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40% In Fallout with a Chat Group / Chapter 7: Freeside gigs

Kapitel 7: Freeside gigs

I finished unlocking the terminal in the Overseer's office to open up the sacrifice chamber. 

[50 EXP]

[3820/10450 to next level]

"Are you sure about heading down there alone boss?" Raul

"Yeah, I'm sure I just have a few robots to deal with down there. I'll be back in an hour."

"Sure boss I'll stay here outside the room with all those killer robots." Raul to the seat by the Overseer's desk.

I made my way down the stairs beneath the Overseer's desk. I went to the door and opened it to find a long hallway. As I walked through the doorway the door closed behind me and a prerecorded voice started talking over the PA System.

"Congratulations, martyr! Your fantastic journey is only just beginning. Please proceed to the light. The Light is calming and puts your mind at ease. Go to the light." PA System

"Fucking hell fire that is bright." I made my way past the blinding lights. I went to the door and saw a room with a projector and a comfy-looking chair.

"Welcome. Please sit in the chair. The show is about to begin." PA System

I put my combat armor on and took a sit in the chair. I heard a click go off when I sat down so I quickly got out of the chair. I saw that there were restraints that would of locked me to the chair if I sat for any longer. I saw the projector come to life. On the screen were the words Vault-Tec presents. The slide changed to the words "Happy Trails". The next slide was of the vault boy on a beach chair staring at a sunset over some ocean.

"Greetings, martyr, and welcome! If you're here now,it means you've been offered up as sacrifice so that your vault can continue to thrive. Currency, you may be feeling sad or angry. Perhaps you never got to have grand kids, or to enjoy the pleasures of a fresh cigar. But march with your chin held high, soldier, and remember that each of us has an important role to play." P.A System

The slide changed to a Vault Boy teaching a kid how to ride a bike.

"For some people, their role might be to heal the sick. For others, it might mean they will drive a racecar or fly a rocket ship. And some of us are meant to forfeit our lives for the good of the people. Sure it might not be as fun as driving a racecar, but it's every bit as important." P.A Styem

The next slide was a Vault Boy getting a message from a Vault girl.

"Let's take a moment to reflect on the moments that made your life worth living. Think about that time you kissed your steady girl for the first time under the bleachers at the big game. Or when you snuck out after curfew to catch that new flick that your parents wouldn't let you see because it was too scary. Boy, were they right! And who could forget when you met the love of your life? What a looker! These are just examples." P.A System

I feel called out on some level. No one wanted to ask me out for prom in this life. I haven't even kissed a boy or girl. That movie Poor Things wasn't that scary! I watched as the next sild changed to one with a happy nuclear family with dogs and kittens.

"Do you feel that feeling stirring in your chest as you think of these things? Good. What you are feeling is peace. You've led a great life. Living it has been it's own reward. But it is only the beginning." P.A System

The next slide was the Vault Boy meditating with a cat on his lap.

"Close your eyes now, and imagine what joys await you in the next life - the afterlife. Can you see them? Good." P.A System

The screen went dark as the walls to my left and right opened to reveal robots! Two Sentry Bots, one Mr. Gutsy, and a Robobrian. Along with six ceiling-mounted turrets. I quickly used the red tape recorder on the robots stun locking them in place. I used my 5.56 pistol to take out the turrets and the Robobrain. After that, I used three stimpaks to get my hit points back up to full. These turrets really wreck my combat armor. I took out my Jag wrench and went to town on the leftover robots.

I took a quick look at my Pip-Boy to see my progress on the challenges concerning robots.

[Benefit Or a Hazard] Kill 15 Robots with a 5.56mm pistol (GRA). 10/15

[Man-Machine Interface] Kill 10 Mojave Wasteland Mr. Gutsies and Sentry Bots with Brass Knuckles, Spiked Knuckles, Tire Irons, Wrenches, and Lead Pipes. 5/10

Guse I'll have to go to the Crashed Vertabird to finish Man-Machine Interface. Benefit Or a Hazard can be easily finished in the Big MT. If I had the platinum chip I could go to Fortification Hill and deal with the six sentry bots down there in Mr.House's bunker. I got it! REPCONN Headquarters that place gets flooded with sentry bots if you fail to provide the right identification on each floor and that place has enough Mr.Handy's to also finish Benefit Or a Hazard. Welp, I know where I'm going to next. 

I entered the next-door room that had the Vault 11 Mainframe. I used it to override the lockdown. I also took the Automated Solution Response tape. I played the tape.

"Congratulations, citizens of Vault 11! You have made the decision not to sacrifice one of your own. You can walk with your head held high knowing that commitment to life is a shining example to us all. And to make that feeling of pride even sweeter, I have some exciting news. Despite what you were led to believe, the population of Vault 11 is not going to be exterminated for its disobedience. Instead, the mechanism to open the main vault door has now been enabled, and you can come and go at your leisure. But not so fast! Be sure to check with your Overseer to find out if it's safe to leave. Here at Vault-Tec, your safety is our number one priority." 

"Safety my ass. You couldn't think of having spar parts for integral parts to keep your control vaults running!" I punched a wall out of frustration.

[Quest Complete: Democracy Inaction]


[4820/10450 to next level]

I made my way out of the sacrifice chamber and met up with Rual. We made our way back to the entrance of Vault 11. I was able to drain the bio gel off the Robobrain. It was the last thing I needed for the last Sinper unlock. I used the teleporter and then crafted: The Self-Aware Beauty Mark. It was a bread monster swimming in a glass jar filled with bio gel.


[Sniper Full Set Unlocked]

[Reward +1 PER, 3000 EXP, Mini RV Camper, Sniper Outfit]

[7970/10450 to next level]

 I decided to check out the Mini RV Camper after I got done crafting. I was able to make Snack Attack, Cloak and Dagger, Dead Ringer, and Sharp Dresser.


[8570/10450 to next level]

I made my way out of Raul's prison only to see Annabelle the named rocket launcher on the ground. I guess I forgot to grab it on my way up here. I picked it up and put it in my inventory. I then took out the Mini RV Camper. It was the one from Meet the Sniper. It had a bed, a bathroom, a small kitchen, and Oh MY GOD it had a Fucking working shower! I then proceeded to have a three hour long shower. I felt clean for once. Sure the dip in Lake Mead felt nice and all but that was eight or so days ago. I then got out of my Mini RV Camper and placed it back in my inventory.

