/ Fantasy / Lord of Mysteries

Lord of Mysteries

Lord of Mysteries

Fantasy Completado 1,432 Capítulos 46.7M Visitas
Autor: Cuttlefish That Loves DivingTraductor: AtlasStudiosEditor: AtlasStudios

4.85 (5,524 valoraciones)

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With the rising tide of steam power and machinery, who can come close to being a Beyonder? Shrouded in the fog of history and darkness, who or what is the lurking evil that murmurs into our ears?

Waking up to be faced with a string of mysteries, Zhou Mingrui finds himself reincarnated as Klein Moretti in an alternate Victorian era world where he sees a world filled with machinery, cannons, dreadnoughts, airships, difference machines, as well as Potions, Divination, Hexes, Tarot Cards, Sealed Artifacts…

The Light continues to shine but mystery has never gone far. Follow Klein as he finds himself entangled with the Churches of the world—both orthodox and unorthodox—while he slowly develops newfound powers thanks to the Beyonder potions.

Like the corresponding tarot card, The Fool, which is numbered 0—a number of unlimited potential—this is the legend of "The Fool."


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    (Unfortunate author here, why is listed below Stats.) Website : qidian china Views : 53.49million Rating : 9.2(1629) Chapters : 563 Status : ongoing Rank : 4 Word count : 1.79million author level : platinum No of works : 6 Disscussion : 24871 Year started : 2018 Chinese title : 诡秘之主 At last it's here. Damn I've waiting far too long for this novel because of three reasons : 1. It's the book by my favorite author. 2. It's the best work from my favorite author. 3. It's really so fucking popular right now in China. (just look at the rank and views with only 563 chapters) But he really is an unfortunate author in this site. Reasons listed below. Three of his works are translated here. 1. Martial arts master : one of the best books with romance and action. This is actually my favorite romance novel. And martial arts fights are really sooo awesome in this book. But the reason for this not to be in rankings or popular bcoz one translation is ****, two no updates since atleast 2 months. Even with **** translation it was in rankings sometimes. 2. Throne of magical arcana : This is really one of the best webnovels with western magic elements with elements of science in it. It's basically epic magic, science and church novel. Translation too is really good for this novel but translator updates only 3 to 4 days a week which is also the reason it's not in rankings imo. 3. The sage who transcended the samsara : I wanted to try this. I really really wanted to try this. But it's said to have a very ****ty translation. People say it's a very unique and good novel, they also say translation is **** and end up dropping it. Now I'm really really happy because not only is this epic getting translated, it's getting translated by cktalon one the best translators out there. I only request one thing with you. Please keep the releases stable and I really thank you for taking up the translation for this novel. 🙏

    Ver 206 respuestas
    LV 12 Badge

    This is a story that the author spent months researching. Set in the Victorian era, the author strives to make it an epic masterpiece. Actual factual tidbits from the real world are weaved into this steampunk world. There is rich world building with characters and their personalities fleshed out perfectly. However... Maybe it's best not to get too tied to the characters... The development of the mystical elements are very well planned, with 220 classes. Imagine the richness that will bring! Many things are foreshadowed in this story, so look out for that! As translator, I will try to make sure the release rates are high.

    Ver 174 respuestas
    LV 12 Badge

    Probably one of the 2 best CN novels of 2018-2019. My House of Horrors and Lord of the Mysteries. Nothing much to add, the high ratings speak for themselves.

    Ver 125 respuestas
    LV 10 Badge

    Claimed by Exp secttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

    Revelar spoiler
    Ver 496 respuestas
    LV 10 Badge

    I WILL DECLARE MY LOVE FOR THIS NOVEL SO LISTEN WELL... Personally, this is one of the best CN novel that i've ever read. I'm quite happy that this novel will be translated bcs all this time i mtl it myself, but at the same time not really happy bcs i caught up to raw and it's a long way from the current tl, i can't wait for too long... But anyway!! These things are the reason why this novel is so amazing: 1. WORLD BACKGROUND When i first read this novel, i thought it was like typical transmigration novel. You know.. fantasy world with magic and stuff. Well i'm not really wrong but the world background in this novel is very realistic. I think it's similar to post industrial revolution era in England, 1800s. Also it's a steampunk novel, so there are lots of historical machine and stuff. And the magic here isn't as omnipotent as i imagined it would be. Being an "extraordinary person" is not that powerful, there are serious danger and side effects, so people there aren't as OP as other novel. What i really love about this world background is how the author beautifully combined fantasy world and real life historical era in England. Like how people live and dress and adress each other at that time. The social class was very distinct and thoroughly explained. And how the other transmigrator before MC introduced the machinery to the world so it would start the steam and machinery era in that world. 2. CHARACTER DESIGN I LOVE TAROT! And i like how the author used 22 major arcana in tarot as identity at MC's "Tarot Club". And i realized the Tarot identity is closely or somehow related to the characters. Like MC's "The Fool", represent 'the beginning' in Tarot, and the first member of tarot club. And later in the story MC made fake identity "The World", represent 'the end' in Tarot, so that MC can trade for things openly in Tarot club without breaking The Fool's God like image. So in a sense, MC is 'the beginning and the end' in the story. And Audrey's "Justice" identity, represent fairness, is closely related to her sequence as "Audience" and how she should see things objectively. Because hey, Justice is a double-edge sword right? OK!! Maybe my description is a bit confusing, so i suggest to just read... I love how MC is smart, cautious, quite shameless, witty, and not OP! He has clear main goal, which is to go back to his world, but things happened...so stay tuned~ And the other side characters aren't just cannon fodder for MC, they have real and unique personalities, goals and ambitions. For me it's really great because i'm sick of reading novel that centered heavily around MC. And how other people has no means in the novel. AND I LOVE HOW THE VILLAINS AREN'T TOO STUPID! Tbh idk if i should be happy or worried with this lol. But yeah, some villains are really hard to predict. So this novel's characters always give me surprises. For old readers, you might get confused by the character's names here, some names might changed, like Emperor Roselle, in the old translation and mtl, we read it as "Russell". But it's not really a big deal. 3. STORY DEVELOPMENT I think this story is a slow paced one. And the story gets deeper and more complicated late in the novel. MC is not suddenly become OP nor has a great knowledge to use his goldfinger. MC can barely use and understand 'the world above the fog' at first. He learned things bit by bit. And the plot is always a surprise, Especially in Volume 1 (1ch until 200+ch i forgot) i cannot really tell who's the friend and the foe. Leveling up in this novel is very long, so don't expect MC to level up in just dozens of chapter bcs i read more than 500+ chapters but he's still a.... Ok i'm not gonna spoil you now hehe.. Overall, for those fantasy, mystery and thriller lover, this is a perfect choice for you. Don't be discourage bcs of the Steampunk theme bcs it's not the main point in this story. This novel is full of adventure and mystery, it's like "Sherlock Holmes fantasy style" novel.

    Ver 73 respuestas


    Ver 74 respuestas

    After 8 chapters, Others MC is killing chickens outside novice village. Our MC just finished his put on airs to pretend as an ancient god And after 800 chapters, Others MC is fighting the gods among gods and every punch he does can shatter suns and rend the void in the heavens. What about us? Our MC is... using a mushroom to threaten his glove... and getting in a staring contest with a dog.... That’s why I love the novel

    Ver 4 respuestas

    I've read up to chapter 23. Is one of the Cuttlefish Who Loves Diving Deep's newest series. He is the creator of Throne of Magical Arcana, Martial Arts Master, and The Sage Who Transcended Samsara, all of which are currently on this website. Out of the other series he has written, this one is most like Throne of Magical Arcana. The genres for this series are horror, suspense, mystery, steampunk in a Victorian setting, and supernatural/fantasy. This thrilling supernatural steampunk mystery starts a bit slow in order to fully-develop the world, but then it dives deeply into mystery and supernatural elements. Even though everything is still quite a mystery at this point, the suspense is enough to put me on the edge of my seat and keep me there. I am looking forward to the cases the MC will be investigating, and I am absolutely delighted Webnovel finally picked up this treat of a series.

    Ver 18 respuestas

    Vote this book EVERYDAY okay?I'm crying and hoping a higher ranking, Lord of the mysteries deserves more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

    Ver 7 respuestas

    I was interested in this novel when I read the reviews. To be honest, I made several attempts to start reading this novel. But I assure you, if you overcome this, you will look forward to every chapter. At the moment I rate it as 5/5. The author has created an interesting world and characters. I advise you to get acquainted with this work.

    Ver 17 respuestas

    https://lord-of-mysteries.fandom.com/wiki contribute to the wiki ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

    Ver 8 respuestas

    This novel is an absolute KINO work. I'm not fond of writing about what isn't in a work, but rather, what is in a work; however, it should first be established that LoTM is devoid of most of the commonplace tropes you find in CN novels. Of course, if you examine it closely, you'll find that it does indeed adhere to some frustrating qualities. Namely, the constant "SASUGA FOOL" and the mental gymnastics Alger especially will go through in order to achieve the requirements for a certain plot point to occur. Nevertheless, these problems are, for the most part, unrealistic at worst, but still within the scope of being believable. All of the major characters in LoTM have well-established traits and personalities, along with motivations. Derrick has his naive-and-steadfast character, focused on freeing his home-city from its foggy jail; Alger has his mature and experienced, sometimes overthinking personality; and of course, Klein with his constant lampooning. Also Klein's stepping counterclockwise four times. And also his tapping his glabella twice. An especially noticeable trait about LoTM's major characters, in comparison to most CN novels, is that they all progress. Not just in terms of their "cultivation" (named Sequences in this novel), but also their personalities. A fault I do have to give, however, is that the development is extremely slow for many of these characters. Of course, that's a given, given the length of the novel. Still, it is somewhat irksome. In regards to the story development, LoTM excels in this regard. There is never a moment where you feel that one scene or event is out-of-place, and you receive a sense of gratification when Klein, or any of the characters, really, manage to piece one event with another using in-world knowledge that was previously already provided. For the most part, the story has either action sequences, or sequences with Klein/others planning/thinking/conjecturing/lampooning about matters. When you have the odd occasion where it's a sort of "filler" chapter, you don't really feel that it's out of place for the most part, as most of the "filler" chapters are there to relieve the reader out of the constant action - and when not doing that, to develop a character some more. And I use "filler" in quotations because, later on, almost all of these chapters will 100% not be filler, as they will have some meaning later on. This is a writing technique used by the author I've never seen before in any other webnovel, in which he uses even "fluff" chapters to insert meaningful information that will tie in together. It's amazing. As for the world building, this novel has one of the best I've seen in my entire life - whether that be in regards to web novels, light novels, or even well-acclaimed stories from the West. It's hard to summarize without an entire novel to write, but in essence, LoTM's lore really does make you feel as though you're reading about the story of a person who is actually real, in a real other world. All the sects/churches/gods and their supernatural backgrounds and lore tie in very neatly, and if you check out the wiki, you'll find that there is boundless amounts of information about the world that was very obviously all planned out by the author from the start. Another incredible detail about LoTM is the amount of settings in which it contains. The story takes place in many different locations, from your "atypical" victorian-era city which is actually full of secret supernatural gangs, churches, and pirates, all the way to the City of Silver, which is separated from the rest of the world and at the technological level of a medieval age. This is in most part due to the varying amount of main cast members in the story, as well as another major point about the MC which I won't talk about because spoilers. And just in case you're worried, none of these locations are forgotten about. In LoTM, there is no "other region" full of more advanced versions of previous characters like in CN novels. Characters of all varying power levels, straight from the middling novice Sequence 9 to a Sequence 4 (already beginning to enter Godhood) can be placed in the same city. This means that the main characters in LoTM will regularly go between new places and old places in its world. Lastly, I should talk about the thematic elements in this story. That's right, thematic elements! Unlike many other online web novels (I know I've said this many times), LoTM contains actual themes and ideas around its narrative. The first volume, "Clown", details the idea of laughing at fate - smiling at circumstances that you cannot resist, smiling at that which is greater than you. The second volume, "Faceless", contains the author's depictions of the lives of normal citizens amidst the ocean of the supernatural. How do they, who are mortal and powerless against the mysterious, the monsters and the corrupt Beyonders, exist beyond the frame of the story of the "protagonists"? These are the type of ideas that the author of LoTM have integrated into his story, and they work very well. For all of these reasons I've stated, LoTM is a wonderful work, and definitely my favourite WN I'm currently reading. And also, the favourite one I've ever read in my entire life, period.

