Dia adalah pemuda idiot yang dipindahkan kedunia lain oleh seorang wanita yang mengaku Dewi dengan bantuan dari sistem.
Kedatangannya tanpa sadar merubah jalannya dunia dimana yang awalnya kacau berubah menjadi lebih kacau.
Ikutilah perjalanan Dora untuk menangkap swiper..
Waktu untuk memperbaharui adalah 'Kadang kadang'
Ya kadang ada kadang juga tidak..
Semuanya hanya untuk kesenangan tersendiri dari author.
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Teilen Sie Ihre Gedanken mit anderen
Schreiben Sie eine RezensionAwalnya berasa pedas seperti novel kebnayakn yg pernah saya baca, benarkah ? Kalo kualitas penulis lebih difokusin u/ skrang pengembangan cerita, sepertinya maish bisa diselamatkan. 2 poni yg diliat novelis baru : 1. Pengembangan cerita (bikin penasaran) 2. Tanggal tayang novelmu. Usahain banyam pembaca kesini hehheeb. Nodiatus
oke kita serius dulu soal novel ini, dari alur ceritanya rada2 cringe sih tapi masih bisa untuk di baca. sebenarnya banyak kurangnya tapi karena anak bangsa saya kasih bintang 4. serius baca masih layak kok buat waktu luang.
Catching the women of yun che is not cool, Especially princess who has nothing special. The biggest mistake of the fanfic is to go after all the women of the yunche. In my opinion he should go after the lineage and the 7 ice fairies. As he has the system he can improve everybody's lineage. But this MC is very dumb and thinks about fucking the original MC. Another blatant mistake is the cultivation of the fairies which were all realm of the sky. And to make matters worse after receiving lineage she had to go straight to sovereign but that did not happen. For the fanfic to be good can not coil because people end up abandoning, have to be faster and cut the coil. It should be a little innovative.
Spoiler enthüllenNemu lagi penulis sampah FAN FICT... Kenapa orang banyak orang berpikir FAN FICT harus sejalan dengan cerita... Itu penghinaan untuk penulis asli Apa tidak bisa jalan ceritanya sebelum atau sesudah cerita asli... Penulis sampah seperti Kau hanya mengandalkan pamor yang Sudah Ada.... Cerita tidak lebih Dari xxxxxx
The idea of the author is one of the best I've seen so far, but its protagonist is very dumb and does not avail its system. You can see that he buys experience of cooking and medicine, but he's so stupid that he spends 2 years training instead of buying battle experience and using techniques. It can be seen that he did not read the original novel because the cultivation of the 7 fairies are different from the original (lower); Chu Yuechan receives inheritance and does not rise much cultivation even having the upper bloodline to any on the planet, see well Mu Bingyun felt his inheritance suppressed. And the part of Xia Qingyue losing her virginity masturbating is the worst course the story could follow, and to make matters worse, she recorded and watched everything. In my opinion mc's character is worse than the yunche that many say is psychopathic and ravaging. It does not look like romance, but collection of pokemon, these women are very easy, and the fact that Chu Yueli is not included in the group of wives is disappointing, and the same goes for Little Aunt that already was the first woman conquered by him. In my opinion he should not go after the yen che harem, since it is one of the motivations for him to become stronger, there is no sense in joining the tournament if Cang Yue already has someone, and without him, yun che can find the fenix, and without Chu Yuechan the same goes for dragon's inheritance. The women he was supposed to pick up on the logic would be (The Seven Fairies - Murong Qianxue, Jun Lianqie, Mu Lanyi, Chu Yueli, Feng Hanyue, Feng Hanxue, Xia Qingyue and Chu Yuechan - Huan Caiyi, Feng Xue'er do not give fenix inheritance to Cang Yue); it would be good to get Mu Bingyun, since she is waiting to die would be easy to conquer it. As for her young wives (lolis), he should close them all in one place for a session training where the time passes faster within what the side of were so all became mature and strong. If he stops crossing the road with yun che and accelerates the story, the novel can improve a lot, and since he has this system he should not have any difficulties, that story would have to be a slice of life. In my opinion more sincere if the novel continues going to the course where it is following will only lose much of its readers, and in the future will be abandoned by you.