I used the teleporter to get back to Vault 11. To see Rual waiting there for me.

"Well, you sure took your sweet time boss. So wear are we heading to next, boss?" Raul

"REPCONN Headquarters."

"Oh grate more robots. Do you have some kind of vendetta against robots?" Raul

"A small one at most. I mostly just want to loot the place." 

"Gotcha Boss." Raul

We made our way to the REPCONN Headquarters. I went on the tour Rual elected to stay outside the building. I was able to complete both challenges pick 3 safes grab a copy of the Big Book of Science, a copy of Nikola Tesla and You, and 5 Blue Star Bottle Caps. I wasn't able to get the Q-35 Matter Modulator. It was locked behind a very hard lock and I didn't have 100 lock pick or science yet so I chose to wait to deal with that later. I left REPCONN HQ to head to the Atomic Wrangler for the night. As soon as I left REPCONN HQ I Leveled Up because you can only level when you are considered safe.

[Level up]

[Welcome to Level 12]

[Assign 17 skill Points]

I placed 6 points in Barter, 10 points in Lockpick, and 1 point into Energy Weapons.

[Choose 1 Perk]

[Intense Training] 9 ranks left.

[Junk Rounds]


[Swift Learner] 3 ranks left


[Bloody Mess] 

[Fortune Finder] 


[Hand Loader] 

[Toughness] 1 Rank left


[Quick Draw]



[Here and Now]


[Miss Fortune]

[Mysterious Stranger]

[Nerd Rage!]

[Night Person]

[Fast Metabolism]: With the Fast Metabolism perk, you gain a 20% Health bonus when using Stimpaks.

[Life Giver]: With the Life Giver perk, you gain an additional 30 Hit Points.

[Long Haul]: You have learned how to pack mountains of gear for the long haul. Being over-encumbered no longer prevents you from using teleporters.

[Robotics Expert]: With the Robotics Expert perk, you do an additional 25% damage to any robot. Also, sneaking up on a hostile robot undetected and deactivating it will put that robot into a permanent shutdown state.

[Sniper]: With the Sniper perk, your chance to hit an opponent's head in V.A.T.S. is significantly increased.

I chose Long Haul. If it wasn't for Raul being with me I would have gone over my carry limit with all 22 of the Vault 11 jumpsuits.


AP 83 HP260 DT27 CW 240/270 Caps 51548 SSC 40 EXP225/12,300 Level 12


Barter 86

Energy Weapons 20

Explosives 27

Guns 20

Lockpick 66

Medicine 60

Melee 23

Repair 98

Science 62

Sneak 28

Speech 13

Survival 27

Unarmed 23


Small Frame

MannCo Supplies

MannCo Portable Upgrade Station

Know it All

Intense Training Rank 2



Black Widow

Confirmed Bachelor

Cherchez La Femme

Lady Killer

Strong Back

Pack Rat

Long Haul

Toughness Rank 1

Strength Implant

Luck Implant

Sub-Dermul Armor

Monocyte Breeder

 I passed by Ant Mound and got the second rank of the Bug Stomper Challenge done. Allied Technologies Offices got Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor and two more Blue Star Bottle caps. And The Basincreek Building. No other notable locations on the way. I spent the caps to rent a room for the night.

I got up and finally decided to take a complete look over the MannCo Portable Upgrade Station on my Pip-Boy.

MannCo Portable Upgrade Station 

Able to convert all types of currency into caps for the store.

Human Upgrades 

+10% Movement Speed 250 caps 3 ranks

+25% Jump Height 125 caps 3 Ranks

+2 Auto Health Regeneration 250 5 Ranks

+30% Criticals Resistance 188 Caps 3 Ranks

+25% Fire Resistance 188 Caps 3 Ranks

+25% Bullet Resistance 375 Caps 3 Ranks

+25% Blast Resistance 375 Caps 3 Ranks

+5 Metal Regeneration 250 Caps 5 Ranks

Armor Master double the effects and DT of armor 25000 Caps

Intense Training 6000 Caps 10 Ranks

+50 Hit Points 15000 Caps 4 Ranks

+20 Action points 6000 Caps 4 Ranks

Engineer Building Upgrades 

Disposable Sentry 625 Caps

Two-Way Telleporter Sold

Additional Teleporters 1000 Caps 3 Ranks

+100 Building Health 500 Caps 3 Ranks

+100% Range of Dispenser 125 Caps 3 ranks

Dispenser Sentries Interface 1000 Caps

+10% Sentry Firing Speed 438 Caps 3 Ranks

+50% Ammo Capacity 500 Caps 3 Ranks

+50% Metal Capacity 250 Caps 4 Ranks

Medigun Locked

Primary Weapon

+50% Ammo Clip Size 500 Caps 4 Ranks

Projectile Penetration 500 Caps

+25% Damage 500 Caps 4 Ranks

+25% Charge rate while scoped 250 Caps 3 Ranks

Explosive Headshots 478 Caps 3 Ranks

+5s Bleeding Damage 250 Caps 3 Ranks

+50% Ammo Capacity 313 Caps 3 Ranks

+20% Reload Speed 313 Caps 3 Ranks

+10% Firing Speed 478 Caps 3 Ranks

+25% Health on Kill 250 Caps 4 Ranks

Secondary Weapon 

+50% Ammo Clip Size 500 Caps 4 Ranks

Projectile Penetration 500 Caps

+25% Damage 500 Caps 4 Ranks

+50% Ammo Capacity 313 Caps 3 Ranks

+20% Reload Speed 313 Caps 3 Ranks

+10% Firing Speed 250 4 Ranks

+25% Health on Kill 250 Caps 4 Ranks

+15% Recharge Rate on Use Items 

Use items Storage 500 Caps 3 Ranks


Robot Saping Power 438 Caps


+2s Cloak time 500 Caps 5 Ranks

+25% Recharge Rate 313 Caps 4 Ranks

Melee Weapon

+25% Damage 500 Caps 4 Ranks

Armor Penetration 500 Caps 4 Ranks. Ignore 4 DT per rank

+5s Bleeding Damage 

+2s Crits on kill

+10% Attack Speed 250 Caps 4 Ranks

+25% Health on Kill 250 Caps 4 Ranks


Canteen upgrade storage 5000 Caps 3 Ranks

Kritz 125 Caps have none stop critical attacks for 5 seconds

Ubercharge 94 Caps Become Invisible for 5 seconds

Refill Ammo and Clip 32 Caps

Building Upgrades 75 Caps Make all building Level 3

Fast travel teleporter 1000 Caps. A robot engineer will place a yellow teleporter at the locations you have already discovered.