    Ver 5 respuestas

    22 sequence 9 potion and a brief introduction. It had been released by the author even before the release of the book. It was originally posted on the official account on Webchat. As some people told me that they didn't want to be spoiled, I put a spoiler warning. If you are one of those, just stop here. 1. ‘Corpse collector’: The corresponding beyonders are often mistaken for the same kind by the unintelligible undead and free from their attack. They can gain resistance to the cold, decay and corrosiveness of cadaveric auras. They can directly see some evil spirits and understand the characteristics and weaknesses of many undead creatures. 2. ‘Mystery Prayer’: With a high spiritual sense, the corresponding beyonders can detect the existence of some mysterious horrible existence. They master certain ritual knowledge and a small amount of ritual magic. They often become an unspeakable believer to avoid the breakdown of the spirit. 3. ‘Spectator’: The correspond beyonders have a keen observation. Just like watching operas and dramatic performances on the seats, they look at the mortal beings in the form of a bystander, snooping their true thoughts from their expressions, their manners, their oral habbits and their unknown actions. However, wherever it is in an extravagant banquet or in a lively street, the audience is always just an audience. 4. ‘sleepless’: also known as Cultivators, mistake, crossed out. [1] The corresponding beyonders are favored by the night. Even if there is no light, they could have excellent vision. Three to four hours a day of sleeping would be enough for them. The deeper into the night, they get more energetic. Meanwhile, the strength, the agility and the thinking, the spiritual sense, will gradually surpass those of ordinary people. They will keenly see through the unknown danger hidden in the dark. 5. ‘Prisoner’: The heart is a prisoner of the body, the body is the prisoner of the world. Madness shackled, lust constrained. The ‘prisoners’ are strong and perceptive, often with a silent appearance and a crazy heart. They master many criminal techniques, such as unlocking with wire, digging tunnels with soup spoons and killing with seemingly harmless items. 6. ‘Criminal’: Unlike prisoners, ‘criminals’ do not suppress himself. He does not feel constrained, body and heart being under the rule of evil desires. Of course, his conscience has not been completely annihilated and his hear not cold enough. "Criminals" also have a strong body, keen perception and a variety of criminal abilities. Regardless of the knight sword, dagger, longbow, pistol, rifle and six-barrel machine gun, they can fit in well with all the weapons. 7. ‘Sailor’: In ancient times, it was also known as the ‘sea favorer’. With excellent balance ability, even in the deck of the storm, the corresponding beyonders can walk freely as in the earth. The most outstanding ‘warrior’, the wisest ‘apprentices’ must avoid fighting with “sailors” in the ocean or rivers. It is because the latter side is not only powerful in strength, but also more flexible under water than on shore. They can even dive for more than ten minutes without any equipment. 8. ‘Mystery pryer‘: The corresponding beyonders have a comprehensive but preliminary understanding and grasp of magic, witchcraft, astrology, card cartomance and other mystical knowledge. Towards these extraordinary things and the hidden existence behind them, they hold in awe and veneration. So in the group of ’Mystery Pryers’, there is an unwritten rule, which is, trying to avoid hurting others with mysterious knowledge or affecting nature to a large extent. ‘Do whatever you want, but don't hurt’ is their motto. 9. ‘Seer’: Compared to ‘mystery pryers’, ‘Seers’ are more sophisticated. They lack direct skills confronting rivals. But in the field of divination realm, they are more professional, more knowledgeable. They master all kinds of divination methods, including astrology, cartomancy, spiritual pendulums, spiritual numbers, scrying and palmistry [2]. The subsequent promotion is completely different from the ‘mystery pryer’. 10. ‘ Apprentice‘: The initial class belonging to another mage sect. The corresponding beyonders pursue the footsteps of *******. Whether it is the wall or the gate, their passage couldn’t be stopped. It is reported that in their group, the legend ‘Planeswalker’ is circulated. 11. ‘Burglar’: We are not thieves, we are burglars [3], fraudsters. Our dream is to steal people’s heart, steal spells, defraud rules, swindle fate. And all this, starts from stealing what other people carry with them. 12. ‘Singer’: Let us praise the sun! With singing, let us bring courage and strength, bring piety and obedience! 13. ‘Warrior’: They have strength and agility beyond ordinary people. There are no weapons that they cannot use and there is no fighting genre that they cannot master. 14. ‘Readers’: Compared to other class, enhancement of memory and reading comprehension is probably nothing but our road ahead is so attractive. Step up the layers until the depths of the stars. Omniscient, it means omnipotence! 15. ‘Farmer’[4]: Do not underestimate the farmer, especially those who can distinguish among different seed and good at forecasting the weather. ‘Farmers’ has a high strength. 16. ‘pharmacists’: Herbal expert with distinct characteristics of folk. 17. ‘Arbitrator’: The corresponding beyonders have a convincing charm. In general, authority equals to the power. However, if an accident occurs, the fist is a good means of persuasion (by the principle of physics). 18. ‘Lawyer’: We disguise as a lawyer and our true identity is the ‘Lawyer’. We are good at finding loopholes in the rules and weakness of opponents. Also, we are good at taking advantage of the power of order. 19. ‘Assassins’: What a good assassin should possess, we all have. In addition, darkness and shadow is our shelter. Owl-like vision and feather-like agility absolutely don’t belong to the normal. 20. ‘Hunter’: Excellent tracker, outstanding expert trap master, excellent hunters. Maybe we should consider raising a few hounds. After all, some guys hidden deep in the forest and at the end of the shadow are afraid of dogs, perhaps. [5] 21. ‘Savant’: On the occult, we are not an expert. But knowledge equals to the power, like aqua regia, like nitroglycerin, like complicated gear equipment. 22. ‘Monster’: You often whisper words that others can't understand. Occasionally you can even see the adversity that has not yet arrived. In the eyes of others, you are a monster. [1] Translator note: The author uses a Chinese Internet idiom here. Those who stayed up late are referred to as cultivators. Maybe it is because cultivators doesn’t need to sleep or because people who stay up late have a greater chance to fly up to heaven (die). ‘Mistake, crossed out’ is another popular idiom in the Chinese Internet. It is used to state that you are joking in this sentence so that others would mistake it as some serious text. [2] Translator note: palmistry is a Chinese divination method. Quite strange that it appears on a Western Fantasy book. As far as I remember, it doesn’t appear so far actually anyway. [3] Translator note: here the author uses another Chinese word for the same thing. I couldn’t distinguish the difference between even as a Chinese myself. Maybe the earlier is more oral. [4] Translator note: a better translation might be cultivator, the one who cultivate the land. Then it might be mistaken as another kind of cultivator especially in Webnovel. By the way, the one who cultivate the land and the cultivator is Daoism are completely two different terms in Chinese. [5] Translator note: There might be some references here but I have no idea what it is.

    Revelar spoiler
    Ver 9 respuestas

    *Sigh* Qidian should just make it so that you cannot review if you have not read anything. 1st thing you always gotta do on this site, Sift through all the reviews to find the ones who have actually read some chapters.

    Ver 17 respuestas

    Highest quality translation I've ever seen on a novel, and as a bonus this novel rocks. Also one of the best, and every other novel listed by thestatsguy are awesome, so that proves that the author is very talented. Please, QI don't **** this up, make this premium whenever you want, but please give me 14ch/week at the very least. I'm so torn between reading this here or mtling it. On one hand, it has superb translation quality for now, on the other hand my patience is limited =(

    Ver 2 respuestas

    There's no spoiler here. First, i've read the raw and kept up with the newest chapter in China, so I can honestly tell you my feelings about it. This novel is the best i've ever read on Qidian since the day my friend recommend the site(to help me learn Chinese). It's nothing similar to those trash out there which only include some boring stereotypes about the MC keeping "zhuangbi" and facesmacking. This novel really builds a world, you can easily see this, as you keep reading and moving forward with our MC, the world unfolding itself before your eyes. Steampunk, Cthulhu, Victorian era style, SCP...These tags are just tags, they can't describe the true spirit of the novel. The author creates this world based upon these ideas, but there's definitely not only these ideas. It has more. As to what it holds, it awaits you to find out. Due to this author's excellent character portrait, you as a reader will get a feeling as if these characters were real: they really live in that world. It's not fake; at least the author won't let you feel so. I found what I felt when I was still a boy reading the hobbit and the lord of ring. I mean I'm not comparing this novel to J.R.R.Tolkien's great masterpiece. It's just that me as a stupid reader who didn't like reading before at all got this stupid feeling, never mind it if you don't like my words. I won't eat them anyway.

    Ver 7 respuestas

    This story of amazing. In fact it's so good, I'm seriously worried the author won't be able to maintain the quality for long, and these web novels all need several hundred chapters to really show their writers flaws. Good amounts of steampunk, lovecraft horror, and humor. The pacing is great. The mysticism scenes are obscure enough to keep the element of mystery and uncertainty, but still concrete enough to feel like there's something there. One of my favorite parts of the story so far is that humans wielding supernatural power causes them to start hearing voices and increasingly likely to go insane. I think it's an excellent balance to typical cultivation novels, where the conflict basically revolves around ruthless greed. The other favorite part is probably the little sister. The author better not let anything bad happen to her. Wait, does that make me a vicarious siscon!? No it's not like that I swear!

    Ver 4 respuestas

    This is one of the best CN I have read. I am reading the MTL because it was just too interesting for me, don't worry no super spoilers here. But I would compare this CN with Game of thrones, many sub-plots are told but in the end everything comes together in a awesome, tragic, epic way. In the beginning it might feel like the typical reincarnation trope, but the thing that make this one stand out is aside from the way its told (GoT style) the amazing World Building by the auhtor. I have read throne of magical arcana but this one here is soooo much better (bigger world) and the author can handle it really well as to when to put which kind of information, and to the reader it feels like gradually uncovering a treasure, or putting pieces of a puzzle to make it whole. Very enjoyable. Small spoiler, also very interesting that he hasn't been the first person to arrive in this world. Imagine someone (other kind of MC) to have already arrived some time (hundreds of years ago) in this world and that person went the kingdom-building road, becoming stronger, building a faction and becoming an emperor and shaping the world into the modern way (steam technology, industrial revolution). Lol, but our MC is clearly going another way (solving, discovering mystery) but still gets help from the past in an unexpected way :) There are about 200 classes( 22 paths to godhood, and each paths has 9 levels/sequences requiring certain potions/materials/ceremonies) and it's always interesting to learn more about this power system as the author is feeding the readers with bits and pieces of new information. There have been 5 epochs in the creation mythology, the current era is in the 5th epoch. In the first epoch the creator was 'created', in the second and following the creator got split into the 7 new gods who created the humans and established their churches (each have their own special sequence paths). But there are still a lot of mysteries surrounding the 'true history' that will be solved along the way (there are also evil churches, organsisation worshipping other deities). MC has the unique power/access to a different dimension. Origin is a mysterie, this dimension gives him certain powers that he uncovers along the way. But the most important thing is that he can pull other 'random' people into this dimension and he gradually established his own hidden organisation where evry member picks the name of a tarot card to maintain secrecy. MC is the 'fool' and the joke is that the other members believe he is a sort of god and fear or revere him. He can control the space and can hide his body/face. In the real world MC is also trying hard to become more powerful so that he can get back into his real world. There is no 'real' cultivation, only the sequences via potions. But people need power/money/whatever to get those but even then these powers aren't without risk ... I love the characters, author's ability to write emotionaly is superb ( and I am only reading the mtl version so that means something). Get ready for an emotional rollercoaster *snif snif*. What I would critizise is that as of me writing this (mid volume 2), author isn't putting enough emphasis on each member of MC's hidden organisation equally. One specific member gets a lot of background story, another a bit less and then another very little. But that's the only thing for now.

    Revelar spoiler
    Ver 3 respuestas
    LV 5 Badge

    I abolutely love this novel. Entertaining, fun and has infinite potential. No plotholes whatsoever, no annoying inconsistency. Original ideas(as much as it's possible) and loveable characters with actual personality. The collegues, family members are not just props but feel geniune humans. I give this novel my full aproval and spirit stones from now on

    Ver 1 respuestas

    Perhaps one of the best novels which are now on going. Even though the background is in stem punk kind of world with lot of fantasy involved, the novel satisfies majority of readers who are into slice of life, comedy, dark themed, rank promotion etc. World background is full of mysteries which keep unravelling as you move along the story. Slice of life: Klen's family setting, later down the story the characters around him were written in manner by author that you can actually feel their life vividly. Comedy: Klen himself does alot. Major contribution is definitely Russell's pages and other parts. Dark themed: Author I believe did a lot research on how industrialisation effected the people under the poverty line. He describes their stories in a heart touching manner. Action: Definitely a good amount. He presents perfect amount of action, not too much or not too less. Horror and Gore: This I believe there is no need to mention. Rank promotion: The sequences. These are definitely a novel and very imaginative idea by author. There are still more if you can dig. These are the only things I can think of for now. The author will definitely make anticipate for more of the story. As far as I have read I can assure you that this novel will never bore you.

