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30% In Fallout with a Chat Group / Chapter 5: Water your talking about?

Kapitel 5: Water your talking about?

"You have done well to earn the trust of my people, child. I believe the time has come for you to show your value in full. The people have come to accept having you around. Find Loyal and ask him about our people's fondest dream. He will tell you what to do next." Mother Pearl

I found Loyal and got the whole speech about the lady of the lake. It's odd to me how many times the wasteland likes replaying Aruthen legend. If I had a bottle cap every time that happened. I would at least have two bottle caps. Which isn't much but it's odd that it keeps happening. Loyal, gave me the detonator and the two ballast. I went to Jack to enquire about a way to breathe underwater. He was a few years younger then I expected. He didn't have a love struck look in his eyes either. I guess he hasn't seen Jannet yet.

"I just need some parts from a pressure cooker to create a hermetic seal for the rebreather." Jack

"Oh, so it's like the Vault's air supply. Here's an interesting fact: When you are in a vault you're not breathing real air. It's too expensive to pump that far down. Vault Tech just takes carbon dioxide out of a room, freshens it up a little, and pumps it back in. So a vault resident will be breathing the same room full of air for the rest of their life. Assuming they don't ever exit their vault. Anyways, corn silk, rubber hose, and removable adhesive would make a good hermetic seal." 

[Science check Sucess]

[45 EXP]

"You know a lot about Vault Tech systems. But that's a brilliant idea! I can put that together right now… Here you go a new rebreather. It should remain fully functional for 64 hours before you would have to resurface for fresh O2. Not that you'll need to go underwater for that long for the lady." Jack 

I nodded at Jack taking the Rebreather. I went out to behind the solar panels to use the Eureka Effect to teleport to the teleporter exit I set up in the Feild's shack. I remembered I had old George to deal with.

"Jumpin' Jesus on a pogo stick! You're the frist one to make it through alive, let alone manage a return trip!" George

"Thanks for the compliment and all. But, I believe you said you would double my money."

"Yep here's your caps." George

"Now that was a solid 1000 caps you owe me. Now why don't you cover the cost of Stimpaks I wasted making it to the other side."

[Medicen check Sucess]

[50 EXP]

"Sorry about that here you go." George

[1500 caps]

"Now I saw a fair amount of bodies George a lot of them had your note on their hands. So I'm putting a stop to your twisted game once and for all." I raised my shotgun and fired 3 shots off in V.A.T.S at George's right arm. George went down quickly after I shot him. I found 2462 caps left on his person that I took for myself.

I made my way through East Pump Station, Aerotech Office Park, Gruben Rest Stop, Followers Outpost, Camp Golf, and finally I reached Lake Los Vegas.

[Lake Los VegasDiscovered 10EXP]

[3225/4550 to next level]

I used the scope of my Bizzara Bargain to start picking off the lake lurks. I was there of the overgrown fish man in, when I was interrupted.

"So what are you doing here? You aren't a regular military trooper?" It was a girl with her service rifle drawn. She was blond and looked on the younger side.

"You might say I'm out on the lake fishing. {Bang} Or I could just be messing around with my new gun using the lake lurks for some live target practice. But if you really want to know. I want to check out what is on the scavenger platform. {Bang} And getting a bite taken out of me isn't a part of the plan. Do you want to come with me, miss? You never gave me your."

"I'm Mags, I got here too late to be any help with Hoover Dam. So I got stuck here in this place. {Bang} As tempting of an offer to go swimming sounds I doubt my commander will give me the leave to do so. Hey but if you manage to get any lake lurk eggs I would be willing to share some omelets." Mags

"I'm planning on heading to Novac after checking out the platform. So I doubt I'll see you again any time soon Mags. But if I find some eggs I'll be sure to send a courier with eggs to you." I said holstering my sniper rifle. "Hey do you know if it's possible to go into Hoover Dam yet?"