Well, fuck me sideways. I'm going to have to go to Dead Money for the money. I spent 12000 caps on three ranks of Intense Training and put the points into Perception. Thinking of the rest of the TF2 Mercs I honestly doubted any of them would have given me more perception. I also spent 25000 caps on Armor Master. I spent 3000 to get the 3 additional Teleporters. Leaving me with 11348 caps. 

I decided to put off signing into the chat group till later in the day. I didn't want to see the chat group shop so soon after I just spent a lot of my money on the upgrade station. "Ugh, why do I always feel bad after spending large amounts of money?"

I made my way downstairs to find both Garret Twins manning the bar. I drank some water and got down to talking to the twins.

"So do either of you know someone who would be interested in mantis eggs? I just managed to score a large amount of them."

"Well I could tell you of someone I think might be interested but it's slipped my mind. Perhaps some caps might remind me." James Garret. I handed him 100 caps. "Near Westside there is a place called The Thorn. There is a lady who runs a fighting pit down there called Red Lucy. She maybe interested in said eggs."

"Either of you have some work?"

"I have some work I need handled. We have a few people who need to pay their tabs. We need some to go collect. The Job would pay a percentage." Francine Garret

"What kind of percentage are we talking about here?"

"If you bring all of their debts back,we'll give you a cut of each. 25% is more thenfair. It would add up to 250 caps if you bring them all in." Francine Garret

"This kind of work costs time and money. 50/50 would cover my expenses."

[Bater Check Sucsess]


"All right. 50/50 it is, but you better bring back all of the caps. If we hear you crossed us, the next bounty hunter will be coming for you." Francine Garret

"Okay, I'll help out."

"Great. There are three people who need to be tracked down, a real mixed basket of fruits. Their names are Grecks, Santiago, and Victoria Watts. Grecks is a cracked, but mostly harmless. Just don't mention anything about his lazy eye. He owes 138 caps and should still be around Freeside. Santiago is a suave son of a bitch, but a total pansy when it comes to fisticuffs. He owes 212 caps and should also be around Freeside. Now Victoria Watts is a bit of a shady type. She was in here with our new call girl Jenny. You have probably seen her outside up the street near the place where the Kings resides. Anyways the girl was getting a lot of drinks for the road when a black guy in sunglasses came in with some kind of laser rifle I had never seen before demanding that Watts tell her where XJ9 is. Some of the members of the Kings called the guy a square and it devolved into a shoot out. Anyways one of the Kings managed to get Miss Watts out of here in the chaos. I would check with the King if you want to find her. I would do it quickly so I'm sure that man will be back to find her and whatever that XJ9 is. She owes 650 caps." Francine Garret

[New Quest Added: Debt Collector]

"Well we've got the basics covered, but now that you mention it, we have had unusual requests from some of our wealthier customers. If you can recruit escorts to match these customers'... proclivities… I'd be willing to pay you finder's fees." James Garret

"What sort of "proclivities" are we talking about?"

"Our wealthiest client has a thing for ghouls, and a thing for cowboys. He wants an escort who can satisfy both fetishes." Jame Garret

I looked over at Raul. "I might have experience wearing a desperado outfit. But I am not escort matterial. Also, I have rather weak knees boss." Raul

"Damit and you would have been perfect for the job. *cough, cough* Plenty of customers have said they'd be willing to pay extra for a suave talker, someone who can fake the "boyfriend experience" real good. And the there's these disgusting robot fetishists you may have heard about? Well, those creeps want a sexbot. Have you ever run across a sexbot? Not that I'd ever want one within 100 feet of me - but I gotta be a businessman about it." Jame Garret

"I'll expect 100 caps *minimum* for each candidate I bring in."

"Just don't rough up the merchandise before delivery - you break it, you bought it." James Garret

"I will need more than that to recoup travel expenses."

[Barter Check Sucess]


"Okay, you've got yourself a deal. Find escorts to fill the position and I'll pay double." James Garret

"I'll see if I run across any suitable candidates."

"Just direct them to the Wrangler. I'll pay you when they show up." James Garret

[New Quest Added: Wang Dang Atomic Tango]

"Laters, you two." 

"See you soon." James Garret

I made my way out of the Atomic Wrangler to first deal with Grecks. He was behind the old Mormon Fort.

"Hey man, can you spare a few caps?" Grecks

"Sure, my dude. Here you go." I then punched Grecks in the face.

"Ow! What the hell was that for?!" Grecks

"You owe the Garrets a good lump of caps. I'm here to collect and if you make this hard it will be with interest."

"Interest?! The Garrets said nothing about interest on their tabs. Look man, I've got the caps right here, just don't hurt me." Grecks handed me 151 caps and ran away.

"Boss that was a little harsh on the fella." Raul

"Fine, I'll be gentler with the next one."

We made our way over by a burning trash barrel to find Santiago.

"How are you today? Santiago is fabulous!" Santiago

"You owe the Garrets a bunch of caps."

"Santiago does not owe anyone. Santiago is a Freeside VIP." Santiago

"You could work off your debt."

"How do suggest Santiago does this?" Santiago

"Work for James Garret as an escort."

"I am honored they would consider me. I'll start immediately." Santiago lept and ran all the way to the Atomic Wrangler.

"See I can do things without just relying on violence."

"I didn't say nothing boss." Raul

"Alright time get a cowboy ghoul and then see the King about Victoria Watts."

"I said no boss." Raul

I just rolled my eyes and we made our way to the Old Mormon Fort. We found a female ghoul in a cowboy outfit.

"Howdy." Beatrix Russell

"Interested in working for the Garrets?"

"They already have that pig McCaffery for them. Do they need another guard?" Beatrix Russell

"This would be as an "escort"."

I've escorted my share of idiot tourists around Freeside. Too much trouble for what it pays." Beatrix Russell

"When I say "escort," I mean "prostitute.""

"I'm all boot knives and leather, friend - and a ghoul, besides. What kind of weirdo wants what I've got?" Beatrix Russell

"You may not be Cooper Howard. But it turns out there are customers looking for someone just like you."