    Revelar spoiler
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    Volumen 1

    1. 1
      Crimson 5 years ago
    2. 2
      Situation 5 years ago
    3. 3
      Melissa 5 years ago
    4. 4
      Divination 5 years ago
    5. 5
      Ritual 5 years ago
    6. 6
      Beyonder 5 years ago
    7. 7
      Code Names 5 years ago
    8. 8
      A New Era 5 years ago
    9. 9
      The Notebook 5 years ago
    10. 10
      The Norm 5 years ago
    11. 11
      Real Culinary Skills 5 years ago
    12. 12
      Here Again 5 years ago
    13. 13
      Nighthawk 5 years ago
    14. 14
      The Medium 5 years ago
    15. 15
      The Invitation 5 years ago
    16. 16
      Rat-Baiting With Dogs 5 years ago
    17. 17
      Special Operations Department 5 years ago
    18. 18
      Origin and Cause 5 years ago
    19. 19
      Sealed Artifacts 5 years ago
    20. 20
      The Forgetful Dunn 5 years ago
    21. 21
      An Old Friend In A Different World 5 years ago
    22. 22
      Starting Sequence 5 years ago
    23. 23
      Side Arm 5 years ago
    24. 24
      Penny-pincher 5 years ago
    25. 25
      Cathedral 5 years ago
    26. 26
      Practice 5 years ago
    27. 27
      Siblings' Dinner 5 years ago
    28. 28
      Secret Order 5 years ago
    29. 29
      "Jobs" and Rentals Are Serious Business 5 years ago
    30. 30
      Brand New Beginning 5 years ago
    31. 31
      Potion 5 years ago
    32. 32
      Spirit Vision 5 years ago
    33. 33
      Switch 5 years ago
    34. 34
      Advance Payment 5 years ago
    35. 35
      Exchange of Information 5 years ago
    36. 36
      A Simple Question 5 years ago
    37. 37
      The Club 5 years ago
    38. 38
      Novice Hobbyist 5 years ago
    39. 39
      Interesting Trick 5 years ago
    40. 40
      Mysticism Curriculum 5 years ago
    41. 41
      Audrey and Her Susie 5 years ago
    42. 42
      Butler Klee 5 years ago
    43. 43
      Search 5 years ago
    44. 44
      Fate 5 years ago
    45. 45
      Returning 5 years ago
    46. 46
      Portrait 5 years ago
    47. 47
      Old Neil's Lack of Money 5 years ago
    48. 48
      Hanass Vincent 5 years ago
    49. 49
      Divination Art 5 years ago
    50. 50
      Old Neil's Method of Repayment 5 years ago
    51. 51
      The Grounded Ritualistic Magic 5 years ago
    52. 52
      Spectator 5 years ago
    53. 53
      Listener 5 years ago
    54. 54
      The First Divination Requester 5 years ago
    55. 55
      Revelation 5 years ago
    56. 56
      Escape from the Sea 5 years ago
    57. 57
      Organization and Summary 5 years ago
    58. 58
      A Train of Thought 5 years ago
    59. 59
      Roselle's Origins 5 years ago
    60. 60
      Second Blasphemy Slate 5 years ago
    61. 61
      Strange Symbol 5 years ago
    62. 62
      The Seer's Suggestion 5 years ago
    63. 63
      Dream Interpretation 5 years ago
    64. 64
      Instigator 5 years ago
    65. 65
      Beyonder Information 5 years ago
    66. 66
      Demoness Sect 5 years ago
    67. 67
      Response 5 years ago
    68. 68
      Monster 5 years ago
    69. 69
      Protection Amulet 5 years ago
    70. 70
      2-049's Arrival 5 years ago
    71. 71
      Sluggish Phenomenon 5 years ago
    72. 72
      Tracking 5 years ago
    73. 73
      First Battle 5 years ago
    74. 74
      Ray Bieber 5 years ago
    75. 75
      Saving himself 5 years ago
    76. 76
      Dealing With The Aftermath 5 years ago
    77. 77
      Remnant Items 5 years ago
    78. 78
      Trauma 5 years ago
    79. 79
      Another Murmuring 5 years ago
    80. 80
      Banquet Invitation 5 years ago
    81. 81
      Finally Meeting 5 years ago
    82. 82
      Herb Store 5 years ago
    83. 83
      Carving 5 years ago
    84. 84
      Elizabeth 5 years ago
    85. 85
      Urgency 5 years ago
    86. 86
      Prayer 5 years ago
    87. 87
      Exhortation 5 years ago
    88. 88
      Report 5 years ago
    89. 89
      A Simple Mission 5 years ago
    90. 90
      Findings By Sight 5 years ago
    91. 91
      Solution 5 years ago
    92. 92
      Psychological Expert 5 years ago
    93. 93
      New Diary Page 5 years ago
    94. 94
      Hidden Sage 5 years ago
    95. 95
      The Supplicant 5 years ago
    96. 96
      Daly's Guess 5 years ago
    97. 97
      Combat Teacher 5 years ago
    98. 98
      Mr. Azik 5 years ago
    99. 99
      Red Chimney 5 years ago
    100. 100
      Interpreting Symbols 5 years ago
    101. 101
      Unexpected Clue 5 years ago
    102. 102
      Cloth Merchant 5 years ago
    103. 103
      Doing As the Heart Willed 5 years ago
    104. 104
      Mr. Z 5 years ago
    105. 105
      Spirit Channeling 5 years ago
    106. 106
      Artist Klein 5 years ago
    107. 107
      Fors 5 years ago
    108. 108
      Deep Into The Night 5 years ago
    109. 109
      Deduction 5 years ago
    110. 110
      Confirmation 5 years ago
    111. 111
      Letting Slip 5 years ago
    112. 112
      Azik's Explanation 5 years ago
    113. 113
      Request 5 years ago
    114. 114
      The Standards of a Member 5 years ago
    115. 115
      Cheat 5 years ago
    116. 116
      Lanevus's Child 5 years ago
    117. 117
      Contact 5 years ago
    118. 118
      August 5 years ago
    119. 119
      The True Lower Street 5 years ago
    120. 120
      Workhouse 5 years ago
    121. 121
      Leonard's Hypothesis 5 years ago
    122. 122
      Target Building 5 years ago
    123. 123
      Beyonder Battle 5 years ago
    124. 124
      Wrapping Up Work 5 years ago
    125. 125
      Bold Idea 5 years ago
    126. 126
      Divination Isn't All-Powerful 5 years ago
    127. 127
      Laying the Foundations 5 years ago
    128. 128
      The Impoverished Fool 5 years ago
    129. 129
      Rampager 5 years ago

    Volumen 2

    1. 130
      Backlund's Secret Gathering 5 years ago
    2. 131
      Transaction 5 years ago
    3. 132
      Meeting the Monster Again 5 years ago
    4. 133
      Expensive Charms 5 years ago
    5. 134
      It's Been More Than A Minute 5 years ago
    6. 135
      Portrait of a Baron 5 years ago
    7. 136
      The Stumped Klein 5 years ago
    8. 137
      City of Silver 5 years ago
    9. 138
      Giant Pathway 5 years ago
    10. 139
      Studying 3-0782 5 years ago
    11. 140
      Expert At Courting Death 5 years ago
    12. 141
      Nightmare 5 years ago
    13. 142
      Association 5 years ago
    14. 143
      The Fool's Real-time Translator 5 years ago
    15. 144
      Three-Way Deal 5 years ago
    16. 145
      Request for Cooperation 5 years ago
    17. 146
      Creeping Hunger 5 years ago
    18. 147
      Night Visitor 5 years ago
    19. 148
      Messenger 5 years ago
    20. 149
      Direct Hint 5 years ago
    21. 150
      Azik's Discovery 5 years ago
    22. 151
      Klein's Request 5 years ago
    23. 152
      Nice Attempt 5 years ago
    24. 153
      Final Act of Laying the Foundation 5 years ago
    25. 154
      Sharing "Experience" 5 years ago
    26. 155
      Urgent Meeting 5 years ago
    27. 156
      Melissa Who Takes the Long View 5 years ago
    28. 157
      Item of His Dreams 5 years ago
    29. 158
      Preparedness Averts Peril 5 years ago
    30. 159
      Bestowment and Sacrifice 5 years ago
    31. 160
      Seizing the Opportunity 5 years ago
    32. 161
      Inverted Mausoleum 5 years ago
    33. 162
      Intense Sunlight 5 years ago
    34. 163
      Various Signs 5 years ago
    35. 164
      Miserable Wretches 5 years ago
    36. 165
      Epitaph 5 years ago
    37. 166
      Examination 5 years ago
    38. 167
      Holy Artifact 5 years ago
    39. 168
      Clown Potion 5 years ago
    40. 169
      New Abilities 5 years ago
    41. 170
      Copper Whistle 5 years ago
    42. 171
      Promotion and Pay Raise 5 years ago
    43. 172
      "Autopsy" 5 years ago
    44. 173
      Zombiefication 5 years ago
    45. 174
      Madam Sharon 5 years ago
    46. 175
      Deduction 5 years ago
    47. 176
      Letter 5 years ago
    48. 177
      Sudden Turn of Events 5 years ago
    49. 178
      The Subsequent Ideas 5 years ago
    50. 179
      Praising Mr. Fool 5 years ago
    51. 180
      A Smart Person Always Overthinks 5 years ago
    52. 181
      Different State 5 years ago
    53. 182
      Wanderer Klein 5 years ago
    54. 183
      A Lesson on Mediumship 5 years ago
    55. 184
      Behind the Gate 5 years ago
    56. 185
      Spiritual World 5 years ago
    57. 186
      The Handsome Captain 5 years ago
    58. 187
      Azik's Warning 5 years ago
    59. 188
      Ball 5 years ago
    60. 189
      Prayers and Replies 5 years ago
    61. 190
      The Assortment of Abilities 5 years ago
    62. 191
      Unclear Motives 5 years ago
    63. 192
      Attention 5 years ago
    64. 193
      Coming To A Close 5 years ago
    65. 194
      Infiltration 5 years ago
    66. 195
      "Lockpicking Expert" Klein 5 years ago
    67. 196
      Spirit Medium Mirror 5 years ago
    68. 197
      Operation 5 years ago
    69. 198
      Appropriating Uniqueness 5 years ago
    70. 199
      Successful Toss of the Die 5 years ago
    71. 200
      The Demoness of Pleasure 5 years ago
    72. 201
      Inquiry 5 years ago
    73. 202
      Confirming the Situation 5 years ago
    74. 203
      Mutant 5 years ago
    75. 204
      Visitor 5 years ago
    76. 205
      Urgent Arrangement 5 years ago
    77. 206
      Grade 2 Sealed Artifacts 5 years ago
    78. 207
      Guardian 5 years ago
    79. 208
      Cry 5 years ago
    80. 209
      Light 5 years ago
    81. 210
      Story 5 years ago
    82. 211
      Funeral 5 years ago
    83. 212
      Avenger 5 years ago
    84. 213
      Another Look 5 years ago