"The place is locked up tight. You would have to be a member of NCR to get in there right now. It should be open for the public in 3 to 4 months." Mags

 I stretched and got ready to swim. "Laters Mags may we meet again some day." I started to swim.

I made my way onto the Scavenger Platform. I picked up a copy of the Wasteland Survival Guide. I found two lake lurk eggs. I slipped on the Rebreather and dived for the B29 Bomber. I placed the two ballasts on the sunken plane and then swam to check the underwater lake mead cave. I found 30 Stimpaks, 5 Doctor Bags, 5 RadX, 10 Rad Away, 12 Sunset Sarsperella, and 200 Pre-War money. If I had to guess what happened, some sap made big in Vagas and ran for it ending up driving into Lake Mead. I made my way to Callvill Bay. I took out Loyal's Detonator and raised the lady of the lake. I set up my Mini Sentery to deal with the Cazadoors as I made a run for the Bitter Springs Recreation Area. I closed the door and wedged a door under the door handle. I was not taking a chance of a Cazadoor getting in.

I saw some big ass rats and I decided to deal with them with the business end of my deer wrench. Looking around found a copy Tumblers Today, 2 Star Bottle Caps, 4 more Sunsets, and a 50-skill safe. I got to work picking it.

[40 EXP]

[3305/4550 to next level]

"Let's see what I got!" I looked and found a 9MM pistol 30, 9MM round, 50 Per-War cash, and a Nuka Cola Victory. I could go out and see if the Cazzadoors are dead or teleport to the Feild's Shack. Deadly bugs or getting a move back to the Boomers. Boomers it is. I built the Teleporter entrance and made my way to the Feild's Shack. I switch to the demolition remote to find that the Mini-Sentery was already trashed, figured. I blew up the teleporter entrance It's been a long day. So I set up a level 2 Sentry before going to sleep on one of the beds in the shack.

I woke up and checked the date. 05/05/2277. I debated checking on the chat group but decided to put it off until I got the quest finished with the Boomers. I took down my Sentry and made my way out the door just to spot three Feinds wandering outside the door. I brought out my frontier justice I saw I had 4 crits saved up.

"I've got a lovely bunch of targets! There they are standing in a row. One Shot! Two Shot! Three Shot! And Four! Wait now I have to reload. And, they're dead anyways. But I thought I was going somewhere with that song. Singing roll a bowl, ball, a penny a shot… Oh well." 

[Ne Ne Ne Ne… Chanengel Complete] 

[250 EXP]

[3555/4550 to next level]

I savaged enough parts of the Feinds to make 2 more of Sniper's weapons. I made my way back to the Boomers. I went to the Hangar to talk to Loyal. "The plan worked you have a bomber floating on the water."

"That's tremendous! I'll transmit instructions to the robots to start packing up the plane to bring it back to Nellis!" Loyal

"How exactly do you plan on getting the plane back here?"

"Robots are going to handle it. They break the plane down into pieces and move it up from Callville Bay in one shot." Loyal

"So are you planning on diversionary tactics to draw away the NCR attention?"

[Intelligence Check Success]


 Exactly. We'll be shelling an unoccupied location in Outer Vages to get their attention elsewhere. By the time they realize they aren't under attack, the plane and the bots will be long gone. The kids wish we were shelling a real target, but Pearl thinks it's wise to not start up a war just as the lady has risen." Loyal

"Okay, I'm glad to have helped."

"Hey, I better get rolling. Jack and I have a lot of work ahead of us!" Loyal

Done with that I head down to Mother Preal's house to talk to her. "I've spoken to Loyal. The B-29 is on the way."

"What you have done for us is a miracle. You fulfilled the only dreams we ever had outside our walls. You are a trusted friend of us all. If there is ever a way for us to help you, child tell me and I will make it so." Pearl

"Well, I come from Vault 3 and I am in need of a part to fix our water infrastructure. I was hoping you might have the part or maybe be able to build the part."

