Webnovel Author: Jett_Gray_8151 - Fanfic Collection



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2023-03-13 Beigetreten Global

Abzeichen 4

Moments 164


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I felt as my body changed. My hips widen, my boobs swell, my muscles tear themself apart and reform. I almost passed out from the pain. After an hour my body stopped feeling like it was being smashed by a Deathclaw with a grudge. I look over myself and moved away from the bed. I saw what looked to be millions of dead skin cells that had flaked off and what looked to be some dark oily liquid that stank to the high havens left behind on the bed sheets. I quickly stripped the bed sheets and threw them out on the balcony. I then ran to take another shower. It took 3 hours for me to feel clean. I looked over my body to see the changes. My breasts had gone from B-cups to C-cups. My skin had taken on a healthier appearance. My hips and backside were bigger. And my dick had looked to grow an inch and a half. I had felt unbalanced for a few minutes. I had to get used to my new proportions. I finally got dressed in the sniper outfit. I love the fact outfits auto-fit any body type.

In Fallout with a Chat Group

In Fallout with a Chat Group

Video Games · Jett_Gray_8151

Replied to HarkenEliwood

... H33H33H33

[ArsenicCatnip]{Has been terminated} {Escape Plan wasn't bought} {Sending out new Invite} {New User will Join in 3 days}

In Fallout with a Chat Group

In Fallout with a Chat Group

Video Games · Jett_Gray_8151



"Damit! We made it so far just to die because we were late getting here. I guess I really don't have any other choice." Bell drew out the summon card he had gotten from gotcha weeks ago. "Here goes nothing!" The card glowed and then shattered like glass. Bell felt something burn into the back of his right hand. In a bright flash of light, a dark-skinned girl with pinkish-gray long hair appeared. She looked to be around 16. She wears a red and black outfit that reminds Bell of what an Amazoness might wear. Well to be honest it was a little too conservative for an Amazoness. They wouldn't have their arms covered. The girl was duel welding black and white falchions.

In Fallout with a Chat Group

In Fallout with a Chat Group

Video Games · Jett_Gray_8151

Replied to Daoistz861E7

They are both counted as medium armor so it works.

I picked Iteam Fusion. I want to get the stealth suit MK II and the Elite riot gear fuss them together. I had delayed long enough. I made my way to Sunset Sarsaparilla Headquarters. Standing at the entrance was a man in Reinforced leather armor holding a custom laser pistol.

In Fallout with a Chat Group

In Fallout with a Chat Group

Video Games · Jett_Gray_8151

Replied to Daoistz861E7

Yes, she got killed by Cazadors a little under an hour of selling her Fat Man.

I left to go to the Wranglers for the night. In the morning I sold all the weapons and other junk I wasn't interested in hauling on my person for 14596 caps. I no longer needed that Fat Man. Well, I was about to deal with Cazadors… Nah a level 3 Sentry and a shotgun with 15 seconds of nonstop crits should be enough to handle some flying bugs of death… One death later I didn't sell the Fat Man. Once I dealt with the bug that shall not be named and getting it's eggs I found a dead super Supermutant. That had 4 C4 and a Fat Man… I used to fix up my Fat Man and made my way back to sell it and the C4 at the Gun Runners. On the way back I looted Brewer's Beer Bootlegging. I came away with two star caps, a Gauss rifle, and a Big Book of Science.

In Fallout with a Chat Group

In Fallout with a Chat Group

Video Games · Jett_Gray_8151

Replied to Daoistz861E7

22 vault 11 suits.

"She is a sweet girl. She gave me 220 caps. Here you go, boss." Raul

In Fallout with a Chat Group

In Fallout with a Chat Group

Video Games · Jett_Gray_8151

Replied to SwordofeXtreme_99

She was more asking if James knew anyone that was interested. There could have been someone who wasn't from the Thorn.

"Well I could tell you of someone I think might be interested but it's slipped my mind. Perhaps some caps might remind me." James Garret. I handed him 100 caps. "Near Westside there is a place called The Thorn. There is a lady who runs a fighting pit down there called Red Lucy. She maybe interested in said eggs."

In Fallout with a Chat Group

In Fallout with a Chat Group

Video Games · Jett_Gray_8151

Replied to WolfLord

No counterfeit caps. The Crimson Caravan has a full questline where you can get fake caps and they are worthless. Sad but true.

Well, fuck me sideways. I'm going to have to go to Dead Money for the money. I spent 12000 caps on three ranks of Intense Training and put the points into Perception. Thinking of the rest of the TF2 Mercs I honestly doubted any of them would have given me more perception. I also spent 25000 caps on Armor Master. I spent 3000 to get the 3 additional Teleporters. Leaving me with 11348 caps. 

In Fallout with a Chat Group

In Fallout with a Chat Group

Video Games · Jett_Gray_8151

Replied to Daoistz861E7

The R word was more recent in this case. And the Major wanted vengeance for his sniper as soon as possible. So he can throw more caps at it now instead of later when things had mostly cooled down. Well that was at least my thought process

I made my way into Goodsprings. I took a second to take this place in. It was the start of a lot of my games of New Vegas. I went through the old school house hacked the computer and picked the lock. I left almost everything in its place. I took the skill mags but I decided to leave the Lucky Revoler in the safe. I went to good old Doc Mitchel to get my radiation treated. I may have left him 10 times the normal fee on his desk. I looted the Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual and picked the safe in that house. I went to the Saloon and repaired the radio for Trudy. And then I bought out her supplies of Sunset and pure water. I also hacked the terminal and picked all the locks in the saloon. I then made my way to the Goodsprings Cemetery taking the snowglobe for myself.

In Fallout with a Chat Group

In Fallout with a Chat Group

Video Games · Jett_Gray_8151

Replied to Daoistz861E7

Funny answer Easy Peat got drunk and knocked it out by accident. It can still get broken again later. Real Answer I forgot why it was broken in the first place and was just thinking of things to get exp.

I made my way into Goodsprings. I took a second to take this place in. It was the start of a lot of my games of New Vegas. I went through the old school house hacked the computer and picked the lock. I left almost everything in its place. I took the skill mags but I decided to leave the Lucky Revoler in the safe. I went to good old Doc Mitchel to get my radiation treated. I may have left him 10 times the normal fee on his desk. I looted the Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual and picked the safe in that house. I went to the Saloon and repaired the radio for Trudy. And then I bought out her supplies of Sunset and pure water. I also hacked the terminal and picked all the locks in the saloon. I then made my way to the Goodsprings Cemetery taking the snowglobe for myself.

In Fallout with a Chat Group

In Fallout with a Chat Group

Video Games · Jett_Gray_8151



ch 51 Chapter 51 The Lizard Part 4/4

Marvel: Tech System

Marvel: Tech System

Anime & Comics · Unknown_To_All

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