"Weirdos into bullwhips and necrosis, eh? Doesn't sound half-bad… What am I thinking? I'm no whore, and I ain't about to hand my ass to some penny-ante hustler like he owns me." Beatrix Russell

"One of the employee perks is a discount…"

[Barter Check Sucess]


"Now you're talking. I suppose I could sleaze it up a bit fpr their customers if it means I have a non-stop supply of drink. Hmm. They do have a good selection of hooch over at the Wrangler. If I get to choose my customers, if I get to be a little rough with them, if my cut is fair, and if I get that discount? That just might work. Tell the Garrets I'll stop by to work out terms." Beatrix Russell

"I guess it's no surprise that you know who Cooper Howard is boss. You did grow up in a vault. Shame he was outed as a commie simp." Raul

"He was the guy who the Vault boy was based off of."

Befor leaving the Old Mormon Fort I grabbed the snowglobe. We made our way to the king's home, the school of impersonation. I made my way through the entrance to the door guarded by Pacer.

"What do we have here? Another petitioner for the King?" Pacer

"Yes, I'd like to see the King if possible."

"Anything's possible, I suppose. How much is it worth to you to meet the big man?" I passed Pacer 50 caps. "You know what? I think you and the King have some business to discuss. Head on through. The King's the bored-looking guy by the stage. Can't fucking miss him." Pacer

I made my way to the King and his cyber dog. "Look, Rexie, someone new's come to see us. I'm the King. What can I do for you?" The King

"Do you always charge people to come talk to you?"

"Charge? Ha ha. Pace must be at it again. What did he take you for?" The King

"50 caps."

"That's Pace for you. He means well, but he doesn't like strangers. Here, to make make amends." The King gave me 50 caps "Now, I'm guessing you really wanted to talk business if you were willing to drop that much cash to see me." The King

"I'm looking for Victoria Watts. She owes a lot of caps to the Garrets. I was told that you know where she is hidden."

"Maybe I do maybe I don't. You look like you might be able to handle yourself. Tell you what. You do me a favor and you might just yet learn wear Miss Watts is. Sound good?" The King

"I'm listening."

"This task should be right up your alley. Did you notice the bodyguards for hire near the gates when you entered Freeside?" The King


"It was kind of hard to miss the guy in spiky metal armor carrying a hunting revolver." Raul

"It's good money if you can stay alive long enough. Freeside's not as safe it used to be, so the money is well earned. Usually well earned, that is. Recently my men tell me that one of those bodyguards, fella named Orris, is making caps over fists. He's making a killing in repeat business. Once someone hires him they never want anyone else. I want you to find out why. Specifically, I want you to hire him. Play the part of an innocent tourist and follow his lead. If nothing happens, do be it. But I'm guessing things won't go so smoothly. Call it a hunch. So what do you say?" The King


"I'll take that for a yes. Once you part ways, return hear. I'll look forward to hearing your report. Oh, and take this to cover the hiring cost." The King handed over 200 caps.

[New Quest Added: The King's Favor]

Wait it's not called G.I Blues what's up with that? Maybe it's due to the fact the NCR has been too busy with the Dam to start being a nuisance down here in Freeside. I made my way to the Freeside gate to talk to Orris. I used my disguise kit to look like the scout.

"If you need to cross Freeside, No one will keep you safer than I will." Orris

"How much for your services, pally?"

"Two hundred caps gets you my watchful eye for a trip to the south gate." Orris

"Cheap sauce. Here have 200 and I might throw in another hundred if you show me you ain't some yellow belly cowered who cries when their getty up butter cup gets smashed in by a baseball bat."

"Done and done. I want to mention a few things upfront. In order to ensure your safety, Indeed you to follow my instructions to the letter. We'll be heading down main street here the whole way down. No detours. You go off sightseeing I go off to find another customer. I'll keep a brisk pace, so try not to fall behind, Now let's head out." Orris set off and I followed. He went on and on about things to do here in Freeside. As we made it past the Kings place he stopped me. "Hey, slow down. I don't like the look of some of those men ahead. Let's take a different way around." Orris then took me around a corner street and then he booked it. I'll scout ahead. You follow at a distance." I saw Orris turn and fire his gun three times. When I got there were four guy totes dead on the street. "Nothing to worry about. If you had hired one of those other hacks, you'd be up to your ass in lowlife right about now."

"Hey chuckle nuts, you only fired three shots and there are four guys there. I might not be good with numbers but something about that doesn't add up."

[Int Check Sucess]


"Er, noticed that, did you? I keenly aimed one of the shots through some soft tissue of one of them to hit the man behind him." Orris

"Or, you just faked this whole thing to drum up repeat business, pally."

"That's an interesting theory you've got there. I'd suggest you keep it to yourself. Let's get moving punk." Orris

"Na Borris, I want all the money you have on you. I could make it to the Kings from here. Then I make some sweet love to the King's ears and boom end of your hole lil op."

[Barter Check Sucess]


"I ought to take my chances and kill you right here, but you be right. Here, take this. Don't think that this is over, though. I'll have that money back, out of your hide if I have to." Orris gave me 350 caps and ran for it. I moved back to the ally way removing my scout disguise. I made my way back to the King.

"Orris is a fraud. He fakes attacks on his clients and then plays hero."

"So that's how it happens… Okay, then. I'll have some guys pull him off the street when no one's looking. Here is the address for Lone Wolf Radio whear Victoria Watts is hiding. Now I have four of my guys watching over her. The password to see her is grease lighting. Now I trust we're finished talking." The King

"Not quite I had a few questions."

"Okay shoot." The King

"This building is… interesting. What do you know about it?"

"Near as I can tell, it was some sort of religious institution. Oh, I know it says "school" out front, but everything in here seems to be related to the worship of some guy from back in the day. People used to come here to learn about him, dress like him, move like him. To be him. If that's not worship, I don't know what is." The King

"Tell me more about him."

"Not a whole lot to tell. There were only a few books left in here when we found it, and those were rotted away. There were some posters left that were pretty well preserved, which is how we know all this stuff was based on the same guy. The thing of it is, we don't even know what his name was. All the posters just referred to him as "The King"." The King

"And that's where you got the name from."

"Well, that and the giant sign outside. This place could have been "The King's House of Dog Chow" and I still would have taken the name. But I like to think I keep the memory alive." The King 

"If this was a school, what was taught here?"