Spoiler enthüllenSaya sangat suka novel ini.... Karena ada system dan yups protagomidt kami OP hahajaj dan tentu saja di suka kecantikan 😂😂😂.... Jangan jatuh tengan jalan bosss lanjutkan....
Typo typo typo typo typo typo TypoTypo typo typo typo typo typo Typo TypoTypo typo typo typo typo typo Typo Typo Typo Typo Typo Typo Typoypo Typo Typo Typo Typoypo Typo Typo Typo Typo Typo
Hmmm masih ngga ada yang mencurigakan Teruslah berkarya anak indo Tapi tetap ingan i am melihat mu setiap saat 😐😐 dan perlu di ingat tidak boleh ada unsur seksual dan lain lain apalagi kasih gambar loli 😈 pasti saya langsung ke tkp
Semangat lanjut sampai tamat no drop novel😤😤😤😤 Lanjut sampai jebol gogogo...............................................................................................
I like this novel.... Don't dropp this novel author..... I just add STAR..... Go author!!!!!!.......
Lanjut min!!!!!!![img=update][img=update][img=recommend][img=exp][img=coins][img=coins][img=coins][img=fp][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=fp][img=faceslap][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=fp][img=fp][img=faceslap][img=exp][img=exp]
padahal bagus thor novelnya, walaupun agak cringe pas lawakannya.. tpi gw kadang ketawa2 sendiri juga sih hahaha sayang sekali sudah tidak terurus lgi ni movel, padahal novel menarik+bagus+beda dari yg lain... intinya daya berharap ni novel bisa dilanjutkan lagi.. keep clam and boyah. hahahaha
Tau ndak kamu...... This novel is surely the Fucking dogshit trash shitty novel...... MC is forgetting his system.. ... MC doesn't use teleport or Fly.... Instead he is always walk with his Fucking dog shit leg..... His cultivation at overlord realm and have Many techniques and jutsu .... But instead Just Fucking use his energy with sword while fighting profound beast and end up fainting exchausting his energy ..... He is have system and always can ask about location he Want To go..... But he is not using it..... What a dumb Fucking trash dogshit shitty MC and author we got here. ... Fuckest dogshit trash shitty author.......... Fuckest dogshit trash shitty novel......
Lanjut terus thorr... Nice Nice Nice NiceNice Nice Nice Nice Nice Nice NiceNice Nice Nice Nice Nice Nice NiceNice Nice Nice Nice Nice Nice NiceNice Nice Nice
Never Give Up 💪💪💪💪😇😇 "_" "_" ,😁😁😀😀😀😄😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😄😄😄🤣😃😃🤣🤣🤣😃😃😃😃🤣🤣 Continue...........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ceritanya lumayan bagus, cuman sayang updatennya agak lama.. awal awalnya ceritanya greget dan bikin penasaran makin lama makin boring.. kalo bisa di buat lebih greget pengembangan ceritanya.. ada adegan H-nya lebih sering juga.. bisa bepergian antar dunia anime novel dll lah juga kayaknya oke... trus ttep di op in mc kitanya.. dan kalo bisa maen ke dunia naruto juga ..
Spoiler enthüllenAutor Lutcifer_
Kita semua tau bahwa MC yang op sangat membosankan tanpa bahan cerita yang menarik. Ada banyak novel dimana MC sebenernya OP tapi sering masuk plot yang mengancam jiwa karena itu akan menarik para pembaca. Dan dari sudut pandang pembaca, plot mengancam jiwa yang dilalui MC bisa dengan mudah di atasi oleh tindakan sepele( tetap low profil beberapa tahun, jika MC menyinggung orang kuat dia bisa lari dan bersembunyi beberapa tahun, dan yang terpenting biasanya MC pindah ke kota yang lebih besar dari waktu kewaktu untuk berpetualang bisa ditunda sampai tahap tertentu) Dan jujur bahwa MC di novel ini sangat OP dengan cheat yang sangat OP juga. Tapi bahan cerita untuk MC seperti ini sangat sulit didapat karena banyak batasan untuk penulis yang membuat MC sangat OP. Pada ahirnya saya hanya melihat bahwa penulis mencoba membuat novel favorit sendiri karena bosan pada novel lain yang memiliki MC OP tapi mereka sering dalam plot mengancam jiwa.