/ Romance / Tong Wan

Tong Wan Comic Tong Wan Comic

Tong Wan

Completed 168 Chapters 1.3M Views
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Tong Wan, a member of Manchurian Nobility, married a humble born Military Governor in a chaotic time due to a marriage contract. However, the heartless Governor just gave her cold shoulders after they got married. She could only put up with it until she met her pre-destined Mr. Right. Whatโ€™s her choice when the true love arrives?

  1. Jaymee_Mercado_0390
    Jaymee_Mercado_0390 Contributed 2261
  2. Rebecca_Bischof
    Rebecca_Bischof Contributed 2259
  3. AriT
    AriT Contributed 1858


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