/ Action / Tribulations of Myriad Clans

Tribulations of Myriad Clans Comic Tribulations of Myriad Clans Comic

Tribulations of Myriad Clans

Completed 585 Chapters 3.2M Views
Publisher: Webnovel Comics
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Su Yu has a secret. He's been having dreams where the Myriad Clans have been hunting him for ten years and more. The nightmares are endless.
When he is 18, Su Long, his father, heads for the battlefield to fight the Myriad Clans.
A few years later, Su Yu will bring tribulations to the Myriad Clans.

  1. fwerbeck98
    fwerbeck98 Contributed 21468
  2. Branden_Wolf
    Branden_Wolf Contributed 20497
  3. Neon_Daley
    Neon_Daley Contributed 20478


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