"And you had the humility to recognize your limits, ask for help and overcome them." Ripha completed the phrase for her. "That's something the old Bytra would have never done."
"Thank you." The Raiju managed to say between violent sobs.
"Don't thank me." Menadion replied. "Thank yourself. If you hadn't worked so hard to fix the old Bytra's mistakes, if you had just taken the good and washed your hands of the bad, we would be having a much different conversation.
"If you had taken the same path as the old Bytra, we wouldn't talk at all. I would have killed you like the rabid animal she was. The legacy you carry is still stained by my and Elp-Solus' blood but you have redeemed it through your actions.
"I sincerely hope you'll keep up like this and won't make me regret what I did today."
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