    Volumen 3

    1. 214
      Land of Hope 5 years ago
    2. 215
      Mrs. Sammer 5 years ago
    3. 216
      The Same-old Gathering 5 years ago
    4. 217
      Mr. Door's Description 5 years ago
    5. 218
      Free General Knowledge 5 years ago
    6. 219
      Explanation 5 years ago
    7. 220
      Klein's Sacrificial Trial 5 years ago
    8. 221
      The Tarot Club at a Higher Level 5 years ago
    9. 222
      The First Job 5 years ago
    10. 223
      Three Matters 5 years ago
    11. 224
      Mystic-type Detective 5 years ago
    12. 225
      Unnoticeable Guidance 5 years ago
    13. 226
      The Terrified Xio 5 years ago
    14. 227
      Inventor Leppard 5 years ago
    15. 228
      The Mastermind 5 years ago
    16. 229
      Lesser of Two Evils 5 years ago
    17. 230
      Interrogation 5 years ago
    18. 231
      Losses 5 years ago
    19. 232
      The Bravehearts Bar 5 years ago
    20. 233
      A Man Cannot Be Judged By His Looks 5 years ago
    21. 234
      The Night of the Full Moon. 5 years ago
    22. 235
      The Busy Monday 5 years ago
    23. 236
      Internal Commission 5 years ago
    24. 237
      Sequence 2 5 years ago
    25. 238
      Dragon of Imagination 5 years ago
    26. 239
      Each Having Their Own "Gathering" 5 years ago
    27. 240
      Trying Your Luck? 5 years ago
    28. 241
      Language of Foulness 5 years ago
    29. 242
      Bakerland 5 years ago
    30. 243
      Catching the Adulterous Act 5 years ago
    31. 244
      Appointee 5 years ago
    32. 245
      Confirmation 5 years ago
    33. 246
      Strange Omen 5 years ago
    34. 247
      The Whole Story 5 years ago
    35. 248
      Waiting From Both Sides 5 years ago
    36. 249
      The Assassination 5 years ago
    37. 250
      Rich Experience in Courting Death 5 years ago
    38. 251
      Gains 5 years ago
    39. 252
      Epilogue 5 years ago
    40. 253
      Night Thoughts 5 years ago
    41. 254
      Various Parties 5 years ago
    42. 255
      Photography Expert 5 years ago
    43. 256
      Meeting the Apothecary Again 5 years ago
    44. 257
      "2-081" 5 years ago
    45. 258
      Murder Case 5 years ago
    46. 259
      Underground Structure 5 years ago
    47. 260
      Strange Statues 5 years ago
    48. 261
      The Innermost Room 5 years ago
    49. 262
      Dream 5 years ago
    50. 263
      Spiritual Perception and Attempt 5 years ago
    51. 264
      A Five-Person Gathering 5 years ago
    52. 265
      Cards of Blasphemy 5 years ago
    53. 266
      The World's Commission 5 years ago
    54. 267
      Singing to the Same Tune 5 years ago
    55. 268
      The Cemetery and the Hospital 5 years ago
    56. 269
      Clues to the Psychology Alchemists 5 years ago
    57. 270
      Reporter 5 years ago
    58. 271
      Golden Rose 5 years ago
    59. 272
      Observing Each Other 5 years ago
    60. 273
      Handing Out A Formula 5 years ago
    61. 274
      Beyonder Weapon 5 years ago
    62. 275
      Pound Family 5 years ago
    63. 276
      Rafter Pound 5 years ago
    64. 277
      Finalizing a Plan 5 years ago
    65. 278
      Free? 5 years ago
    66. 279
      Extreme Joy Begets Sorrow 5 years ago
    67. 280
      The First Step 5 years ago
    68. 281
      Clue 5 years ago
    69. 282
      This is East Borough 5 years ago
    70. 283
      Dock Union 5 years ago
    71. 284
      Instinctive Trembling 5 years ago
    72. 285
      Midnight Clock Tower 5 years ago
    73. 286
      A Taunting Smile 5 years ago
    74. 287
      Death Battle 5 years ago
    75. 288
      A Scene Filled with Symbolism 5 years ago
    76. 289
      Conjecture and Investigation 5 years ago
    77. 290
      Effecting Change Indirectly 5 years ago
    78. 291
      Seller and Notary In One 5 years ago
    79. 292
      Exchanging News 5 years ago
    80. 293
      Derrick's Worry 5 years ago
    81. 294
      Admiral of Stars 5 years ago
    82. 295
      All Ingredients Gathered 5 years ago
    83. 296
      Magician 5 years ago
    84. 297
      The Full Moon's Ravings 5 years ago
    85. 298
      Another Case 5 years ago
    86. 299
      Snapping Fingers 5 years ago
    87. 300
      Spirit Dance 5 years ago
    88. 301
      Awakening 5 years ago
    89. 302
      A Clue 5 years ago
    90. 303
      Rookie 5 years ago
    91. 304
      Feathers 5 years ago
    92. 305
      The Detective Exchange 5 years ago
    93. 306
      Giant Bishop 5 years ago
    94. 307
      Dawn Paladin 5 years ago
    95. 308
      A Prepared Magician 5 years ago
    96. 309
      Choosing One Out Of Two 5 years ago
    97. 310
      National Atmospheric Pollution Council 5 years ago
    98. 311
      Observing Each Other 5 years ago
    99. 312
      A Failed Disguise 5 years ago
    100. 313
      The Ancient Deities 5 years ago
    101. 314
      Possible 5 years ago
    102. 315
      Return to Harvest Church 5 years ago
    103. 316
      Never Perform Unprepared 5 years ago
    104. 317
      Roselle Memorial Exhibition 5 years ago
    105. 318
      Verification 5 years ago
    106. 319
      Audrey's "Adventure" 5 years ago
    107. 320
      Action 5 years ago
    108. 321
      Appearance of A Living Person 5 years ago
    109. 322
      The Thrilling Night 5 years ago
    110. 323
      The Opening Incantation 5 years ago
    111. 324
      Imagined and Real "Adorer" 5 years ago
    112. 325
      The Equestrian Teacher's Problem 5 years ago
    113. 326
      "Professional" Suggestion 5 years ago
    114. 327
      Encounter on the Road 5 years ago
    115. 328
      He That Touches Pitch Shall Be Defiled 5 years ago
    116. 329
      Claw Marks 5 years ago
    117. 330
      Sharron and Maric's Philosophy 5 years ago
    118. 331
      The Accursed 5 years ago
    119. 332
      Notary Certificate 5 years ago
    120. 333
      The Tracker 5 years ago
    121. 334
      Bullets 5 years ago
    122. 335
      Exploring Verdi Street 5 years ago
    123. 336
      The Abraham Family 5 years ago
    124. 337
      The Search For A Missing Person 5 years ago
    125. 338
      The Experienced Klein 5 years ago
    126. 339
      Psychiatrist 5 years ago
    127. 340
      Past 5 years ago
    128. 341
      Private Communication 5 years ago
    129. 342
      The Old Fox Alger 5 years ago
    130. 343
      By Oneself 5 years ago
    131. 344
      Spending Lavishly 5 years ago
    132. 345
      Sun Brooch 5 years ago
    133. 346
      A Magician Before Going Onstage 5 years ago
    134. 347
      Zombie and Werewolf 5 years ago
    135. 348
      Terrifying Wraith 5 years ago
    136. 349
      Poison Bottle 5 years ago
    137. 350
      Splendid Fireworks 5 years ago
    138. 351
      "Game" of Question and Answer 5 years ago
    139. 352
      Breakfast 5 years ago
    140. 353
      Today Is Quite Different From Yesterday 5 years ago
    141. 354
      Tales of an "Adventure" in East Borough 5 years ago
    142. 355
      Outsider 5 years ago
    143. 356
      Informant Fee 5 years ago
    144. 357
      Happenings at the Banquet 5 years ago
    145. 358
      The Sun's Worry 5 years ago
    146. 359
      The Blasphemer 5 years ago
    147. 360
      A Difficult Conundrum 5 years ago
    148. 361
      Translucent Worm 5 years ago
    149. 362
      The Secret Deed Ritual 5 years ago
    150. 363
      High-level Authority 5 years ago
    151. 364
      Cathedral of Serenity 5 years ago
    152. 365
      Vampire With A Unique Hobby 5 years ago
    153. 366
      The Hanged Man's Ambition 5 years ago
    154. 367
      Threatening Letter 5 years ago
    155. 368
      Taking Him By Surprise 5 years ago
    156. 369
      Inception 5 years ago
    157. 370
      The Audience's Applause 5 years ago
    158. 371
      Detective Moriarty's First Fan 5 years ago
    159. 372
      Missing Case 5 years ago
    160. 373
      Search 5 years ago
    161. 374
      Artificial Sleepwalking 5 years ago
    162. 375
      An "Evil God's" Impressive Act 5 years ago
    163. 376
      Mr. Harras 5 years ago
    164. 377
      Capim's Dinner 5 years ago
    165. 378
      The Show Begins 5 years ago
    166. 379
      Magic's Key Segment 5 years ago
    167. 380
      Curtain Call 5 years ago
    168. 381
      Conjectures 5 years ago
    169. 382
      Hero Bandit 5 years ago
    170. 383
      Returning Home 5 years ago
    171. 384
      On Your Own You Check Yourself 5 years ago
    172. 385
      A Story About Love 5 years ago
    173. 386
      A Nightmare 5 years ago
    174. 387
      The Uniqueness of a Spirit World 5 years ago
    175. 388
      Exploring the Dreamland 5 years ago
    176. 389
      Nighthawk 5 years ago
    177. 390
      Anticipation! 5 years ago
    178. 391
      The Great Seafarer Roselle 5 years ago
    179. 392
      Listening to Little Sun's Story 5 years ago
    180. 393
      The Worm of Time 5 years ago
    181. 394
      Sights in the Spirit World 5 years ago
    182. 395
      The Sheriff Beyonder Characteristics 5 years ago
    183. 396
      Great White Brotherhood 5 years ago
    184. 397
      Apocalyptic Prophecy 5 years ago
    185. 398
      Alluring Mushrooms 5 years ago
    186. 399
      The Corrupted 5 years ago
    187. 400
      The Growth of the "Rookie" 5 years ago
    188. 401
      Divine Epiphany 5 years ago
    189. 402
      Digging 5 years ago
    190. 403
      The Fate of a Private Detective 5 years ago
    191. 404
      Entrust 5 years ago
    192. 405
      "Cult" 5 years ago
    193. 406
      A Joyous But Extremely Helpless Reality 5 years ago
    194. 407
      The True Blessed 5 years ago
    195. 408
      A Bold Assumption 5 years ago
    196. 409
      December 5 years ago
    197. 410
      Framis Cage 5 years ago
    198. 411
      Coming In Throngs 5 years ago
    199. 412
      Letter 5 years ago
    200. 413
      Visitors 5 years ago
    201. 414
      Desire Apostle 5 years ago
    202. 415
      The Ring 5 years ago
    203. 416
      Two Rights Make A Wrong 5 years ago
    204. 417
      Arrodes 5 years ago
    205. 418
      The Power of the Mind 5 years ago
    206. 419
      Wishing 5 years ago
    207. 420
      Devil Family 5 years ago
    208. 421
      Expensive Materials 5 years ago
    209. 422
      The True Jason 5 years ago
    210. 423
      Winds Arise 5 years ago
    211. 424
      The Problem of Change 5 years ago
    212. 425
      Under the Roses 5 years ago
    213. 426
      1-42 5 years ago
    214. 427
      The Choice of The Times 5 years ago
    215. 428
      The Scapegoat 5 years ago
    216. 429
      Various Parties 5 years ago
    217. 430
      A Brand New Day 5 years ago
    218. 431
      A Drowning Man Shouldn’t Desperately Clutch at Straws 5 years ago
    219. 432
      Contracted Creatures 5 years ago
    220. 433
      Intelligence Peddler 5 years ago
    221. 434
      Tomb and Bounty 5 years ago
    222. 435
      Aggregation Effect 5 years ago
    223. 436
      Klein's Request 5 years ago
    224. 437
      Obituary 5 years ago
    225. 438
      Invitation 5 years ago
    226. 439
      The Generous Prince 5 years ago
    227. 440
      Angel Family 5 years ago
    228. 441
      "Channels" Increase 5 years ago
    229. 442
      Exploration Mission 5 years ago
    230. 443
      A One-man Performance 5 years ago
    231. 444
      Confession 5 years ago
    232. 445
      Live Broadcast 5 years ago
    233. 446
      Machinery Hivemind's Combat Style 5 years ago
    234. 447
      Portrait 5 years ago
    235. 448
      Amon's Possible Origins 5 years ago
    236. 449
      Better Choice 5 years ago
    237. 450
      Distribution of Money 5 years ago
    238. 451
      Faceless 5 years ago
    239. 452
      Benson's Decision 5 years ago
    240. 453
      "Stairs" 5 years ago
    241. 454
      Who Am I? 5 years ago
    242. 455
      Help Seeker 5 years ago
    243. 456
      Playing Ghosts 5 years ago
    244. 457
      Information Provided by the Evil Spirit 5 years ago
    245. 458
      An Ancient Sanguine 5 years ago
    246. 459
      Letting A Chance Slip 5 years ago
    247. 460
      Cyclic Explorations 5 years ago
    248. 461
      The Kind and Enthusiastic Hanged Man 5 years ago
    249. 462
      What is a Miracle? 5 years ago
    250. 463
      Answering His Own Questions 5 years ago
    251. 464
      Consultation 5 years ago
    252. 465
      Emlyn's Determination 5 years ago
    253. 466
      Tail-devourer 5 years ago
    254. 467
      The Delayed Response 5 years ago
    255. 468
      The Moon 5 years ago
    256. 469
      Vampire Queen 5 years ago
    257. 470
      Name 5 years ago
    258. 471
      Klein's Preparations 5 years ago
    259. 472
      Latent Danger 5 years ago
    260. 473
      Faceless 5 years ago
    261. 474
      Edessak's Story 5 years ago
    262. 475
      Lady Despair 5 years ago
    263. 476
      The Straw Men 5 years ago
    264. 477
      The Many Considerations of The Fool 5 years ago
    265. 478
      Grade 0 Sealed Artifact in Operation 5 years ago
    266. 479
      The Inexplicable Smile 5 years ago
    267. 480
      Rewards for Honesty 5 years ago
    268. 481
      Statistics and People 5 years ago
    269. 482
      Ring out the Old, Ring in the New 5 years ago

