other. Bin teere adhuri hai apni dastan…plays in the background. Champa and Chapala see Chandrakanta and shout rajumari ji. Krur Singh shouts to protect Rajkumari… attack. Virendra's friend Badrinath says him that they have to leave form here, but he continue staring Chandrakanta. Chandrakanta also continues staring him repeatedly.

Virendra returns to Chunargarh and stops reminiscing about Chandrakanta. His friend Badri asks what happened to him. Virendra says for the first time he is returning bare handed and cannot go like this in front of his father. He reverses his horse. Chandrakanta in her room fumes if she had sword, she would have killed Virendra. Chapala says she should not have come out of protective barrier, she heard Virendra is undefeated till now and don't know what he will do after his defeat.

Virendra barges into Mansingh's room and attacking him shouts that he for the first time got defeated because of the girl, he does not know why he stood like a statue, who is that girl. Mansigh says rajkumari Chandrakanta. Virendra kills Mansingh and leaves thinking why he stopped looking at Chandrakanta. Chandrakanta also reminisces him and thinks he was so cruel and prays whenever he comes in front of her, she should have a sword. Virendra also prays she should not come in front of him again. Geavy rain starts.

Marich gets up from sleep hearing rain sound. He sees heavy rain and seeing bright light in yaksha Mahal thinks what is happening there. A few pundits enter yaksha Mahal and seeing brightness think of informing Navgarh's raja. Marich goes to his tantric pandit Jagannath. Jagannath does some magic and says whatever moment is happeng is very exciting. He opens a trunk and 2 pages from scriptures emerge. He excitedly shouts after 100 years, book's 2 pages which made him immortal are reactive and he will become more powerful now, it is time to tell Virenda his motto of life. He calls Virendra and says 121 years ago, Navgarh's cruel king Harshvardhan hid their powers and magical book in a talisma and it is time to get it out. Virendra says if he permits, he will behead whole Navgarh. Marich says talisman cannot be opened with power, its key will be given to Navgarh's yuvraj Shivdutt. Virendra says if he permits, he will kill Shivdutt and bring key. Marich says they need Shivdutt to open talisman, he just has to get him alive and talisman key. Virendra leaves. Jagannath praises Marich that he so intelligently is using Virendra for is motto. Marich says Virendra is his live weapon. Jagannath says it will be exciting to see Shivdutt and Virendra collide.

Scene shifts to Naugarh. Shivdutt's puppet Jhumru rushes to Shivdutt's room. Shivduttt is shown as an womanizer and busy with women. He scolds why is he disturbing him at this time. Jhumru says he got a good news for him, Chandrakanta's alliance has come for him. Shivdutt is surprised to hear that and jumps in happiness. He says he cannot believe he will marry the most beautiful woman on earth.

At Vijaygarh, Chandrakanta's father informs her that he has fixed her marriage to Shivdutt. Chandrakanta says why Shivdutt. Father says Virendra's eyes have fallen on her and he is so cruel that he can do anything, so Shivdutt will protect her. Chandrakanta says Shivdutt has to prove his bravery by freeing her mother from Chunargarh's jai. Father says he loved his wife so much, but he could not stop khoonkhars kidnap his wife and kill her. She says her mother is still alive and she had taken oath that she will marry whoever frees her mother from Chunargarh's evil khoonkhars.

Shivdutt meets his father who tells he got a message that yaksha mahal's talisma is glowing again. Shivdutt says not again, he will not believe in all these stories. Father says this is not a story, he is born to open talisman. Shivdutt says he wants to marry Chandrakanth and will not go to jungle. Father says what if Chandrakanta also accompanies him to yaksh Mahal. Shivdutt gets excited. Father says he will inform Vijayagarh's maharaj about it. Shivdutt asks to inform his aiyyar Tej Singh to meet him on the way.

Chapala warns Chandrakanta not to go to yaksh Mahal as it is very dangerous. Chandrakanta says she wants to free her mother soon, so she wants to meet Shivdutt and evaluate if he is capable or not. Champa praises Shivdutt that he is very brave. Chapala says he is an womanizer and alcoholic. Chandrakanta stops their fights and says it's her selfishness too as she wants to know whether Shiv Dutt can help in freeing her mother. Chandrakanta says she knows to protect herself and will test Shivdutt how his nature us and how brave he is. Chandrakanta, Virendra and Shiv Dutt gets ready to leave for Yaksh Mahal separately.

Who do you think Chandrakanta should be paired with? Virendra, Shiv Dutt or Kroor Singh?

flowerblossom400 flowerblossom400

This is introduction of prime characters m

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