"As far as we can tell, the guy that built this place was considered the coolest of cool, and taught other people how to be more like him. People would come from all around to learn how to sing, dance, dress, and even speak the way he did." The King

"Is that what you guys do, pretend to be this guy?" 

"Somethin' like that, yeah. There were some working tapes here when we first got here, so we know what he sounded like. Sadly, they stopped working a few weeks back. Otherwise, I'd play some of them for you. All the outfits you see my guy wearing were originally found in here, too. Along with more hair gel then you can shake a stick at." The King

"I'm a pretty good mechanic. I might be able to get those tapes working for you."

[Repair Check Sucsess]


"You know what, feel free to take a crack at them. I won't be losing much if you fail. I was going to sell them to the next merchant who made their way through here." The King handed me four tapes.

 I got to work fixing them, he had four whole albums. Blue Hawaii, G.I. Blues, Moody Blue, and Viva Las Vegas. Which had a bonus song of Hound Dog. I was able to find the name of the King. I knew it from my last life but I couldn't be sure that his name was the same here. I made a backup of all the songs on two hollow tapes.


[1020/12,300 to next level]

"I'm done repairing the tapes and I found out The King's name."

"Please tell it to me!" The King Rex barked in agreement.

"Well, his name was Elvis Presley. Here you go all four tapes fixed. I also took the liberty of making an extra copy of all the songs onto this holotape. I would see about selling it to Radio New Vegas to spread the tunes of the King Elvis Presley."

I saw as tears fell from the King's eyes. "Thank you, thank you very much. I know this small amount of caps will never repay you. You are as a good as a member of the Kings for me. Take this jacket and wear it with pride my sister." The King gave me a King's outfit and 5000 caps.

[Quest Complete: The King's Favor]


[3020/12,300 to next level]

[You are now accepted by Freeside]

I had decided to leave the King alone he was very emotional. I didn't want to bring down the mood by bringing up what was going on with Rex. I had Victoria Watts to track down. I found a hidden corner in the school and set up the blue teleporter. I then use 1000 caps on a fast-travel teleporter to Goodsprings Cave. Raul and I went through and watched as the yellow teleporter blew up a minute later. I set up the other half of the blue teleporter inside Goodspring Cave. I made my way to Lone Wolf Radio and found the trailer with a small radio tower antenna on top and what looked to be a recent addition of a steal-locked door. I knocked on the door.

"Password?" the king member from behind the door asked

"Gease lighting."

"Wasn't expecting the King to send us more help much less for it to be a doll like you's. Anyways I'm Kenickie, the guy with the grenade rifle over there is Doody, the man with a blow torch is Sonny and our main boss is Danny Zuko. He is the one who has been maken out with Victoria Watts." Kenickie

"I am here for Watts."

"What does this girl I have never met before have to do with me?" Victoria Watts

"I'm here to pick up on the tab you left at the Atomic Wrangler. To the little tune of 650 caps."

"I'm sorry but Miss Watts won't be able to pay that tab. The Institute needs to recover its stolen property. And Miss Watts has the location of quite a few of our missing units. I will be taking her with me now. Resist at your own peril." X6-88

"Miss I'll give you 1000 caps if you help us survive this!" Watts took out her combat knife.

"Make it twice that and we have a deal."

[Barter Check Sucess]



"I warned you." X6-88

X6-88 quickie shredded through Sonny and Doody. I brought out my diamond back revolver I had 5 crits stored and a full V.A.T.S to use them. I fired off all 5 shots and a single one missed but the last one was able to bring the Coursers down [480DMG].

"Functions… terminated…" X6-88

[Companion Killer]

[5000 EXP]

 I checked the body to find an intact Coursers chip and 2 Snyth Realy Grenades. The only reason I picked up the rifle he dropped was for parts. I left him dressed. "Now about those 2000 caps you owe me."

"Here. Can I please have that chip you pulled out of him?" Victoria Watts

"What will you do with it?"

"I'm a member of the Railroad our goal is to free the Synths created by the Institute. Giving me that will be a big step forward for the cause. I will make you an official member of the Railroad and give you two of our base locations in the Common Wealth if you ever wish to join the good fight." Watts

"Here you go then." 

"Okay if you ever see them tell them "By the light of two lanterns I will follow the freedom trail"." Watts 

I quickly added the code phrase and the location makers to my notes on my Pip-Boy. "So what are you going to do now?"

"I was originally going to go to Hope Vill but I learned the place recently got nuked. So I plan to stay in Goodsprings a few days before making my trip back to the Common Wealth." Watts

Out of respect for the kings, I helped bury the bodies of Doody and Sonny. Watts buried the body of X6-88. Soon after that, I made my way back to the cave and teleported back to Freeside. I made my way around the ruble of outer Vages until I found the building of Cerulean Robotics. Rual cleared out the rodents while I picked a locked tool cabinet and hacked a Protectron Programming Interface terminal.


[8150/12,300 to next level]

It was getting late so I decided to crash on one of the nine couches after setting up my Mini Sentry and moving my blue teleporter to Cerulean Robotics. This place was out of the way and had a workbench. I also picked up the Blue Star cap off the table.

"Say Raul I have my Sentry here and running. I'll be sleeping here and then spending the next two days programming a sexbot. So feel free to head over to the Wrangler and spend your time there." I handed Raul 1000 caps.

"Sure boss I'll give you your privacy. I'll meet you there." Raul

After Raul left I finally signed in to the Group Chat. 


[Freak of Vault 3] {Has Signed in}

[100EXP/100 points] {Daily log-in bonus}

[Hermit Pharaoh of the Net] {Online}

[Step on Me Dark Mommy] {Online}

[Little Rookie] {Online}

[Snaping a Duxion's neck for EXP]{Online}

[ArsenicCatnip] {Offline}

[Your Izuru Kamukura] {Online}

[Snaping a Duxion's neck for EXP]: Dark Mommy is finally back I have some news I've been wanting to tell you about!

[Step on Me Dark Mommy]: Sorry, I was gone so long. I finally met up with a friend again. We ended up fighting a massive amount of dark creatures called heartless. I got separated from my friend helping him escape the Realm of Darkness. During the fight, I got disarmed and thrown deeper into the Realm of Darkness. I'm right now walking on a dark seaside. With no weapon. But things seem calm here. I'm going to find a place that looks comfortable and take a sit down for a while. I won't have another chance to leave this place any time soon. I'm a little rattled. I found out that 10 years had already passed in the Realm of Light. Time doesn't exist here in the Realm of Darkness. Nothing ages here. Time has no meaning here. I lost 10 years of experience. I'm just here waiting on this dark shore. Anyways Megumin what did you want to tell me?

