/ Transmigration / The Widow Queen

The Widow Queen Comic The Widow Queen Comic

The Widow Queen

Completed 80 Chapters 465.3K Views
Publisher: IQY
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After a tragic accident, the queen of the architecture industry, Enfei, found herself reincarnated as Queen Eleanor of the Ghana tribe. Expecting a timeless romance with all kinds of prince charming, she instead discovered she's destined to be buried alongside the king at the royal funeral! In the Ghana tribe's tradition, upon the king's demise, his harem transfers to the prince who ascends the throne. Yet, the eldest prince refused her, leaving her condemned to a fiery fate! To make matters worse, she's accused of witchcraft! Death is not an option! Let's join the journey and witness Queen Eleanor's struggle in this magical realm as she strives to defy the odds and rewrite her destiny...

  1. Kendra_Gardner
    Kendra_Gardner Contributed 1675
  2. Mikenna_Duncan
    Mikenna_Duncan Contributed 1524
  3. PatchsPatches
    PatchsPatches Contributed 1350


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