/ Romance / You Loved Me

You Loved Me Comic You Loved Me Comic

You Loved Me

Completed 51 Chapters 95.3K Views
Publisher: Kuaikan
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"I forgot all the mathematical formulas, I just remember that you loved me." "If we will shed more tears when we meet again, it's better to part with regrets." The lover reappeared after disappearing for six years! Why do two people who love each other become strangers when they meet again after a long absence? A 12-year romance is about to begin.

  1. Shannon_Searle
    Shannon_Searle Contributed 600
  2. Liza_Dmitrieva_3831
    Liza_Dmitrieva_3831 Contributed 390
  3. Leve_Wong
    Leve_Wong Contributed 390


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