/ Sci-Fi / Zero Touch

Zero Touch Comic Zero Touch Comic

Zero Touch

Completed 52 Chapters 512.3K Views
Publisher: Ximo/Jingmanshe+Miaohu/Jingmanshe
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Female undergarment designer Ye Zi'ang suffered a terrible blow in his career before he met a sudden fatal accident.
Only, instead of dying, he was transported to another world where the womenfolk were all dressed in fighting suits that were all transformed into by men and wearing such suits gave them immense fighting capabilities!
"And is that my fate? I hear that most people get to triumph upon entering another alien world and this is what I get? The chance to be nothing more than a corset for a woman to put on?!"
Ye Zi'ang could hardly believe his fate and a comical journey in this strange new world so began.

  1. Tim_Phillips
    Tim_Phillips Contributed 1022
  2. Ray_Webb
    Ray_Webb Contributed 1012
  3. Master_Ace_34
    Master_Ace_34 Contributed 1008

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