/ LGBT+ / The Story of a 30-Year-Old Gay Bachelor

The Story of a 30-Year-Old Gay Bachelor Comic The Story of a 30-Year-Old Gay Bachelor Comic

The Story of a 30-Year-Old Gay Bachelor

Completed 122 Chapters 581.7K Views
Publisher: kuaikan
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Wei Qiuyu, who is already 30 years old, is good-looking and has a successful career, but still has not married. You may have guessed why. During a BLind date, the date's younger brother came instead of her, and they hit it off! The fate begins here!
Facing the pressure of parents to force marriage, can he get out of the pretense and be with the person he loves?

  1. jerricaj22
    jerricaj22 Contributed 1695
  2. Rikka_w
    Rikka_w Contributed 1692
  3. Robi_4443
    Robi_4443 Contributed 1681


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