/ Action / The Strongest War God

The Strongest War God Comic The Strongest War God Comic

The Strongest War God

60 Chapters 1.0M Views
Publisher: Webnovel Comics
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Ning Bei suffers a family tragedy when he is a little boy. To survive, he flees to the North alone. For thirteen years, he has honed his skills and become an invincible war god, protecting his country with a saber. One day, Ning Bei returns to Loong City, a place of love and hatred. He then embarks on a path of revenge.

  1. Gary_Andrews_4531
    Gary_Andrews_4531 Contributed 12164
  2. Debtlesslamb
    Debtlesslamb Contributed 11090
  3. crazyboy_vontae
    crazyboy_vontae Contributed 8243


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