/ Action / The Reborn Super-Doctor

The Reborn Super-Doctor Comic The Reborn Super-Doctor Comic

The Reborn Super-Doctor

Completed 161 Chapters 1.2M Views
Publisher: Ihuayue+JSCR studio
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An intern Reaper made a mistake, causing a car accident in which Doctor Xing Aofei lost his life. Thus Xing Aofei was given a chance to reincarnate. He time travelled back to his young age and decided to work hard to rewrite his life of failure. However, he was destined to be a doctor. That Life-improving System built by the hell could do nothing but bring him trouble. For Xing Aofei, the route of reincarnation was still quite tragic...

  1. Robert_Clarke_3317
    Robert_Clarke_3317 Contributed 4072
  2. Blake_Deming
    Blake_Deming Contributed 3742
  3. Sinassassin
    Sinassassin Contributed 3739

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