    Volumen 4

    1. 483
      New Identity 5 years ago
    2. 484
      Asymmetrical 5 years ago
    3. 485
      Rich Information 5 years ago
    4. 486
      Klein's Conjectures 5 years ago
    5. 487
      The Growing Tarot Club 5 years ago
    6. 488
      Living Expenses 5 years ago
    7. 489
      Held Up Suggestion 5 years ago
    8. 490
      Warning of a Former Sailor 5 years ago
    9. 491
      The Sherlock Moriarty in the Investigation Report 5 years ago
    10. 492
      Adventurer 5 years ago
    11. 493
      Hunting 5 years ago
    12. 494
      A Bite of Murloc 5 years ago
    13. 495
      Legend of Treasure 5 years ago
    14. 496
      The Promising Sea 5 years ago
    15. 497
      The Wall of Rewards 5 years ago
    16. 498
      Persona 5 years ago
    17. 499
      Solicitation 5 years ago
    18. 500
      Interrogating White Shark 5 years ago
    19. 501
      Bait 5 years ago
    20. 502
      The Scene in Azik's Memories 5 years ago
    21. 503
      Hostage 5 years ago
    22. 504
      Red Skull Pirate Crew 5 years ago
    23. 505
      A Servant Worth 3,000 Pounds 5 years ago
    24. 506
      The Weather Museum 5 years ago
    25. 507
      Bansy Harbor in the Wind 5 years ago
    26. 508
      Don't Go Out 5 years ago
    27. 509
      Request 5 years ago
    28. 510
      The Returning Bishop 5 years ago
    29. 511
      "Snitch Halo" 5 years ago
    30. 512
      The End of Things? 5 years ago
    31. 513
      Intimidation 5 years ago
    32. 514
      Legends of Ancient Gods 5 years ago
    33. 515
      Harvests for Everyone 5 years ago
    34. 516
      The Hanged Man's Guess 5 years ago
    35. 517
      City of Generosity 5 years ago
    36. 518
      On the Brink of Death 5 years ago
    37. 519
      Naming 5 years ago
    38. 520
      Admiral of Blood 5 years ago
    39. 521
      Bold Assumption 5 years ago
    40. 522
      Colony 5 years ago
    41. 523
      Cooperation 5 years ago
    42. 524
      Meeting 5 years ago
    43. 525
      The Calm Squall 5 years ago
    44. 526
      Dream of Eternity 5 years ago
    45. 527
      A Quick Battle 5 years ago
    46. 528
      Grazing 5 years ago
    47. 529
      Tacitness 5 years ago
    48. 530
      Chronicles 5 years ago
    49. 531
      Great Acting 5 years ago
    50. 532
      Lord "Caucasian" 5 years ago
    51. 533
      Mr. 4,200 Pounds 5 years ago
    52. 534
      A Dream Lesson 5 years ago
    53. 535
      Fond of Teaching 5 years ago
    54. 536
      Local Faith 5 years ago
    55. 537
      Excessive Spiritual Perception 5 years ago
    56. 538
      Dispel 5 years ago
    57. 539
      Late-night Operations 5 years ago
    58. 540
      Suppression 5 years ago
    59. 541
      Visitor 5 years ago
    60. 542
      Bayam Under Curfew 5 years ago
    61. 543
      The Reality That Exceeds Expectations 5 years ago
    62. 544
      Expert 5 years ago
    63. 545
      The Enraged Kalvetua 5 years ago
    64. 546
      Spirit World 5 years ago
    65. 547
      Priest 5 years ago
    66. 548
      Trick to Dealing with Large Creatures 5 years ago
    67. 549
      High Elf 5 years ago
    68. 550
      The Negative Effects of the Sealed Artifact 5 years ago
    69. 551
      The Ten Commandments 5 years ago
    70. 552
      Pomp 5 years ago
    71. 553
      Danitz's Hard Work 5 years ago
    72. 554
      Acting as God 5 years ago
    73. 555
      The Message Late at Night 5 years ago
    74. 556
      Discriminatory Treatment 5 years ago
    75. 557
      Planting a Cue on Herself 5 years ago
    76. 558
      Search for Abnormalities 5 years ago
    77. 559
      Meeting on the Way 5 years ago
    78. 560
      The Hanged Man Gets Fleeced 5 years ago
    79. 561
      "Recruitment Fair" 5 years ago
    80. 562
      Helene 5 years ago
    81. 563
      The Fool's "Blessing" 5 years ago
    82. 564
      Knowledge as a Pursuer 5 years ago
    83. 565
      Eye of Mystery Prying 5 years ago
    84. 566
      The Details of Clothes 5 years ago
    85. 567
      Source of the Matter 5 years ago
    86. 568
      Subsidiary "Gods" 5 years ago
    87. 569
      A Straw Will Show Which Way the Wind Blows 5 years ago
    88. 570
      Not Admitting or Denying 5 years ago
    89. 571
      Huge Pressure 5 years ago
    90. 572
      Recite My Name 5 years ago
    91. 573
      Teaching a Lesson in Reality 5 years ago
    92. 574
      Fail to Accomplish 5 years ago
    93. 575
      Golden Dream 5 years ago
    94. 576
      Vice Admiral Iceberg's Collector's Room 5 years ago
    95. 577
      Book from More Than 3,000 Years Ago 5 years ago
    96. 578
      "Abduction" 5 years ago
    97. 579
      Academic Question 5 years ago
    98. 580
      Wormtongue 5 years ago
    99. 581
      Both Getting into Character and Detachment 5 years ago
    100. 582
      "Provocation" 5 years ago
    101. 583
      Contingency Plan 5 years ago
    102. 584
      Scapegoat 5 years ago
    103. 585
      Buying Medicine 5 years ago
    104. 586
      Farewell and Reunion 5 years ago
    105. 587
      Confusing 4 years ago
    106. 588
      Old Acquaintance 4 years ago
    107. 589
      "Sowing Discord" 4 years ago
    108. 590
      Arrodes's Bottom Line 4 years ago
    109. 591
      Making Good Use of Things 4 years ago
    110. 592
      Three Advancements in a Week 4 years ago
    111. 593
      Solution 4 years ago
    112. 594
      The World's Commission 4 years ago
    113. 595
      Domain 4 years ago
    114. 596
      Clue 4 years ago
    115. 597
      Klein's Plan 4 years ago
    116. 598
      Windfall 4 years ago
    117. 599
      Dragon Might 4 years ago
    118. 600
      Clearing the Place 4 years ago
    119. 601
      Scaring Oneself 4 years ago
    120. 602
      Becoming Famous 4 years ago
    121. 603
      Conditions 4 years ago
    122. 604
      A Different Enemy 4 years ago
    123. 605
      "Judgment" 4 years ago
    124. 606
      Intimidation 4 years ago
    125. 607
      Discovering an Abnormality 4 years ago
    126. 608
      Professional 4 years ago
    127. 609
      Paying a Visit 4 years ago
    128. 610
      Throwing the Die 4 years ago
    129. 611
      Fate Councilor 4 years ago
    130. 612
      In Hand 4 years ago
    131. 613
      Leonard's Investigation 4 years ago
    132. 614
      Adventurer Association 4 years ago
    133. 615
      Grayish-white Fog 4 years ago
    134. 616
      Silver Lining 4 years ago
    135. 617
      The Mysterious Adam 4 years ago
    136. 618
      Volunteer Work 4 years ago
    137. 619
      Unable to Speak 4 years ago
    138. 620
      Stand-in Mission 4 years ago
    139. 621
      Governor-general's Office Banquet 4 years ago
    140. 622
      Temporary Contract 4 years ago
    141. 623
      First Night 4 years ago
    142. 624
      Warning 4 years ago
    143. 625
      Successful First Day 4 years ago
    144. 626
      Amyrius's Decision 4 years ago
    145. 627
      Late into the Night 4 years ago
    146. 628
      Prohibition 4 years ago
    147. 629
      Naturism Sect 4 years ago
    148. 630
      Timeline 4 years ago
    149. 631
      Three Days of Absence 4 years ago
    150. 632
      Finishing Up 4 years ago
    151. 633
      Two Types of Parasitizing 4 years ago
    152. 634
      City of White 4 years ago
    153. 635
      Meeting 4 years ago
    154. 636
      Slaughterer 4 years ago
    155. 637
      The Future 4 years ago
    156. 638
      Poison Expert 4 years ago
    157. 639
      Name List 4 years ago
    158. 640
      Female Pirate 4 years ago
    159. 641
      A Well Mouth That Humans Can't Pass 4 years ago
    160. 642
      Killing Three Birds With One Stone 4 years ago
    161. 643
      Klein's Version of "Magic Mirror Divination" 4 years ago
    162. 644
      Laughter 4 years ago
    163. 645
      Calming Method 4 years ago
    164. 646
      Leymano's Spellbook 4 years ago
    165. 647
      Sea of Ruins 4 years ago
    166. 648
      Noon and Night 4 years ago
    167. 649
      Black Cloister 4 years ago
    168. 650
      The Unlucky Anderson 4 years ago
    169. 651
      Meeting Again 4 years ago
    170. 652
      Mermaid Clues 4 years ago
    171. 653
      Black-faced, Black-handed 4 years ago
    172. 654
      Prisoner and Guard 4 years ago
    173. 655
      Dream Analysis 4 years ago
    174. 656
      Crazy Mutations 4 years ago
    175. 657
      Terrifying Vitality 4 years ago
    176. 658
      55,000 Pounds 4 years ago
    177. 659
      This Beyonder Power is Very Powerful 4 years ago
    178. 660
      Behind the Mask 4 years ago
    179. 661
      Approaching 4 years ago
    180. 662
      Powerful Aura 4 years ago
    181. 663
      False Alarm 4 years ago
    182. 664
      Every Second Counts 4 years ago
    183. 665
      Spirit Body Threads 4 years ago
    184. 666
      Afternoon Town 4 years ago
    185. 667
      Prayer 4 years ago
    186. 668
      Confidence Might Also Be a Weakness 4 years ago
    187. 669
      Exchange of Information 4 years ago
    188. 670
      Repenter 4 years ago
    189. 671
      The Fourth Name 4 years ago
    190. 672
      Bystander 4 years ago
    191. 673
      Blood Text 4 years ago
    192. 674
      Leaving the Ship 4 years ago
    193. 675
      Building Ties 4 years ago
    194. 676
      Tripartite Transaction 4 years ago
    195. 677
      Falling to the Ground 4 years ago
    196. 678
      Punishment 4 years ago
    197. 679
      Murder Request 4 years ago
    198. 680
      New Thoughts 4 years ago
    199. 681
      Indirect Answer 4 years ago
    200. 682
      Seeking "Food" 4 years ago
    201. 683
      So You Are Here as Well 4 years ago
    202. 684
      Battle Encounter 4 years ago
    203. 685
      From A Delay to Disconnection 4 years ago
    204. 686
      A Hard-to-complete Ritual 4 years ago
    205. 687
      Blatherer 4 years ago
    206. 688
      Fruitless Wait 4 years ago
    207. 689
      That's It? 4 years ago
    208. 690
      Miss Messenger 4 years ago
    209. 691
      Meeting 4 years ago
    210. 692
      Suspect 4 years ago
    211. 693
      Attempt 4 years ago
    212. 694
      Burn Upon Chanting 4 years ago
    213. 695
      Stark Contrast 4 years ago
    214. 696
      Giant Guardian 4 years ago
    215. 697
      Story's Progress 4 years ago
    216. 698
      Fifth King of Angels 4 years ago
    217. 699
      Boss Fight 4 years ago
    218. 700
      Excellent Teamwork 4 years ago
    219. 701
      Giants Never Retreat 4 years ago
    220. 702
      Epilogue 4 years ago
    221. 703
      Thank-you Present 4 years ago
    222. 704
      Origins 4 years ago
    223. 705
      Mythical Creature 4 years ago
    224. 706
      That Man 4 years ago
    225. 707
      Danitz's Request 4 years ago
    226. 708
      Revolver Worth 9,000 Pounds 4 years ago
    227. 709
      Elland's Warning 4 years ago
    228. 710
      Plan 4 years ago
    229. 711
      The Storm Attacks 4 years ago
    230. 712
      The Loyal Alger 4 years ago
    231. 713
      Three Questions 4 years ago
    232. 714
      New Diary Pages 4 years ago
    233. 715
      Madness in His Later Years 4 years ago
    234. 716
      Island and Ruins 4 years ago
    235. 717
      The World and Hero Bandit 4 years ago
    236. 718
      Characters in the Book 4 years ago
    237. 719
      Dream Tour 4 years ago
    238. 720
      Philosopher 4 years ago
    239. 721
      Klein's Guidance 4 years ago
    240. 722
      An Unpeaceful Night 4 years ago
    241. 723
      Another Good Deed Today 4 years ago
    242. 724
      The True Meaning Behind the Warning 4 years ago
    243. 725
      Morning 4 years ago
    244. 726
      Preparations Are Very Important 4 years ago
    245. 727
      Lucky One 4 years ago
    246. 728
      Triple Combo 4 years ago
    247. 729
      Chaos 4 years ago
    248. 730
      Handling the Latent Risk 4 years ago
    249. 731
      Gains 4 years ago
    250. 732
      Destination 4 years ago