"I will let Loyal know of your needs." Pearl sent a message via her Pip-Boy. "Loyal said he should be able to make the part in 2 weeks. That will be a small setback for the B-29 but that is a critical component for your Vault to remain operational. I'll have it here ready for you to pick it up. Stay well, my child."

[Quest Complete: Volare!]

[1000 EXP, Boomer Outfit]

[Level up]

[Welcome to Level 8]

[Assign 17 skill Points]

I dumped all 17 points into Barter. I wanted to get Packrat soon. 

[Choose 1 Perk]

[Lady Killer]

[Intense Training] 9 ranks left.

[Junk Rounds]


[Swift Learner] 3 ranks left


[Bloody Mess] 

[Fortune Finder] 


[Hand Loader] 


[Commando]: While using a rifle (or similar two-handed weapon), your accuracy in V.A.T.S. is significantly increased.

[Quick Draw]: Quick Draw makes all of your weapon equipping and holstering 50% faster.

[Scrounger]: With the Scrounger perk, you'll find considerably more ammunition in containers than you normally would.

[Stonewall]: You gain +5 Damage Threshold against all Melee Weapons and Unarmed attacks and cannot be knocked down in combat.

[Strong Back]: With this perk, you can carry an additional 50 lbs. of equipment.

I want Strong Back but I also want to Lady Killer. Time to flip a coin. Tails. Lady Killer it is.

AP 83 HP260 DT24 CW 145/220 Caps 37879 SSC 32 EXP100/5800 Level 8


Barter 27

Energy Weapons 17

Explosives 21

Guns 20

Lockpick 50

Medicine 50

Melee 23

Repair 90

Science 50

Sneak 24

Speech 13

Survival 23

Unarmed 23


Small Frame

MannCo Supplies

Know it All

Intense Training Rank 2



Black Widow

Confirmed Bachelor

Cherchez La Femme

Lady Killer

Strength Implant

Luck Implant

Sub-Dermul Armor

Monocyte Breeder

[Quest updated: Savior of Vault 3]

{Wait 2 weeks for the Boomers to make the part you need or search elsewhere}

I made my way to the workshop. To craft some more weapons. I crafted the Shooting Star and the Cleaner's Carbine. 


[400/5800 to next level]

Well, I have at least 2 weeks to burn. Well, I can go off to Primm for more gambling shenanigans. I doubt the ghouls are ready to be sent flying into space. I could see about the Garret Twins' needs. I have 13 things left to craft as far as Sniper unlocks go. I could go and rescue Raule and kill a lot of Super Mutants and or Nightkin with my 5.56mm pistol. I can go to Helios One and do that quest before Mr.Fantastic gets here. If I get the Spy as my next Class I could do the Quest for the Thron.

 After I get the part for Vault 3 and deliver it I'm going to have to leave Los Vages for a bit. I'll head to the BIG MT. After dealing with that place depending on how long that takes I might go to the Commonwealth See if I can break Nora or Nate out early. The issue is getting there. That is 2740 miles to travel by foot. I'll need some sort of transport. A car is out fule and roads makes that a no-go. I might be able to get the Think Tank to build a plane to get there. I need to be back in Vegas by October of 2281. We will see.

Okay, I have put it off long enough. I signed into the chat group.

[Freak of Vault 3] {Has Signed in}

[100EXP/100 points] {Daily log-in bonus}

[Hermit Pharaoh of the Net] {Online}

[Step on Me Dark Mommy] {Online}

[Little Rookie] {Online}

[Snaping a Duxion's neck for EXP] {Offline}

[ArsenicCatnip] {Offline}

[Your Izuru Kamukura] {Offline}

[Freak of Vault 3]: So it's a new day in this Wasteland. Silly question but what day is it for Y'all? It's 05/05/2277 here.

[Hermit Pharaoh of the Net]: It's 05/06/2016 or if you are an American it's 06/05/2016. That's something that always seemed dumb to me. It should be measured by the unit of time. Day then Month then Year. But no in America it's Month then Day then Year. Don't get me started on their system of measurements.