[Snaping a Duxion's neck for EXP]: Well Master Aqua. Yesterday I was going to ask you on advice on spells to learn but my little sister got caught up in a big incident that forced me to pick my magic. But I had a dumb level of points left over after I took explosion magic to level 5. So I picked up Thorn Bind Hostage. That Spell can trap multiple targets or one really big one. Once you or an ally hits something trapped in the thorns it explodes doing an extra 50% damage of whatever that attack was. I also picked up a buffing and debuffing spell. And I got this cool spell from the staff I got yesterday. It allows me to redistribute the mana of allies to however I see fit. I was able to steal Yun Yun's mana for myself to cast an extra explosion after I beat up that bad guy who was trying to hurt my sister. So tomorrow, I'm going to leave my village to be a great adventurer in the town of Axel. I think by the time I get there all of my spells will be maxed out. So I'm going to pour the rest of the XP in having a bigger and bigger mana pool.

[Step on Me Dark Mommy]: Good job Megumin.

[Snaping a Duxion's neck for EXP]: Well that makes it time for me to change my name here. Here I go!

[[Snaping a Duxion's neck for EXP]{Has used free user name Reroll!}

[Snaping a Duxion's neck for EXP]{Name has changed to: Loli Explosion Goddess}

[Loli Explosion Goddess]: Cool my name has the word explosion in it. Though I wish it was daemon lord instead of Goddess. What's a Loli?

[Hermit Pharaoh of the Net]: How old are you Megumin?

[Loli Explosion Goddess]: I'm 15 this year.

[Hermit Pharaoh of the Net]: Then you must be small. Loli is a word that describes a person as small and childlike. They can be kids but more often than not in anime the character is 300+ years old.

[Loli Explosion Goddess]: So I'm getting called small… Sorry universe that I'm small for my age and the facts that my boobs aren't the size of coconuts. Damit that spell only lets me redistribute mana. Not boob sizes. I guess I'll just have to keep drinking milk.

[Hermit Pharaoh of the Net]: Lil Rookie what happened today didn't you say you had a big festival to attend? What happened with that?

[Little Rookie]: Well I went out with my Goddes today. Everything was going great until a monster broke free and started to attack the town. My Goddes gave me a really cool black knife called the Hestia Blade. But it was the only weapon I now had on me. So I used that weapon copy card to make a copy of it. I ended up with a white version of the Hestia Blade form using the card. I was able to fight and beat the silverback by destroying the magic stone core of the beast. After that the rest of the festival was shelved so I went home with my Goddes. I had to show her the other card I had gotten from the group chat. And she told me to only use it if I ever got trapped in the dungeon. And that's how my day went.

[Freak of Vault 3]: Hey guys good to see so many of us here. I'm going to unlock the shop. Everyone ready? 

[Your Izuru Kamukura]: I have nothing better to do with my time.

[Hermit Pharaoh of the Net]: DO It! DO IT! I have been waiting for 9 days now!

[Point Shop Unlocked]

[1000 point 500 EXP]

[Freak of Vault 3] {Curent Point Ballance: 2200}

[Hermit Pharaoh of the Net] {Curent Point Ballance: 2300}

[Step on Me Dark Mommy] {Curent Point Ballance: 1400}

[Little Rookie] {Curent Point Ballance: 1100}

[Loli Explosion Goddess] {Curent Point Ballance: 1300}

[ArsenicCatnip] {Curent Point Ballance: 1200}

[Your Izuru Kamukura] {Curent Point Ballance: 1300}

Point Shop Common 

World Travel [Locked] Requires three Missions complete per user

Food and Drinks [Price will Vary]

Health Potion 30 points 

Hi-Health Potion 100 points

Eather 60 points

Hi-Eather 150 points

Elixir 500 points 

Esuna 300 points 

Trade 100 points per trade

Point gift 10% charge on the giver's side for any amount exceeding 250000 points.

Escape Plan 100000 [In the case you die and have no other ways to be revived you will be banished from your home world and sent to a random new one. Can only be bought once per user]

Random Hat 100 points [Repeats are not possible within the first 10 pulls] 

[Little Rookie: Shop]

Command Seal replenishment 1000 points [locked use a Command Seal first]

Weapon Repair [Price will vary]

Armor Repair [Price will vary]

Dungeon materials floors 1-20 [Price will Very]

Dungeon materials floors 21-40 [locked until you have cleared floor 30]

Bell of Calm 20000 points [A magic bell that will place a magic barrier that will stop all attacks in a 9-meter zone for 3 hours a day. You will be awakened 10 minutes before the barrier will collapse]

Random Grimoire 10000 points

Blank Grimoire 5000 points [ Let others teach their magic by transcribing spells onto the Blank Grimoire] 

Garden of Eden Creation Kit G.E.C.K 1000000 points

Keys to Momentos 1000000 points 

Book of Prophecy 1000000 points 

True Memory Flashlight 1000000 points 

Captcha Code index 1000000 points

Explosion Score counter 1000000 points

[Step on Me Dark Mommy: Shop]

Keyblade Retrieval 30000 points 

Dark Magic for Beginners 15000 points 

Creature Index 10000 points

Gumiphone 5000 points

Ventus Heart Retrieval 10000 points

Goddess Hestia poker 1000000 points

Institute Molecular Relay Override code 1000000 points

Wakuba's Full Research 1000000 points 

Kazuma's Jumpsuit 1000000 points

Qestslab Rogue of Heart 1000000 points 

Spare Body for Chiaki Namami 1000000 points 

[Loli Explosion Goddess: Shop]

Hot Spring cleansing potion 10000 points

Magic Amp skill 100000 points

Demon Eye 30000 points

Chocobo Pulled carriage 20000 points

Archfiend Potion 666666666 points 

Cloak that wards off darkness 1000000 points

Lucky Underwear 1000000 points

Excella Status reader 1000000 points

Blackout Light and 1000000 points

Plans for Liberty Prime 1000000 points

Registry of all Known Persona Users 1000000 points

Pouncesprite revival 1000000 points

[Your Izuru Kamukura: Shop] 

