/ Romance / Tyrant Lover

Tyrant Lover Comic Tyrant Lover Comic

Tyrant Lover

84 Chapters 1.9M Views
Publisher: Webnovel Comics
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Living as her sister’s shadow, Xia Shengge took the blame for her sister and got chopped up and killed by Qi Ming. After she died, she realized that others had been manipulating her and using her. Holding on to her grievances and resentment, Xia Shengge was reborn and traveled five years back in time. In this new life, she encounters Lu Jiucheng, the Deadly Terror, and marries him despite his terrifying image.

  1. Paula_Abshire
    Paula_Abshire Contributed 16979
  2. Dita6779
    Dita6779 Contributed 13414
  3. resst07
    resst07 Contributed 11093


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