    Volumen 5

    1. 733
      The Return 4 years ago
    2. 734
      Old Friends 4 years ago
    3. 735
      Another Visit 4 years ago
    4. 736
      Third Chair 4 years ago
    5. 737
      Official Appearance 4 years ago
    6. 738
      Life of a Tycoon 4 years ago
    7. 739
      The Encountered and the Yet-To-Be-Encountered 4 years ago
    8. 740
      Self-recommendation 4 years ago
    9. 741
      Butler 4 years ago
    10. 742
      Decided 4 years ago
    11. 743
      A Diary Page 4 years ago
    12. 744
      Sale 4 years ago
    13. 745
      Knowledge is Money 4 years ago
    14. 746
      Same Night 4 years ago
    15. 747
      First Blood 4 years ago
    16. 748
      A Duet 4 years ago
    17. 749
      The Moon's Authority 4 years ago
    18. 750
      Attraction? 4 years ago
    19. 751
      Loen-styled Euphemism 4 years ago
    20. 752
      Warning 4 years ago
    21. 753
      Bishop Visits 4 years ago
    22. 754
      Invitation 4 years ago
    23. 755
      "Switchboard Receptionist" 4 years ago
    24. 756
      Grand Mass 4 years ago
    25. 757
      Dream Encounter 4 years ago
    26. 758
      Efforts Will Ultimately Pay Off 4 years ago
    27. 759
      First Dance 4 years ago
    28. 760
      What a Small Circle 4 years ago
    29. 761
      Good People and Good Deeds 4 years ago
    30. 762
      Nation Reestablishment Society 4 years ago
    31. 763
      Mr. X 4 years ago
    32. 764
      First Investigation 4 years ago
    33. 765
      Monday Again 4 years ago
    34. 766
      The Deities' Anchor 4 years ago
    35. 767
      Passing a Message 4 years ago
    36. 768
      "Conversation" Between Smart People 4 years ago
    37. 769
      Sacrificing to Oneself 4 years ago
    38. 770
      A Child Should Act like a Child 4 years ago
    39. 771
      Fate Siphon 4 years ago
    40. 772
      Walter's Abnormality 4 years ago
    41. 773
      Additional Development 4 years ago
    42. 774
      Clues 4 years ago
    43. 775
      Making Use 4 years ago
    44. 776
      Preparations 4 years ago
    45. 777
      Sick and Crazy Setup 4 years ago
    46. 778
      1 + 1 > 2 4 years ago
    47. 779
      One-Shot 4 years ago
    48. 780
      Extract 4 years ago
    49. 781
      Negative Effects 4 years ago
    50. 782
      Saturday Night 4 years ago
    51. 783
      The Trick to Communication 4 years ago
    52. 784
      Character Assassination 4 years ago
    53. 785
      Trissy's Discovery 4 years ago
    54. 786
      Accounting Fraud 4 years ago
    55. 787
      Dorian's Warning 4 years ago
    56. 788
      Hidden Passage 4 years ago
    57. 789
      Each Person's Monday 4 years ago
    58. 790
      The End of the Diary 4 years ago
    59. 791
      New Model 4 years ago
    60. 792
      The Fool's Authority 4 years ago
    61. 793
      Surprise Visitor 4 years ago
    62. 794
      Short-Term Investment 4 years ago
    63. 795
      Patience 4 years ago
    64. 796
      Slowly Becoming Proficient 4 years ago
    65. 797
      Reward 4 years ago
    66. 798
      Revisiting an Old Haunt 4 years ago
    67. 799
      Spying 4 years ago
    68. 800
      Psychologically Becoming "Better" 4 years ago
    69. 801
      Plea 4 years ago
    70. 802
      Follow-up Solutions 4 years ago
    71. 803
      Name Rectification 4 years ago
    72. 804
      Archaeological Team 4 years ago
    73. 805
      Meeting Up 4 years ago
    74. 806
      Entering the Island in the Middle of the Night 4 years ago
    75. 807
      Mediocre Luck 4 years ago
    76. 808
      Awful Singing 4 years ago
    77. 809
      The Danger Amidst the Darkness 4 years ago
    78. 810
      Whose Cathedral 4 years ago
    79. 811
      The Picture in the Catacombs 4 years ago
    80. 812
      Myth from Another Perspective 4 years ago
    81. 813
      Tyrant 4 years ago
    82. 814
      Disappeared 4 years ago
    83. 815
      After-action review 4 years ago
    84. 816
      Completing the Transaction 4 years ago
    85. 817
      Guests 4 years ago
    86. 818
      Warning 4 years ago
    87. 819
      Gift 4 years ago
    88. 820
      Two Dazed Instances 4 years ago
    89. 821
      Soul Imprint 4 years ago
    90. 822
      Another 4 years ago
    91. 823
      The Maturing Tarot Club 4 years ago
    92. 824
      Conflict 4 years ago
    93. 825
      Reservation 4 years ago
    94. 826
      The Thought of Being Forgotten 4 years ago
    95. 827
      Plenty of People Coming and Going 4 years ago
    96. 828
      Movement of the Night 4 years ago
    97. 829
      Arrival of June 4 years ago
    98. 830
      Infiltration 4 years ago
    99. 831
      Just Inches Away 4 years ago
    100. 832
      Town 4 years ago
    101. 833
      Things to Take Note Of 4 years ago
    102. 834
      Good Luck 4 years ago
    103. 835
      The Figures Coming and Going 4 years ago
    104. 836
      "Tossing Food" 4 years ago
    105. 837
      The Hangers 4 years ago
    106. 838
      Scene from the Historical Void 4 years ago
    107. 839
      Descendant of An Ancient God 4 years ago
    108. 840
      Using His Advantage 4 years ago
    109. 841
      Keeping Each Other in Check 4 years ago
    110. 842
      Behind the Door 4 years ago
    111. 843
      Magical Mushroom 4 years ago
    112. 844
      Which Symbol 4 years ago
    113. 845
      Return 4 years ago
    114. 846
      Find the Target 4 years ago
    115. 847
      The Name Hidden in the Dossiers 4 years ago
    116. 848
      Getting Caught in the Crossfire 4 years ago
    117. 849
      Consultation Fees 4 years ago
    118. 850
      The Devil is in the Details 4 years ago
    119. 851
      Dwayne Dantès's New Business 4 years ago
    120. 852
      Straight to the Point 4 years ago
    121. 853
      Comparison of Experience in Sophistry 4 years ago
    122. 854
      Confession 4 years ago
    123. 855
      New Visitor 4 years ago
    124. 856
      Bodyguards Arrive 4 years ago
    125. 857
      Poignant 4 years ago
    126. 858
      Generous 4 years ago
    127. 859
      New Mushrooms 4 years ago
    128. 860
      Runaway Horse 4 years ago
    129. 861
      Fors's Dream 4 years ago
    130. 862
      Kind Warning 4 years ago
    131. 863
      Charity Party 4 years ago
    132. 864
      Actor and Spectator 4 years ago
    133. 865
      Earl Hall's Suggestion 4 years ago
    134. 866
      Home 4 years ago
    135. 867
      Investigation Mission 4 years ago
    136. 868
      Shared Identity 4 years ago
    137. 869
      Report Him! 4 years ago
    138. 870
      A Question That Strikes The Heart 4 years ago
    139. 871
      Director 4 years ago
    140. 872
      Results of Mediumship 4 years ago
    141. 873
      Undetectable Communication 4 years ago
    142. 874
      I Didn't Say Anything 4 years ago
    143. 875
      Mummy 4 years ago
    144. 876
      Art of Diverting Trouble 4 years ago
    145. 877
      Whose Trap 4 years ago
    146. 878
      Arrodes's Question 4 years ago
    147. 879
      Dual Purpose 4 years ago
    148. 880
      The Silent One 4 years ago
    149. 881
      A Play 4 years ago
    150. 882
      Core of Mischief 4 years ago
    151. 883
      Demigod's Appraisal 4 years ago
    152. 884
      Destined Encounter 4 years ago
    153. 885
      Two Letters 4 years ago
    154. 886
      Preparations Before Leaving 4 years ago
    155. 887
      Familiar Figure 4 years ago
    156. 888
      A Shocking Glance 4 years ago
    157. 889
      Warning to Everyone 4 years ago
    158. 890
      Ignore "Him" 4 years ago
    159. 891
      Strange Chapel 4 years ago
    160. 892
      Individual "Comprehension" 4 years ago
    161. 893
      Hair-Resembling Plants 4 years ago
    162. 894
      Meeting 4 years ago
    163. 895
      Finally At Ease 4 years ago
    164. 896
      Daly's Probe 4 years ago
    165. 897
      The Chief's Hint 4 years ago
    166. 898
      Response 4 years ago
    167. 899
      Berserk Sea's Spirit World 4 years ago
    168. 900
      "Self-Recommendation" 4 years ago
    169. 901
      The Mutated Paper Figurine 4 years ago
    170. 902
      Shadow 4 years ago
    171. 903
      Scholar-type Bishop 4 years ago
    172. 904
      Analysis 4 years ago
    173. 905
      Psychological Blind Spot 4 years ago
    174. 906
      Leonard's Warning 4 years ago
    175. 907
      The Power of Mysticism 4 years ago
    176. 908
      Not Leaving Any Problems 4 years ago
    177. 909
      Serving Good Luck 4 years ago
    178. 910
      Monster Pathway 4 years ago
    179. 911
      Strange Scene 4 years ago
    180. 912
      Origins of the Artisan 4 years ago
    181. 913
      Klein's Preparatory Work 4 years ago
    182. 914
      The Calling Deep Inside the Mausoleum 4 years ago
    183. 915
      Another "Me" 4 years ago
    184. 916
      Irresistible Approach 4 years ago
    185. 917
      Three Choices 4 years ago
    186. 918
      Guesses and Ideas 4 years ago
    187. 919
      "Perfect" Inference 4 years ago
    188. 920
      Calderón's Origins 4 years ago
    189. 921
      Politeness First 4 years ago
    190. 922
      Mushrooms and Fish 4 years ago
    191. 923
      After Effects 4 years ago
    192. 924
      First Key Factor at Carrying out Risky Operations 4 years ago
    193. 925
      Choosing "Clothes" 4 years ago
    194. 926
      Spiraling City 4 years ago
    195. 927
      Tyrant's Might 4 years ago
    196. 928
      Misdirection 4 years ago
    197. 929
      True Soul Body 4 years ago
    198. 930
      Former Organization 4 years ago
    199. 931
      New Method to Acquiring Intel 4 years ago
    200. 932
      Thin-Skinned 4 years ago
    201. 933
      Evil Spirits' Common Trait 4 years ago
    202. 934
      1 + 1 > 2 4 years ago
    203. 935
      "Meeting Up" 4 years ago
    204. 936
      Don't Want to Miss Out 4 years ago
    205. 937
      Several Days Later 4 years ago
    206. 938
      Writing 4 years ago
    207. 939
      Bait 4 years ago
    208. 940
      A Story 4 years ago
    209. 941
      Development That Adheres to Logic 4 years ago
    210. 942
      Deity's Curse 4 years ago
    211. 943
      The Third Act 4 years ago
    212. 944
      The Fourth Act 4 years ago
    213. 945
      The Story's Ending 4 years ago
    214. 946
      A Bestowment Or A Curse 4 years ago

