/ History / The Makeup Queen

The Makeup Queen Comic The Makeup Queen Comic

The Makeup Queen

Completed 153 Chapters 2.4M Views
Publisher: Star Club
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In commercial espionage, thief Wan Ruoli travels through time and space accidentally. She is not only skilled at martial arts but also has a high-tech makeup device. With her wisdom and makeup device, she restarts her life with the body of a poor lady whose family have been officials for generations. Living in a dangerous world where there are revolutions, women are not allowed to grab power, but Wan Ruoli proves with her actions that beauty is everything. After difficulties, she successfully becomes a powerful beautiful woman from a poor ugly woman and successes a happy ending with her love.

  1. Ann_Lee_1658
    Ann_Lee_1658 Contributed 9094
  2. Sara_Rekowski
    Sara_Rekowski Contributed 8023
  3. divabeba_7
    divabeba_7 Contributed 7661


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