/ History / Unscrupuous Consort: the Evil Doctor

Unscrupuous Consort: the Evil Doctor Comic Unscrupuous Consort: the Evil Doctor Comic

Unscrupuous Consort: the Evil Doctor

Completed 212 Chapters 3.9M Views
Publisher: Sanfu Comics
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When she met him for the first time, she just wanted to escape from him. From then on, however, she gradually got used to his company. He is the god of death to everyone else, but he will always give the barest hint of a smile to her. Whenever there was a danger, he would always help her like a real god fallen from the heaven, mocking her at the same time. With the lapse of time, her feelings for him was more than just dependence. If she doesn’t love him, she wouldn’t let him stay by her; If not, how would she feel so different…

  1. Catherine_Rooney_6262
    Catherine_Rooney_6262 Contributed 29825
  2. jcheongym27
    jcheongym27 Contributed 23236
  3. wildfireheart
    wildfireheart Contributed 20953


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