/ Action / The Last Tomb Keeper

The Last Tomb Keeper Comic The Last Tomb Keeper Comic

The Last Tomb Keeper

Completed 106 Chapters 2.2M Views
Publisher: Lingmeng
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Lu Shuiyin was a poor high school student who also happened to be a game guru. One day, he turned out to be the heir to a legacy worth 500 million, but the legacy was merely game coins. While still in his puzzled state, a girl he loved was kidnapped, and a series of mysterious events took place afterwards. In the end, he found himself dragged into a game of "tomb robbers", and his mission was to engage in a long-lasting battle as "the last tomb keeper".

  1. Kenneth_Austin
    Kenneth_Austin Contributed 349
  2. whiskors316
    whiskors316 Contributed 348
  3. Tommy_Nutter
    Tommy_Nutter Contributed 348


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