/ Action / Upgrade Completed, Captain

Upgrade Completed, Captain Comic Upgrade Completed, Captain Comic

Upgrade Completed, Captain

142 Chapters 2.7M Views
Publisher: QingTing
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This is the Interstellar Age in which warships are the symbol of the utmost violence. It's the cruelest age, but it's also the most prosperous age! Wang Dou traveled through time and went back to 20 years ago... Now he's ready to meet countless unknown civilizations, harvest their source points, and strengthen himself! And what makes him even more invincible is his system! Others get random warships and modules, but Wang Dou gets to choose! He has a second life and a system! There's no way anyone else could compete with him! He will use the most powerful warship in the universe to crush anyone who refuses to bow!

  1. Hanz128
    Hanz128 Contributed 37232
  2. Isaac_Ortiz_Pena
    Isaac_Ortiz_Pena Contributed 34857
  3. Davetay94
    Davetay94 Contributed 31607


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