Heart Retveral Chiaki 100000 points 

Heart Retrieval Teruteru 1000 points 

Heart Retrieval ??? 10000 points 

Full map location of all hidden Monokumas 100 points

School Memories 11037 points

Terra's Lingering Will 1000000 points

Set of Magical potions 420000 points 

 Copy of The Lucky 38 Platinum Chip 1000000 points

Sophia's Code 1000000 points

Aqua's Magic Staff 1000000 points 

Level Manager for Hestia Familia 1000000 points

[ArsenicCatnip: Shop]

Art supplies 612 points

Shipping Grid Paper 413 points

Rocket Claws with spider silk reinforcement 8888 points

Soperslime makes a great pie and bed 420 points 

Cat Girl potion 3333 points 

Intact Giddy Up ButterCup 100000 points 

Demon King and his generals' locations 1000000 points

Izuru Hair Mode 100000 points 

Sea Salt Icecream 13 points

Fox Fire spell only usable by Foxkin and the like 1000000 points

Full Set of Featherman R battle outfits 1000000 points 

[Freak of Vault 3: Shop]

Ammo [price will vary]

Armor Repair [price will vary]

MannCo All class shared weapons blueprints 15000 points 

Wild Wasteland 10000000 points 

MVM Robots blueprints 10000 points 

Australium 1000 points 

Auto mapping map for the Dungeon 1000000 points

Karkat's underpants 1000000 points

Beast Magic Mirror 1000000 points

Darkness Invert stats switch 1000000 points

Hacking Gun 1000000 points

[Hermit Pharaoh of the Net: Shop]

Stat Buff Items [prices will vary]

Stat Debuff Items [prices will vary]

Real weapons [prices will vary]

Advanced Coding for Assholes 6969 points 

Evocer brings your persona to the real world 10000 points 

Ship Note only truly usable by the rogue of Heart 100000 points 

Vault-Tec Administrative Privileges 100000000 points 

Future Foundation complete database 1000000 points

Bell Second chance 1000000 points 

Door to the Light 10000000 points 

[Your Izuru Kamukura]: Okay that's a lot to process. But I'm a little confused. Why doesn't it give me Byakuya Togami as an option for heart retrieval? Why does it give me Chiaki Nanami as an option? She isn't dead yet. I saw her only an hour ago. And why is she so expensive compared to the other two? Why does she have a spare body in one of the other shops?

[Freak of Vault 3]: Maybe because that wasn't the real Byakuya. It could have been an actor, body double, or some kind of imposter. The same might go for Chiaki as well. Now here is the question you said the two of these two were dead right?

[Your Izuru Kamukura]: Yeah both Teruteru Hanamura and Byakuya Togami are dead.

[Freak of Vault 3]: What was the state of both bodies?

[Your Izuru Kamukura]: Deep fried and stabbed over 10 times.

[Freak of Vault 3]: Then why do they not need new bodies but Chiaki does?

[Hermit Pharaoh of the Net]: Because their bodies are intact. Oh, I get it! They are in a brain-dead state and have just lost themselves. And all they need to come back is their hearts. But Chiaki needs a whole new body along with her heart.

[Your Izuru Kamukura]: But how does that make sense to you? I have seen that Chiaki has a body.

[Hermit Pharaoh of the Net]: You have seen her NPC. You are in some kind of simulation Your body remains knocked out in the real world. Everything around you is a simulation even what you currently see as your body is nothing more than an avatar based off your memories of yourself. All the logic-defying stuff around you is because you're not in the real world. Well, that's just my theory anyways. Chiaki is a helper NPC based on your memories of the real Chiaki before she died. More likely the whole class's memories.

[Your Izuru Kamukura]: So I'm in a simulation… I'm going to head off. I need some time to think about that.

[Your Izuru Kamukura] {Has logged out}

[Hermit Pharaoh of the Net]: So we earn 1000 points per week we most likely earn a large bonus for a full month. But I guess most of the real points will come from the Missions tab when that gets unlocked. It would take 1000 nonstop weeks of log-ins to afford one of those million-point items. 143 weeks if point gift to each other. A little under 3 years.

[Freak of Vault 3]: I honestly think we should focus on getting everyone the escape plan. That would be 15 weeks a person. Well, assuming people can make it every week. AC hasn't shown up since the first day. So around 17 weeks. If we had consistent logins at least six of us. I'm leveling as fast as I can. I'm currently level 11 I might get to level 12 in a few days. The thing is with each level it takes more and more EXP for me to level. If I had to guess I'd be level 20 in 50 days or less.

[Little Rookie]: Levels must be way different where you live Blue. Levels take a long time to earn here. The person with the current fastest level is Ais Wallenstein. Getting to level 2 in a year of going to the Dungeon.

 [Freak of Vault 3]: Well I need to get off and get some sleep. I have to fully reprogram a security robot into a sexbot for a client of mine. So laters.

[Hermit Pharaoh of the Net]: WTF!

[Freak of Vault 3] {Has logged out}

[10000/12,300 to next level]

I slept and then spent the next two day writing the program for FISTO.


[10000/12,300 to next level]

"That took forever!" I then uploaded the programming routine.

"Fully Intergrated Security Teachnetronic Offices active and reporting for duty."

"Let's just shorten that to Fisto."

"Yes, maam. Fisto reporting for duty. Please assume the position." Fisto

[Roll to Resist the urge of getting your mind blown by Fisto's skills.]

[Roll passed you resisted the urge]

(AN: The dice said no this won't be how this character loses her V-card)

"What! No!"

"I am programmed for your pleasure. Please assum the position." Fisto

"Nope. You should report to the Atomic Wrangler. James Garret is your new owner."

"I will report to my post immediately." Fisto

I picked up my Mini-Sentery and made my way to the Atomic Warngler. It was late so only James was manning the bar.

"I found the sexbot you're looking for."

"You? Hot damn! I've been looking for one of thouse for months now! For my customers, I mean… I'm not into that kind of shit." James Garret

"Thing is, Fisto's a *heavy-duty* piece of equipment, built to last…"

[Barter Check Sucess]


"You're right, you're right! Something like this, it's worth a little extra because it's going to keep on satisfying you… Those disgusting fetishists, I mean. Something wrong with someone if they got to fuck a machine." James

"Fisto is already programmed to respond to your commands."