[Little Rookie]: It's 04/13/1001 here. Well, that's how the date is kept after Ouranos descended.

[Step on Me Dark Mommy]: I have zero reference to what time it is here. Time doesn't pass in the realm of darkness. I think it was 1313 AGXW when I ended up here. AGXW being the After the Great X-Blade War. (AN:1313 years after the events of KHUX.)

[Hermit Pharaoh of the Net]: Everyone else is offline. So is it being 261 years in the future?

[Freak of Vault 3]: Oh you know walking around 200 years after the world went through a nuclear war is peachy if you don't mind the crazy raider tribes trying to kill/rape/eat you. The radiation-infected monsters or shit that some Per War nut job put together to protect their collection of bobbleheads. Randos in power armor larping as the knights of yor. That's not counting the stuff that Vault-Tec pulled with a lot of the other Vaults. I was fortunate enough to grow up in a control Vault.

[Step on Me Dark Mommy]: I'm going to regret this but can you give examples of what a non-control Vault was like?

[Freak of Vault 3]: Vault 11 experiment was to make a human sacrifice once per year to keep the Vault systems running. The whole thing led to a civil war in the Vault. The last 5 residents found out it was a test to see how long until they would break the cycle and not follow the instructions to sacrifice someone for the greater good. After that the Vault was unlocked and only 1 of the five left Vault 11. The rest killed themselves. Vault 101 was just never meant to be opened. Vault 68 1000 men and a single woman. Vault 69 1000 women and a single man. Vault 43 they were trapped with a live panther. Vault 22… You could not pay me enough to go near that death trap. The list goes on.

[Hermit Pharaoh of the Net]: So why did you leave Vault 3?

[Freak of Vault 3]: One of our critical parts to keep Vault 3 running broke and we didn't have a replacement so I left the Vault to find the part. I'm going to find it, fix the problem and never come back to the Vault. I have bigger irons in the fire to deal with in Vegas that don't concern Vualt 3. 

[Little Rookie]: So have any luck finding the part?

[Freak of Vault 3]: I was able to get some people I trust to make the part for me. It's going to take 2 weeks so now I have a little downtime to explore the rest the Nevada Area. The one thing that sucks is the roads are all messed up and there are no working cars around. Engoun about me how are things on your ends?

[Little Rookie]: Well it's a little embarrassing to admit but I was saved from a minotaur attack on the 5th floor of the dungeon by an elf girl with sky-blue eyes in a green cloak. I didn't know her name and I ran off screaming back to the guild after that near-death experience. So I didn't get her name. I asked my guild advisor but she had no clue as to the identity of my savor.

[Hermit Pharaoh of the Net]: Sounds like someone is interested in a knife ear!

[Hermit Pharaoh of the Net]: Well in my neck of the multiverse a famous artist just confessed to a bunch of plagiarism and fraud just as his exhibit was about to be opened. It looks like the Phantom Thieves were involved. I'll be poking around to find out who they are. It's almost like he had some change in mindset or heart.

[Step on Me Dark Mommy]: It sounds like someone on your world has the power to affect the hearts of those around them. Can you keep me posted on any news on these Phantom Thieves?

[Hermit Pharaoh of the Net]: Sure-sure. I'm going to get back to working on this code.

[Step on Me Dark Mommy]: You haven't slept in at least 28 hours you should probably get some sleep Alibaba. I'm just a little worried.

[Hermit Pharaoh of the Net]: Sure-sure.

[Step on Me Dark Mommy]: I get the feeling I just got ignored. As for me, I'm still trapped in the realm of darkness right now I see something in the distance. It looks like a castle or something.

[Freak of Vault 3]: As fun as this talk has been I'm going to log off. I have to get moving. Laters!

[Vualt 3 Freek]{Has logged out}

Jett_Gray_8151 Jett_Gray_8151

I'm going to be leaving overseas for a few days and I doubt I'll get another chapter out before the trip. So don't expect another chapter before June.

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