    Volumen 6

    1. 947
      House Call 4 years ago
    2. 948
      Meaning of Existence 4 years ago
    3. 949
      Direction of Investigations 4 years ago
    4. 950
      Keeping Secrets 4 years ago
    5. 951
      Drawing A Card 4 years ago
    6. 952
      What a Small World 4 years ago
    7. 953
      Prophecy 4 years ago
    8. 954
      Strange Ancient Castle 4 years ago
    9. 955
      Ancient Wraith 4 years ago
    10. 956
      The Things Behind the Door 4 years ago
    11. 957
      Getting to Know Each Other 4 years ago
    12. 958
      Labeling 4 years ago
    13. 959
      Even Newcomers Are Different Amongst Themselves 4 years ago
    14. 960
      The Fool's Sigh 4 years ago
    15. 961
      Warning By Informing 4 years ago
    16. 962
      Being Known 4 years ago
    17. 963
      Problem with Intelligence 4 years ago
    18. 964
      Medici's Cause of Death 4 years ago
    19. 965
      Brief Crisis 4 years ago
    20. 966
      Train 4 years ago
    21. 967
      "Revelation" 4 years ago
    22. 968
      "Descending" Saint 4 years ago
    23. 969
      Duke 4 years ago
    24. 970
      Talent at Soliciting Donations 4 years ago
    25. 971
      Restraint 4 years ago
    26. 972
      Nast's Memories 4 years ago
    27. 973
      New "Angel" 4 years ago
    28. 974
      Mind World 4 years ago
    29. 975
      A Familiar Feeling 4 years ago
    30. 976
      Zealot 4 years ago
    31. 977
      First Sermon 4 years ago
    32. 978
      Gift 4 years ago
    33. 979
      Joy of Life 4 years ago
    34. 980
      Choice of Parasitic Target 4 years ago
    35. 981
      Hazel's Decision 4 years ago
    36. 982
      Bizarro Sorcerer vs Parasite 4 years ago
    37. 983
      In Your Name 4 years ago
    38. 984
      Active Response 4 years ago
    39. 985
      Blessed of Concealment 4 years ago
    40. 986
      The "Infectiousness" of Parasitizing 4 years ago
    41. 987
      "Warehouse Clearance" 4 years ago
    42. 988
      Joint Operation 4 years ago
    43. 989
      Mentor Alger 4 years ago
    44. 990
      Inner Fears 4 years ago
    45. 991
      A Ritual Without A "Reply" 4 years ago
    46. 992
      Arrodes's Congratulations 4 years ago
    47. 993
      Another Possibility 4 years ago
    48. 994
      Prelude 4 years ago
    49. 995
      "Conjoined Person" 4 years ago
    50. 996
      Card Game 4 years ago
    51. 997
      "Gambling God" Dwayne 4 years ago
    52. 998
      Establishing Relations 4 years ago
    53. 999
      Instigation 4 years ago
    54. 1000
      Prelude 4 years ago
    55. 1001
      First Movement 4 years ago
    56. 1002
      Second Movement 4 years ago
    57. 1003
      Ritornello 4 years ago
    58. 1004
      Third Movement 4 years ago
    59. 1005
      Fourth Movement 4 years ago
    60. 1006
      Finale and Ending 4 years ago
    61. 1007
      Dealing With The Aftermath 4 years ago
    62. 1008
      Splitting 4 years ago
    63. 1009
      Payment Is Always Exacted for What's Bestowed 4 years ago
    64. 1010
      Consultant Fee 4 years ago
    65. 1011
      Roselle's Other Warning 4 years ago
    66. 1012
      First Day of September 4 years ago
    67. 1013
      Individual Growth 4 years ago
    68. 1014
      The Growing Group 4 years ago
    69. 1015
      March of War 4 years ago
    70. 1016
      News from the Numinous Episcopate 4 years ago
    71. 1017
      Maygur Manor 4 years ago
    72. 1018
      Unexpected 4 years ago
    73. 1019
      Patience 4 years ago
    74. 1020
      Means of a Demoness 4 years ago
    75. 1021
      Cross 4 years ago
    76. 1022
      Answer 4 years ago
    77. 1023
      Mason Dere's Death 4 years ago
    78. 1024
      Traditional Skills 4 years ago
    79. 1025
      Random Anomalies 4 years ago
    80. 1026
      Two Restrictions 4 years ago
    81. 1027
      Deceit 4 years ago
    82. 1028
      Saving Himself 4 years ago
    83. 1029
      Ruins No. 1 4 years ago
    84. 1030
      Joint Operations 4 years ago
    85. 1031
      Possibility 4 years ago
    86. 1032
      Forceful Purifier 4 years ago
    87. 1033
      Let There Be Light 4 years ago
    88. 1034
      Gains 4 years ago
    89. 1035
      Diary Page in Advance 4 years ago
    90. 1036
      "Expected" Development 4 years ago
    91. 1037
      Gehrman's Problem 4 years ago
    92. 1038
      Name List 4 years ago
    93. 1039
      Hope 4 years ago
    94. 1040
      The Tranquil Surface of the Sea 4 years ago
    95. 1041
      King’s Daughter 4 years ago
    96. 1042
      Plan From a Different Angle 4 years ago
    97. 1043
      Each Having Their Own Plans 4 years ago
    98. 1044
      Placing Herself in the Tides 4 years ago
    99. 1045
      Dreamwalker 4 years ago
    100. 1046
      A "Test" 4 years ago
    101. 1047
      Brainstorm 4 years ago
    102. 1048
      Real and Fake "Spy" 4 years ago
    103. 1049
      Spectator's Intuition 4 years ago
    104. 1050
      Good At Using Hypnosis 4 years ago
    105. 1051
      Different Styles of Different Pathways 4 years ago
    106. 1052
      3v1 4 years ago
    107. 1053
      President 4 years ago
    108. 1054
      Tailored-Made Ritual 4 years ago
    109. 1055
      Train of Thought 4 years ago
    110. 1056
      The Real "Devil" 4 years ago
    111. 1057
      The Extraordinary and the Ordinary 4 years ago
    112. 1058
      A Tool 4 years ago
    113. 1059
      The Authority of the Moon 4 years ago
    114. 1060
      Covered-up Secret 4 years ago
    115. 1061
      Whose Dream 4 years ago
    116. 1062
      "Teaching" Online 4 years ago
    117. 1063
      The Lord's Left-Hand 4 years ago
    118. 1064
      Drawing Closer 4 years ago
    119. 1065
      Cosmos Wanderer 4 years ago
    120. 1066
      Familiar Name 4 years ago
    121. 1067
      The Elven Version of History 4 years ago
    122. 1068
      Illogical Details 4 years ago
    123. 1069
      "Under the Sea" 4 years ago
    124. 1070
      Maybe It's Real 4 years ago
    125. 1071
      Hall of Truth 4 years ago
    126. 1072
      The Call From Behind the Door 4 years ago
    127. 1073
      Three Possibilities 4 years ago
    128. 1074
      The Answer to Questions 4 years ago
    129. 1075
      No Response 4 years ago
    130. 1076
      Dorian's Request 4 years ago
    131. 1077
      Four Choices 4 years ago
    132. 1078
      The Hidden Secret 4 years ago
    133. 1079
      The Hardworking Gardeners 4 years ago
    134. 1080
      The Line of Thinking for Acting 4 years ago
    135. 1081
      The Returnee 4 years ago
    136. 1082
      Sudden Turn of Events 4 years ago
    137. 1083
      Backlund in Chaos 4 years ago
    138. 1084
      The People in War 4 years ago
    139. 1085
      Scrutinizing the Situation 4 years ago
    140. 1086
      A Simple Inference 4 years ago
    141. 1087
      The Deities' Attitudes 4 years ago
    142. 1088
      Hiding in Secret 4 years ago
    143. 1089
      A Difficult Decision 4 years ago
    144. 1090
      Haunted Tales 4 years ago
    145. 1091
      Asking Himself 4 years ago
    146. 1092
      Ridiculous People 4 years ago
    147. 1093
      The Angels of The Fool 4 years ago
    148. 1094
      Breakthrough Point 4 years ago
    149. 1095
      Acting as Himself 4 years ago
    150. 1096
      Cooperation 4 years ago
    151. 1097
      Different Conundrum 4 years ago
    152. 1098
      Contribution Accumulation 4 years ago
    153. 1099
      1368 4 years ago
    154. 1100
      One Book 4 years ago
    155. 1101
      Special Reward 4 years ago
    156. 1102
      Engaging Tigers to Hunt Wolves 4 years ago
    157. 1103
      Hint 4 years ago
    158. 1104
      Contradiction 4 years ago
    159. 1105
      The Key Diary Entry 4 years ago
    160. 1106
      Making Contact 4 years ago
    161. 1107
      Relax 4 years ago
    162. 1108
      Messed Up Family 4 years ago
    163. 1109
      Patience 4 years ago
    164. 1110
      "Spirit" Channeling 4 years ago
    165. 1111
      "Poker Expert" 4 years ago
    166. 1112
      Traveling Notebook 4 years ago
    167. 1113
      Powerful Guardian 4 years ago
    168. 1114
      The Remnant Will 4 years ago
    169. 1115
      Inside the King's Court 4 years ago
    170. 1116
      Familiar Gaze 4 years ago
    171. 1117
      The Strongest Organization 4 years ago
    172. 1118
      Klein's Fear 4 years ago
    173. 1119
      Tacit Cooperation 4 years ago
    174. 1120
      Court Chaser 4 years ago
    175. 1121
      Weakness 4 years ago
    176. 1122
      The Instructions of The Fool 4 years ago
    177. 1123
      After the Expedition 4 years ago
    178. 1124
      Enhanced Teammates 4 years ago
    179. 1125
      Opportunity 4 years ago
    180. 1126
      "Unexpected" 4 years ago
    181. 1127
      Sefirah Castle 4 years ago
    182. 1128
      Finally An Outcome 4 years ago
    183. 1129
      Pressure 4 years ago
    184. 1130
      News Storm 4 years ago
    185. 1131
      An Indescribable Transaction 4 years ago
    186. 1132
      Interlude 4 years ago
    187. 1133
      Chant 4 years ago
    188. 1134
      Mr. Door 4 years ago
    189. 1135
      Fragrant 4 years ago
    190. 1136
      Rumors from Ancient Times 4 years ago
    191. 1137
      Amidst History 4 years ago
    192. 1138
      "Scholar of Yore" 4 years ago
    193. 1139
      A Different Form of Companionship 4 years ago
    194. 1140
      Plans 4 years ago
    195. 1141
      Deep Winter 4 years ago
    196. 1142
      Warning 4 years ago
    197. 1143
      Reasonable Development 4 years ago
    198. 1144
      Narrowly 4 years ago
    199. 1145
      Three Arrows At The Same Time 4 years ago
    200. 1146
      A Real Charlatan 4 years ago
    201. 1147
      Chaos 4 years ago
    202. 1148
      Not Late 4 years ago
    203. 1149
      Escape 4 years ago
    204. 1150
      Mad Dash 4 years ago