"It is? It will? My god! Imagine the possibilities! It didn't happen to come with an owner's manual, did it? Aw, forget it - trial and error should do it." James Garret

[550 trun in EXP]

[500 caps]

"You wanted a smooth-talker for an escort? I found one. Santiago's your man."

"That honey-mouthed sonofsbitch? Fine at least he'll have to shut up occasionally. Those pretty lips of his are going to see more traffic than a Brahmin trail in low summer!" James Garret

[260 trun in EXP]

[150 caps]

"I actually found you an escort who's a ghoul *and* a cowboy."

"Imagine that! What's his name and when's he start?" James Garret

"Her name's Beatrix, and she can start immediately."

"A she. Hih? Well… I guess the customer who made that request can't get everything he wants. Hell, who knows? He might not even notice the difference." James Garret

[350 trun in EXP]

[200 caps]

"Looks like that gives us a full roster of new ass to sell. Good work - enjoy the bonus." James Garret

[Quest Complete: Wang Dang Atomic Tango]

[1000 caps]

[1000 EXP]

[12200/12,300 to next level]

"Anyway for you to get your sis down here so that I can hand in the tabs?"

"For the small price of 100 caps, I'll do just that." James Garret

I handed over the caps and half an hour later Francine Garret showed up.

"Here is the caps for all the debts collected and in full."

"I don't care how you handled those lumps of human refuse, but you got the job done. We need you to hunt down another person. That son of a bitch McCaffery, Stole a ton of caps and ran off to Vegas. I guess the fact that we farmed out his usual work to you pissed him off. No one steals from the Garret Twins! If you kill that bastard and bring back as much as you can, you'll be paid very well." Francine Garret

"I'll hunt down McCaffery on the Strip."

"Good. Just stop on back when he's dead and you'll be rewarded handsomely. Bring his hat as proof of the kill." Francine Garret

[Quest Complete: Debt Collector]


[Questin' Mark] Complete 5 Quests 5/5 


[New Quest Added: Bounty Hunt the Bounty Hunter]

[Level up]

[Welcome to Level 13]

[Assign 17 skill Points]

I placed 2 points in Lockpicks and 15 points into Science.

[Choose 1 Perk]

[Intense Training] 9 ranks left.

[Junk Rounds]


[Swift Learner] 3 ranks left


[Bloody Mess] 

[Fortune Finder] 


[Hand Loader] 

[Toughness] 1 Rank left


[Quick Draw]



[Here and Now]


[Miss Fortune]

[Mysterious Stranger]

[Nerd Rage!]

[Night Person]

[Fast Metabolism]

[Life Giver]

[Robotics Expert]


I chose Life Giver because more HP is more HP.


AP 83 HP290 DT11 CW 240/270 Caps 16698 SSC 46 EXP500/14,300 Level 13


Barter 86

Energy Weapons 26

Explosives 33

Guns 20

Lockpick 74

Medicine 60

Melee 23

Repair 98

Science 77

Sneak 28

Speech 13

Survival 27

Unarmed 23


Small Frame

MannCo Supplies

MannCo Portable Upgrade Station

Know it All

Intense Training Rank 2



Black Widow

Confirmed Bachelor

Cherchez La Femme

Lady Killer

Strong Back

Pack Rat

Long Haul

Toughness Rank 1

Life Giver

Strength Implant

Luck Implant

Sub-Dermul Armor

Monocyte Breeder

"Yo Raul we have a man to hunt down you coming?"

"Sure boss." Raul

We made our way onto the strip I saw McCaffery waiting outside Gamora.

"Heh, so the Garrets sent you to track me down? What a joke." Caleb McCaffery

"I'm here to collect, McCaffery. No one crosses the Garret Twins."

"I'd rather not waste the ammo, kid. But, if you insist, draw." Caleb McCaffery

Before either I or McCaffery could draw Raul had already shot McCaffery dead.

"I still got it, boss." Raul

"That you do. Hey Raul do you mind selling these vault suits to Sarah at Vault 21? I have some business with Ultra Lux's management."

"Sure Boss" Raul

I looted 200 caps off McCaffery along with his hat. I used the Invis Watch to sneak into the Ultra Lux and used my silent weapon Sleepytyme to sneak around and mow down Mortimer and 9 other White Gloves members without getting caught.

[Nyah! See?] Kill 10 Chairmen, White Gloves, or Omertas with any submachine gun, light machine gun, or minigun. 10/10


[Quest Complete: Beyond the Beaf]


WTF? I didn't even see Ted Gunderson. I guess since Ted never got kidnapped that auto completes the quest. Whatever I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. I went out of the Ultra Lux and sneaked past Raul and Sarah who were still doing business. I lockpick Sarah's room and her dresser. I didn't take her caps and drugs. I did grab the Snowglobe in her room and hacked her Terminal.


I made my way out of the Vault 21 hotel. To meet up with Raul.

"So how did it go?"

"She is a sweet girl. She gave me 220 caps. Here you go, boss." Raul

"Well, we're done on the strip for now. Let's head back to the Wrangler after that I have an implant to go buy at the medical clinic."

We got back to the Wrangler Francine Garret was waiting for me when I got back.

"I took care of the trash."

"Yes! Where is his hat?!" Francine Garret. I gave her his hat. "This is great news. No one screws with the Garret Twins and gets away with it. I need a place on the wall for this. And your reward… Here's 150 caps. I trust there were also some valuables on McCaffery. Also, we would like to set you up with a room. You can have the corner room, rent free. It was McCaffery's Now that he's dead, we're happy to let you use it. Thanks for helping us." Francine Garret.

[Quest Complete: Bounty Hunt the Bounty Hunter]


[3130/14,300 to next level]

[You are now liked by Freeside]

I made my way to the New Vegas Medical Clinic with only three days left before the Boomers would have my part ready. I am a bit concerned that I haven't heard of anything on Moterruner. I could have asked James but I forgot to.

Jett_Gray_8151 Jett_Gray_8151

So I was gone building a house in Guatemala. Had so many dam flight delays and when I got back I wrote half the chapter and had to go to the hospital for appendicitis. Good news on that end it doesn't look like I have to have surgy for it just antibiotics for the next 10 days. MY LIFE IS SUCH A MESS

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Wöchentlicher Energiestatus

Rank -- Power- Rangliste
Stone -- Power- Stein

Stapelfreischaltung von Kapiteln







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