    Volumen 7

    1. 1151
      Deceit 4 years ago
    2. 1152
      "Error" 4 years ago
    3. 1153
      The Sunset Tunnel 4 years ago
    4. 1154
      I'll Give You a Chance 4 years ago
    5. 1155
      Walking in the Dark 4 years ago
    6. 1156
      Thinking 4 years ago
    7. 1157
      Poise 4 years ago
    8. 1158
      Coming to Terms 4 years ago
    9. 1159
      Validation 4 years ago
    10. 1160
      Improving 4 years ago
    11. 1161
      Countdown 4 years ago
    12. 1162
      Prophecy 4 years ago
    13. 1163
      Approaching 4 years ago
    14. 1164
      Cheating 4 years ago
    15. 1165
      The Grand Lineup 4 years ago
    16. 1166
      Its Name 4 years ago
    17. 1167
      When the Stars Are Right 4 years ago
    18. 1168
      My Anchors 4 years ago
    19. 1169
      Klein's Plan 4 years ago
    20. 1170
      Ritual 4 years ago
    21. 1171
      The Third One 4 years ago
    22. 1172
      "Unperturbed" 4 years ago
    23. 1173
      Advice 4 years ago
    24. 1174
      Joint Operation 4 years ago
    25. 1175
      Ideas Are Very Important 4 years ago
    26. 1176
      Plot 4 years ago
    27. 1177
      Substitute 4 years ago
    28. 1178
      I Have a Blessed 4 years ago
    29. 1179
      Preparations Both Ways 4 years ago
    30. 1180
      Different Effects 4 years ago
    31. 1181
      Nois Ancient City 4 years ago
    32. 1182
      The Holy Word 4 years ago
    33. 1183
      Klein's Advantage 4 years ago
    34. 1184
      "Record" 4 years ago
    35. 1185
      Reappearing 4 years ago
    36. 1186
      Opportunity and Danger Are Two Sides of the Same Coin 4 years ago
    37. 1187
      Change 4 years ago
    38. 1188
      Thick-Skinned 4 years ago
    39. 1189
      Winter Gifts Day 4 years ago
    40. 1190
      Resonance 4 years ago
    41. 1191
      Grasping One's Mentality 4 years ago
    42. 1192
      Each Serving their Duty 4 years ago
    43. 1193
      Heading East 4 years ago
    44. 1194
      A Lion's Hunt of a Rabbit 4 years ago
    45. 1195
      Grade 0 4 years ago
    46. 1196
      The Ugly Duckling 4 years ago
    47. 1197
      Mind Storm 4 years ago
    48. 1198
      Frenzy 4 years ago
    49. 1199
      Inauspicious Box 4 years ago
    50. 1200
      Randomness 4 years ago
    51. 1201
      Professional 4 years ago
    52. 1202
      The Tarot Club 4 years ago
    53. 1203
      Harvest 4 years ago
    54. 1204
      Putting Life and Death Aside 4 years ago
    55. 1205
      A Thousand-Year-Old Trap 4 years ago
    56. 1206
      Sly Old Foxes, Everyone of Them 4 years ago
    57. 1207
      Dorian's Decision 4 years ago
    58. 1208
      The Long-Awaited Serenity 4 years ago
    59. 1209
      Two Choices 4 years ago
    60. 1210
      Moon City 4 years ago
    61. 1211
      Unimaginable 4 years ago
    62. 1212
      Spreading Radiance 4 years ago
    63. 1213
      The Eternally Imperturbable Fog 4 years ago
    64. 1214
      Voice 4 years ago
    65. 1215
      Not Time Yet 4 years ago
    66. 1216
      Patience Will Ultimately Pay Off 4 years ago
    67. 1217
      The Five Mush and Two Rooms 4 years ago
    68. 1218
      Clue 4 years ago
    69. 1219
      Changing the Goal 4 years ago
    70. 1220
      A "Curtain" 4 years ago
    71. 1221
      Leaving a Message 4 years ago
    72. 1222
      "Research Facility" 4 years ago
    73. 1223
      That Level 4 years ago
    74. 1224
      Guesses About the Apocalypse 4 years ago
    75. 1225
      Counseling 4 years ago
    76. 1226
      Handing Out Mushrooms 4 years ago
    77. 1227
      Summoning Ritual 4 years ago
    78. 1228
      Wishes 4 years ago
    79. 1229
      Collective Wisdom 4 years ago
    80. 1230
      Meeting Again 4 years ago
    81. 1231
      "Visiting" Everywhere 4 years ago
    82. 1232
      Comparison Experiments 4 years ago
    83. 1233
      Two Spots 4 years ago
    84. 1234
      The Projection's "Descent" 4 years ago
    85. 1235
      Most Valued Support 4 years ago
    86. 1236
      Linkage 4 years ago
    87. 1237
      Distribution 4 years ago
    88. 1238
      Hypothesis 4 years ago
    89. 1239
      Legacy 4 years ago
    90. 1240
      The Tide 4 years ago
    91. 1241
      Genie 4 years ago
    92. 1242
      The Baffling Actions of the Human 4 years ago
    93. 1243
      Hectic But Not Confused 4 years ago
    94. 1244
      Wish 4 years ago
    95. 1245
      Help Available Even Without Summoning Help 4 years ago
    96. 1246
      Following "His" True Feelings—Cowardice 4 years ago
    97. 1247
      Finally 4 years ago
    98. 1248
      A Thousand Years of Waiting 4 years ago
    99. 1249
      Showcasing His Might 4 years ago
    100. 1250
      Behind the Door 4 years ago
    101. 1251
      Change 4 years ago
    102. 1252
      Mr. Clown 4 years ago
    103. 1253
      I Wish You Well 4 years ago
    104. 1254
      Exaggerated 4 years ago
    105. 1255
      Mocking Himself 4 years ago
    106. 1256
      I Have Something You Don't 4 years ago
    107. 1257
      Too Weak 4 years ago
    108. 1258
      Tremendous Changes 4 years ago
    109. 1259
      Slumbering Grounds 4 years ago
    110. 1260
      Omniscience 4 years ago
    111. 1261
      No One Is an Exception 4 years ago
    112. 1262
      The Truth Behind the Enemy 4 years ago
    113. 1263
      The Final Watch 4 years ago
    114. 1264
      Succeeding 4 years ago
    115. 1265
      Warrior 4 years ago
    116. 1266
      Light 4 years ago

    Volumen 8

    1. 1267
      Welcome 4 years ago
    2. 1268
      Miracle Invoker 4 years ago
    3. 1269
      The Power of Wishes 4 years ago
    4. 1270
      "Visiting" 4 years ago
    5. 1271
      Seven Lights 4 years ago
    6. 1272
      "Spring" 4 years ago
    7. 1273
      The Poor Arrodes 4 years ago
    8. 1274
      The Stabilization of the Situation 4 years ago
    9. 1275
      A New Journey 4 years ago
    10. 1276
      Wandering Magician 4 years ago
    11. 1277
      A Qualitative Change 4 years ago
    12. 1278
      Reminder 4 years ago
    13. 1279
      Sense of Urgency 4 years ago
    14. 1280
      Chance Meeting in the Tiny City 4 years ago
    15. 1281
      Anomaly 4 years ago
    16. 1282
      Crime 4 years ago
    17. 1283
      Gradually Deepening 4 years ago
    18. 1284
      Limitation Loophole 4 years ago
    19. 1285
      Forget About Leaving, All of You 4 years ago
    20. 1286
      New Applications of Old Methods 4 years ago
    21. 1287
      Guidance 4 years ago
    22. 1288
      Key Intelligence 4 years ago
    23. 1289
      Fooling 4 years ago
    24. 1290
      Fulfilling Wishes 4 years ago
    25. 1291
      Two Rituals 4 years ago
    26. 1292
      Entering Bayam For the First Time 4 years ago
    27. 1293
      Devil's Oil Painting 4 years ago
    28. 1294
      Conversation 4 years ago
    29. 1295
      The Aftermath from the War's Frontlines 4 years ago
    30. 1296
      Amateur Astronomer 4 years ago
    31. 1297
      "Forest" of Miracles 4 years ago
    32. 1298
      Departure 4 years ago
    33. 1299
      Milk and Honey 4 years ago
    34. 1300
      The Fourth Person 4 years ago
    35. 1301
      "New Life" 4 years ago
    36. 1302
      The Scene in the Prophecy 4 years ago
    37. 1303
      Coming to Life 4 years ago
    38. 1304
      The Importance of Ideas 4 years ago
    39. 1305
      That Black Shadow 4 years ago
    40. 1306
      Seal 4 years ago
    41. 1307
      Meeting 4 years ago
    42. 1308
      Goodbye 4 years ago
    43. 1309
      Additional Lessons 4 years ago
    44. 1310
      Envoy 4 years ago
    45. 1311
      New Mission 4 years ago
    46. 1312
      Fully Automatic Wishing Machine 4 years ago
    47. 1313
      The Third Wish 4 years ago
    48. 1314
      Miracles Are Only For A Moment 4 years ago
    49. 1315
      Summary Report 4 years ago
    50. 1316
      An Unknown City 4 years ago
    51. 1317
      "Pride" 4 years ago
    52. 1318
      Seven Councilors 4 years ago
    53. 1319
      Life-Preserving Incantation 4 years ago
    54. 1320
      Mind Mail 4 years ago
    55. 1321
      The Six Special Pathways 4 years ago
    56. 1322
      Hold Off On Something Unresolvable 4 years ago
    57. 1323
      Development Plan 4 years ago
    58. 1324
      Handling 4 years ago
    59. 1325
      More than Half a Year Later 4 years ago
    60. 1326
      Successful "Mass" 4 years ago
    61. 1327
      Three Plans 4 years ago
    62. 1328
      The Preparations Needed 4 years ago
    63. 1329
      A Night Without Any Abnormalities 4 years ago
    64. 1330
      Moving in 4 years ago
    65. 1331
      Pleasure in Helping Others 4 years ago
    66. 1332
      Shocked in the Middle of the Night 4 years ago
    67. 1333
      Warning Using His Experience As Example 4 years ago
    68. 1334
      Night With The Moon 4 years ago
    69. 1335
      "I" 4 years ago
    70. 1336
      Interaction 4 years ago
    71. 1337
      A Chain Reaction 4 years ago
    72. 1338
      Exploration 4 years ago
    73. 1339
      Behind the Door 4 years ago
    74. 1340
      Travel Diaries 4 years ago
    75. 1341
      In the Dream 4 years ago
    76. 1342
      Simultaneously 4 years ago
    77. 1343
      Weaved Nightmare 4 years ago
    78. 1344
      Humanity 4 years ago
    79. 1345
      Meeting Again 4 years ago
    80. 1346
      The Specialness of a Visionary 4 years ago
    81. 1347
      Pillar 4 years ago
    82. 1348
      Preparation for the Ritual 4 years ago
    83. 1349
      Door 4 years ago
    84. 1350
      Wish 4 years ago
    85. 1351
      Seizing The Opportunity 4 years ago
    86. 1352
      Attendant of Mysteries 4 years ago
    87. 1353
      Sacrificial Victim 4 years ago

    Volumen 9

    1. 1354
      This Night 4 years ago
    2. 1355
      Wrapping Up The Matter 4 years ago
    3. 1356
      Urgency 4 years ago
    4. 1357
      Meeting 4 years ago
    5. 1358
      Conversation 4 years ago
    6. 1359
      Early Morning 4 years ago
    7. 1360
      Choice 4 years ago
    8. 1361
      Joint Operation 4 years ago
    9. 1362
      Witness 4 years ago
    10. 1363
      Treatment Plan 4 years ago
    11. 1364
      Proactive Klein 4 years ago
    12. 1365
      Destruction 4 years ago
    13. 1366
      Set Up 4 years ago
    14. 1367
      Distributary 4 years ago
    15. 1368
      Death Imprint 4 years ago
    16. 1369
      Pomp 4 years ago
    17. 1370
      Decisive 4 years ago
    18. 1371
      Who are Allies and Who are Foes 4 years ago
    19. 1372
      The Other Use of the Magic Wishing Lamp 4 years ago
    20. 1373
      Facing 4 years ago
    21. 1374
      Trojan Horse of Destiny 4 years ago
    22. 1375
      Beginning the Accommodation 4 years ago
    23. 1376
      Half a Great Old One 4 years ago
    24. 1377
      Crazy Ravings 4 years ago
    25. 1378
      Change of Plans 4 years ago
    26. 1379
      Combining Forces 4 years ago
    27. 1380
      A Miracle 4 years ago
    28. 1381
      Authority 4 years ago
    29. 1382
      Home Ground Advantage 4 years ago
    30. 1383
      Stipulated Rules 4 years ago
    31. 1384
      Conceptualization 4 years ago
    32. 1385
      "Madness" 4 years ago
    33. 1386
      Narrow Path 4 years ago
    34. 1387
      Method 4 years ago
    35. 1388
      A Sudden Gathering 4 years ago
    36. 1389
      The Fool's Commission 4 years ago
    37. 1390
      Questions and Answers 4 years ago
    38. 1391
      Facing It 4 years ago
    39. 1392
      Yesterday No More 4 years ago
    40. 1393
      Where the Dream Begins 4 years ago
    41. 1394
      A New Journey 4 years ago
    42. 1395
      An Ordinary Person's Daily Life (1/8) 4 years ago
    43. 1396
      An Ordinary Person's Daily Life (2/8) 4 years ago
    44. 1397
      An Ordinary Person's Daily Life (3/8) 4 years ago
    45. 1398
      An Ordinary Person's Daily Life (4/8) 4 years ago
    46. 1399
      An Ordinary Person's Daily Life (5/8) 4 years ago
    47. 1400
      An Ordinary Person's Daily Life (6/8) 4 years ago
    48. 1401
      An Ordinary Person's Daily Life (7/8) 4 years ago
    49. 1402
      An Ordinary Person's Daily Life (8/8) 4 years ago
    50. 1403
      In Modern Day (1) 4 years ago
    51. 1404
      In Modern Day (2) 4 years ago
    52. 1405
      In Modern Day (3) 4 years ago
    53. 1406
      In Modern Day (4) 4 years ago
    54. 1407
      In Modern Day (5) 3 years ago
    55. 1408
      In Modern Day (6) 3 years ago
    56. 1409
      In Modern Day (7) 3 years ago
    57. 1410
      In Modern Day (8) 3 years ago
    58. 1411
      In Modern Day (9) 3 years ago
    59. 1412
      In Modern Day (10) 3 years ago
    60. 1413
      In Modern Day (11) 3 years ago
    61. 1414
      In Modern Day (12) 3 years ago
    62. 1415
      In Modern Day (13) 3 years ago
    63. 1416
      In Modern Day (14) 3 years ago
    64. 1417
      In Modern Day (15) 3 years ago
    65. 1418
      In Modern Day (16) 3 years ago
    66. 1419
      In Modern Day (17) 3 years ago
    67. 1420
      In Modern Day (18) 3 years ago
    68. 1421
      In Modern Day (19) 3 years ago
    69. 1422
      In Modern Day (20) 3 years ago
    70. 1423
      In Modern Day (21) 3 years ago
    71. 1424
      In Modern Day (22) 3 years ago
    72. 1425
      In Modern Day (23) 3 years ago
    73. 1426
      In Modern Day (24) 3 years ago
    74. 1427
      In Modern Day (25) 3 years ago
    75. 1428
      In Modern Day (26) 3 years ago
    76. 1429
      In Modern Day (27) 3 years ago
    77. 1430
      In Modern Day (28) 3 years ago
    78. 1431
      Bonus Chapter: That Corner (1) 1 years ago
    79. 1432
      Bonus Chapter: That Corner (2) 1 years ago

    Autor Cuttlefish That Loves Diving

    Traductor AtlasStudios

    Editor AtlasStudios